Package omero.model

Class PermissionsI

    • Field Detail

      • Factory

        public static final Ice.ObjectFactory Factory
    • Constructor Detail

      • PermissionsI

        public PermissionsI()
      • PermissionsI

        public PermissionsI​(java.lang.String representation)
      • PermissionsI

        public PermissionsI​(ome.model.internal.Permissions sourceP)
    • Method Detail

      • ice_postUnmarshal

        public void ice_postUnmarshal()
        Called as Ice converts from a binary stream to a PermissionsI object. Here we set __immutable to true so that clients consuming this object cannot alter them.
        Specified by:
        ice_postUnmarshal in interface Ice.Object
        ice_postUnmarshal in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • isRestricted

        public boolean isRestricted​(java.lang.String restriction,
                                    Ice.Current __current)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Returns true if the given argument is present in the extendedRestrictions set. This implies that some service-specific behavior is disallowed.
        Specified by:
        isRestricted in interface _PermissionsOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • isDisallow

        public boolean isDisallow​(int restriction,
                                  Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        The basis for the other canX() methods. If the restriction at the given offset in the restriction array is true, then this method returns true (otherwise false) and the canX() methods return the opposite, i.e. isDisallow(ANNOTATERESTRICTION) == ! canAnnotate()
        Specified by:
        isDisallow in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canAnnotate

        public boolean canAnnotate​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has permissions for annotating this object. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canAnnotate in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canChgrp

        public boolean canChgrp​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has the ""chgrp"" permissions for this object. This allows them to move it to a different group. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canChgrp in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canChown

        public boolean canChown​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has the ""chown"" permissions for this object. This allows them to give it to a different user. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canChown in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canDelete

        public boolean canDelete​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has the ""delete"" permissions for this object. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canDelete in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canEdit

        public boolean canEdit​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has the ""edit"" permissions for this object. This includes changing the values of the object. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canEdit in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • canLink

        public boolean canLink​(Ice.Current c)
        Description copied from interface: _PermissionsOperations
        Whether the current user has the ""link"" permissions for this object. This includes adding it to data graphs. The fact that the user has this object in hand already identifies that it's readable.
        Specified by:
        canLink in interface _PermissionsOperations
        c - The Current object for the invocation.
      • setPerm1

        public void setPerm1​(java.lang.Long perm1)
      • copyObject

        public void copyObject​(ome.util.Filterable model,
                               ome.util.ModelMapper _mapper)
        Specified by:
        copyObject in interface ome.model.ModelBased
      • fillObject

        public ome.util.Filterable fillObject​(ome.util.ReverseModelMapper _mapper)
        Specified by:
        fillObject in interface ome.model.ModelBased
      • unload

        public void unload​(Ice.Current c)
      • granted

        protected boolean granted​(int mask,
                                  int shift)
      • set

        protected void set​(int mask,
                           int shift,
                           boolean on)
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        produces a String representation of the PermissionsI similar to those on a Unix filesystem. Unset bits are represented by a dash, while other bits are represented by a symbolic value in the correct bit position. For example, a Permissions with all rights granted to all but WORLD roles would look like: rwrw--
        toString in class java.lang.Object