Class Line

  • public class Line
    extends java.lang.Object
    An orientated line in the Euclidean space R2.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Line​(PlanePoint o, PlanePoint p)
      Creates a new object to represent the line passing through the o and p points.
      Line​(PlanePoint p, PlanePoint q, PlanePoint o)
      Creates a new object to represent the line passing through o and having direction pq.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      Overridden to reflect equality of abstract values (data object) as opposite to object identity.
      PlanePoint getPoint​(double k)
      Returns the point of this line defined by k.
      int hashCode()
      Overridden to reflect equality of abstract values (data object) as opposite to object identity.
      boolean lies​(PlanePoint p)
      Tells whether the specified point lies on this line.
      boolean lies​(PlanePoint p, boolean positiveOrientation)
      Tells whether the specified point lies on this line and within the specified orientation.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • origin

        public final PlanePoint origin
        The origin point of the line. Any point (within the line) that falls on the half line that has the same orientation as the direction unit vector is said to have positive orientation — this also includes the origin point. All other points of the line are said to have (strictly) negative orientation.
      • direction

        public final PlanePoint direction
        The unit vector that, given the origin point, identifies this line.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Line

        public Line​(PlanePoint o,
                    PlanePoint p)
        Creates a new object to represent the line passing through the o and p points. The o point is taken to define the origin of the line and the direction is defined by the op vector.
        o - The origin of the line. Mustn't be null.
        p - A point of the line. Mustn't be null nor the same as o.
      • Line

        public Line​(PlanePoint p,
                    PlanePoint q,
                    PlanePoint o)
        Creates a new object to represent the line passing through o and having direction pq. The p and q points are, respectively, the tail and head of the vector pq that is taken to define the direction of the line.
        p - Tail of a vector. Mustn't be null.
        q - Head of a vector. Mustn't be null nor the same as q.
        o - The origin of the line. Mustn't be null.
    • Method Detail

      • getPoint

        public PlanePoint getPoint​(double k)
        Returns the point of this line defined by k. More precisely, this method returns the origin+kdirection point.
        k - The coefficient to select the point.
        See above.
      • lies

        public boolean lies​(PlanePoint p)
        Tells whether the specified point lies on this line.
        p - The point to test. Mustn't be null.
        true if p lies on this line, false otherwise.
      • lies

        public boolean lies​(PlanePoint p,
                            boolean positiveOrientation)
        Tells whether the specified point lies on this line and within the specified orientation. The positiveOrientation parameter is used to specify which side (with respect to the origin) of the line to check. If true, then we check to see whether p falls on the half line that has the same orientation as the direction unit vector — this also includes the origin. If false, we check to see whether p falls on the opposite half line.
        p - The point to test. Mustn't be null.
        positiveOrientation - true for the positive orientation, false for the strictly negative orientation.
        true if p lies on this line, false otherwise.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Overridden to reflect equality of abstract values (data object) as opposite to object identity.
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        See Also:
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Overridden to reflect equality of abstract values (data object) as opposite to object identity.
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        See Also: