BaseGraphPolicyAdjuster |
The base class assists adjustment of an existing graph traversal policy.
BaseGraphTraversalProcessor |
Useful methods for GraphTraversal.Processor instances to share.
Chgrp2I |
Request to move model objects to a different experiment group.
ChildOption |
How GraphModify2 requests should deal with kinds of children,
related to the target objects.
ChildOptionHolder |
ChildOptionI |
Child options adjust how child objects are treated according to their type and, if annotations, namespace,
overriding the default graph traversal policy for orphans.
ChildOptionPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ChildOptionPrxHolder |
ChildOptionsHelper |
ChildOptionsHolder |
ChildOptionsPolicy |
Adjust graph traversal policy for child objects according to their type and, if annotations, namespace.
Chmod2I |
Request to change the permissions on model objects.
Chown2I |
Request to give model objects to a different experimenter.
Delete2I |
Request to delete model objects.
DiskUsage2I |
Calculate the disk usage entailed by the given objects.
DiskUsageI |
DuplicateI |
Request to duplicate model objects.
FindChildrenI |
Request to identify children or contents of model objects, whether direct or indirect.
FindParentsI |
Request to identify parents or containers of model objects, whether direct or indirect.
GraphHelper |
Factors common code out of GraphQuery implementations for reuse.
GraphRequestFactory |
Create request objects that are executed using the GraphPathBean .
GraphUtil |
Static utility methods for model graph operations.
IgnoreTypePolicy |
LegalGraphTargetsI |
Query which model object classes are legal as targets for a request.
NullGraphTraversalProcessor |
A GraphTraversal.Processor that does nothing whatsoever.
SkipHeadI |
The skip-head request performs the wrapped request twice: once in dry run mode to discover from which model objects to start,
and then actually starting from those objects.
SkipHeadPolicy |
Adjust graph traversal policy to prevent descent into inclusions beyond certain types.
SkipTailPolicy |
Adjust graph traversal policy to avoid processing or acting on certain model object classes.
StopBeforeHelper<X> |