Class ThumbnailStoreI

    • Constructor Detail

      • ThumbnailStoreI

        public ThumbnailStoreI​(ome.api.ThumbnailStore service,
                               BlitzExecutor be)
    • Method Detail

      • createThumbnail_async

        public void createThumbnail_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnail __cb,
                                          RInt sizeX,
                                          RInt sizeY,
                                          Ice.Current __current)
                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Creates a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache.
        Specified by:
        createThumbnail_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        sizeX - the X-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet_async

        public void createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet __cb,
                                                           RInt size,
                                                           java.util.List<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds,
                                                           Ice.Current __current)
                                                    throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Creates thumbnails for a number of pixels sets using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache. Unlike the other thumbnail creation methods, this method may be called without first calling setPixelsId. This method will not reset or modify rendering settings in any way. If rendering settings for a pixels set are not present, thumbnail creation for that pixels set will not be performed.
        Specified by:
        createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        size - the size of the longest side of the thumbnail requested. null specifies the default size of 48.
        pixelsIds - the Pixels sets to retrieve thumbnails for.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect_async

        public void getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect __cb,
                                                          RInt size,
                                                          Ice.Current __current)
                                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef). The Thumbnail will always be created directly, ignoring the on-disk cache. The longest side of the image will be used to calculate the size for the smaller side in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        size - the size of the longest side of the thumbnail requested. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailByLongestSideSet_async

        public void getThumbnailByLongestSideSet_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideSet __cb,
                                                       RInt size,
                                                       java.util.List<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds,
                                                       Ice.Current __current)
                                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef). If the Thumbnails exist in the on-disk cache they will be returned directly, otherwise they will be created as in getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect. The longest side of the image will be used to calculate the size for the smaller side in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original image. Unlike the other thumbnail retrieval methods, this method may be called without first calling setPixelsId.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailByLongestSideSet_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        size - the size of the longest side of the thumbnail requested. null specifies the default size of 48.
        pixelsIds - the Pixels sets to retrieve thumbnails for.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailByLongestSide_async

        public void getThumbnailByLongestSide_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSide __cb,
                                                    RInt size,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
                                             throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef). If the thumbnail exists in the on-disk cache it will be returned directly, otherwise it will be created as in getThumbnailDirect, placed in the on-disk cache and returned. The longest side of the image will be used to calculate the size for the smaller side in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailByLongestSide_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        size - the size of the longest side of the thumbnail requested. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailDirect_async

        public void getThumbnailDirect_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailDirect __cb,
                                             RInt sizeX,
                                             RInt sizeY,
                                             Ice.Current __current)
                                      throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef). The Thumbnail will always be created directly, ignoring the on-disk cache.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailDirect_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        sizeX - the X-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect_async

        public void getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect __cb,
                                                                    int theZ,
                                                                    int theT,
                                                                    RInt size,
                                                                    Ice.Current __current)
                                                             throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section. The Thumbnail will always be created directly, ignoring the on-disk cache. The longest side of the image will be used to calculate the size for the smaller side in order to keep the aspect ratio of the original image.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        theZ - the optical section (offset across the Z-axis) to use.
        theT - the timepoint (offset across the T-axis) to use.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailForSectionDirect_async

        public void getThumbnailForSectionDirect_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionDirect __cb,
                                                       int theZ,
                                                       int theT,
                                                       RInt sizeX,
                                                       RInt sizeY,
                                                       Ice.Current __current)
                                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section. The Thumbnail will always be created directly, ignoring the on-disk cache.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailForSectionDirect_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        theZ - the optical section (offset across the Z-axis) to use.
        theT - the timepoint (offset across the T-axis) to use.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailSet_async

        public void getThumbnailSet_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailSet __cb,
                                          RInt sizeX,
                                          RInt sizeY,
                                          java.util.List<java.lang.Long> pixelsIds,
                                          Ice.Current __current)
                                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef). If the thumbnails exist in the on-disk cache they will be returned directly, otherwise they will be created as in getThumbnailDirect, placed in the on-disk cache and returned. Unlike the other thumbnail retrieval methods, this method may be called without first calling setPixelsId.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailSet_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        sizeX - the X-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        pixelsIds - the Pixels sets to retrieve thumbnails for.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnail_async

        public void getThumbnail_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnail __cb,
                                       RInt sizeX,
                                       RInt sizeY,
                                       Ice.Current __current)
                                throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef). If the thumbnail exists in the on-disk cache it will be returned directly, otherwise it will be created as in getThumbnailDirect, placed in the on-disk cache and returned. If the thumbnail is missing, a clock will be returned to signify that the thumbnail is yet to be generated.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnail_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        sizeX - the X-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getThumbnailWithoutDefault_async

        public void getThumbnailWithoutDefault_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailWithoutDefault __cb,
                                                     RInt sizeX,
                                                     RInt sizeY,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
                                              throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef). If the thumbnail exists in the on-disk cache it will be returned directly, otherwise it will be created as in getThumbnailDirect, placed in the on-disk cache and returned. If the thumbnail is still to be generated, an empty array will be returned.
        Specified by:
        getThumbnailWithoutDefault_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        sizeX - the X-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        sizeY - the Y-axis width of the thumbnail. null specifies the default size of 48.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • setRenderingDefId_async

        public void setRenderingDefId_async​(AMD_ThumbnailStore_setRenderingDefId __cb,
                                            long renderingDefId,
                                            Ice.Current __current)
                                     throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        This method manages the state of the service; it should be invoked directly after setPixelsId. If it is not invoked with a valid rendering definition ID before using the thumbnail accessor methods execution continues as if renderingDefId were set to null.
        Specified by:
        setRenderingDefId_async in interface _ThumbnailStoreOperations
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        renderingDefId - an RenderingDef id. null specifies the user's currently active rendering settings to be used.
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • preClose

        protected void preClose​(Ice.Current current)
                         throws java.lang.Throwable
        Specified by:
        preClose in class AbstractCloseableAmdServant
      • postClose

        protected void postClose​(Ice.Current current)
        Description copied from class: AbstractCloseableAmdServant
        Should not throw any exceptions which should be detected by clients since it is called in a finally block after the client thread has been released.
        Specified by:
        postClose in class AbstractCloseableAmdServant