Package omero.api

Interface AMD_RenderingEngine_getRGBA

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface AMD_RenderingEngine_getRGBA
    extends Ice.AMDCallback
    Returns a 4D-array representing the color associated to the specified channel. The first element corresponds to the red component (value between 0 and 255). The second corresponds to the green component (value between 0 and 255). The third corresponds to the blue component (value between 0 and 255). The fourth corresponds to the alpha component (value between 0 and 255).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void ice_response​(int[] __ret)
      ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.AMDCallback

    • Method Detail

      • ice_response

        void ice_response​(int[] __ret)
        ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.