Package omero.api

Class IMetadataPrxHelper

    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String[] __ids  
      static long serialVersionUID  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void __countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RLong> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __countSpecifiedAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RLong> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __getTaggedObjectsCount_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadAnnotation_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<Annotation>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<IObject>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadChannelAcquisitionData_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadInstrument_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<Instrument> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadLogFiles_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadSpecifiedAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<Annotation>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadTagContent_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static void __loadTagSets_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<IObject>> __cb, Ice.AsyncResult __result)  
      static IMetadataPrx __read​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)  
      static void __write​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os, IMetadataPrx v)  
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, Callback_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount __cb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount __cb)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotation __cb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotation __cb)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotations __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotations __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData __cb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Callback_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData __cb)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadInstrument __cb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id, Callback_IMetadata_loadInstrument __cb)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadLogFiles __cb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Callback_IMetadata_loadLogFiles __cb)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo __cb)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadTagContent __cb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_loadTagContent __cb)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Ice.Callback __cb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb, IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx, Callback_IMetadata_loadTagSets __cb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options, Callback_IMetadata_loadTagSets __cb)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type.
      static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type.
      static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type.
      static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type.
      RLong countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      RLong countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      RLong countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      RLong countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      RLong end_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      RLong end_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> end_getTaggedObjectsCount​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      java.util.List<Annotation> end_loadAnnotation​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      java.util.List<IObject> end_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      java.util.List<LogicalChannel> end_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Instrument end_loadInstrument​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadLogFiles​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      java.util.List<Annotation> end_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> end_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadTagContent​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      java.util.List<IObject> end_loadTagSets​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
      static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
      Provides the Slice type ID of this type.
      java.util.List<Annotation> loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      java.util.List<Annotation> loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the specified annotations.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds.
      java.util.List<IObject> loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      java.util.List<IObject> loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType, long userID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
      java.util.List<LogicalChannel> loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      java.util.List<LogicalChannel> loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
      Instrument loadInstrument​(long id)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      Instrument loadInstrument​(long id, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
      java.util.List<Annotation> loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      java.util.List<Annotation> loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the annotations of a given type.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType, java.util.List<java.lang.String> include, java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude, java.lang.String rootNodeType, java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids, Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
      java.util.List<IObject> loadTagSets​(Parameters options)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      java.util.List<IObject> loadTagSets​(Parameters options, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
      Loads all the TagSets.
      static IMetadataPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      static IMetadataPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj, java.lang.String __facet)
      Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
      • Methods inherited from class Ice.ObjectPrxHelperBase

        __checkAsyncTwowayOnly, __checkTwowayOnly, __copyFrom, __end, __getBatchRequestQueue, __getRequestHandler, __handleException, __ice_getConnection_completed, __ice_id_completed, __ice_ids_completed, __ice_invoke_completed, __ice_isA_completed, __reference, __setRequestHandler, __setup, __updateRequestHandler, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, cacheMessageBuffers, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, checkedCastImpl, end_ice_flushBatchRequests, end_ice_getConnection, end_ice_id, end_ice_ids, end_ice_invoke, end_ice_isA, end_ice_ping, equals, getOutgoingAsync, hashCode, ice_adapterId, ice_batchDatagram, ice_batchOneway, ice_collocationOptimized, ice_compress, ice_connectionCached, ice_connectionId, ice_context, ice_datagram, ice_encodingVersion, ice_endpoints, ice_endpointSelection, ice_facet, ice_flushBatchRequests, ice_getAdapterId, ice_getCachedConnection, ice_getCommunicator, ice_getConnection, ice_getConnectionId, ice_getContext, ice_getEncodingVersion, ice_getEndpoints, ice_getEndpointSelection, ice_getFacet, ice_getIdentity, ice_getInvocationTimeout, ice_getLocator, ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout, ice_getRouter, ice_id, ice_id, ice_identity, ice_ids, ice_ids, ice_invocationTimeout, ice_invoke, ice_invoke, ice_isA, ice_isA, ice_isBatchDatagram, ice_isBatchOneway, ice_isCollocationOptimized, ice_isConnectionCached, ice_isDatagram, ice_isOneway, ice_isPreferSecure, ice_isSecure, ice_isTwoway, ice_locator, ice_locatorCacheTimeout, ice_oneway, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_preferSecure, ice_router, ice_secure, ice_timeout, ice_twoway, toString, uncheckedCastImpl, uncheckedCastImpl, uncheckedCastImpl
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.ObjectPrx

        begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_flushBatchRequests, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_getConnection, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_id, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_ids, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_invoke, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_isA, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, begin_ice_ping, end_ice_flushBatchRequests, end_ice_getConnection, end_ice_id, end_ice_ids, end_ice_invoke, end_ice_isA, end_ice_ping, equals, ice_adapterId, ice_batchDatagram, ice_batchOneway, ice_collocationOptimized, ice_compress, ice_connectionCached, ice_connectionId, ice_context, ice_datagram, ice_encodingVersion, ice_endpoints, ice_endpointSelection, ice_facet, ice_flushBatchRequests, ice_getAdapterId, ice_getCachedConnection, ice_getCommunicator, ice_getConnection, ice_getConnectionId, ice_getContext, ice_getEncodingVersion, ice_getEndpoints, ice_getEndpointSelection, ice_getFacet, ice_getIdentity, ice_getInvocationTimeout, ice_getLocator, ice_getLocatorCacheTimeout, ice_getRouter, ice_id, ice_id, ice_identity, ice_ids, ice_ids, ice_invocationTimeout, ice_invoke, ice_invoke, ice_isA, ice_isA, ice_isBatchDatagram, ice_isBatchOneway, ice_isCollocationOptimized, ice_isConnectionCached, ice_isDatagram, ice_isOneway, ice_isPreferSecure, ice_isSecure, ice_isTwoway, ice_locator, ice_locatorCacheTimeout, ice_oneway, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_preferSecure, ice_router, ice_secure, ice_timeout, ice_twoway
    • Field Detail

      • __ids

        public static final java.lang.String[] __ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • IMetadataPrxHelper

        public IMetadataPrxHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public RLong countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                  long userID)
                                           throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        userID - The identifier of the user.
        See above.
      • countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public RLong countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                  long userID,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                           throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        userID - The identifier of the user.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  Callback_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                  Callback_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                  long userID,
                                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public RLong end_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                               throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        end_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        See above.
      • __countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed

        public static void __countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RLong> __cb,
                                                                    Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public RLong countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                               Parameters options)
                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        See above.
      • countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public RLong countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                               Parameters options,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                               Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               Callback_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                               Callback_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                               Parameters options,
                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<RLong> __responseCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                               IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
        Specified by:
        begin_countSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - The collection of name space, one of the constants defined by this class.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • __countSpecifiedAnnotations_completed

        public static void __countSpecifiedAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<RLong> __cb,
                                                                 Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • getTaggedObjectsCount

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                                        Parameters options)
                                                                                 throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        options - The POJO options.
        See above.
      • getTaggedObjectsCount

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                                        Parameters options,
                                                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                 throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                           Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           Callback_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                           Callback_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_getTaggedObjectsCount​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                           Parameters options,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __responseCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                           IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        begin_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_getTaggedObjectsCount

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long> end_getTaggedObjectsCount​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                                     throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
        Specified by:
        end_getTaggedObjectsCount in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        See above.
      • __getTaggedObjectsCount_completed

        public static void __getTaggedObjectsCount_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long>> __cb,
                                                             Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadAnnotation

        public java.util.List<Annotation> loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds)
                                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        See above.
      • loadAnnotation

        public java.util.List<Annotation> loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotation __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotation __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotation

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotation​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotationIds,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the specified annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotation in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationIds - The collection of annotation ids.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • __loadAnnotation_completed

        public static void __loadAnnotation_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<Annotation>> __cb,
                                                      Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadAnnotations

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                                                           Parameters options)
                                                                                    throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        A map whose key is rootId and value the Map of all annotations for that node or null.
      • loadAnnotations

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                                                           Parameters options,
                                                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                    throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A map whose key is rootId and value the Map of all annotations for that node or null.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotations​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootIds,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.String> annotationTypes,
                                                     java.util.List<java.lang.Long> annotatorIds,
                                                     Parameters options,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                     IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - The type of the nodes the annotations are linked to. Mustn't be null.
        rootIds - Ids of the objects of type rootType. Mustn't be null.
        annotationTypes - The types of annotation to retrieve. If null all annotations will be loaded. String of the type omero.model.annotations.*.
        annotatorIds - Ids of the users for whom annotations should be retrieved. If null, all annotations returned.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadAnnotations

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been attached to the specified rootNodes for the specified annotatorIds. If no types specified, all annotations will be loaded. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, then the entry will be null. Otherwise it will be a Map containing Annotation objects.
        Specified by:
        end_loadAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        A map whose key is rootId and value the Map of all annotations for that node or null.
      • __loadAnnotations_completed

        public static void __loadAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb,
                                                       Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public java.util.List<IObject> loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                   long userID)
                                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        userID - The identifier of the user.
        See above.
      • loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public java.util.List<IObject> loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                   long userID,
                                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        userID - The identifier of the user.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                 Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                 long userID,
                                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned

        public java.util.List<IObject> end_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified user but not owned by the user.
        Specified by:
        end_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        See above.
      • __loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed

        public static void __loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<IObject>> __cb,
                                                                   Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public java.util.List<LogicalChannel> loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
                                                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        The collection of loaded logical channels.
      • loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public java.util.List<LogicalChannel> loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The collection of loaded logical channels.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                Callback_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                Callback_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __responseCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The collection of logical channel's ids. Mustn't be null.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadChannelAcquisitionData

        public java.util.List<LogicalChannel> end_loadChannelAcquisitionData​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                      throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata related to them.
        Specified by:
        end_loadChannelAcquisitionData in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        The collection of loaded logical channels.
      • __loadChannelAcquisitionData_completed

        public static void __loadChannelAcquisitionData_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<LogicalChannel>> __cb,
                                                                  Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadInstrument

        public Instrument loadInstrument​(long id)
                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        See above
      • loadInstrument

        public Instrument loadInstrument​(long id,
                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadInstrument __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadInstrument __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadInstrument

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadInstrument​(long id,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Instrument> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        id - The id of the instrument to load.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadInstrument

        public Instrument end_loadInstrument​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                      throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the instrument and its components i.e. detectors, objectives, etc.
        Specified by:
        end_loadInstrument in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        See above
      • __loadInstrument_completed

        public static void __loadInstrument_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<Instrument> __cb,
                                                      Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadLogFiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                                                        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
                                                                                 throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        the original file IDs of the import logs
      • loadLogFiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                                                        java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                                        java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                 throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        the original file IDs of the import logs
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  Callback_IMetadata_loadLogFiles __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  Callback_IMetadata_loadLogFiles __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadLogFiles

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadLogFiles​(java.lang.String rootType,
                                                  java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                  IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        rootType - the root node type, may be Image or Fileset
        ids - the IDs of the entities for which the import log original file IDs are required
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadLogFiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadLogFiles​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                                     throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Finds the original file IDs for the import logs corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
        Specified by:
        end_loadLogFiles in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        the original file IDs of the import logs
      • __loadLogFiles_completed

        public static void __loadLogFiles_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb,
                                                    Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public java.util.List<Annotation> loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                   java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                   java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                   Parameters options)
                                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - Include the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public java.util.List<Annotation> loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                   java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                   java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                   Parameters options,
                                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - Include the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                              Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                              Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                              java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                              Parameters options,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<Annotation>> __responseCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                              IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadSpecifiedAnnotations

        public java.util.List<Annotation> end_loadSpecifiedAnnotations​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the annotations of a given type. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations.
        Specified by:
        end_loadSpecifiedAnnotations in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • __loadSpecifiedAnnotations_completed

        public static void __loadSpecifiedAnnotations_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<Annotation>> __cb,
                                                                Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                                                               java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                                                               Parameters options)
                                                                                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - Include the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        options - The POJO options.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                                                               java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                                                               java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                                                               Parameters options,
                                                                                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                                        throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        include - Include the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                      Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                      Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(java.lang.String annotationType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> include,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.String> exclude,
                                                                      java.lang.String rootNodeType,
                                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Long> rootNodeIds,
                                                                      Parameters options,
                                                                      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __responseCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                                      IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        annotationType - The type of annotations to load.
        exclude - Exclude the annotations with the specified name spaces.
        rootNodeType - The type of objects the annotations are linked to.
        rootNodeIds - The identifiers of the objects.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>> end_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the specified objects. It is possible to filter the annotations by including or excluding name spaces set on the annotations. This method looks for the annotations that have been attached to each of the specified objects. It then maps each rootNodeId onto the set of annotations that were found for that node. If no annotations were found for that node, the map will not contain an entry for that node. Otherwise it will be a Set containing Annotation objects. The rootNodeType supported are: Project, Dataset, Image, Pixels, Screen, Plate, PlateAcquisition, Well, Fileset.
        Specified by:
        end_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        A collection of found annotations.
      • __loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo_completed

        public static void __loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<Annotation>>> __cb,
                                                                        Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadTagContent

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                                          Parameters options)
                                                                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        Map whose key is a Tag/TagSet and the value either a Map or a list of related DataObject.
      • loadTagContent

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                                                          Parameters options,
                                                                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                                                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        Map whose key is a Tag/TagSet and the value either a Map or a list of related DataObject.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadTagContent __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    Callback_IMetadata_loadTagContent __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagContent

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagContent​(java.util.List<java.lang.Long> ids,
                                                    Parameters options,
                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __responseCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                    IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        ids - The id of the tag to load or -1.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadTagContent

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>> end_loadTagContent​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                                                       throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads all the TagSet.
        Specified by:
        end_loadTagContent in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        Map whose key is a Tag/TagSet and the value either a Map or a list of related DataObject.
      • __loadTagContent_completed

        public static void __loadTagContent_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.Map<java.lang.Long,​java.util.List<IObject>>> __cb,
                                                      Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • loadTagSets

        public java.util.List<IObject> loadTagSets​(Parameters options)
                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        See above.
      • loadTagSets

        public java.util.List<IObject> loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
                                            throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        See above.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 Ice.Callback __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 Callback_IMetadata_loadTagSets __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 Callback_IMetadata_loadTagSets __cb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __cb - The asynchronous callback object.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • begin_loadTagSets

        public Ice.AsyncResult begin_loadTagSets​(Parameters options,
                                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<java.util.List<IObject>> __responseCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.UserException> __userExceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_GenericCallback1<Ice.Exception> __exceptionCb,
                                                 IceInternal.Functional_BoolCallback __sentCb)
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        begin_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        options - The POJO options.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        __responseCb - The lambda response callback.
        __userExceptionCb - The lambda user exception callback.
        __exceptionCb - The lambda exception callback.
        __sentCb - The lambda sent callback.
        The asynchronous result object.
      • end_loadTagSets

        public java.util.List<IObject> end_loadTagSets​(Ice.AsyncResult __iresult)
                                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: IMetadataPrx
        Loads all the TagSets. Returns a collection of AnnotationAnnotatioLink objects and, if the orphan parameters is true, the TagAnnotation object. Note that the difference between a TagSet and a Tag is made using the NS_INSIGHT_TAG_SET namespace.
        Specified by:
        end_loadTagSets in interface IMetadataPrx
        __iresult - The asynchronous result object.
        See above.
      • __loadTagSets_completed

        public static void __loadTagSets_completed​(Ice.TwowayCallbackArg1UE<java.util.List<IObject>> __cb,
                                                   Ice.AsyncResult __result)
      • checkedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                               java.lang.String __facet)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • checkedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx checkedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                               java.lang.String __facet,
                                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> __ctx)
        Contacts the remote server to verify that a facet of the object implements this type. Raises a local exception if a communication error occurs.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        __ctx - The Context map to send with the invocation.
        A proxy for this type, or null if the object does not support this type.
      • uncheckedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj)
        Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        A proxy for this type.
      • uncheckedCast

        public static IMetadataPrx uncheckedCast​(Ice.ObjectPrx __obj,
                                                 java.lang.String __facet)
        Downcasts the given proxy to this type without contacting the remote server.
        __obj - The untyped proxy.
        __facet - The name of the desired facet.
        A proxy for this type.
      • ice_staticId

        public static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
        Provides the Slice type ID of this type.
        The Slice type ID.
      • __write

        public static void __write​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os,
                                   IMetadataPrx v)
      • __read

        public static IMetadataPrx __read​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)