AttributeNewUserGroupBean |
Handles the "*_attribute" specifiers from
AttributeSet |
Specialized handling of all the attributes, multi or single valued.
ConfigurablePasswordProvider |
Base class for most PasswordProvider implementations, providing
configuration for default behaviors.
FilePasswordProvider |
Example password provider which uses the given file as password lookup.
GroupAttributeMapper |
GroupContextMapper |
Specialized OME ExperimenterGroup context mapper.
JdbcHashedPasswordProvider |
Central PasswordProvider which uses the "password" table in the
central OMERO database.
JdbcPasswordProvider |
Central PasswordProvider which uses the "password" table in the
central OMERO database.
LdapConfig |
Static methods for dealing with LDAP (DN) and the "password" table.
LdapPasswordProvider |
LoginAttemptListener |
OmeroModelContextMapper |
Parent class for any OMERO model-to-LDAP mappers.
OrgUnitNewUserGroupBean |
Handles the ":ou:" specifier from by adding the user
to a group named by the final organizational unit.
PasswordProviders |
Composite class which delegates to each of the configured providers in turn.
PasswordUtil |
Static methods for dealing with password hashes and the "password" table.
PersonContextMapper |
Specialized OME Experimenter context mapper.
QueryNewUserGroupBean |
Handles the ":query:" specifier from
SimpleRoleProvider |