Class TransferState

    • Constructor Detail

      • TransferState

        public TransferState​( file,
                             int index,
                             int total,
                             ImportProcessPrx proc,
                             ImportLibrary library,
                             TimeEstimator estimator,
                             ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProvider cp,
                             byte[] buf)
        State of the current file transfer.
        file - Source file which is to be transferred.
        index - Which of the total files to upload this is.
        total - Total number of files to upload.
        proc - ImportProcessPrx which is being imported to.
        library - ImportLibrary to use for notifications.
        estimator - a time-to-completion estimator.
        cp - a checksum provider, for calculating file content checksums.
        buf - optional buffer. Need not be used or updated.
        Throws: - I/O exception
        ServerError - server error
    • Method Detail

      • getBuffer

        public byte[] getBuffer()
        (Not thread safe) Get a moderately large buffer for use in reading/writing data. To prevent the creation of many MB-sized byte arrays, this value can be re-used but requires external synchronization.
        the buffer
      • getChecksum

        public java.lang.String getChecksum()
        Get the digest string for the local file. This will only be available, i.e. non-null, after save() has been called.
        the checksum
      • getChecksumProvider

        public ome.util.checksum.ChecksumProvider getChecksumProvider()
        Get the ChecksumProvider passed to the constructor. Since the ChecksumProvider has a number of different usage styles, TransferState doesn't attempt to delegate but just returns the instance.
        the checksum provider used for calculating the checksum
      • getFile

        public getFile()
        Return the target file passed to the constructor.
        the source file
      • getLength

        public long getLength()
        Return the length of the target file.
        the length of the source file
      • getOriginalFile

        public OriginalFile getOriginalFile()
                                     throws ServerError
        Find original file as defined by the ID in the RawFileStorePrx regardless of group.
        the original file from the upload process
        ServerError - server error
      • getRootFile

        public OriginalFile getRootFile()
                                 throws ServerError
        Find original file represented by the managed repository that import is taking place to.
        the original file at the root of the repository targeted by the upload process
        ServerError - server error
      • closeUploader

        public void closeUploader()
        Call StatefulServiceInterfacePrx.close() on the cached uploader instance if non-null and null the instance. If ObjectNotExistException is thrown, the service is assumed closed. All other exceptions will be printed at WARN.
      • uploadBytes

        public void uploadBytes​(long offset)
        Raise the ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_BYTES event to all observers.
        offset - how many bytes are uploaded
      • uploadComplete

        public void uploadComplete​(long offset)
        Raise the ImportEvent.FILE_UPLOAD_COMPLETE event to all observers.
        offset - how many bytes are uploaded
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Description copied from interface: TimeEstimator
        Stops the time counting and updates the internal time counter.
        Specified by:
        stop in interface TimeEstimator
      • stop

        public void stop​(long uploadedBytes)
        Description copied from interface: TimeEstimator
        Stops the time counting and updates the internal updates the internal time counter and counter of total number of transmitted bytes.
        Specified by:
        stop in interface TimeEstimator
        uploadedBytes - Number of bytes uploaded in a single time frame that is being sampled.
      • getUploadTimeLeft

        public long getUploadTimeLeft()
        Description copied from interface: TimeEstimator
        Return the estimated time left in milliseconds based on the calls to start and stop methods.
        Specified by:
        getUploadTimeLeft in interface TimeEstimator
        The estimated time remaining. The value 0 is returned if stop hasn't been called at least once before calling this method.