Package omero.api

Class _RenderingEngineDisp

    • Field Detail

      • __ids

        public static final java.lang.String[] __ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • _RenderingEngineDisp

        public _RenderingEngineDisp()
    • Method Detail

      • ice_copyStateFrom

        protected void ice_copyStateFrom​(Ice.Object __obj)
                                  throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s,
                               Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids()
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id()
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_staticId

        public static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
      • addCodomainMap_async

        public final void addCodomainMap_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_addCodomainMap __cb,
                                               CodomainMapContext mapCtx)
                                        throws ServerError
        addCodomainMap() is deprecated. use addCodomainMapToChannel instead.
        Adds the context to the mapping chain. Only one context of the same type can be added to the chain. The codomain transformations are functions from the device space to device space. Each time a new context is added, the second LUT is rebuilt.
        Specified by:
        addCodomainMap_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        mapCtx - The context to add.
      • getRGBA_async

        public final void getRGBA_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_getRGBA __cb,
                                        int w)
                                 throws ServerError
        Returns a 4D-array representing the color associated to the specified channel. The first element corresponds to the red component (value between 0 and 255). The second corresponds to the green component (value between 0 and 255). The third corresponds to the blue component (value between 0 and 255). The fourth corresponds to the alpha component (value between 0 and 255).
        Specified by:
        getRGBA_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        w - The channel index.
      • loadRenderingDef_async

        public final void loadRenderingDef_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_loadRenderingDef __cb,
                                                 long renderingDefId)
                                          throws ServerError
        Loads a specific set of rendering settings that does not necessarily have to be linked to the given Pixels set. However, the rendering settings must be linked to a compatible Pixels set as defined by omero.api.IRenderingSettings.sanityCheckPixels.
        Specified by:
        loadRenderingDef_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        renderingDefId - The rendering definition ID.
        ValidationException - If a RenderingDef does not exist with the ID renderingDefId or if the RenderingDef is incompatible due to differing pixels sets.
      • render_async

        public final void render_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_render __cb,
                                       PlaneDef def)
                                throws ServerError
        Renders the data selected by def according to the current rendering settings. The passed argument selects a plane orthogonal to one of the X, Y, or Z axes. How many wavelengths are rendered and what color model is used depends on the current rendering settings.
        Specified by:
        render_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        def - Selects a plane orthogonal to one of the X, Y, or Z axes.
        ValidationException - If def is null.
      • renderAsPackedInt_async

        public final void renderAsPackedInt_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderAsPackedInt __cb,
                                                  PlaneDef def)
                                           throws ServerError
        Renders the data selected by def according to the current rendering settings. The passed argument selects a plane orthogonal to one of the X, Y, or Z axes. How many wavelengths are rendered and what color model is used depends on the current rendering settings.
        Specified by:
        renderAsPackedInt_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        def - Selects a plane orthogonal to one of the X, Y, or Z axes.
        ValidationException - If def is null.
      • renderProjectedAsPackedInt_async

        public final void renderProjectedAsPackedInt_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedAsPackedInt __cb,
                                                           ProjectionType algorithm,
                                                           int timepoint,
                                                           int stepping,
                                                           int start,
                                                           int end)
                                                    throws ServerError
        Performs a projection through selected optical sections of a particular timepoint with the currently active channels and renders the data for display.
        Specified by:
        renderProjectedAsPackedInt_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        algorithm - IProjection.MAXIMUM_INTENSITY, IProjection.MEAN_INTENSITY or IProjection.SUM_INTENSITY.
        stepping - Stepping value to use while calculating the projection. For example, stepping=1 will use every optical section from start to end where stepping=2 will use every other section from start to end to perform the projection.
        start - Optical section to start projecting from.
        ValidationException - Where:
        • algorithm is unknown
        • timepoint is out of range
        • start is out of range
        • end is out of range
        • start is greater than end
      • renderProjectedCompressed_async

        public final void renderProjectedCompressed_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedCompressed __cb,
                                                          ProjectionType algorithm,
                                                          int timepoint,
                                                          int stepping,
                                                          int start,
                                                          int end)
                                                   throws ServerError
        Performs a projection through selected optical sections of a particular timepoint with the currently active channels, renders the data for display and compresses the resulting RGBA composite image.
        Specified by:
        renderProjectedCompressed_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        algorithm - IProjection.MAXIMUM_INTENSITY, IProjection.MEAN_INTENSITY or IProjection.SUM_INTENSITY.
        stepping - Stepping value to use while calculating the projection. For example, stepping=1 will use every optical section from start to end where stepping=2 will use every other section from start to end to perform the projection.
        start - Optical section to start projecting from.
        ValidationException - Where:
        • algorithm is unknown
        • timepoint is out of range
        • start is out of range
        • end is out of range
        • startis greater than end
      • setOverlays_async

        public final void setOverlays_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_setOverlays __cb,
                                            RLong tablesId,
                                            RLong imageId,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Integer> rowColorMap)
                                     throws ServerError
        use omero::romio::PlaneDefWithMasks instead
        Informs the rendering engine that it should render a set of overlays on each rendered frame. These are expected to be binary masks.
        Specified by:
        setOverlays_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        rowColorMap - Binary mask to color map.
      • setRGBA_async

        public final void setRGBA_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_setRGBA __cb,
                                        int w,
                                        int red,
                                        int green,
                                        int blue,
                                        int alpha)
                                 throws ServerError
        Sets the four components composing the color associated to the specified channel.
        Specified by:
        setRGBA_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        w - The channel index.
        green - The green component. A value between 0 and 255.
        alpha - The alpha component. A value between 0 and 255.
      • updateSettings_async

        public final void updateSettings_async​(AMD_RenderingEngine_updateSettings __cb,
                                               RenderingDef settings)
                                        throws ServerError
        Updates the current rendering settings based on a provided rendering definition and associated sub-objects.
        Specified by:
        updateSettings_async in interface _RenderingEngineOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        settings - Rendering definition to copy from. Each sub-object will be processed as though the specific method was called with related attributes provided as arguments. The following methods are called underneath:
        • RenderingEngine.setModel
        • RenderingEngine.setDefaultZ
        • RenderingEngine.setDefaultT
        • RenderingEngine.setQuantumStrategy
        • RenderingEngine.setCodomainInterval
        • RenderingEngine.setActive
        • RenderingEngine.setChannelWindow
        • RenderingEngine.setQuantizationMap
        • RenderingEngine.setRGBA
        • RenderingEngine.setChannelLookupTable
        If one or more attributes that apply to a particular method are null it will be skipped in its entirety. The underlying Renderer is not able to handle partial field updates. Furthermore, ChannelBinding references that are null and indexes in the RenderingDef.WAVERENDERING array greater than the currently looked up Pixels.SIZEC will be skipped.
      • activate_async

        public final void activate_async​(AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_activate __cb)
                                  throws ServerError
        Load a service implementation from disk if it was previously passivated. It is unnecessary to call this method since activation happens automatically, but calling this may prevent a short lapse when the service is first accessed after passivation. It is safe to call this method at any time, even when the service is not passivated.
        Specified by:
        activate_async in interface _StatefulServiceInterfaceOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
      • close_async

        public final void close_async​(AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_close __cb)
                               throws ServerError
        Frees all resources -- passivated or active -- for the given stateful service and removes its name from the object adapter. Any further method calls will fail with a Ice::NoSuchObjectException. Note: with JavaEE, the close method was called publicly, and internally this called destroy(). As of the OmeroBlitz migration, this functionality has been combined.
        Specified by:
        close_async in interface _StatefulServiceInterfaceOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
      • passivate_async

        public final void passivate_async​(AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_passivate __cb)
                                   throws ServerError
        Causes the blitz server to store the service implementation to disk to free memory. This is typically done automatically by the server when a pre-defined memory limit is reached, but can be used by the client if it clear that a stateful service will not be used for some time. Activation will happen automatically whether passivation was done manually or automatically.
        Specified by:
        passivate_async in interface _StatefulServiceInterfaceOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
      • ___render

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___render​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                   IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                   Ice.Current __current)
      • ___renderAsPackedInt

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___renderAsPackedInt​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___renderProjectedAsPackedInt

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___renderProjectedAsPackedInt​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                       IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                       Ice.Current __current)
      • ___renderCompressed

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___renderCompressed​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                             IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                             Ice.Current __current)
      • ___renderProjectedCompressed

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___renderProjectedCompressed​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                      IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                      Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getRenderingDefId

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getRenderingDefId​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___lookupPixels

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___lookupPixels​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                         IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                         Ice.Current __current)
      • ___lookupRenderingDef

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___lookupRenderingDef​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                               IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                               Ice.Current __current)
      • ___loadRenderingDef

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___loadRenderingDef​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                             IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                             Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setOverlays

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setOverlays​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___load

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___load​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setModel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setModel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getModel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getModel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getDefaultZ

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getDefaultZ​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getDefaultT

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getDefaultT​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setDefaultZ

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setDefaultZ​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setDefaultT

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setDefaultT​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getPixels

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getPixels​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                      IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                      Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getAvailableModels

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getAvailableModels​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                               IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                               Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getAvailableFamilies

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getAvailableFamilies​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setQuantumStrategy

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setQuantumStrategy​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                               IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                               Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setCodomainInterval

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setCodomainInterval​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getQuantumDef

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getQuantumDef​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                          IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                          Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setQuantizationMap

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setQuantizationMap​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                               IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                               Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelFamily

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelFamily​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                             IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                             Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelNoiseReduction

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelNoiseReduction​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelStats

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelStats​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                            IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                            Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelCurveCoefficient

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelCurveCoefficient​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                       IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                       Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setChannelWindow

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setChannelWindow​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                             IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                             Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelWindowStart

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelWindowStart​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                  IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                  Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelWindowEnd

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelWindowEnd​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setRGBA

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setRGBA​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getRGBA

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getRGBA​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setActive

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setActive​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                      IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                      Ice.Current __current)
      • ___isActive

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___isActive​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setChannelLookupTable

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setChannelLookupTable​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                  IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                  Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getChannelLookupTable

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getChannelLookupTable​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                  IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                  Ice.Current __current)
      • ___addCodomainMap

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___addCodomainMap​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                           IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                           Ice.Current __current)
      • ___updateCodomainMap

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___updateCodomainMap​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___removeCodomainMap

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___removeCodomainMap​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___addCodomainMapToChannel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___addCodomainMapToChannel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___removeCodomainMapFromChannel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___removeCodomainMapFromChannel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                         IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                         Ice.Current __current)
      • ___updateSettings

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___updateSettings​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                           IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                           Ice.Current __current)
      • ___saveCurrentSettings

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___saveCurrentSettings​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___saveAsNewSettings

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___saveAsNewSettings​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___resetDefaultSettings

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___resetDefaultSettings​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___setCompressionLevel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___setCompressionLevel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getCompressionLevel

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getCompressionLevel​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___isPixelsTypeSigned

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___isPixelsTypeSigned​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                               IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                               Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getPixelsTypeUpperBound

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getPixelsTypeUpperBound​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getPixelsTypeLowerBound

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getPixelsTypeLowerBound​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___getCodomainMapContext

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___getCodomainMapContext​(RenderingEngine __obj,
                                                                  IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                                  Ice.Current __current)
      • __dispatch

        public Ice.DispatchStatus __dispatch​(IceInternal.Incoming in,
                                             Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        __dispatch in interface Ice.Object
        __dispatch in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __writeImpl

        protected void __writeImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os)
        __writeImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __readImpl

        protected void __readImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)
        __readImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl