Package ome.model.fs

Class Fileset

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, IAnnotated, IMutable, IObject, Filterable

    public class Fileset
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements, IObject, IMutable, IAnnotated
    These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries. The regular user does not need to worry about them, as they will be injected directly into the SQL (not HQL)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • id

        protected java.lang.Long id
      • version

        protected java.lang.Integer version
      • usedFiles

        protected java.util.List<FilesetEntry> usedFiles

        public static final java.lang.String OWNER_FILTER_USEDFILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String GROUP_FILTER_USEDFILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EVENT_FILTER_USEDFILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PERMS_FILTER_USEDFILES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • images

        protected java.util.Set<Image> images

        public static final java.lang.String OWNER_FILTER_IMAGES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String GROUP_FILTER_IMAGES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EVENT_FILTER_IMAGES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PERMS_FILTER_IMAGES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OWNER_FILTER_JOBLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String GROUP_FILTER_JOBLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EVENT_FILTER_JOBLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PERMS_FILTER_JOBLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • templatePrefix

        protected java.lang.String templatePrefix

        public static final java.lang.String OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • details

        protected Details details

        public static final java.lang.String JOBLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • FIELDS

        public static final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> FIELDS
      • _dynamicFields

        protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> _dynamicFields
      • _loaded

        protected boolean _loaded
    • Constructor Detail

      • Fileset

        public Fileset()
      • Fileset

        protected Fileset​(java.lang.Long id)
      • Fileset

        public Fileset​(java.lang.Long id,
                       boolean loaded)
        Main constructor.
      • Fileset

        public Fileset​(java.lang.String _templatePrefix)
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public java.lang.Long getId()
        The DB unique identifier for this object. You are not responsible for setting the id; however, it can be useful for creating "unloaded" versions of your objects. Each top-level entity contains an id field of type long. For all objects returned from the server, this value will be non-null, which doesn't necessarily hold for the other fields.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface IObject
        Long primary key. May be null.
      • setId

        public void setId​(java.lang.Long id)
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        usually unneeded. Ids are managed by the backend.
        Specified by:
        setId in interface IObject
        id - Long value for this id.
      • getVersion

        public java.lang.Integer getVersion()
        This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
        Specified by:
        getVersion in interface IMutable
      • setVersion

        public void setVersion​(java.lang.Integer version)
        Description copied from interface: IMutable
        use with caution. In general, the version should only be altered by the backend. In the best case, an exception will be thrown for a version not equal to the current DB value. In the worst (though rare) case, the new version could match the database, and override optimistic lock checks that are supposed to prevent data loss.
        Specified by:
        setVersion in interface IMutable
        version - Value for this objects version.
      • getUsedFiles

        protected java.util.List<FilesetEntry> getUsedFiles()
        returns usedFiles . You should not modify this collection unless you know what you are doing. Use the iterate method instead. one-to-many List ome.model.fs.Fileset.usedFiles (ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry) Values are indexed by the column "index" on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
      • setUsedFiles

        protected void setUsedFiles​(java.util.List<FilesetEntry> usedFiles)
        setter for usedFiles should be avoided. Does not fulfill normal semantics.
      • sizeOfUsedFiles

        public int sizeOfUsedFiles()
        returns the size of usedFiles. If less than zero, the Set was null.
      • iterateUsedFiles

        public java.util.Iterator<FilesetEntry> iterateUsedFiles()
        should be used rather than accessing the usedFiles set directly. This method will never return null, but rather will return an instance of EmptyIterator. To test for a null collection, see of sizeOfUsedFiles() is less than zero.
      • unmodifiableUsedFiles

        public java.util.Collection<FilesetEntry> unmodifiableUsedFiles()
        Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
      • collectUsedFiles

        public <E> java.util.List<E> collectUsedFiles​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected. This method uses iterateUsedFiles() internally and so will return a value even if the underlying collection is null.
      • addFilesetEntry

        public void addFilesetEntry​(FilesetEntry target)
        use instead of setUsedFiles . Makes the necessary call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry as well.
      • addFilesetEntrySet

        public void addFilesetEntrySet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetEntry> targets)
        use like addFilesetEntry.
      • removeFilesetEntry

        public void removeFilesetEntry​(FilesetEntry target)
        removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
      • removeFilesetEntrySet

        public void removeFilesetEntrySet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetEntry> targets)
        use like removeFilesetEntry
      • clearUsedFiles

        public void clearUsedFiles()
        clears the set.
      • getFilesetEntry

        public FilesetEntry getFilesetEntry​(int index)
                                     throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry at the given index.
      • setFilesetEntry

        public FilesetEntry setFilesetEntry​(int index,
                                            FilesetEntry element)
                                     throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Sets the ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry at the given index. Adheres to the List.set(int, Object) contract. To extend the list, use addFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry).
        See Also:
        List.set(int, Object)
      • getPrimaryFilesetEntry

        public FilesetEntry getPrimaryFilesetEntry()
                                            throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Gets the first element of usedFiles which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations. If there is not first element, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is throws. This method will also throw an ApiUsageException if the collection is unloaded. See sizeOfUsedFiles() for more information.
      • setPrimaryFilesetEntry

        public FilesetEntry setPrimaryFilesetEntry​(FilesetEntry element)
                                            throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Swaps the first element of usedFiles with the first instance of the given element. If the given element is not in the list, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown. Returns the swapped element. This method will also throw an ApiUsageException if the collection is unloaded. See sizeOfUsedFiles() for more information.
      • getImages

        protected java.util.Set<Image> getImages()
        returns images . You should not modify this collection unless you know what you are doing. Use the iterate method instead. one-to-many Set ome.model.fs.Fileset.images (ome.model.core.Image)
      • setImages

        protected void setImages​(java.util.Set<Image> images)
        setter for images should be avoided. Does not fulfill normal semantics.
      • sizeOfImages

        public int sizeOfImages()
        returns the size of images. If less than zero, the Set was null.
      • iterateImages

        public java.util.Iterator<Image> iterateImages()
        should be used rather than accessing the images set directly. This method will never return null, but rather will return an instance of EmptyIterator. To test for a null collection, see of sizeOfImages() is less than zero.
      • unmodifiableImages

        public java.util.Collection<Image> unmodifiableImages()
        Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
      • collectImages

        public <E> java.util.List<E> collectImages​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected. This method uses iterateImages() internally and so will return a value even if the underlying collection is null.
      • addImage

        public void addImage​(Image target)
        use instead of setImages . Makes the necessary call on ome.model.core.Image as well.
      • addImageSet

        public void addImageSet​(java.util.Collection<Image> targets)
        use like addImage.
      • removeImage

        public void removeImage​(Image target)
        removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Image
      • removeImageSet

        public void removeImageSet​(java.util.Collection<Image> targets)
        use like removeImage
      • clearImages

        public void clearImages()
        clears the set.
      • getJobLinks

        protected java.util.List<FilesetJobLink> getJobLinks()
        returns jobLinks . You should not modify this collection unless you know what you are doing. Use the iterate method instead. one-to-many List ome.model.fs.Fileset.jobLinks (ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink) Values are indexed by the column "index" on ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
      • setJobLinks

        protected void setJobLinks​(java.util.List<FilesetJobLink> jobLinks)
        setter for jobLinks should be avoided. Does not fulfill normal semantics.
      • sizeOfJobLinks

        public int sizeOfJobLinks()
        returns the size of jobLinks. If less than zero, the Set was null.
      • iterateJobLinks

        public java.util.Iterator<FilesetJobLink> iterateJobLinks()
        should be used rather than accessing the jobLinks set directly. This method will never return null, but rather will return an instance of EmptyIterator. To test for a null collection, see of sizeOfJobLinks() is less than zero.
      • unmodifiableJobLinks

        public java.util.Collection<FilesetJobLink> unmodifiableJobLinks()
        Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
      • collectJobLinks

        public <E> java.util.List<E> collectJobLinks​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected. This method uses iterateJobLinks() internally and so will return a value even if the underlying collection is null.
      • addFilesetJobLink

        public void addFilesetJobLink​(FilesetJobLink target)
        use instead of setJobLinks . Makes the necessary call on ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink as well.
      • addFilesetJobLinkSet

        public void addFilesetJobLinkSet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetJobLink> targets)
        use like addFilesetJobLink.
      • removeFilesetJobLink

        public void removeFilesetJobLink​(FilesetJobLink target)
        removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
      • removeFilesetJobLinkSet

        public void removeFilesetJobLinkSet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetJobLink> targets)
        use like removeFilesetJobLink
      • getFilesetJobLink

        public FilesetJobLink getFilesetJobLink​(int index)
                                         throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink at the given index.
      • setFilesetJobLink

        public FilesetJobLink setFilesetJobLink​(int index,
                                                FilesetJobLink element)
                                         throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Sets the ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink at the given index. Adheres to the List.set(int, Object) contract. To extend the list, use addFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink).
        See Also:
        List.set(int, Object)
      • getPrimaryFilesetJobLink

        public FilesetJobLink getPrimaryFilesetJobLink()
                                                throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Gets the first element of jobLinks which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations. If there is not first element, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is throws. This method will also throw an ApiUsageException if the collection is unloaded. See sizeOfJobLinks() for more information.
      • setPrimaryFilesetJobLink

        public FilesetJobLink setPrimaryFilesetJobLink​(FilesetJobLink element)
                                                throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
        Swaps the first element of jobLinks with the first instance of the given element. If the given element is not in the list, an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown. Returns the swapped element. This method will also throw an ApiUsageException if the collection is unloaded. See sizeOfJobLinks() for more information.
      • linkJob

        public FilesetJobLink linkJob​(Job addition)
        Adds a ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink to jobLinks . This entails changing our jobLinks Set, creating a new ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink and calling linkJob on the
      • addFilesetJobLink

        public void addFilesetJobLink​(FilesetJobLink link,
                                      boolean bothSides)
        Adds a ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink to jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilesetJobLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
      • linkedJobIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<Job> linkedJobIterator()
        provides an iterator over the parent values of the jobLinks. Like with most Collection iterators, modifications to the underlying collection while iterating will result in an ConcurrentModificationException. Use linkedJobList() instead.
      • findFilesetJobLink

        public java.util.Set<FilesetJobLink> findFilesetJobLink​(Job target)
        find all ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink which have the argument as their child.
      • linkedJobList

        public java.util.List<Job> linkedJobList()
        produces a List-copy of the underlying collection. Unlike, linkedJobIterator(), while using the returned List, modifications can be made to the underlying collection without throwing ConcurrentModificationException.
      • eachLinkedJob

        public <E> java.util.List<E> eachLinkedJob​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected.
      • unlinkJob

        public void unlinkJob​(Job removal)
        unlinks all instances from this instance.
      • removeFilesetJobLink

        public void removeFilesetJobLink​(FilesetJobLink link,
                                         boolean bothSides)
        removes the given FilesetJobLink from jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
      • clearJobLinks

        public void clearJobLinks()
        clears the set.
      • setJobLinksCountPerOwner

        protected void setJobLinksCountPerOwner​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> map)
      • getJobLinksCountPerOwner

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getJobLinksCountPerOwner()
        If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink that a user has. If unfetched, returns null. No entries in the collection should be null.
      • getTemplatePrefix

        @Field(index=TOKENIZED) @Field(index=TOKENIZED,analyzer=@Analyzer(impl=ConfiguredAnalyzer.class),name="combined_fields")
        public java.lang.String getTemplatePrefix()
        Simple field ome.model.fs.Fileset.templatePrefix (java.lang.String)
      • setTemplatePrefix

        public void setTemplatePrefix​(java.lang.String templatePrefix)
      • getAnnotationLinks

        protected java.util.Set<FilesetAnnotationLink> getAnnotationLinks()
        returns annotationLinks . You should not modify this collection unless you know what you are doing. Use the iterate method instead. one-to-many Set ome.model.fs.Fileset.annotationLinks (ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink)
      • setAnnotationLinks

        protected void setAnnotationLinks​(java.util.Set<FilesetAnnotationLink> annotationLinks)
        setter for annotationLinks should be avoided. Does not fulfill normal semantics.
      • sizeOfAnnotationLinks

        public int sizeOfAnnotationLinks()
        returns the size of annotationLinks. If less than zero, the Set was null.
        Specified by:
        sizeOfAnnotationLinks in interface IAnnotated
      • collectAnnotationLinks

        public <E> java.util.List<E> collectAnnotationLinks​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected. This method uses iterateAnnotationLinks() internally and so will return a value even if the underlying collection is null.
        Specified by:
        collectAnnotationLinks in interface IAnnotated
      • addFilesetAnnotationLink

        public void addFilesetAnnotationLink​(FilesetAnnotationLink target)
        use instead of setAnnotationLinks . Makes the necessary call on ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink as well.
      • addFilesetAnnotationLinkSet

        public void addFilesetAnnotationLinkSet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink> targets)
        use like addFilesetAnnotationLink.
      • removeFilesetAnnotationLink

        public void removeFilesetAnnotationLink​(FilesetAnnotationLink target)
        removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
      • removeFilesetAnnotationLinkSet

        public void removeFilesetAnnotationLinkSet​(java.util.Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink> targets)
        use like removeFilesetAnnotationLink
      • linkAnnotation

        public FilesetAnnotationLink linkAnnotation​(Annotation addition)
        Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks . This entails changing our annotationLinks Set, creating a new ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink and calling linkAnnotation on the ome.model.annotations.Annotation.
        Specified by:
        linkAnnotation in interface IAnnotated
      • addFilesetAnnotationLink

        public void addFilesetAnnotationLink​(FilesetAnnotationLink link,
                                             boolean bothSides)
        Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilesetAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
      • linkedAnnotationIterator

        public java.util.Iterator<Annotation> linkedAnnotationIterator()
        provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks. Like with most Collection iterators, modifications to the underlying collection while iterating will result in an ConcurrentModificationException. Use linkedAnnotationList() instead.
        Specified by:
        linkedAnnotationIterator in interface IAnnotated
      • findFilesetAnnotationLink

        public java.util.Set<FilesetAnnotationLink> findFilesetAnnotationLink​(Annotation target)
        find all ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
      • linkedAnnotationList

        public java.util.List<Annotation> linkedAnnotationList()
        produces a List-copy of the underlying collection. Unlike, linkedAnnotationIterator(), while using the returned List, modifications can be made to the underlying collection without throwing ConcurrentModificationException.
        Specified by:
        linkedAnnotationList in interface IAnnotated
      • eachLinkedAnnotation

        public <E> java.util.List<E> eachLinkedAnnotation​(CBlock<E> block)
        takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results. If block == null, then the iterator values themselves are collected.
        Specified by:
        eachLinkedAnnotation in interface IAnnotated
      • unlinkAnnotation

        public void unlinkAnnotation​(Annotation removal)
        unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
        Specified by:
        unlinkAnnotation in interface IAnnotated
      • removeFilesetAnnotationLink

        public void removeFilesetAnnotationLink​(FilesetAnnotationLink link,
                                                boolean bothSides)
        removes the given FilesetAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
      • setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner

        protected void setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner​(java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> map)
      • getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner()
        If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink that a user has. If unfetched, returns null. No entries in the collection should be null.
      • getDetails

        public Details getDetails()
        The details of this object correspond to low-level system information. Owner, permissions, Details is always guaranteed to be non-null, unless the user actively nulls it. Every entity also contains a Detail reference, which doesn't refer to a separate table but rather to a collection of fields collected into a Hibernate "component" which is embedded in the object. HQL queries which refer to the Details component cannot directly fetch the entity like this: select o from Object join fetch o.details but rather each field of the Details instance must be explicitly joined: select o from Object join fetch o.details.owner It should also be noted that not all types have all the fields which are present on Details. For example, select e from Experimenter e join fetch e.details.owner will fail. Experimenter has no owner, for obvious reasons. Note: subclasses of this class will return a subclass of the Details type.
        Specified by:
        getDetails in interface IObject
      • setDetails

        protected void setDetails​(Details details)
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        calls the class-specific validator for this instance and returns the value from Validation.isValid()
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface IObject
      • validate

        public Validation validate()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        calls the class-specific validator for this instance and returns the Validation object.
        Specified by:
        validate in interface IObject
        Validation collecting parameter.
      • newInstance

        public Fileset newInstance()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • fields

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> fields()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        returns a Set of field names that belong to this class
        Specified by:
        fields in interface IObject
      • retrieve

        public java.lang.Object retrieve​(java.lang.String field)
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        retrieves a value from this instance. Values for field which match a field of this instance will be delegated to the accessors. Otherwise, values will be retrieved from a lazy-loaded map filled by calls to IObject.putAt(String, Object)
        Specified by:
        retrieve in interface IObject
      • putAt

        public void putAt​(java.lang.String field,
                          java.lang.Object value)
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        stores a value in this instance. Values for field which match a field of this instance will be delegated to the accessors. Otherwise, values will be stored in a lazy-loaded map.
        Specified by:
        putAt in interface IObject
        field - Field name
        value - Any object to be stored.
      • isLoaded

        public boolean isLoaded()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        transient field (not stored in the DB) which specifies whether this object has been loaded from the DB or is only a wrapper around the ID.
        Specified by:
        isLoaded in interface IObject
      • errorIfUnloaded

        protected void errorIfUnloaded()
      • unload

        public void unload()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        set the loaded field to false, and set all non-ID fields to null. Subsequent calls to all accessors other than getId/setId will throw an ApiUsageException
        Specified by:
        unload in interface IObject
      • getGraphHolder

        public final GraphHolder getGraphHolder()
        Description copied from interface: IObject
        retrieves the GraphHolder for this entity. If the GraphHolder has not been actively set, a new one will be instatiated.
        Specified by:
        getGraphHolder in interface IObject
        Non-null GraphHolder
      • throwNullCollectionException

        protected void throwNullCollectionException​(java.lang.String propertyName)