Interface _MonitorServerOperationsNC

    • Method Detail

      • createMonitor

        java.lang.String createMonitor​(MonitorType mType,
                                       WatchEventType[] eTypes,
                                       PathMode pMode,
                                       java.lang.String pathString,
                                       java.lang.String[] whitelist,
                                       java.lang.String[] blacklist,
                                       float timeout,
                                       int blockSize,
                                       boolean ignoreSysFiles,
                                       boolean ignoreDirEvents,
                                       boolean platformCheck,
                                       MonitorClientPrx proxy)
                                throws OmeroFSError
        Create a monitor of events. A exception will be raised if the event type or path mode is not supported by the Monitor implementation for a given OS. An exception will be raised if the path does not exist or is inaccessible to the monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be created for any other reason.
        mType - type of monitor to create (MonitorType).
        eTypes - a sequence of watch event type to monitor (WatchEventTypeList).
        pathString - full path of directory of interest (string).
        whitelist - list of files or extensions of interest (Ice::StringSeq).
        blacklist - list of directories, files or extensions that are not of interest (Ice::StringSeq).
        pMode - path mode of monitor (PathMode).
        proxy - a proxy of the client to which notifications will be sent (MonitorClient*).
        timeout - time in seconds fo monitor to time out (float).
        blockSize - the number of events to pack into each notification (int).
        ignoreSysFiles - ignore system files or not (bool).
        ignoreDirEvents - ignore directory events (bool).
        platformCheck - if true strictly check platform (bool).
        monitorId, a uuid1 (string).
      • startMonitor

        void startMonitor​(java.lang.String id)
                   throws OmeroFSError
        Start an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be started for any other reason, in this case the monitor's state cannot be assumed.
        id - monitor id (string).
      • stopMonitor

        void stopMonitor​(java.lang.String id)
                  throws OmeroFSError
        Stop an existing monitor. Attempting to stop a monitor that is not running raises no exception. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be stopped for any other reason, in this case the monitor's state cannot be assumed.
        id - monitor id (string).
      • destroyMonitor

        void destroyMonitor​(java.lang.String id)
                     throws OmeroFSError
        Destroy an existing monitor. Attempting to destroy a monitor that is running will try to first stop the monitor and then destroy it. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if a monitor cannot be destroyed (or stopped and destroyed) for any other reason, in this case the monitor's state cannot be assumed.
        id - monitor id (string).
      • getMonitorState

        MonitorState getMonitorState​(java.lang.String id)
                              throws OmeroFSError
        Get the state of an existing monitor. An exception will be raised if the id does not correspond to an existing monitor.
        id - monitor id (string).
        the monitor state (MonitorState).