- a00 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A00 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- a01 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A01 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- a02 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A02 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- a10 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A10 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- a11 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A11 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- a12 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- A12 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in interface ome.util.Filterable
- acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- ACLCreateViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
- ACLCreateViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLCreateViolation
- ACLDeleteViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
- ACLDeleteViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLDeleteViolation
- ACLLoadViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
- ACLLoadViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLLoadViolation
- ACLUpdateViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
- ACLUpdateViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLUpdateViolation
- ACLViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User has attempted an action which is not permitted by the
of a given instance.
- ACLViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLViolation
- acquisitionData - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
- acquisitionDate - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ACQUISITIONDATE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- AcquisitionMode - Class in ome.model.enums
- AcquisitionMode() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- AcquisitionMode(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- AcquisitionMode(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
Main constructor.
- AcquisitionMode(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- AcquisitionMode.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- action - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- ACTION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- active - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- active - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- active - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
- ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
- activeSession(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- activeSession(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns whether the given string is the UUID of a session that is
currently active.
- Add(Conversion...) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
- Add(Conversion[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Add
- add(QueryParameter) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- add(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Period
- addAlgorithm(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addAll(Parameters) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
adds all the information from the passed in Parameters instance to this
- addAll(QueryParameter[]) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
adds all the information from the passed in Parameters instance to this
- addAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Adds a ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addAnnotationAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addAnnotationAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<AnnotationAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use like addAnnotationAnnotationLink.
- addBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use instead of setChannels .
- addChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setChannels .
- addChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addChannelAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addChannelAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ChannelAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use like addChannelAnnotationLink.
- addChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use instead of setWaveRendering .
- addChannelBindingSet(Collection<ChannelBinding>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like addChannelBinding.
- addChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use like addChannel.
- addChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addChannel.
- addChildFolders(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setChildFolders .
- addChildFoldersSet(Collection<Folder>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolder.
- addClass(Class) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addClass(String, Class) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addCodomainMapContext(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use instead of setSpatialDomainEnhancement .
- addCodomainMapContextSet(Collection<CodomainMapContext>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use like addCodomainMapContext.
- addDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addDatasetAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addDatasetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DatasetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addDatasetAnnotationLink.
- addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setImageLinks .
- addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addDatasetImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setDatasetLinks .
- addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addDatasetImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addDatasetImageLink.
- addDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addDatasetImageLink.
- addDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setDetector .
- addDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addDetectorAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addDetectorAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DetectorAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use like addDetectorAnnotationLink.
- addDetectorSet(Collection<Detector>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addDetector.
- addDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setDichroic .
- addDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addDichroicAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addDichroicAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DichroicAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use like addDichroicAnnotationLink.
- addDichroicSet(Collection<Dichroic>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addDichroic.
- addEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use instead of setEvents .
- addEventLog(EventLog) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use instead of setLogs .
- addEventLogSet(Collection<EventLog>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use like addEventLog.
- addEventSet(Collection<Event>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like addEvent.
- addExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addExperimenterAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addExperimenterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like addExperimenterAnnotationLink.
- addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.
- addExtendedRestrictions(Set<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- addFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilesetAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilesetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetAnnotationLink.
- addFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setFilesetEntries .
- addFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setUsedFiles .
- addFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addFilesetEntry.
- addFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetEntry.
- addFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setJobLinks .
- addFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink to jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilesetJobLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilesetJobLinkSet(Collection<FilesetJobLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetJobLink.
- addFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setFilter .
- addFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilterAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterAnnotationLink.
- addFiltered(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
consider the collection named by collectionName
to be a
"filtered" representation of the DB.
- addFiltered(Collection<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
consider all the collections named by the elements of collection to be a
"filtered" representation of the DB.
- addFilterSet(Collection<Filter>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addFilter.
- addFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setFilterSet .
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink.
- addFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink.
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink.
- addFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink.
- addFilterSetSet(Collection<FilterSet>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addFilterSet.
- addFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFolderAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFolderAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FolderAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderAnnotationLink.
- addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setImageLinks .
- addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFolderImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setFolderLinks .
- addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFolderImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderImageLink.
- addFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addFolderImageLink.
- addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setRoiLinks .
- addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to roiLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFolderRoiLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setFolderLinks .
- addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addFolderRoiLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderRoiLink.
- addFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addFolderRoiLink.
- addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use instead of setGroupExperimenterMap .
- addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addGroupExperimenterMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use instead of setGroupExperimenterMap .
- addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addGroupExperimenterMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like addGroupExperimenterMap.
- addGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like addGroupExperimenterMap.
- addId(Long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addIds(Collection) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setImages .
- addImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addImageAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addImageAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ImageAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addImageAnnotationLink.
- addImageSet(Collection<Image>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addImage.
- addInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Adds a ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addInstrumentAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addInstrumentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<InstrumentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addInstrumentAnnotationLink.
- addInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
use instead of setOriginalFileLinks .
- addJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
Adds a ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink to originalFileLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addJobOriginalFileLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addJobOriginalFileLinkSet(Collection<JobOriginalFileLink>) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
use like addJobOriginalFileLink.
- addLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addLightPathAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addLightPathAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightPathAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathAnnotationLink.
- addLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
- addLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addLightPathEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addLightPathEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathEmissionFilterLink.
- addLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
- addLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addLightPathExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addLightPathExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathExcitationFilterLink.
- addLightSettings(LightSettings) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use instead of setLightSourceSettings .
- addLightSettingsSet(Collection<LightSettings>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use like addLightSettings.
- addLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setLightSource .
- addLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addLightSourceAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addLightSourceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightSourceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use like addLightSourceAnnotationLink.
- addLightSourceSet(Collection<LightSource>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addLightSource.
- addList(String, List) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addLong(String, Long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addMap(String, Map) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addMessageWithinDbPatchEnd(String, int, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Add a unique message to the DB patch table within the current patch.
- addMessageWithinDbPatchEnd(String, int, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- addMessageWithinDbPatchStart(String, int, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Add a unique message to the DB patch table within the current patch.
- addMessageWithinDbPatchStart(String, int, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- addMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use instead of setMicrobeamManipulation .
- addMicrobeamManipulationSet(Collection<MicrobeamManipulation>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use like addMicrobeamManipulation.
- addMimetypes(Collection<String>, MapSqlParameterSource) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
Returns the "and_mimetype" clause which must be appended to a given
- addNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addNamespaceAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addNamespaceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NamespaceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use like addNamespaceAnnotationLink.
- addNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addNodeAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addNodeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NodeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like addNodeAnnotationLink.
- addObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setObjective .
- addObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addObjectiveAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addObjectiveAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ObjectiveAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use like addObjectiveAnnotationLink.
- addObjectiveSet(Collection<Objective>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addObjective.
- addOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addOriginalFileAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addOriginalFileAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<OriginalFileAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addOriginalFileAnnotationLink.
- addOTF(OTF) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setOtf .
- addOTFSet(Collection<OTF>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addOTF.
- addPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setPixels .
- addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setPixelsFileMaps .
- addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addPixelsOriginalFileMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setPixelsFileMaps .
- addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addPixelsOriginalFileMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addPixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addPixelsOriginalFileMap.
- addPixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addPixelsOriginalFileMap.
- addPixelsSet(Collection<Pixels>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addPixels.
- addPlaneInfo(PlaneInfo) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setPlaneInfo .
- addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addPlaneInfoAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlaneInfoAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use like addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink.
- addPlaneInfoSet(Collection<PlaneInfo>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addPlaneInfo.
- addPlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setPlateAcquisitions .
- addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.
- addPlateAcquisitionSet(Collection<PlateAcquisition>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addPlateAcquisition.
- addPlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addPlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addPlateAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addPlateAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addPlateAnnotationLink.
- addProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addProjectAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addProjectAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ProjectAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like addProjectAnnotationLink.
- addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setProjectLinks .
- addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to projectLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addProjectDatasetLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use instead of setDatasetLinks .
- addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addProjectDatasetLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addProjectDatasetLink.
- addProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like addProjectDatasetLink.
- addProjectionDef(ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use instead of setProjections .
- addProjectionDefSet(Collection<ProjectionDef>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like addProjectionDef.
- addReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setReagents .
- addReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addReagentAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addReagentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ReagentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like addReagentAnnotationLink.
- addReagentSet(Collection<Reagent>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addReagent.
- addRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setSettings .
- addRenderingDefSet(Collection<RenderingDef>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addRenderingDef.
- addRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setRois .
- addRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addRoiAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addRoiAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<RoiAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addRoiAnnotationLink.
- addRoiSet(Collection<Roi>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addRoi.
- addScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addScreenAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addScreenAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ScreenAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addScreenAnnotationLink.
- addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setScreenLinks .
- addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to screenLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addScreenPlateLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setPlateLinks .
- addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to plateLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addScreenPlateLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addScreenPlateLink.
- addScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addScreenPlateLink.
- addSeen(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- addSession(Session) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use instead of setSessions .
- addSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Adds a ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addSessionAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addSessionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<SessionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like addSessionAnnotationLink.
- addSessionSet(Collection<Session>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like addSession.
- addSet(String, Set) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setShapes .
- addShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addShapeAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addShapeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ShapeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use like addShapeAnnotationLink.
- addShapeSet(Collection<Shape>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addShape.
- addString(String, String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- addThumbnail(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setThumbnails .
- addThumbnailSet(Collection<Thumbnail>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addThumbnail.
- addViolation(ACLViolation) - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
- addWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setWells .
- addWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
- addWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addWellAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addWellAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<WellAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellAnnotationLink.
- addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use instead of setWellLinks .
- addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to wellLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addWellReagentLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setReagentLinks .
- addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to reagentLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether
or not addWellReagentLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
- addWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like addWellReagentLink.
- addWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellReagentLink.
- addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setWellSamples .
- addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use instead of setWellSample .
- addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setWellSamples .
- addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addWellSample.
- addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like addWellSample.
- addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellSample.
- addWellSet(Collection<Well>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addWell.
- AdminPrivilege - Class in ome.model.enums
- AdminPrivilege() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- AdminPrivilege(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- AdminPrivilege(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
Main constructor.
- AdminPrivilege(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- AdminPrivilege.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- AffineTransform - Class in ome.model.roi
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- AffineTransform() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- AffineTransform(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- AffineTransform(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Main constructor.
- AffineTransform(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- AffineTransform.Details - Class in ome.model.roi
- afterFilter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class ome.util.MapPut
- airPressure - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- AIRPRESSURE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- ALGORITHM - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "algorithm".
- allExps() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- alpha - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- alpha - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- alpha - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- amplificationGain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- AMPLIFICATIONGAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- ANNOTATERESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- Annotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Annotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- Annotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- Annotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Main constructor.
- Annotation.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- AnnotationAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- AnnotationAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- AnnotationAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- AnnotationAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- AnnotationAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- ApiUsageException - Exception in ome.conditions
Alerts a user to a misuse of an Omero method call.
- ApiUsageException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ApiUsageException
- Arc - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- Arc() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- Arc(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- Arc(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Main constructor.
- Arc(ArcType) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- archived - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ARCHIVED - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- ArcType - Class in ome.model.enums
- ArcType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- ArcType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- ArcType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
Main constructor.
- ArcType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- ArcType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- args() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
- asBigInteger() - Method in class ome.util.Counter
- assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- atime - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- ATIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- attenuation - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- ATTENUATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- AuthenticationException - Exception in ome.conditions
Invalid username and/or credential provided.
- AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.AuthenticationException
- axis - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- AXIS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- c2c() - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
TODO identity versus null mappings
- cache() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- cacheable - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
- calibratedMagnification - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- CALIBRATEDMAGNIFICATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- call(IObject) - Method in interface ome.util.CBlock
invoke this block.
- call(IObject) - Method in class ome.util.IdBlock
- CBlock<E> - Interface in ome.util
Block template used to "C"ollect the results of some function called on each
in a collection.
- cdEnd - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- CDEND - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- cdStart - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- CDSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- CGLIB_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.util.Utils
- changeGroupPermissions(Long, Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- changeGroupPermissions(Long, Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- changeTablePermissionsForGroup(String, Long, Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- changeTablePermissionsForGroup(String, Long, Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- Channel - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Channel() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
- Channel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
- Channel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
Main constructor.
- Channel(LogicalChannel, Pixels) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
- Channel.Details - Class in ome.model.core
- ChannelAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ChannelAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- ChannelAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- ChannelAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- ChannelAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- ChannelAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- ChannelBinding - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ChannelBinding() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- ChannelBinding(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- ChannelBinding(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Main constructor.
- ChannelBinding(RenderingDef, Family, Double, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- channelBinding - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- CHANNELBINDING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- ChannelBinding.Details - Class in ome.model.display
- channels - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- channels - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- ChecksumAlgorithm - Class in ome.model.enums
- ChecksumAlgorithm() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- ChecksumAlgorithm(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- ChecksumAlgorithm(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
Main constructor.
- ChecksumAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- ChecksumAlgorithm.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- CHGRPRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- child() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- child - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- child() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- child - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- child() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- child - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- child - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- child() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- childFolders - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- CHOWNRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- CLASS - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "class".
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
- clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
- clearChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
clears the set.
- clearChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
- clearChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
- clearDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
clears the set.
- clearDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
- clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
clears the set.
- clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
- clearEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
clears the set.
- clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
- clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
clears the set.
- clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
- clearExperimenterGroupLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
clears the set.
- clearExperimenterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
clears the set.
- clearFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
- clearFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearFiltered() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
all currently marked collections are released.
- clearFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
- clearImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
- clearImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
- clearImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
- clearJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
- clearLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
clears the set.
- clearLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
clears the set.
- clearMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
clears the set.
- clearObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
- clearOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
clears the set.
- clearOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
- clearPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Sets the given permissions bit to 0
- clearPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- clearPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearPixelsLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
- clearPlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
- clearPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
- clearPlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
- clearProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
clears the set.
- clearProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
- clearReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
- clearReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
- clearRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
- clearRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
- clearSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
clears the set.
- clearSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
- clearShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
- clearSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
clears the set.
- clearThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
- clearUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
- clearWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
clears the set.
- clearWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
clears the set.
- clearWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
- clearWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
clears the set.
- clearWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
- clearWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
- clientPath - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- CLIENTPATH - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- close() - Method in class ome.services.fulltext.ConfiguredAnalyzer
- closed - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- CLOSED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- closeNode(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- closeNode(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- closeNodeSessions(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- closeNodeSessions(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- closeQuietly(Closeable) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
- closeSessions(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- closeSessions(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- co2percent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- CO2PERCENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- CodomainMapContext - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- CodomainMapContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- CodomainMapContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- CodomainMapContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Main constructor.
- CodomainMapContext(ChannelBinding) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- CodomainMapContext.Details - Class in ome.model.display
- coefficient - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- COLLAB_READLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable
instance with read and write permissions
for group members.
- COLLAB_READONLY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable
instance with permissions for group
members to read other members' data.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink while
collecting the results.
- collectChannels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Channel while
collecting the results.
- collectChannels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Channel while
collecting the results.
- collectChildFolders(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while
collecting the results.
- collectDatasetLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink while
collecting the results.
- collectDatasetLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink while
collecting the results.
- collectDetector(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Detector while
collecting the results.
- collectDichroic(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic while
collecting the results.
- CollectedACLViolations - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User has attempted an action which is not permitted by the
of a given instance.
- CollectedACLViolations(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
- collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectEvents(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Event while
collecting the results.
- collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink while
collecting the results.
- collectFilesetEntries(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry while
collecting the results.
- collectFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while
collecting the results.
- collectFilterSet(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while
collecting the results.
- collectFolderLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink while
collecting the results.
- collectFolderLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink while
collecting the results.
- collectGroupExperimenterMap(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap while
collecting the results.
- collectGroupExperimenterMap(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap while
collecting the results.
- collectImageLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink while
collecting the results.
- collectImageLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink while
collecting the results.
- collectImages(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while
collecting the results.
- collectJobLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink while
collecting the results.
- collectLightSource(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightSource while
collecting the results.
- collectLightSourceSettings(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings while
collecting the results.
- collectLogs(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.EventLog while
collecting the results.
- collectMicrobeamManipulation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation while
collecting the results.
- collectObjective(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Objective while
collecting the results.
- collectOriginalFileLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink while
collecting the results.
- collectOtf(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.OTF while
collecting the results.
- collectPixels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Pixels while
collecting the results.
- collectPixelsFileMaps(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap while
collecting the results.
- collectPixelsFileMaps(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap while
collecting the results.
- collectPlaneInfo(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PlaneInfo while
collecting the results.
- collectPlateAcquisitions(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition while
collecting the results.
- collectPlateLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink while
collecting the results.
- collectProjections(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.ProjectionDef while
collecting the results.
- collectProjectLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink while
collecting the results.
- collectReagentLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink while
collecting the results.
- collectReagents(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Reagent while
collecting the results.
- collectRoiLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink while
collecting the results.
- collectRois(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Roi while
collecting the results.
- collectScreenLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink while
collecting the results.
- collectSessions(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Session while
collecting the results.
- collectSettings(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.RenderingDef while
collecting the results.
- collectShapes(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Shape while
collecting the results.
- collectSpatialDomainEnhancement(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext while
collecting the results.
- collectThumbnails(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.Thumbnail while
collecting the results.
- collectUsedFiles(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry while
collecting the results.
- collectWaveRendering(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.ChannelBinding while
collecting the results.
- collectWellLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink while
collecting the results.
- collectWells(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Well while
collecting the results.
- collectWellSample(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while
collecting the results.
- collectWellSamples(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while
collecting the results.
- collectWellSamples(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while
collecting the results.
- column - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- COLUMN - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- columnNamingConvention - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- COLUMNNAMINGCONVENTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- columns - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- COLUMNS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- CommentAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
- CommentAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- CommentAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- CommentAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
Main constructor.
- compression - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- COMPRESSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- ConcurrencyException - Exception in ome.conditions
Error due to simultaneous access of some resource.
- ConcurrencyException(String, long) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ConcurrencyException
- config - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- CONFIG - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- config - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- CONFIG - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
- configure(Type, Properties, Dialect) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
- ConfiguredAnalyzer - Class in ome.services.fulltext
A full-text search analyzer usable by the OMERO model.
- ConfiguredAnalyzer() - Constructor for class ome.services.fulltext.ConfiguredAnalyzer
- ConfiguredAnalyzer(Class<? extends Analyzer>) - Constructor for class ome.services.fulltext.ConfiguredAnalyzer
Construct an analyzer wrapping the given class.
- configValue(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- configValue(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- conn - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- CONN - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- constant - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- CONSTANT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- containingEvent - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- CONTAININGEVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- contextAt(int) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- ContextFilter - Class in ome.util
modified (hierarchical) visitor pattern.
- ContextFilter() - Constructor for class ome.util.ContextFilter
- contexts - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
- contrastMethod - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- CONTRASTMETHOD - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- ContrastMethod - Class in ome.model.enums
- ContrastMethod() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- ContrastMethod(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- ContrastMethod(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
Main constructor.
- ContrastMethod(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- ContrastMethod.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- ContrastStretchingContext - Class in ome.model.display
- ContrastStretchingContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- ContrastStretchingContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- ContrastStretchingContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Main constructor.
- ContrastStretchingContext(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- Conversion - Class in ome.model.units
Base-functor like object which can be used for preparing complex
equations for converting from one unit to another.
- Conversion(Conversion...) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion
- Conversion.Add - Class in ome.model.units
Sums all
instances via
- Conversion.Int - Class in ome.model.units
Simply is a representation of a possibly large integer.
- Conversion.Mul - Class in ome.model.units
Multiplies all
instances via
- Conversion.Pow - Class in ome.model.units
Exponentiates two
instances via
- Conversion.Rat - Class in ome.model.units
Divides two
instances via
BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, MathContext)
- Conversion.Sym - Class in ome.model.units
- conversions - Variable in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Conversions, if any, which are passed into the constructor
of this instance.
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Add
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Int
Returns a BigDecimal
representation of this int.
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Mul
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Pow
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
- convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Sym
- convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential, Unit<ElectricPotential>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- convertFrequency(Frequency) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertFrequency(Frequency, Unit<Frequency>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
- convertFrequency(Frequency, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
- convertLength(Length) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertLength(Length, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
- convertLength(Length, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
- convertPower(Power) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertPower(Power, Unit<Power>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
- convertPower(Power, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
- convertPressure(Pressure) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertPressure(Pressure, Unit<Pressure>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
- convertPressure(Pressure, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
- convertTemperature(Temperature) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertTemperature(Temperature, Unit<Temperature>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
- convertTemperature(Temperature, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
- convertTime(Time) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't
want an exception can have
log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new
or similar.
- convertTime(Time, Unit<Time>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
- convertTime(Time, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
- copy() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- copy(Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Method which takes all field values from the given
instance and copies them into the current instance.
- copy(T) - Method in class ome.util.ShallowCopy
- copyExtendedRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Produce a copy of restrictions for use elsewhere.
- copyObject(Filterable, ModelMapper) - Method in interface ome.model.ModelBased
- copyRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- copyRestrictions(String[]) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Safely copy the source array.
- copyRestrictions(boolean[], String[]) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- copyRestrictions(int, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Copy restrictions based on the integer returned by BasicACLVoter.
- copyWhereUnset(Details, Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
For any field of this which is null (and is NOT null on mask -- assuming
mask is not null), copy the same value from copyFrom
into this object.
- correction - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- CORRECTION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- Correction - Class in ome.model.enums
- Correction() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
- Correction(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
- Correction(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
Main constructor.
- Correction(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
- Correction.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- correctionCollar - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- CORRECTIONCOLLAR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- CountCollectionPersister - Class in ome.util
which knows how to handle the count views
generated by dsl/resources/ome/dsl/views.dm.
- CountCollectionPersister(Collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy, Configuration, SessionFactoryImplementor) - Constructor for class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
- Counter - Class in ome.util
A simple integral counter that can be incremented.
- Counter() - Constructor for class ome.util.Counter
Create a new counter starting at zero.
- countFormat(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- countFormat(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- create() - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Details
- create(Object[]) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Factory method which returns a
implementation for passing
in API calls, but cannot be stored within an
- createBufferedImage(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ome.util.ImageUtil
Creates a buffered image from a rendering engine RGB buffer without data
- createIdsTempTable(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Creates a temporary table filled with the given ids and returns its
- createIdsTempTable(Collection<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- createInsertTrigger(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Creates an insert trigger of the given name, for the given table,
with the given procedure.
- createInsertTrigger(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- createSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- createSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- CREATIONEVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
- ctime - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- CTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- currentContext() - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- currentPatch - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- CURRENTPATCH - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- currentUserNames() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- currentUserNames() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- currentVersion - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- CURRENTVERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- currValue(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- currValue(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- cutIn - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- CUTIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- cutInTolerance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- CUTINTOLERANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- cutOut - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- CUTOUT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- cutOutTolerance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- CUTOUTTOLERANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedDataset(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Dataset while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedDataset(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Dataset while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedExperimenter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Experimenter while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedExperimenterGroup(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedFolder(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedFolder(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedImage(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedImage(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedJob(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.jobs.Job while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedOriginalFile(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.OriginalFile while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedOriginalFile(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.OriginalFile while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedPixels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Pixels while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedPlate(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Plate while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedProject(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Project while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedReagent(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Reagent while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedRoi(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Roi while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedScreen(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Screen while
collecting the results.
- eachLinkedWell(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Well while
collecting the results.
- EDITRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- ElectricPotential - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a ElectricPotential and a unit for that ElectricPotential
- ElectricPotential() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- ElectricPotential(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- ElectricPotential(double, UnitsElectricPotential) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- ElectricPotential(double, Unit<ElectricPotential>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- ElectricPotential(ElectricPotential) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- Ellipse - Class in ome.model.roi
- Ellipse() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- Ellipse(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- Ellipse(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Main constructor.
- email - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- EMAIL - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- emissionWave - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- EMISSIONWAVE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- EMPTY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
- EmptyIterator<E> - Class in ome.util
utility iterator which does nothing as quickly as possible.
- EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class ome.util.EmptyIterator
- endPlane - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- ENDPLANE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- endTime - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- ENDTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- endTime - Variable in class ome.parameters.Filter
- endTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- enter(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- entityId - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- ENTITYID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- entityId - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- ENTITYID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- entityType - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- ENTITYTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- entityType - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- ENTITYTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- entry(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
- equals(Object, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
- equals(Object) - Method in class ome.util.LSID
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- Event - Class in ome.model.meta
- Event() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
- Event(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
- Event(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
Main constructor.
- Event(Timestamp, Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup, EventType, Session) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
- event - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- EVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- Event.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- event2timestamp(Event) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EVENT_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- EVENT_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- EVENT_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- EVENT_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EVENT_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- EVENT_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- EVENT_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- EVENT_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- EVENT_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- EVENT_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- EVENT_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- EVENT_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- EVENT_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_ORIGINALFILELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- EVENT_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- EVENT_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- EVENT_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EVENT_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- EVENT_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- EVENT_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- EVENT_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EVENT_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- EVENT_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- EVENT_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EVENT_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- EVENT_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- EVENT_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- EVENT_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- EVENT_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- EVENT_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- EVENT_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- eventId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
- EventLog - Class in ome.model.meta
- EventLog() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- EventLog(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- EventLog(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Main constructor.
- EventLog(Long, String, String, Event) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- EventLog.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- events - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- EVENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- EventType - Class in ome.model.enums
- EventType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
- EventType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
- EventType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
Main constructor.
- EventType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
- EventType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- excitationWave - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- EXCITATIONWAVE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- exit(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- exp(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
- experiment - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- EXPERIMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- Experiment - Class in ome.model.experiment
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Experiment() - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- Experiment(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- Experiment(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Main constructor.
- Experiment(ExperimentType) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- experiment - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- EXPERIMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- Experiment.Details - Class in ome.model.experiment
- experimenter - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- EXPERIMENTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- Experimenter - Class in ome.model.meta
- Experimenter() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- Experimenter(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- Experimenter(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Main constructor.
- Experimenter(String, String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- Experimenter.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- experimenterGroup - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- EXPERIMENTERGROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- ExperimenterGroup - Class in ome.model.meta
- ExperimenterGroup() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- ExperimenterGroup(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- ExperimenterGroup(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Main constructor.
- ExperimenterGroup(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- ExperimenterGroup.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- ExperimentType - Class in ome.model.enums
- ExperimentType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- ExperimentType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- ExperimentType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
Main constructor.
- ExperimentType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- ExperimentType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- ExpiredCredentialException - Exception in ome.conditions
Correct username and credentials provided, but credentials expired.
- ExpiredCredentialException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ExpiredCredentialException
- exposureTime - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- EXPOSURETIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- externalDescription - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EXTERNALDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- externalIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- EXTERNALIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- externalIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EXTERNALIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- EXTERNALINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
- ExternalInfo - Class in ome.model.meta
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- ExternalInfo() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- ExternalInfo(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- ExternalInfo(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Main constructor.
- ExternalInfo(Long, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- ExternalInfo.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
- family - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- FAMILY - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- Family - Class in ome.model.enums
- Family() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
- Family(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
- Family(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
Main constructor.
- Family(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
- Family.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
- fields() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
returns a Set of field names that belong to this class
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ImportJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IndexingJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.IntegrityCheckJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobStatus
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.MetadataImportJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ParseJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.PixelDataJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ScriptJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.ThumbnailGenerationJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.UploadJob
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
- FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- fields() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
- fields() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
- Filament - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- Filament() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- Filament(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- Filament(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Main constructor.
- Filament(FilamentType) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
- FilamentType - Class in ome.model.enums
- FilamentType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- FilamentType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- FilamentType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
Main constructor.
- FilamentType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
- FilamentType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- file - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- FILE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- FileAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
- FileAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- FileAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
- FileAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
Main constructor.
- fileId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
- fileIdsInDb(String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return all IDs matching the given mimetypes, or all IDs if mimetypes is null.
- fileIdsInDb(String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- fileRepo(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- fileRepo(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- fileset - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- FILESET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- Fileset - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Fileset() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- Fileset(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- Fileset(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Main constructor.
- Fileset(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
- fileset - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- FILESET - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- Fileset.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
- FilesetAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilesetAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- FilesetAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- FilesetAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- FilesetAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
- FilesetAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- filesetEntries - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
- FilesetEntry - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilesetEntry() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- FilesetEntry(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- FilesetEntry(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Main constructor.
- FilesetEntry(Fileset, OriginalFile, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
- FilesetEntry.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
- FilesetJobLink - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilesetJobLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- FilesetJobLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- FilesetJobLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Main constructor.
- FilesetJobLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
- FilesetJobLink.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
- fillColor - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FILLCOLOR - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- fillObject(ReverseModelMapper) - Method in interface ome.model.ModelBased
- fillRule - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FILLRULE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- Filter - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Filter() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- Filter(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- Filter(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Main constructor.
- Filter(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- filter - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- Filter - Class in ome.parameters
parameter to generally reduce the size of a query result set.
- Filter() - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Filter
- filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
- filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
iterates over the contents of the collection and filters each.
- filter(String, Map) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
filters both the key and value sets of the map.
- filter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
used when type is unknown.
- filter(String, ContextFilter.Entry) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
doesn't return a new entry.
- Filter - Interface in ome.util
marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.
- filter(String, Filterable) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
- filter(String, Collection) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
- filter(String, Map) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
- filter(String, Object) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
- filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- filter(String, Map) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- filter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
- Filter.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- Filterable - Interface in ome.util
marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.
- FilterAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilterAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- FilterAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- FilterAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- FilterAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
- FilterAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- filteredSet() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
copy of the current collection of filtered names.
- filteredSize() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
the count of collections which were filtered.
- filterFileIdsByRepo(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the original file IDs among those given that are in the given repository.
- filterFileIdsByRepo(String, List<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- FilterSet - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilterSet() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- FilterSet(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- FilterSet(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Main constructor.
- FilterSet(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
- filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
- filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
- filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- FilterSet.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Main constructor.
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
- FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Main constructor.
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
- FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- FilterType - Class in ome.model.enums
- FilterType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- FilterType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- FilterType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
Main constructor.
- FilterType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
- FilterType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- filterWheel - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- FILTERWHEEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
- findAnnotationAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
find all ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findChannelAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
find all ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findClass(Class) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- findCollection(Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- findCollectionTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
extension point which subclasses can override to better map the
values of collections and maps.
- findDatasetAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findDatasetImageLink(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink which have the argument as their child.
- findDatasetImageLink(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findDetectorAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
find all ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findDichroicAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
find all ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findExperimenterAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
find all ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
find all ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFilesetAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
find all ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFilesetJobLink(Job) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
find all ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFilterAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFolderAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFolderImageLink(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFolderImageLink(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findFolderRoiLink(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink which have the argument as their child.
- findFolderRoiLink(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
find all ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findGroupExperimenterMap(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
find all ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap which have the argument as their parent.
- findGroupExperimenterMap(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
find all ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap which have the argument as their child.
- findImageAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findInstrumentAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
find all ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findJobOriginalFileLink(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.jobs.Job
find all ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink which have the argument as their child.
- findKeyTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
extension point which subclasses can override to better map the
keys of maps.
- findLightPathAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findLightPathEmissionFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
- findLightPathExcitationFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
- findLightSourceAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
find all ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findMap(Map) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
- findNamespaceAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
find all ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findNodeAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
find all ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findObjectiveAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
find all ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findOldAdminPrivileges() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the completed transactions among the current light administrator privileges.
- findOldAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findOriginalFileAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
find all ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findPixelsOriginalFileMap(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
find all ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap which have the argument as their child.
- findPixelsOriginalFileMap(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
find all ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap which have the argument as their parent.
- findPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
find all ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
find all ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findPlateAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
find all ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findProjectAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
find all ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findProjectDatasetLink(Project) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findProjectDatasetLink(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
find all ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink which have the argument as their child.
- findReagentAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
find all ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find all
entries which match all of the non-null
fields provided in the template.
- findRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFile(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoFile(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoFile(String, String, String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Lookup the id of an
in a given
repository or return null if none is found.
- findRepoFile(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFile(String, String, String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFilePath(String, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoFilePath(String, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFiles(String, String, List<String>, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoFiles(String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return a list of original file ids that all have a path value matching
the passed dirname in the given repository.
- findRepoFiles(String, String, List<String>, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoFiles(String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRepoImageFromPixels(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- findRepoImageFromPixels(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoPixels(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
- findRepoPixels(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
- findRepoRootPath(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the path of the repository root.
- findRepoRootPath(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
- findRoiAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
find all ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findScreenAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
find all ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findScreenPlateLink(Screen) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
find all ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findScreenPlateLink(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
find all ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink which have the argument as their child.
- findSessionAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
find all ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findShapeAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
find all ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
known immutables are return unchanged.
- findWellAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
find all ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
- findWellReagentLink(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
find all ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink which have the argument as their parent.
- findWellReagentLink(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
find all ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink which have the argument as their child.
- finished - Variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- FINISHED - Static variable in class ome.model.jobs.Job
- finished - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- FINISHED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
- firstName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- FIRSTNAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- FLOAT - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
- fluor - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- FLUOR - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
- Folder - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- Folder() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
- Folder(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
- Folder(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
Main constructor.
- Folder(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
- Folder.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
- FolderAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FolderAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- FolderAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- FolderAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
- FolderAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
- FolderAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
- FolderImageLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FolderImageLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- FolderImageLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- FolderImageLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Main constructor.
- FolderImageLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
- FolderImageLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
- folderLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- folderLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- FOLDERLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- FOLDERLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
- FolderRoiLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system
to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
- FolderRoiLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- FolderRoiLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- FolderRoiLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Main constructor.
- FolderRoiLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
- FolderRoiLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
- fontFamily - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FONTFAMILY - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- fontSize - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FONTSIZE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- fontStyle - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- FONTSTYLE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
- format - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- FORMAT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
- Format - Class in ome.model.enums
- Format() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
- Format(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
- Format(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
Main constructor.
- Format(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
- Format.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
- Frequency - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Frequency and a unit for that Frequency
- Frequency() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
- Frequency(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
- Frequency(double, UnitsFrequency) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
- Frequency(double, Unit<Frequency>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
- Frequency(Frequency) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
- frequencyMultiplication - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- FREQUENCYMULTIPLICATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
- fromdbvalue(String) - Method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
Perform the reverse lookup from
the DB's enums which contain invalid characters to the upper-cased
CODE-based enums used elsewhere.
- gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
- gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
- generate(SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
- GenericEnumType<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> - Class in ome.model.units
- GenericEnumType() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
- GenericExcitationSource - Class in ome.model.acquisition
- GenericExcitationSource() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- GenericExcitationSource(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
- GenericExcitationSource(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
Main constructor.
- get(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
lookup a QueryParameter by name.
- getA00() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a00 (java.lang.Double)
- getA01() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a01 (java.lang.Double)
- getA02() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a02 (java.lang.Double)
- getA10() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a10 (java.lang.Double)
- getA11() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a11 (java.lang.Double)
- getA12() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a12 (java.lang.Double)
- getAcquisitionDate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.acquisitionDate (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getAction() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.action (java.lang.String)
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getActive() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field ome.model.meta.Share.active (java.lang.Boolean)
- getAirPressure() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.airPressure (ome.model.units.Pressure)
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
- getAmplificationGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.amplificationGain (java.lang.Double)
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns annotationLinks .
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink that a user has.
- getArchived() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.archived (java.lang.Boolean)
- getAtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.atime (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getAttenuation() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.attenuation (java.lang.Double)
- getAxis() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.axis (ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis)
- getBinning() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.binning (ome.model.enums.Binning)
- getBitDepth(String) - Static method in class ome.util.PixelData
Retrieves the bit width of a particular PixelsType
- getBitResolution() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.bitResolution (java.lang.Integer)
- getBitSize() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Simple field ome.model.enums.PixelsType.bitSize (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.blue (java.lang.Integer)
- getBoolValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation.boolValue (java.lang.Boolean)
- getBytes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.bytes (byte[])
- getCalibratedMagnification() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.calibratedMagnification (java.lang.Double)
- getCdEnd() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdEnd (java.lang.Integer)
- getCdStart() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdStart (java.lang.Integer)
- getChannel(int) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Gets the ome.model.core.Channel at the given index.
- getChannelBinding() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.channelBinding (ome.model.display.ChannelBinding)
- getChannelBinding(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the ome.model.display.ChannelBinding at the given index.
- getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
returns channels .
- getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns channels .
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.child (ome.model.roi.Roi)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.child (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.child (ome.model.core.Pixels)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.child (ome.model.jobs.Job)
- getChild() - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.jobs.JobOriginalFileLink.child (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.ShareMember.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.child (ome.model.screen.Plate)
- getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.child (ome.model.screen.Reagent)
- getChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns childFolders .
- getClientPath() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Simple field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.clientPath (java.lang.String)
- getClosed() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.closed (java.sql.Timestamp)
- getCo2percent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.co2percent (java.lang.Double)
- getCodomainMapContext(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Gets the ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext at the given index.
- getCoefficient() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.coefficient (java.lang.Double)
- getColumn() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.column (java.lang.Integer)
- getColumnNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columnNamingConvention (java.lang.String)
- getColumns() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columns (java.lang.Integer)
- getCompression() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.compression (java.lang.Double)
- getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
- getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
- getConn() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.conn (java.lang.String)
- getConstant() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.constant (java.lang.Boolean)
- getContainingEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.containingEvent (ome.model.meta.Event)
- getContext() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
reference to the entity which this Details is contained in.
- getContrastMethod() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.contrastMethod (ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod)
- getCorrection() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.correction (ome.model.enums.Correction)
- getCorrectionCollar() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.correctionCollar (java.lang.Double)
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
- getCreationEvent()