Package omero.api

Interface AMD_IContainer_loadContainerHierarchy

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface AMD_IContainer_loadContainerHierarchy
    extends Ice.AMDCallback
    Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node (unless orphan is specified -- See below)

    This method also retrieves the Experimenters linked to the objects in the tree. Similarly, all Images will be linked to their Pixel objects if included.

    Note that objects are never duplicated. For example, if an Experimenter owns all the objects in the retrieved tree, then those objects will be linked to the same instance of Experimenter. Or if an Image is contained in more than one Dataset in the retrieved tree, then all enclosing Dataset objects will point to the same Image object. And so on.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void ice_response​(java.util.List<IObject> __ret)
      ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.AMDCallback

    • Method Detail

      • ice_response

        void ice_response​(java.util.List<IObject> __ret)
        ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
        __ret - (return value) a set of hierarchy trees. The requested node as root and all of its descendants. The type of the returned value will be rootNodeType, unless orphan is specified in which case objects of type rootNodeType and below may be returned.