All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description ACLCreateViolation User does not have permissions to perform given action.ACLDeleteViolation User does not have permissions to perform given action.ACLLoadViolation User does not have permissions to perform given action.ACLUpdateViolation User does not have permissions to perform given action.ACLViolation User has attempted an action which is not permitted by thePermissions
of a given instance.AcquisitionMode AcquisitionMode.Details AdminPrivilege AdminPrivilege.Details AffineTransform These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.AffineTransform.Details Annotation These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Annotation.Details AnnotationAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details ApiUsageException Alerts a user to a misuse of an Omero method call.Arc ArcType ArcType.Details AuthenticationException Invalid username and/or credential provided.BasicAnnotation BigResult Checked exception which is thrown from unit methods which can possibly overflow.Binning Binning.Details BooleanAnnotation CBlock<E> Block template used to "C"ollect the results of some function called on eachIObject
in a collection.Channel These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Channel.Details ChannelAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details ChannelBinding These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ChannelBinding.Details ChecksumAlgorithm ChecksumAlgorithm.Details CodomainMapContext These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.CodomainMapContext.Details CollectedACLViolations User has attempted an action which is not permitted by thePermissions
of a given instance.CommentAnnotation ConcurrencyException Error due to simultaneous access of some resource.ConfiguredAnalyzer A full-text search analyzer usable by the OMERO model.ContextFilter modified (hierarchical) visitor pattern.ContrastMethod ContrastMethod.Details ContrastStretchingContext Conversion Base-functor like object which can be used for preparing complex equations for converting from one unit to another.Conversion.Add Sums allConversion
instances viaBigDecimal.add(BigDecimal)
.Conversion.Int Simply is a representation of a possibly large integer.Conversion.Mul Multiplies allConversion
instances viaBigDecimal.multiply(BigDecimal)
.Conversion.Pow Exponentiates twoConversion
instances viaBigDecimal.pow(int)
.Conversion.Rat Divides twoConversion
instances viaBigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, MathContext)
.Conversion.Sym Simply represents the variable of the source unit so thatConversion.Sym.convert(double)
just returns the value passed in.Correction Correction.Details CountCollectionPersister CollectionPersister
which knows how to handle the count views generated by dsl/resources/ome/dsl/ A simple integral counter that can be incremented.DatabaseBusyException No connections are currently available for the database.Dataset These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Dataset.Details DatasetAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details DatasetImageLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.DatasetImageLink.Details DBPatch DBPatch.Details Details value type for low-level (row-level) details for allIObject
objects.DetailsFieldBridge DelegatingFieldBridge
which passes the "fieldBridge" bean from the "ome.model" SpringApplicationContext
all arguments.Detector These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Detector.Details DetectorAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details DetectorSettings These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.DetectorSettings.Details DetectorType DetectorType.Details Dichroic These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Dichroic.Details DichroicAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details DimensionOrder DimensionOrder.Details DoubleAnnotation ElectricPotential class storing both a ElectricPotential and a unit for that ElectricPotential (e.g.Ellipse EmptyIterator<E> utility iterator which does nothing as quickly as possible.Event Event.Details EventLog EventLog.Details EventType EventType.Details Experiment These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Experiment.Details Experimenter Experimenter.Details ExperimenterAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details ExperimenterGroup ExperimenterGroup.Details ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details ExperimentType ExperimentType.Details ExpiredCredentialException Correct username and credentials provided, but credentials expired.ExternalInfo These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ExternalInfo.Details Family Family.Details Filament FilamentType FilamentType.Details FileAnnotation Fileset These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Fileset.Details FilesetAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details FilesetEntry These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilesetEntry.Details FilesetJobLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilesetJobLink.Details Filter These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Filter parameter to generally reduce the size of a query result set.Filter marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.Filter.Details Filterable marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.FilterAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilterAnnotationLink.Details FilterSet These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilterSet.Details FilterSetEmissionFilterLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details FilterSetExcitationFilterLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details FilterType FilterType.Details Folder These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Folder.Details FolderAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FolderAnnotationLink.Details FolderImageLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FolderImageLink.Details FolderRoiLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.FolderRoiLink.Details Format Format.Details Frequency class storing both a Frequency and a unit for that Frequency (e.g.GenericEnumType<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> GraphHolder holds information regarding the graph to which anIObject
belongs.GroupExperimenterMap GroupExperimenterMap.Details GroupSecurityViolation Extension ofSecurityViolation
which signifies that the violation in question goes against the group-based permissions introduced in 4.2.IAnnotated IAnnotationLink extension ofILink
for marking links whose child field is anAnnotation
.IdBlock IDetails simple interface forDetails
; currently unused.IEnum interface for all domain enumarations.IGlobal marker interface for all global types, which have noIDetails
fields other than permissions.ILink extension ofIObject
for building object hierarchies.Illumination Illumination.Details Image These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Image.Details ImageAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ImageAnnotationLink.Details ImageUtil Provides helper methods for performing various things on image data.ImagingEnvironment These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ImagingEnvironment.Details Immersion Immersion.Details ImportJob Deprecated. IMutable interface for all mutable domain objects.IndexingJob Instrument These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Instrument.Details InstrumentAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details IntegrityCheckJob InternalException Catchall for unknown server exceptions.IObject central model interface.Job These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Job.Details JobOriginalFileLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.JobOriginalFileLink.Details JobStatus JobStatus.Details Label Laser LaserMedium LaserMedium.Details LaserType LaserType.Details Length class storing both a Length and a unit for that Length (e.g.LightEmittingDiode LightPath These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightPath.Details LightPathAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details LightPathEmissionFilterLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details LightPathExcitationFilterLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details LightSettings These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightSettings.Details LightSource These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightSource.Details LightSourceAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details Line Link These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Link.Details ListAnnotation LockTimeout Server could not acquire necessary lock.LogicalChannel These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.LogicalChannel.Details LongAnnotation LSID This class represents an LSID as used by the OME-XML data model.MapAnnotation MapPut Simple bean which calls "map.put(key, object)" onInitializingBean.afterPropertiesSet()
.Mask Medium Medium.Details MetadataImportJob MicrobeamManipulation These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.MicrobeamManipulation.Details MicrobeamManipulationType MicrobeamManipulationType.Details Microscope These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Microscope.Details MicroscopeType MicroscopeType.Details MissingPyramidException ModelBased used for reverse mapping.ModelMapper NamedValue class to store a single value in an ordered list.Namespace Namespace.Details NamespaceAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details Node Node.Details NodeAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.NodeAnnotationLink.Details NumericAnnotation Objective These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Objective.Details ObjectiveAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details ObjectiveSettings These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ObjectiveSettings.Details OptimisticLockException Signifies that another user has updated or deleted a given object, more specifically a query of the form : "<action> where id = ? and version = ?" applied to no rows.Options Simple options container.OriginalFile These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.OriginalFile.Details OriginalFileAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details OTF These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.OTF.Details OverUsageException More specificApiUsageException
, in that the current use of the OMERO API could overwhelm the server and has been blocked.Parameters container object forQueryParameter
instances.ParseJob Path Deprecated. Period parameter which defines the ordering as well as the start and offset for a List-valued result set.PermDetails wrapper class which can be used in HQL queries to properly load the full context for a permissions object.PermissionMismatchGroupSecurityViolation Extension ofGroupSecurityViolation
signalling that an object has a permission which does not match the group permissions.Permissions class responsible for storing all Right/Role-based information for entities as well as various flags for the containingDetails
instance.Permissions.Flag Currently unused.Permissions.Right enumeration of granted rights.Permissions.Role enumeration of currently active roles.PhotometricInterpretation PhotometricInterpretation.Details PixelData Represents a block of pixel data.PixelDataJob Pixels These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Pixels.Details PixelsOriginalFileMap These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details PixelsType PixelsType.Details PlaneInfo These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PlaneInfo.Details PlaneInfoAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details PlaneSlicingContext Plate These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Plate.Details PlateAcquisition These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PlateAcquisition.Details PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details PlateAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.PlateAnnotationLink.Details Point Polygon Polyline PostgresqlDialect select i from Image i where in (:ids) becomes select i from Image i where in (select id from temp_ids());PostgresSqlAction Power class storing both a Power and a unit for that Power (e.g.Pressure class storing both a Pressure and a unit for that Pressure (e.g.Primitive marker interface for all non-filterable types.PrivilegedStringType A Hibernate type for string-valued properties where only privileged readers see non-null
values.PrivilegedStringType.FilteredFullAdmin String type for which users readnull
except for full administrators.PrivilegedStringType.FilteredFullAdminHidden String type for which users read a dummy value except for full administrators.PrivilegedStringType.FilteredFullAdminUUID String type for which users read a dummy UUID except for full administrators.PrivilegedStringType.FilteredRelatedUser String type for which users readnull
except for (potentially) related users.PrivilegedStringType.FilteredRelatedUserHidden String type for which users read a dummy value except for (potentially) related users.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor The type descriptors for the privileged string types ofPrivilegedStringType
.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter The privileged string filters that may be applied.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.FilteredFullAdmin Type descriptor corresponding toPrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter.FULL_ADMIN
.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.FilteredFullAdminHidden Type descriptor corresponding toPrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter.FULL_ADMIN_HIDDEN
.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.FilteredFullAdminUUID Type descriptor corresponding toPrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter.FULL_ADMIN_UUID
.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.FilteredRelatedUser Type descriptor corresponding toPrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter.RELATED_USER
.PrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.FilteredRelatedUserHidden Type descriptor corresponding toPrivilegedStringTypeDescriptor.Filter.RELATED_USER_HIDDEN
.Project These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Project.Details ProjectAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details ProjectDatasetLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ProjectDatasetLink.Details ProjectionAxis ProjectionAxis.Details ProjectionDef These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ProjectionDef.Details ProjectionType ProjectionType.Details PsqlStrings Pulse Pulse.Details QuantumDef These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.QuantumDef.Details QueryParameter arbitrary query parameter used byome.api.IQuery
.RdfPrinter walks an object graph producing RDF-like output.ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation Extension ofGroupSecurityViolation
signalling that an admin or group owner has tried to make a modification in a private group OR that the member of a read-only group has tried to do the same.Reagent These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Reagent.Details ReagentAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details Rectangle RemovedSessionException Client attempted to access a session which has eitherexpired
or been closed manually.RenderingDef These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.RenderingDef.Details RenderingModel RenderingModel.Details ResourceError Represents a incorrectible/unforseeable event within the server that lead to a failure of a process.ReverseIntensityContext ReverseModelMapper Roi These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Roi.Details RoiAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.RoiAnnotationLink.Details RootException abstract superclass of all Omero exceptions.Screen These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Screen.Details ScreenAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details ScreenPlateLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ScreenPlateLink.Details ScriptJob SecurityViolation User does not have permissions to perform given action.Session Session.Details SessionAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.SessionAnnotationLink.Details SessionException Base session related exception.SessionTimeoutException The given session has expired and can no longer be used.ShallowCopy Shape These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Shape.Details ShapeAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details Share ShareMember ShareMember.Details SqlAction Single wrapper for all JDBC activities.SqlAction.DeleteLog Record-class which matches _fs_deletelog.SqlAction.IdRowMapper SqlAction.Impl Base implementation which can be usedSqlAction.LoggingSqlAction SqlAction.StringRowMapper StageLabel These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.StageLabel.Details StatsInfo These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.StatsInfo.Details TableIdGenerator OMERO-specific id generation strategy.TagAnnotation Temperature class storing both a Temperature and a unit for that Temperature (e.g.TermAnnotation TextAnnotation Thumbnail These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Thumbnail.Details ThumbnailGenerationJob Time class storing both a Time and a unit for that Time (e.g.TimestampAnnotation Token authorization token to allow/revoke certain privileges.TransmittanceRange These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.TransmittanceRange.Details TryAgain Background processing necessary to process the request.TypeAnnotation Unit marker interface for all of ome.model.unit types.UnitEnum marker interface for all of ome.model.unit enums.UNITS UnitsElectricPotential UnitsFrequency UnitsLength UnitsPower UnitsPressure UnitsTemperature UnitsTime UploadJob Utils various tools needed throughout Omero.Validation collector for Model-validation status.ValidationException More specificApiUsageException
, in that the specification of your data as outlined in the OME specification is incorrect.Validator tests of model objects for validity.Well These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.Well.Details WellAnnotationLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.WellAnnotationLink.Details WellReagentLink These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.WellReagentLink.Details WellSample These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.WellSample.Details XmlAnnotation