Package omero.api

Interface SearchPrx

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Ice.ObjectPrx, ServiceInterfacePrx, StatefulServiceInterfacePrx
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SearchPrx
    extends StatefulServiceInterfacePrx
    Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries. Each Search instance keeps up with several queries and lazily-loads the results as hasNext, next and results are called. These queries are created by the by* methods. Each instance also has a number of settings which can all be changed from their defaults via accessors, e.g. setBatchSize or setCaseSensitive. The only methods which are required for the proper functioning of a Search instance are:
    • onlyType, onlyTypes OR allTypes
    • Any by* method to create a query
    Use of the allTypes method is discouraged, since it is possibly very resource intensive, which is why any attempt to receive results without specifically setting types or allowing all is prohibited.
    See Also:
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      int activeQueries()
      Returns the number of active queries.
      int activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      void addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void allTypes()
      Permits all types to be returned.
      void allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      void and()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      void and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries()
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_activeQueries __cb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(Callback_Search_activeQueries __cb)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, Ice.Callback __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_addOrderByAsc __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path, Callback_Search_addOrderByAsc __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, Ice.Callback __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_addOrderByDesc __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path, Callback_Search_addOrderByDesc __cb)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes()
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_allTypes __cb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(Callback_Search_allTypes __cb)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_and __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(Callback_Search_and __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byAnnotatedWith __cb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, Callback_Search_byAnnotatedWith __cb)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byFullText __cb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query, Callback_Search_byFullText __cb)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byGroupForTags __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, Callback_Search_byGroupForTags __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byHqlQuery __cb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, Callback_Search_byHqlQuery __cb)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, Callback_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_bySimilarTerms __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, Callback_Search_bySimilarTerms __cb)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_bySomeMustNone __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, Callback_Search_bySomeMustNone __cb)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_byTagForGroups __cb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, Callback_Search_byTagForGroups __cb)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries()
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_clearQueries __cb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(Callback_Search_clearQueries __cb)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata()
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_currentMetadata __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(Callback_Search_currentMetadata __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList()
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_currentMetadataList __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(Callback_Search_currentMetadataList __cb)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_fetchAlso __cb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, Callback_Search_fetchAlso __cb)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_fetchAnnotations __cb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Callback_Search_fetchAnnotations __cb)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize()
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_getBatchSize __cb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(Callback_Search_getBatchSize __cb)
      Returns the current batch size.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext()
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_hasNext __cb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(Callback_Search_hasNext __cb)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard()
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Callback_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive()
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_isCaseSensitive __cb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(Callback_Search_isCaseSensitive __cb)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches()
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_isMergedBatches __cb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(Callback_Search_isMergedBatches __cb)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded()
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_isReturnUnloaded __cb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(Callback_Search_isReturnUnloaded __cb)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections()
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_isUseProjections __cb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(Callback_Search_isUseProjections __cb)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next()
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_next __cb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(Callback_Search_next __cb)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_not __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(Callback_Search_not __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_notAnnotatedBy __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, Callback_Search_notAnnotatedBy __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_notOwnedBy __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d, Callback_Search_notOwnedBy __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween __cb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween __cb)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy __cb)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith __cb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith __cb)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyCreatedBetween __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Callback_Search_onlyCreatedBetween __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyIds __cb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Callback_Search_onlyIds __cb)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyModifiedBetween __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, Callback_Search_onlyModifiedBetween __cb)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyOwnedBy __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, Callback_Search_onlyOwnedBy __cb)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyType __cb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, Callback_Search_onlyType __cb)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_onlyTypes __cb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, Callback_Search_onlyTypes __cb)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_or __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(Callback_Search_or __cb)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove()
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_remove __cb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(Callback_Search_remove __cb)
      Unsupported operation.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults()
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_resetDefaults __cb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(Callback_Search_resetDefaults __cb)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results()
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_results __cb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(Callback_Search_results __cb)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, Callback_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setBatchSize __cb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size, Callback_Search_setBatchSize __cb)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setCaseSensitive __cb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, Callback_Search_setCaseSensitive __cb)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, Ice.Callback __cb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setCaseSentivice __cb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, Callback_Search_setCaseSentivice __cb)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setMergedBatches __cb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, Callback_Search_setMergedBatches __cb)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setReturnUnloaded __cb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, Callback_Search_setReturnUnloaded __cb)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_setUseProjections __cb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, Callback_Search_setUseProjections __cb)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered()
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(Ice.Callback __cb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_Search_unordered __cb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(Callback_Search_unordered __cb)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      void byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      void byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      void byFullText​(java.lang.String query)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      void byFullText​(java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      void byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      void byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      void byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      void byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query, Parameters params, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      void byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      void byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields, java.lang.String from, java.lang.String to, java.lang.String dateType, java.lang.String query, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      void bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      void bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      void bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      void bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some, java.util.List<java.lang.String> must, java.util.List<java.lang.String> none, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      void byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      void byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      void clearQueries()
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      void clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> currentMetadata()
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> currentMetadataList()
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      int end_activeQueries​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the number of active queries.
      void end_addOrderByAsc​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void end_addOrderByDesc​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
      void end_allTypes​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Permits all types to be returned.
      void end_and​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      void end_byAnnotatedWith​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example.
      void end_byFullText​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
      void end_byGroupForTags​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group.
      void end_byHqlQuery​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
      void end_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
      void end_bySimilarTerms​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms.
      void end_bySomeMustNone​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
      void end_byTagForGroups​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to.
      void end_clearQueries​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> end_currentMetadata​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next.
      java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> end_currentMetadataList​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results.
      void end_fetchAlso​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      void end_fetchAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      int end_getBatchSize​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current batch size.
      boolean end_hasNext​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      boolean end_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      boolean end_isCaseSensitive​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      boolean end_isMergedBatches​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      boolean end_isReturnUnloaded​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      boolean end_isUseProjections​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      IObject end_next​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      void end_not​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      void end_notAnnotatedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void end_notOwnedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void end_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      void end_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void end_onlyAnnotatedWith​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      void end_onlyCreatedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      void end_onlyIds​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      void end_onlyModifiedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      void end_onlyOwnedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void end_onlyType​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      void end_onlyTypes​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      void end_or​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      void end_remove​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Unsupported operation.
      void end_resetDefaults​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      java.util.List<IObject> end_results​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      void end_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      void end_setBatchSize​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      void end_setCaseSensitive​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      void end_setCaseSentivice​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      void end_setMergedBatches​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      void end_setReturnUnloaded​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      void end_setUseProjections​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      void end_unordered​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      void fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      void fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities.
      void fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      void fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
      int getBatchSize()
      Returns the current batch size.
      int getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current batch size.
      boolean hasNext()
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      boolean hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns true if another call to next is valid.
      boolean isAllowLeadingWildcard()
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      boolean isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
      boolean isCaseSensitive()
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      boolean isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
      boolean isMergedBatches()
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      boolean isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current merged-batches setting.
      boolean isReturnUnloaded()
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      boolean isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
      boolean isUseProjections()
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      boolean isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the current use-projection setting.
      IObject next()
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      IObject next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns the next entity from the current query.
      void not()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      void not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls.
      void notAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void notAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void notOwnedBy​(Details d)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void notOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      void onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them.
      void onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters.
      void onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      void onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types.
      void onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      void onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
      void onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      void onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
      void onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      void onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start, RTime stop, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
      void onlyOwnedBy​(Details d)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void onlyOwnedBy​(Details d, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned.
      void onlyType​(java.lang.String klass)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      void onlyType​(java.lang.String klass, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts the search to a single type.
      void onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      void onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Restricts searches to a set of types.
      void or()
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      void or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls.
      void remove()
      Unsupported operation.
      void remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Unsupported operation.
      void resetDefaults()
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      void resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      java.util.List<IObject> results()
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      java.util.List<IObject> results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata.
      void setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      void setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
      void setBatchSize​(int size)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      void setBatchSize​(int size, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results.
      void setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      void setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      void setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      void setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      use setCaseSensitive instead
      void setMergedBatches​(boolean merge)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      void setMergedBatches​(boolean merge, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      void setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      void setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects.
      void setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      void setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
      void unordered()
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      void unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Removes the current stack of order statements.
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

        begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, end_ice_flushBatchRequests, end_ice_getConnection, end_ice_id, end_ice_ids, end_ice_invoke, end_ice_isA, end_ice_ping, equals, ice_adapterId, ice_batchDatagram, ice_batchOneway, ice_collocationOptimized, ice_compress, ice_connectionCached, ice_connectionId, ice_context, ice_datagram, ice_encodingVersion, ice_endpoints, ice_endpointSelection, ice_facet, ice_flushBatchRequests, ice_getAdapterId, ice_getCachedConnection, ice_getCommunicator, ice_getConnection, ice_getConnectionId, ice_getContext, ice_getEncodingVersion, ice_getEndpoints, ice_getEndpointSelection, ice_getFacet, ice_getIdentity, ice_getInvocationTimeout, ice_getLocator, ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout, ice_getRouter, ice_id, ice_id, ice_identity, ice_ids, ice_ids, ice_invocationTimeout, ice_invoke, ice_invoke, ice_isA, ice_isA, ice_isBatchDatagram, ice_isBatchOneway, ice_isCollocationOptimized, ice_isConnectionCached, ice_isDatagram, ice_isOneway, ice_isPreferSecure, ice_isSecure, ice_isTwoway, ice_locator, ice_locatorCacheTimeout, ice_oneway, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_preferSecure, ice_router, ice_secure, ice_timeout, ice_twoway
    • Method Detail

      • activeQueries

        int activeQueries()
                   throws ServerError
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        number of active queries
      • activeQueries

        int activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                   throws ServerError
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        number of active queries
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries()
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(Callback_Search_activeQueries __cb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Callback_Search_activeQueries __cb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_activeQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_activeQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_activeQueries

        int end_activeQueries​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                       throws ServerError
        Returns the number of active queries. This means that activeQueries gives the minimum number of remaining calls to results when batches are not merged.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        number of active queries
      • setBatchSize

        void setBatchSize​(int size)
                   throws ServerError
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
      • setBatchSize

        void setBatchSize​(int size,
                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                   throws ServerError
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           Callback_Search_setBatchSize __cb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Callback_Search_setBatchSize __cb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setBatchSize​(int size,
                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        size - maximum number of results per call to results
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setBatchSize

        void end_setBatchSize​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                       throws ServerError
        Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by one call to results. If batches are not merged, then results may often be less than the batch size. If batches are merged, then only the last call to results can be less than batch size. Note: some query types may not support batching at the query level, and all instances must then be loaded into memory simultaneously.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • getBatchSize

        int getBatchSize()
                  throws ServerError
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        maximum number of results per call to results
      • getBatchSize

        int getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                  throws ServerError
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        maximum number of results per call to results
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize()
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(Callback_Search_getBatchSize __cb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Callback_Search_getBatchSize __cb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getBatchSize

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_getBatchSize​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_IntCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_getBatchSize

        int end_getBatchSize​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                      throws ServerError
        Returns the current batch size. If setBatchSize has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        maximum number of results per call to results
      • setMergedBatches

        void setMergedBatches​(boolean merge)
                       throws ServerError
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
      • setMergedBatches

        void setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                       throws ServerError
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               Callback_Search_setMergedBatches __cb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_setMergedBatches __cb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setMergedBatches​(boolean merge,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setMergedBatches

        void end_setMergedBatches​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                           throws ServerError
        Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be returned in the same call to results.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • isMergedBatches

        boolean isMergedBatches()
                         throws ServerError
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
      • isMergedBatches

        boolean isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                         throws ServerError
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches()
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(Callback_Search_isMergedBatches __cb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Search_isMergedBatches __cb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isMergedBatches

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isMergedBatches​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_isMergedBatches

        boolean end_isMergedBatches​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                             throws ServerError
        Returns the current merged-batches setting. If setMergedBatches has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • setCaseSentivice

        void setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive)
                       throws ServerError
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      • setCaseSentivice

        void setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                       throws ServerError
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               Callback_Search_setCaseSentivice __cb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_setCaseSentivice __cb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSentivice

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSentivice​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        use setCaseSensitive instead
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setCaseSentivice

        void end_setCaseSentivice​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                           throws ServerError
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • setCaseSensitive

        void setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive)
                       throws ServerError
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
      • setCaseSensitive

        void setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                       throws ServerError
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               Callback_Search_setCaseSensitive __cb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_setCaseSensitive __cb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setCaseSensitive​(boolean caseSensitive,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setCaseSensitive

        void end_setCaseSensitive​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                           throws ServerError
        Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where case-sensitivity is supported.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • isCaseSensitive

        boolean isCaseSensitive()
                         throws ServerError
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
      • isCaseSensitive

        boolean isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                         throws ServerError
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive()
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(Callback_Search_isCaseSensitive __cb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Search_isCaseSensitive __cb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isCaseSensitive

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isCaseSensitive​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_isCaseSensitive

        boolean end_isCaseSensitive​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                             throws ServerError
        Returns the current case sensitivity setting. If setCaseSensitive has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • setUseProjections

        void setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections)
                        throws ServerError
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
      • setUseProjections

        void setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                        throws ServerError
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                Callback_Search_setUseProjections __cb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Callback_Search_setUseProjections __cb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setUseProjections​(boolean useProjections,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setUseProjections

        void end_setUseProjections​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                            throws ServerError
        Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database. Instead all values which are stored in the index will be loaded into the object, which includes the id. However, the entity will not be marked unloaded and therefore it is especially important to not allow a projection-instance to be saved back to the server. This can result in DATA LOSS.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • isUseProjections

        boolean isUseProjections()
                          throws ServerError
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
      • isUseProjections

        boolean isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                          throws ServerError
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections()
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(Callback_Search_isUseProjections __cb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_isUseProjections __cb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isUseProjections

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isUseProjections​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_isUseProjections

        boolean end_isUseProjections​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                              throws ServerError
        Returns the current use-projection setting. If true, the client must be careful with all results that are returned. See setUseProjections for more. If setUseProjections has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • setReturnUnloaded

        void setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded)
                        throws ServerError
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
      • setReturnUnloaded

        void setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                        throws ServerError
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                Callback_Search_setReturnUnloaded __cb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Callback_Search_setReturnUnloaded __cb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setReturnUnloaded​(boolean returnUnloaded,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_setReturnUnloaded

        void end_setReturnUnloaded​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                            throws ServerError
        Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded objects. This is particularly useful for creating lists for further querying via IQuery. This value overrides the setUseProjections setting.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • isReturnUnloaded

        boolean isReturnUnloaded()
                          throws ServerError
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
      • isReturnUnloaded

        boolean isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                          throws ServerError
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded()
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(Callback_Search_isReturnUnloaded __cb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_isReturnUnloaded __cb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isReturnUnloaded

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isReturnUnloaded​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_isReturnUnloaded

        boolean end_isReturnUnloaded​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                              throws ServerError
        Returns the current return-unloaded setting. If true, all returned entities will be unloaded. If setReturnUnloaded has not been called, the default value will be in effect.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      Callback_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      Callback_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_setAllowLeadingWildcard​(boolean allowLeadingWildcard,
                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • isAllowLeadingWildcard

        boolean isAllowLeadingWildcard()
                                throws ServerError
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
      • isAllowLeadingWildcard

        boolean isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                throws ServerError
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard()
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Callback_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     Callback_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard __cb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_isAllowLeadingWildcard

        boolean end_isAllowLeadingWildcard​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                                    throws ServerError
        Returns the current leading-wildcard setting. If false, byFullText and bySomeMustNone will throw an ApiUsageException, since leading-wildcard searches are quite slow. Use setAllowLeadingWildcard in order to permit this usage.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyType

        void onlyType​(java.lang.String klass)
               throws ServerError
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
      • onlyType

        void onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
               throws ServerError
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       Callback_Search_onlyType __cb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       Callback_Search_onlyType __cb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyType

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyType​(java.lang.String klass,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyType

        void end_onlyType​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                   throws ServerError
        Restricts the search to a single type. All return values will match this type.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyTypes

        void onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
                throws ServerError
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
      • onlyTypes

        void onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                throws ServerError
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        Callback_Search_onlyTypes __cb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Callback_Search_onlyTypes __cb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyTypes​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyTypes

        void end_onlyTypes​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                    throws ServerError
        Restricts searches to a set of types. The entities returned are guaranteed to be one of these types.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • allTypes

        void allTypes()
               throws ServerError
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
      • allTypes

        void allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
               throws ServerError
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes()
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       Ice.Callback __cb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(Callback_Search_allTypes __cb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       Callback_Search_allTypes __cb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_allTypes

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_allTypes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                       IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_allTypes

        void end_allTypes​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                   throws ServerError
        Permits all types to be returned. For some types of queries, this carries a performance penalty as every database table must be hit.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyIds

        void onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
              throws ServerError
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
      • onlyIds

        void onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
              throws ServerError
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      Callback_Search_onlyIds __cb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Callback_Search_onlyIds __cb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyIds

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyIds​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        ids - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyIds

        void end_onlyIds​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                  throws ServerError
        Restricts the set of ids which will be checked. This is useful for testing one of the given restrictions on a reduced set of objects.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyOwnedBy

        void onlyOwnedBy​(Details d)
                  throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
      • onlyOwnedBy

        void onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                  throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          Ice.Callback __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Ice.Callback __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          Callback_Search_onlyOwnedBy __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          Callback_Search_onlyOwnedBy __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                          IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyOwnedBy

        void end_onlyOwnedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                      throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • notOwnedBy

        void notOwnedBy​(Details d)
                 throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
      • notOwnedBy

        void notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                 throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         Callback_Search_notOwnedBy __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Callback_Search_notOwnedBy __cb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notOwnedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notOwnedBy​(Details d,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        d - Can be null, in which case the previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_notOwnedBy

        void end_notOwnedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                     throws ServerError
        Uses the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information to restrict the entities which will be returned. If both are non-null, the two restrictions are joined by an AND.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyCreatedBetween

        void onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                RTime stop)
                         throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
      • onlyCreatedBetween

        void onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                RTime stop,
                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                         throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 Callback_Search_onlyCreatedBetween __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 Callback_Search_onlyCreatedBetween __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyCreatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyCreatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                 RTime stop,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval opens to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyCreatedBetween

        void end_onlyCreatedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                             throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have been created.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyModifiedBetween

        void onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                 RTime stop)
                          throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
      • onlyModifiedBetween

        void onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                 RTime stop,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                          throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  Callback_Search_onlyModifiedBetween __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Callback_Search_onlyModifiedBetween __cb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyModifiedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyModifiedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                  RTime stop,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyModifiedBetween

        void end_onlyModifiedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                              throws ServerError
        Restricts the time between which an entity may have last been modified.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyAnnotatedBetween

        void onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                  RTime stop)
                           throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
      • onlyAnnotatedBetween

        void onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                  RTime stop,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                           throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween __cb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween __cb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(RTime start,
                                                   RTime stop,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        start - Can be null, i.e. interval open to negative infinity.
        stop - Can be null, i.e. interval open to positive infinity.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyAnnotatedBetween

        void end_onlyAnnotatedBetween​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                               throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation (which matches the other filters) was added them. This matches the Details.getCreationEvent() creation event of the Annotation.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyAnnotatedBy

        void onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                      throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyAnnotatedBy

        void end_onlyAnnotatedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                          throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As onlyOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • notAnnotatedBy

        void notAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
                     throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
      • notAnnotatedBy

        void notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             Callback_Search_notAnnotatedBy __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_notAnnotatedBy __cb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_notAnnotatedBy

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_notAnnotatedBy​(Details d,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        d - Can be null, in which case any previous restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_notAnnotatedBy

        void end_notAnnotatedBy​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an Annotation matching the other filters. As notOwnedBy, the Details.getOwner() and Details.getGroup() information is combined with an AND condition.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • onlyAnnotatedWith

        void onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
                        throws ServerError
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
      • onlyAnnotatedWith

        void onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                        throws ServerError
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith __cb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith __cb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_onlyAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_onlyAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        classes - Can be empty, in which case restriction is removed.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_onlyAnnotatedWith

        void end_onlyAnnotatedWith​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                            throws ServerError
        Restricts entities to having an Annotation of all the given types. This is useful in combination with the other onlyAnnotated* methods to say, e.g., only annotated with a file by user X. By default, this value is null and imposes no restriction. Passing an empty array implies an object that is not annotated at all. Note: If the semantics were OR, then a client would have to query each class individually, and compare all the various values, checking which ids are where. However, since this method defaults to AND, multiple calls (optionally with isMergedBatches and isReturnUnloaded) and combine the results. Duplicate ids are still possible so a set of some form should be used to collect the results.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • addOrderByAsc

        void addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path)
                    throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        See Also:
      • addOrderByAsc

        void addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                    throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See Also:
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            Callback_Search_addOrderByAsc __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Callback_Search_addOrderByAsc __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByAsc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByAsc​(java.lang.String path,
                                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_addOrderByAsc

        void end_addOrderByAsc​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                        throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        See Also:
      • addOrderByDesc

        void addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path)
                     throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        See Also:
      • addOrderByDesc

        void addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See Also:
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             Callback_Search_addOrderByDesc __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_addOrderByDesc __cb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_addOrderByDesc

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_addOrderByDesc​(java.lang.String path,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        path - Non-null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_addOrderByDesc

        void end_addOrderByDesc​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        A path from the target entity which will be added to the current stack of order statements applied to the query.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        See Also:
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered()
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(Callback_Search_unordered __cb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Callback_Search_unordered __cb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_unordered

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_unordered​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Removes the current stack of order statements.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • fetchAnnotations

        void fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
                       throws ServerError
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
      • fetchAnnotations

        void fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                       throws ServerError
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               Callback_Search_fetchAnnotations __cb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               Callback_Search_fetchAnnotations __cb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAnnotations

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAnnotations​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> classes,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        classes - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_fetchAnnotations

        void end_fetchAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                           throws ServerError
        Queries the database for all Annotation annotations of the given types for all returned instances.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • fetchAlso

        void fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches)
                throws ServerError
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
      • fetchAlso

        void fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                throws ServerError
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Ice.Callback __cb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        Callback_Search_fetchAlso __cb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        Callback_Search_fetchAlso __cb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_fetchAlso

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_fetchAlso​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> fetches,
                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                        IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        fetches - Can be empty, which removes previous fetch setting.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_fetchAlso

        void end_fetchAlso​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                    throws ServerError
        Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of returned entities. Each fetch is a hibernate clause in dot notation.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • resetDefaults

        void resetDefaults()
                    throws ServerError
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
      • resetDefaults

        void resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                    throws ServerError
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults()
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Ice.Callback __cb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(Callback_Search_resetDefaults __cb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            Callback_Search_resetDefaults __cb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_resetDefaults

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_resetDefaults​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                            IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_resetDefaults

        void end_resetDefaults​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                        throws ServerError
        Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original default values, as if the instance had just be created.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byGroupForTags

        void byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group)
                     throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
      • byGroupForTags

        void byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             Callback_Search_byGroupForTags __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_byGroupForTags __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byGroupForTags

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byGroupForTags​(java.lang.String group,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        group - Can be null or empty to return all tags.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byGroupForTags

        void end_byGroupForTags​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tags in the given group. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag. This method will override settings for types.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byTagForGroups

        void byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag)
                     throws ServerError
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
      • byTagForGroups

        void byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             Callback_Search_byTagForGroups __cb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_byTagForGroups __cb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byTagForGroups

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byTagForGroups​(java.lang.String tag,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        tag - Can be null or empty to return all groups.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byTagForGroups

        void end_byTagForGroups​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        Creates a query which will return transient (without ID) TagAnnotation instances which represent all the TagAnnotation tag groups which the given tag belongs to. The entities are transient and without ownership since multiple users can own the same tag group. This method will override settings for types.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byFullText

        void byFullText​(java.lang.String query)
                 throws ServerError
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
      • byFullText

        void byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                 throws ServerError
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Callback_Search_byFullText __cb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Callback_Search_byFullText __cb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byFullText

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byFullText​(java.lang.String query,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byFullText

        void end_byFullText​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                     throws ServerError
        Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byLuceneQueryBuilder

        void byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                  java.lang.String from,
                                  java.lang.String to,
                                  java.lang.String dateType,
                                  java.lang.String query)
                           throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
      • byLuceneQueryBuilder

        void byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                  java.lang.String from,
                                  java.lang.String to,
                                  java.lang.String dateType,
                                  java.lang.String query,
                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                           throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   Ice.Callback __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   Ice.Callback __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   Callback_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   Callback_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(java.lang.String fields,
                                                   java.lang.String from,
                                                   java.lang.String to,
                                                   java.lang.String dateType,
                                                   java.lang.String query,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        fields - The fields (comma separated) to search in (name, description, ...)
        from - The date range from, in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        to - The date range to (inclusive), in the form YYYYMMDD (may be null)
        query - May not be null or of zero length.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byLuceneQueryBuilder

        void end_byLuceneQueryBuilder​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                               throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • bySimilarTerms

        void bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms)
                     throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
      • bySimilarTerms

        void bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             Callback_Search_bySimilarTerms __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_bySimilarTerms __cb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySimilarTerms

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySimilarTerms​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> terms,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        terms - Cannot be empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_bySimilarTerms

        void end_bySimilarTerms​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        Returns transient (without ID) TextAnnotation instances which represent terms which are similar to the given terms. For example, if the argument is cell, one return value might have as its textValue: cellular while another has cellularize. No filtering or fetching is performed.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byHqlQuery

        void byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                        Parameters params)
                 throws ServerError
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        params - May be null. Defaults are then in effect.
      • byHqlQuery

        void byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                        Parameters params,
                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                 throws ServerError
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        params - May be null. Defaults are then in effect.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Ice.Callback __cb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         Callback_Search_byHqlQuery __cb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         Callback_Search_byHqlQuery __cb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byHqlQuery

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byHqlQuery​(java.lang.String query,
                                         Parameters params,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                         IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        query - Not null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byHqlQuery

        void end_byHqlQuery​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                     throws ServerError
        Delegates to omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method to take advantage of the and, or, and not methods, or queue-semantics.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • bySomeMustNone

        void bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> none)
                     throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
      • bySomeMustNone

        void bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                            java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                     throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Ice.Callback __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             Callback_Search_bySomeMustNone __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             Callback_Search_bySomeMustNone __cb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_bySomeMustNone

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_bySomeMustNone​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> some,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> must,
                                             java.util.List<java.lang.String> none,
                                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                             IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        some - Some (at least one) of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        must - All of these terms must be present in the document. May be null.
        none - None of these terms may be present in the document. May be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_bySomeMustNone

        void end_bySomeMustNone​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                         throws ServerError
        Builds a Lucene query and passes it to byFullText.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • byAnnotatedWith

        void byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples)
                      throws ServerError
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
      • byAnnotatedWith

        void byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                             java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                      throws ServerError
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              Callback_Search_byAnnotatedWith __cb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Search_byAnnotatedWith __cb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_byAnnotatedWith

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_byAnnotatedWith​(java.util.List<Annotation> examples,
                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        examples - Not empty.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_byAnnotatedWith

        void end_byAnnotatedWith​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                          throws ServerError
        Finds entities annotated with an Annotation similar to the example. This does not use Hibernate's omero.api.IQuery.findByExample Query-By-Example} mechanism, since that cannot handle joins. The fields which are used are: If the main content is null it is assumed to be a wildcard searched, and only the type of the annotation is searched. Currently, ListAnnotations are not supported.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • clearQueries

        void clearQueries()
                   throws ServerError
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
      • clearQueries

        void clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                   throws ServerError
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries()
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(Callback_Search_clearQueries __cb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           Callback_Search_clearQueries __cb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_clearQueries

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_clearQueries​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_clearQueries

        void end_clearQueries​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                       throws ServerError
        Removes all active queries (leaving resetDefaults settings alone), such that activeQueries will return 0.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • and

        void and()
          throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

      • and

        void and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
          throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and()
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(Callback_Search_and __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  Callback_Search_and __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_and

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_and​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_and

        void end_and​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
              throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return only the Images with TagAnnotations.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • or

        void or()
         throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
      • or

        void or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
         throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or()
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(Callback_Search_or __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                 Callback_Search_or __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_or

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_or​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_or

        void end_or​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
             throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next or results sees only the union of the two calls. For example,
        will return both Images and Datasets together. Calling this method overrides a previous setting of and or not. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • not

        void not()
          throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

      • not

        void not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
          throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not()
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(Callback_Search_not __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  Callback_Search_not __cb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_not

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_not​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_not

        void end_not​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
              throws ServerError
        Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so that a call hasNext, next, or results sees only the intersection of the two calls. For example,
        will return all the Images not annotated with TagAnnotation.

        Calling this method overrides a previous setting of or or and. If there is no active queries (i.e. activeQueries > 0), then an ApiUsageException will be thrown.

        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
                 throws ServerError
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                 throws ServerError
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext()
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(Callback_Search_hasNext __cb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Callback_Search_hasNext __cb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_hasNext

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_hasNext​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_hasNext

        boolean end_hasNext​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                     throws ServerError
        Returns true if another call to next is valid. A call to next may throw an exception for another reason, however.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • next

        IObject next()
              throws ServerError
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        ApiUsageException - if {code hasNext} returns false.
      • next

        IObject next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
              throws ServerError
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        ApiUsageException - if {code hasNext} returns false.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next()
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                   Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(Callback_Search_next __cb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                   Callback_Search_next __cb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_next

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_next​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<IObject> __responseCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                   IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_next

        IObject end_next​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                  throws ServerError
        Returns the next entity from the current query. If the previous call returned the last entity from a given query, the first entity from the next query will be returned and activeQueries decremented. Since this method only returns the entity itself, a single call to currentMetadata may follow this call to gather the extra metadata which is returned in the map via results.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        ApiUsageException - if {code hasNext} returns false.
      • results

        java.util.List<IObject> results()
                                 throws ServerError
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        ApiUsageException - if hasNext returns false.
      • results

        java.util.List<IObject> results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                 throws ServerError
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        ApiUsageException - if hasNext returns false.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results()
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(Callback_Search_results __cb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      Callback_Search_results __cb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_results

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_results​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_results

        java.util.List<IObject> end_results​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                                     throws ServerError
        Returns up to getBatchSize batch size number of results along with the related query metadata. If isMergedBatches batches are merged then the results from multiple queries may be returned together.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
        ApiUsageException - if hasNext returns false.
      • currentMetadata

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> currentMetadata()
                                                                  throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
      • currentMetadata

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                  throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata()
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(Callback_Search_currentMetadata __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              Callback_Search_currentMetadata __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadata

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadata​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_currentMetadata

        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation> end_currentMetadata​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                                                                      throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to next. This method may only be called once for any given call to next.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • currentMetadataList

        java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> currentMetadataList()
                                                                                      throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
      • currentMetadataList

        java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                      throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList()
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(Callback_Search_currentMetadataList __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Callback_Search_currentMetadataList __cb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_currentMetadataList

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_currentMetadataList​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_currentMetadataList

        java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Annotation>> end_currentMetadataList​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                                                                                          throws ServerError
        Provides access to the extra query information (for example Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to results. This method may only be called once for any given call to results.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.
      • remove

        void remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
             throws ServerError
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove()
        Unsupported operation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(Ice.Callback __cb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                     Ice.Callback __cb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(Callback_Search_remove __cb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                     Callback_Search_remove __cb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_remove

        Ice.AsyncResult begin_remove​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_VoidCallback __responseCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Unsupported operation.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_remove

        void end_remove​(Ice.AsyncResult __result)
                 throws ServerError
        Unsupported operation.
        __result - The asynchronous result object.