All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Class Description BinaryMaskQuantizer Quantization process for binary masks.ByteArray A read-write slice of a given array.CodomainChain Queues the contexts that define the spatial domain transformations that have to be applied to the image.ColorsFactory Utility class to determine the color usually associated to a specified channel depending on its emission wavelength.Copiable Requires an implementing class to provide deep copies of its instances.CopiableArray This abstract class provides an implementation of theCopiable
interface.EllipseArea Represents an ellipse in the Euclidean space R2.ExponentialMap This class implements theQuantumMap
interface.Handle Provides the basic machinery to share the same logical state across objects with different identities.Line An orientated line in the Euclidean space R2.LogarithmicMap This class implements theQuantumMap
interface.Optimizations A container for any potential optimizations that the renderer can enable based on the data and rendering settings it has been fed.Plane2D PlaneArea Interface that all areas of the Euclidean space R2 must implement.PlaneFactory Encapsulates access to the image raw data.PlanePoint Represents a point in the Euclidean space R2.PolynomialMap This class implements theQuantumMap
interface.Quantization_32_bit Quantization process.Quantization_8_16_bit Quantization process.Quantization_float Quantization process.QuantizationException This exception is thrown during the quantization process if something goes wrong.QuantumFactory Factory to create objects to carry out quantization for a given context.QuantumMap Provides methods to map value.QuantumStrategy Subclasses Work on explicit pixel types.ReadOnlyByteArray A read-only slice of a given array.RectangleArea Represents a rectangle in the Euclidean space R2.Renderer Transforms raw image data into an RGB image that can be displayed on screen.RenderingStats Exposes methods to time the various steps in the rendering process and provides a stats report.RenderingTask This interface represents a rendering operation task.Segment A segment in the Euclidean space R2.StatsFactory Computes two types of statistics: The PixelsStats and the location stats.