Package omero.grid

Class ScriptProcessPrxHelper

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String[] __ids  
      static long serialVersionUID  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void __cancel_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackBoolUE __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __close_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __getJob_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<ScriptJob> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __getResults_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __kill_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackBool __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __poll_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RInt> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static ScriptProcessPrx __read​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)  
      static void __registerCallback_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __setMessage_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.lang.String> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __unregisterCallback_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __wait_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackIntUE __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __write​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os, ScriptProcessPrx v)  
      int _wait()
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      int _wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel()
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_cancel __cb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(Callback_Process_cancel __cb)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_ScriptProcess_close __cb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach, Callback_ScriptProcess_close __cb)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob()
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_ScriptProcess_getJob __cb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(Callback_ScriptProcess_getJob __cb)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_ScriptProcess_getResults __cb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs, Callback_ScriptProcess_getResults __cb)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill()
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_kill __cb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(Callback_Process_kill __cb)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll()
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_poll __cb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(Callback_Process_poll __cb)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_registerCallback __cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, Callback_Process_registerCallback __cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_ScriptProcess_setMessage __cb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message, Callback_ScriptProcess_setMessage __cb)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown()
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_shutdown __cb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(Callback_Process_shutdown __cb)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_unregisterCallback __cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, Callback_Process_unregisterCallback __cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait()
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Process_wait __cb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(Callback_Process_wait __cb)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      boolean cancel()
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      boolean cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type.
      static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type.
      static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type.
      static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type.
      void close​(boolean detach)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      void close​(boolean detach, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      boolean end_cancel​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Signal to the Process that it should terminate.
      void end_close​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it.
      ScriptJob end_getJob​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> end_getResults​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      boolean end_kill​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      RInt end_poll​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      void end_registerCallback​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      java.lang.String end_setMessage​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      void end_shutdown​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      void end_unregisterCallback​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      int end_wait​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
      ScriptJob getJob()
      Returns the job which started this process.
      ScriptJob getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the job which started this process.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> getResults​(int waitSecs)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> getResults​(int waitSecs, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the results immediately if present.
      static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
      Provides the Slice type ID of this type.
      boolean kill()
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      boolean kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Terminate the Process immediately.
      RInt poll()
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      RInt poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
      void registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      void registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Add a callback for end-of-life events
      java.lang.String setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      java.lang.String setMessage​(java.lang.String message, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the message on the ScriptJob object.
      void shutdown()
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      void shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly.
      static ScriptProcessPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      static ScriptProcessPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      void unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      void unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Remove a callback for end-of-life events
      • Methods inherited from class Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase

        __checkAsyncTwowayOnly, __checkTwowayOnly, __copyFrom, __end, __getBatchRequestQueue, __getRequestHandler, __handleException, __ice_getConnection_completed, __ice_id_completed, __ice_ids_completed, __ice_invoke_completed, __ice_isA_completed, __reference, __setRequestHandler, __setup, __updateRequestHandler, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, cacheMessageBuffers, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, end_ice_flushBatchRequests, end_ice_getConnection, end_ice_id, end_ice_ids, end_ice_invoke, end_ice_isA, end_ice_ping, equals, getOutgoingAsync, hashCode, ice_adapterId, ice_batchDatagram, ice_batchOneway, ice_collocationOptimized, ice_compress, ice_connectionCached, ice_connectionId, ice_context, ice_datagram, ice_encodingVersion, ice_endpoints, ice_endpointSelection, ice_facet, ice_flushBatchRequests, ice_getAdapterId, ice_getCachedConnection, ice_getCommunicator, ice_getConnection, ice_getConnectionId, ice_getContext, ice_getEncodingVersion, ice_getEndpoints, ice_getEndpointSelection, ice_getFacet, ice_getIdentity, ice_getInvocationTimeout, ice_getLocator, ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout, ice_getRouter, ice_id, ice_id, ice_identity, ice_ids, ice_ids, ice_invocationTimeout, ice_invoke, ice_invoke, ice_isA, ice_isA, ice_isBatchDatagram, ice_isBatchOneway, ice_isCollocationOptimized, ice_isConnectionCached, ice_isDatagram, ice_isOneway, ice_isPreferSecure, ice_isSecure, ice_isTwoway, ice_locator, ice_locatorCacheTimeout, ice_oneway, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_preferSecure, ice_router, ice_secure, ice_timeout, ice_twoway, toString, uncheckedCastImpl, uncheckedCastImpl, uncheckedCastImpl
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

        begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, end_ice_flushBatchRequests, end_ice_getConnection, end_ice_id, end_ice_ids, end_ice_invoke, end_ice_isA, end_ice_ping, equals, ice_adapterId, ice_batchDatagram, ice_batchOneway, ice_collocationOptimized, ice_compress, ice_connectionCached, ice_connectionId, ice_context, ice_datagram, ice_encodingVersion, ice_endpoints, ice_endpointSelection, ice_facet, ice_flushBatchRequests, ice_getAdapterId, ice_getCachedConnection, ice_getCommunicator, ice_getConnection, ice_getConnectionId, ice_getContext, ice_getEncodingVersion, ice_getEndpoints, ice_getEndpointSelection, ice_getFacet, ice_getIdentity, ice_getInvocationTimeout, ice_getLocator, ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout, ice_getRouter, ice_id, ice_id, ice_identity, ice_ids, ice_ids, ice_invocationTimeout, ice_invoke, ice_invoke, ice_isA, ice_isA, ice_isBatchDatagram, ice_isBatchOneway, ice_isCollocationOptimized, ice_isConnectionCached, ice_isDatagram, ice_isOneway, ice_isPreferSecure, ice_isSecure, ice_isTwoway, ice_locator, ice_locatorCacheTimeout, ice_oneway, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_preferSecure, ice_router, ice_secure, ice_timeout, ice_twoway
    • Field Detail

      • __ids

        public static final java.lang.String[] __ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • ScriptProcessPrxHelper

        public ScriptProcessPrxHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • cancel

        public boolean cancel()
                       throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface ProcessPrx
      • cancel

        public boolean cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                       throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(Callback_Process_cancel __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Callback_Process_cancel __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_cancel

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_cancel​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        begin_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_cancel

        public boolean end_cancel​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                           throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        end_cancel in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __cancel_completed

        public static void __cancel_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackBoolUE __cb,
                                              Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • kill

        public boolean kill()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        kill in interface ProcessPrx
      • kill

        public boolean kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(Callback_Process_kill __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Callback_Process_kill __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_kill

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_kill​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        begin_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_kill

        public boolean end_kill​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        end_kill in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __kill_completed

        public static void __kill_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackBool __cb,
                                            Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • poll

        public RInt poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(Callback_Process_poll __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Callback_Process_poll __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_poll

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_poll​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RInt> __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        begin_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_poll

        public RInt end_poll​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                      throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Returns the return code of the process, or null if unfinished.
        Specified by:
        end_poll in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __poll_completed

        public static void __poll_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RInt> __cb,
                                            Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      Callback_Process_registerCallback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_registerCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_registerCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_registerCallback

        public void end_registerCallback​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Add a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        end_registerCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __registerCallback_completed

        public static void __registerCallback_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb,
                                                        Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(Callback_Process_shutdown __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Process_shutdown __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_shutdown

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_shutdown​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        begin_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_shutdown

        public void end_shutdown​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        end_shutdown in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                        Callback_Process_unregisterCallback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unregisterCallback

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_unregisterCallback​(ProcessCallbackPrx cb,
                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        begin_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_unregisterCallback

        public void end_unregisterCallback​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                    throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Remove a callback for end-of-life events
        Specified by:
        end_unregisterCallback in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __unregisterCallback_completed

        public static void __unregisterCallback_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb,
                                                          Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • _wait

        public int _wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        _wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait()
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(Callback_Process_wait __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Callback_Process_wait __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_wait

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_wait​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        begin_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_wait

        public int end_wait​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                     throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ProcessPrx
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        end_wait in interface ProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __wait_completed

        public static void __wait_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackIntUE __cb,
                                            Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • close

        public void close​(boolean detach)
                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
      • close

        public void close​(boolean detach,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           Callback_ScriptProcess_close __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Callback_ScriptProcess_close __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_close

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_close​(boolean detach,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        begin_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_close

        public void end_close​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                       throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        end_close in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __close_completed

        public static void __close_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackVoidUE __cb,
                                             Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • getJob

        public ScriptJob getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                         throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob()
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(Callback_ScriptProcess_getJob __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Callback_ScriptProcess_getJob __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getJob

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getJob​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<ScriptJob> __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        begin_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_getJob

        public ScriptJob end_getJob​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                             throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the job which started this process. Several scheduling fields (submitted, scheduledFor, started, finished) may be of interest.
        Specified by:
        end_getJob in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __getJob_completed

        public static void __getJob_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<ScriptJob> __cb,
                                              Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • getResults

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> getResults​(int waitSecs)
                                                               throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
      • getResults

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                               throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                Callback_ScriptProcess_getResults __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Callback_ScriptProcess_getResults __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getResults

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        begin_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_getResults

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> end_getResults​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        end_getResults in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __getResults_completed

        public static void __getResults_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType>> __cb,
                                                  Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • setMessage

        public java.lang.String setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                    throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Callback_ScriptProcess_setMessage __cb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMessage

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMessage​(java.lang.String message,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.lang.String> __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        begin_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setMessage

        public java.lang.String end_setMessage​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: ScriptProcessPrx
        Sets the message on the ScriptJob object. This value MAY be overwritten by the server if the script fails.
        Specified by:
        end_setMessage in interface ScriptProcessPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
      • __setMessage_completed

        public static void __setMessage_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.lang.String> __cb,
                                                  Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • checkedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                                   java.lang.String __facet)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                                   java.lang.String __facet,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • uncheckedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
        Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        A proxy for this type.
      • uncheckedCast

        public static ScriptProcessPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                                     java.lang.String __facet)
        Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        A proxy for this type.
      • ice_staticId

        public static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
        Provides the Slice type ID of this type.
        The Slice type ID.
      • __write

        public static void __write​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os,
                                   ScriptProcessPrx v)
      • __read

        public static ScriptProcessPrx __read​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)