Package omero.api

Interface _IUpdateOperationsNC

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    _IUpdateDisp, _IUpdateTie

    public interface _IUpdateOperationsNC
    extends _ServiceInterfaceOperationsNC
    Provides methods for directly updating object graphs. IUpdate is the lowest level (level-1) interface which may make changes (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) to the database. All other methods of changing the database may leave it in an inconsistent state.

    All the save* methods act recursively on the entire object graph, replacing placeholders and details where necessary, and then merging the final graph. This means that the objects that are passed into* methods are copied over to new instances which are then returned. The original objects should be discarded.

    saveAndReturnIds behaves slightly differently in that it does not handle object modifications. The graph of objects passed in can consist ONLY if either newly created objects without ids or of unloaded objects with ids. Note: The ids of the saved values may not be in order. This is caused by persistence-by-transitivity. Hibernate may detect an item later in the array if they are interconnected and therefore choose to save it first.

    All methods throw ValidationException if the input objects do not pass validation, and OptimisticLockException if the version of a given has already been incremented.