Class Quantization_32_bit

  • public class Quantization_32_bit
    extends QuantumStrategy
    Quantization process. In charge of building a look-up table for each active wavelength. The mapping process is done in three mapping steps, for some computer reasons, we cannot compose (in the mathematical sense) the three maps directly. Each wavelength initializes a strategy, in order to preserve the 5D-notion of OME image, we first compute the normalized parameters. We determine a pseudo-decile (not decile in maths terms) interval and compute the associated parameters to reduce the irrelevant values (noiseReduction).
    • Constructor Detail

      • Quantization_32_bit

        public Quantization_32_bit​(ome.model.display.QuantumDef qd,
                                   ome.model.core.Pixels pixels)
        Creates a new strategy.
        qd - Quantum definition object, contained mapping data.
        pixels - The pixels