Package omero.api
Interface _PyramidServiceOperations
- All Superinterfaces:
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- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface _PyramidServiceOperations extends _StatefulServiceInterfaceOperations
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description void
getResolutionDescriptions_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions __cb, Ice.Current __current)
Retrieves a more complete definition of the resolution level in question.void
getResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel __cb, Ice.Current __current)
Retrieves the active resolution level.void
getResolutionLevels_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels __cb, Ice.Current __current)
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing pixels pyramid contains.void
getTileSize_async(AMD_PyramidService_getTileSize __cb, Ice.Current __current)
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.void
requiresPixelsPyramid_async(AMD_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid __cb, Ice.Current __current)
Whether or not this raw pixels store requires a backing pixels pyramid to provide sub-resolutions of the data.void
setResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_setResolutionLevel __cb, int resolutionLevel, Ice.Current __current)
Sets the active resolution level.-
Methods inherited from interface omero.api._StatefulServiceInterfaceOperations
activate_async, close_async, getCurrentEventContext_async, passivate_async
Method Detail
void requiresPixelsPyramid_async(AMD_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid __cb, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Whether or not this raw pixels store requires a backing pixels pyramid to provide sub-resolutions of the data.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws:
void getResolutionLevels_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels __cb, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing pixels pyramid contains.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws:
void getResolutionDescriptions_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions __cb, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Retrieves a more complete definition of the resolution level in question. The size of this array will be of lengthgetResolutionLevels
.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws:
void getResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel __cb, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Retrieves the active resolution level.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws:
void setResolutionLevel_async(AMD_PyramidService_setResolutionLevel __cb, int resolutionLevel, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Sets the active resolution level.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.resolutionLevel
- The resolution level to be used by the pixel buffer.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws:
void getTileSize_async(AMD_PyramidService_getTileSize __cb, Ice.Current __current) throws ServerError
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.- Parameters:
- The callback object for the operation.__current
- The Current object for the invocation.- Throws: