Package omero.api

Class _IQueryDisp

    • Field Detail

      • __ids

        public static final java.lang.String[] __ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • _IQueryDisp

        public _IQueryDisp()
    • Method Detail

      • ice_copyStateFrom

        protected void ice_copyStateFrom​(Ice.Object __obj)
                                  throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s,
                               Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids()
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id()
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_staticId

        public static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
      • find_async

        public final void find_async​(AMD_IQuery_find __cb,
                                     java.lang.String klass,
                                     long id)
                              throws ServerError
        Looks up an entity by class and id. If no such objects exists, return a null.
        Specified by:
        find_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - klass the type of the entity. Not null.
      • findAll_async

        public final void findAll_async​(AMD_IQuery_findAll __cb,
                                        java.lang.String klass,
                                        Filter filter)
                                 throws ServerError
        Looks up all entities that belong to this class and match filter.
        Specified by:
        findAll_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - entity type to be searched. Not null.
      • findAllByExample_async

        public final void findAllByExample_async​(AMD_IQuery_findAllByExample __cb,
                                                 IObject example,
                                                 Filter filter)
                                          throws ServerError
        Searches based on provided example entity. The returned entities will be limited by the Filter object. Note: findAllbyExample does not operate on the id field. For that, use find, get, findByQuery, or findAllByQuery.
        Specified by:
        findAllByExample_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        example - Non-null example object.
      • findAllByFullText_async

        public final void findAllByFullText_async​(AMD_IQuery_findAllByFullText __cb,
                                                  java.lang.String klass,
                                                  java.lang.String query,
                                                  Parameters params)
                                           throws ServerError
        Executes a full text search based on Lucene. Each term in the query can also be prefixed by the name of the field to which is should be restricted. Examples:
        • owner:root AND annotation:someTag
        • file:xml AND name:*hoechst*
        For more information, see Query Parser Syntax The return values are first filtered by the security system.
        Specified by:
        findAllByFullText_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - A non-null class specification of which type should be searched.
        query - A non-null query string. An empty string will return no results.
        params - Currently the parameters themselves are unused. But the Parameters.theFilter can be used to limit the number of results returned (Filter.limit) or the user for who the results will be found (Filter.ownerId).
      • findAllByQuery_async

        public final void findAllByQuery_async​(AMD_IQuery_findAllByQuery __cb,
                                               java.lang.String query,
                                               Parameters params)
                                        throws ServerError
        Executes the stored query with the given name. If a query with the name cannot be found, an exception will be thrown. The queryName parameter can be an actual query String if the StringQuerySource is configured on the server and the user running the query has proper permissions. Queries can only return lists of IObject instances. This means all must be of the form:
         select this from SomeModelClass this ...
        though the alias this is unimportant. Do not try to return multiple classes in one call like:
         select this, that from SomeClass this, SomeOtherClass that ...
        nor to project values out of an object:
         select from SomeClass this ...
        If a page is desired, add it to the query parameters.
        Specified by:
        findAllByQuery_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        query - Query to execute. Not null.
      • findAllByString_async

        public final void findAllByString_async​(AMD_IQuery_findAllByString __cb,
                                                java.lang.String klass,
                                                java.lang.String field,
                                                java.lang.String value,
                                                boolean caseSensitive,
                                                Filter filter)
                                         throws ServerError
        Searches a given field matching against a String. Method allows for case sensitive or insensitive searching using the (I)LIKE comparators. Result set will be reduced by the Filter instance.
        Specified by:
        findAllByString_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - type of entity to be searched. Not null.
        value - String used for search. Not null.
        filter - filters the result set. Can be null.
      • findByExample_async

        public final void findByExample_async​(AMD_IQuery_findByExample __cb,
                                              IObject example)
                                       throws ServerError
        Searches based on provided example entity. The example entity should uniquely specify the entity or an exception will be thrown. Note: findByExample does not operate on the id field. For that, use find, get, findByQuery, or findAllByQuery.
        Specified by:
        findByExample_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        example - Non-null example object.
        ApiUsageException - if more than one result is return.
      • findByQuery_async

        public final void findByQuery_async​(AMD_IQuery_findByQuery __cb,
                                            java.lang.String query,
                                            Parameters params)
                                     throws ServerError
        Executes the stored query with the given name. If a query with the name cannot be found, an exception will be thrown. The queryName parameter can be an actual query String if the StringQuerySource is configured on the server and the user running the query has proper permissions.
        Specified by:
        findByQuery_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        query - Query to execute
      • findByString_async

        public final void findByString_async​(AMD_IQuery_findByString __cb,
                                             java.lang.String klass,
                                             java.lang.String field,
                                             java.lang.String value)
                                      throws ServerError
        Searches a given field matching against a String. Method does not allow for case sensitive or insensitive searching since this is essentially a lookup. The existence of more than one result will result in an exception.
        Specified by:
        findByString_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - type of entity to be searched
        value - String used for search.
        ome.conditions.ApiUsageException - if more than one result.
      • get_async

        public final void get_async​(AMD_IQuery_get __cb,
                                    java.lang.String klass,
                                    long id)
                             throws ServerError
        Looks up an entity by class and id. If no such object exists, an exception will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        get_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        klass - the type of the entity. Not null.
        ValidationException - if the id doesn't exist.
      • projection_async

        public final void projection_async​(AMD_IQuery_projection __cb,
                                           java.lang.String query,
                                           Parameters params)
                                    throws ServerError
        Return a sequence of RType sequences.

        Each element of the outer sequence is one row in the return value. Each element of the inner sequence is one column specified in the HQL.

        IObject instances are returned wrapped in an RObject instance. Primitives are mapped to the expected RType subclass. Types without an RType mapper if returned will throw an exception if present in the select except where a manual conversion is present on the server. This includes:

        • Permissions instances are serialized to an RMap containing the keys: perms, canAnnotate, canEdit, canLink, canDelete, canChgrp, canChown
        • The quantity types like Length are serialized to an RMap containing the keys: value, unit, symbol

        As with SQL, if an aggregation statement is used, a group by clause must be added.


         select, i.description from Image i where like '%.dv'
         select tag.textValue, tagset.textValue from TagAnnotation tag join tag.annotationLinks l join l.child tagset
         select p.pixelsType.value, count( from Pixel p group by p.pixelsType.value

        Specified by:
        projection_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
      • refresh_async

        public final void refresh_async​(AMD_IQuery_refresh __cb,
                                        IObject iObject)
                                 throws ServerError
        Refreshes an entire IObject graph, recursive loading all data for the managed instances in the graph from the database. If any non-managed entities are detected (e.g. without ids), an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        refresh_async in interface _IQueryOperationsNC
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        iObject - Non-null managed IObject graph which should have all values re-assigned from the database
        ApiUsageException - if any non-managed entities are found.
      • ___get

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___get​(IQuery __obj,
                                                IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                Ice.Current __current)
      • ___find

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___find​(IQuery __obj,
                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findAll

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findAll​(IQuery __obj,
                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findByExample

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findByExample​(IQuery __obj,
                                                          IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                          Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findAllByExample

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findAllByExample​(IQuery __obj,
                                                             IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                             Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findByString

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findByString​(IQuery __obj,
                                                         IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                         Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findAllByString

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findAllByString​(IQuery __obj,
                                                            IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                            Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findByQuery

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findByQuery​(IQuery __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findAllByQuery

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findAllByQuery​(IQuery __obj,
                                                           IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                           Ice.Current __current)
      • ___findAllByFullText

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___findAllByFullText​(IQuery __obj,
                                                              IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                              Ice.Current __current)
      • ___projection

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___projection​(IQuery __obj,
                                                       IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                       Ice.Current __current)
      • ___refresh

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___refresh​(IQuery __obj,
                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • __dispatch

        public Ice.DispatchStatus __dispatch​(IceInternal.Incoming in,
                                             Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        __dispatch in interface Ice.Object
        __dispatch in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __writeImpl

        protected void __writeImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os)
        __writeImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __readImpl

        protected void __readImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)
        __readImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl