Package omero.grid

Interface _ManagedRepositoryOperationsNC

    • Method Detail

      • importPaths

        ImportProcessPrx importPaths​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> filePaths)
                              throws ServerError
        For clients without access to Bio-Formats, the simplified importPaths method allows passing solely the absolute path of the files to be uploaded (no directories) and all configuration happens server-side. Much of the functionality provided via Fileset and ImportSettings is of course lost.
      • listImports

        java.util.List<ImportProcessPrx> listImports()
                                              throws ServerError
        List imports that are currently running in this importer. These will be limited based on user/group membership for the Fileset object which is being created by the import. If the user has write permissions for the fileset, then the import will be included.
      • listChecksumAlgorithms

        java.util.List<ChecksumAlgorithm> listChecksumAlgorithms()
        Return the list of checksum algorithms supported by this repository for verifying the integrity of uploaded files. They are named as ""algorithm-integer"", integer being the bit width of the resulting hash code. It is possible for the same algorithm to be offered with different bit widths. They are listed in descending order of preference, as set by the server administrator, and any of them may be specified for ImportSettings.checksumAlgorithm.
      • suggestChecksumAlgorithm

        ChecksumAlgorithm suggestChecksumAlgorithm​(java.util.List<ChecksumAlgorithm> supported)
        Suggest a checksum algorithm to use for ImportSettings.checksumAlgorithm according to the preferences set by the server administrator. Provide a list of the algorithms supported by the client, and the server will report which of them is most preferred by the server, or return null if none of them are supported.
      • verifyChecksums

        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> verifyChecksums​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
                                                throws ServerError
        Verify the checksum for the original files identified by the given IDs. The files must be in this repository. Returns the IDs of the original files whose checksums do not match the file on disk.
      • setChecksumAlgorithm

        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> setChecksumAlgorithm​(ChecksumAlgorithm hasher,
                                                            java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
                                                     throws ServerError
        Set the checksum algorithm for the original files identified by the given IDs and calculate their checksum accordingly. The files must be in this repository. Existing checksums are checked before being changed. If a checksum does not match, ServerError will be thrown; in this case some other files may already have had their checksum algorithm set. Returns the IDs of the original files that did not already have a checksum set for the given algorithm.