Interface | Description |
_ClientCallbackOperations |
Primary callback interface for interaction between client and
server session (""ServiceFactory"").
_ClientCallbackOperationsNC |
Primary callback interface for interaction between client and
server session (""ServiceFactory"").
_ExporterOperations |
Stateful service for generating OME-XML or OME-TIFF from data stored
_ExporterOperationsNC |
Stateful service for generating OME-XML or OME-TIFF from data stored
_IAdminOperations |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_IAdminOperationsNC |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_IConfigOperations |
Access to server configuration.
_IConfigOperationsNC |
Access to server configuration.
_IContainerOperations |
Provides methods for dealing with the core Pojos of OME.
_IContainerOperationsNC |
Provides methods for dealing with the core Pojos of OME.
_ILdapOperations |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_ILdapOperationsNC |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_IMetadataOperations |
Provides method to interact with acquisition metadata and
_IMetadataOperationsNC |
Provides method to interact with acquisition metadata and
_IPixelsOperations |
Metadata gateway for the
RenderingEngine and
clients. |
_IPixelsOperationsNC |
Metadata gateway for the
RenderingEngine and
clients. |
_IProjectionOperations |
Provides methods for performing projections of Pixels sets.
_IProjectionOperationsNC |
Provides methods for performing projections of Pixels sets.
_IQueryOperations |
Provides methods for directly querying object graphs.
_IQueryOperationsNC |
Provides methods for directly querying object graphs.
_IRenderingSettingsOperations |
Provides method to apply rendering settings to a collection of
_IRenderingSettingsOperationsNC |
Provides method to apply rendering settings to a collection of
_IRepositoryInfoOperations |
Provides methods for obtaining information for server repository
disk space allocation.
_IRepositoryInfoOperationsNC |
Provides methods for obtaining information for server repository
disk space allocation.
_IRoiOperations |
Interface for working with regions of interest.
_IRoiOperationsNC |
Interface for working with regions of interest.
_IScriptOperations |
Utility service for managing and launching scripts for execution by the Processor API.
_IScriptOperationsNC |
Utility service for managing and launching scripts for execution by the Processor API.
_ISessionOperations |
Session creation service for OMERO. |
_ISessionOperationsNC |
Session creation service for OMERO. |
_IShareOperations |
Provides method for sharing - collaboration process for images,
datasets, projects.
_IShareOperationsNC |
Provides method for sharing - collaboration process for images,
datasets, projects.
_ITimelineOperations |
Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and
modification time.
_ITimelineOperationsNC |
Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and
modification time.
_ITypesOperations |
Access to reflective type information.
_ITypesOperationsNC |
Access to reflective type information.
_IUpdateOperations |
Provides methods for directly updating object graphs.
_IUpdateOperationsNC |
Provides methods for directly updating object graphs.
_JobHandleOperations |
Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.
_JobHandleOperationsNC |
Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.
_MetadataStoreOperations |
Server-side interface for import.
_MetadataStoreOperationsNC |
Server-side interface for import.
_PyramidServiceOperations | |
_PyramidServiceOperationsNC | |
_RawFileStoreOperations |
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
_RawFileStoreOperationsNC |
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
_RawPixelsStoreOperations |
Binary data provider.
_RawPixelsStoreOperationsNC |
Binary data provider.
_RenderingEngineOperations |
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
_RenderingEngineOperationsNC |
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
_SearchOperations |
Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries.
_SearchOperationsNC |
Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries.
_ServiceFactoryOperations |
Starting point for all OMERO.blitz interaction.
_ServiceFactoryOperationsNC |
Starting point for all OMERO.blitz interaction.
_ServiceInterfaceOperations |
Service marker similar to ome.api.ServiceInterface.
_ServiceInterfaceOperationsNC |
Service marker similar to ome.api.ServiceInterface.
_StatefulServiceInterfaceOperations |
Service marker for stateful services which permits the closing
of a particular service before the destruction of the session.
_StatefulServiceInterfaceOperationsNC |
Service marker for stateful services which permits the closing
of a particular service before the destruction of the session.
_ThumbnailStoreOperations |
Provides methods for dealing with thumbnails.
_ThumbnailStoreOperationsNC |
Provides methods for dealing with thumbnails.
AMD_Exporter_addImage |
Adds a single image with basic metadata to the Exporter for inclusion
on the next call to getBytes().
AMD_Exporter_generateTiff |
Generates an OME-TIFF file.
AMD_Exporter_generateXml |
Generates an OME-XML file.
AMD_Exporter_read |
length bytes from the output file. |
AMD_IAdmin_addGroupOwners |
Adds the given users to the owner list for this group.
AMD_IAdmin_addGroups |
Adds a user to the given groups.
AMD_IAdmin_canUpdate |
Returns true if the currently logged in user can modify the
IObject . |
AMD_IAdmin_changeExpiredCredentials |
Used after an
instance is thrown. |
AMD_IAdmin_changeGroup | Deprecated
changeGroup() is deprecated.
AMD_IAdmin_changeOwner | Deprecated
changeOwner() is deprecated.
AMD_IAdmin_changePassword |
Changes the password for the current user.
AMD_IAdmin_changePasswordWithOldPassword |
Changes the password for the current user by passing the
old password.
AMD_IAdmin_changePermissions | Deprecated
changePermissions() is deprecated.
AMD_IAdmin_changeUserPassword |
Changes the password for the a given user.
AMD_IAdmin_containedExperimenters |
Fetches all
Experimenter users
contained in this group. |
AMD_IAdmin_containedGroups |
Fetches all
ExperimenterGroup groups of
which the given user is a member. |
AMD_IAdmin_createExperimenter |
Creates and returns a new user in the given groups.
AMD_IAdmin_createExperimenterWithPassword |
Creates and returns a new user in the given groups with
AMD_IAdmin_createGroup |
Creates and returns a new group.
AMD_IAdmin_createRestrictedSystemUser |
Creates and returns a new system user.
AMD_IAdmin_createRestrictedSystemUserWithPassword |
Creates and returns a new system user.
AMD_IAdmin_createSystemUser |
Creates and returns a new system user.
AMD_IAdmin_createUser |
Creates and returns a new user.
AMD_IAdmin_deleteExperimenter |
Removes a user by removing the password information for
that user as well as all
GroupExperimenterMap instances. |
AMD_IAdmin_deleteGroup |
Removes a group by first removing all users in the group,
and then deleting the actual
ExperimenterGroup instance. |
AMD_IAdmin_getAdminPrivileges |
Gets the light administrator privileges for the given user.
AMD_IAdmin_getAdminsWithPrivileges |
Gets the administrators who have all the given privileges.
AMD_IAdmin_getCurrentAdminPrivileges |
Gets the light administrator privileges for the current user.
AMD_IAdmin_getDefaultGroup |
Retrieves the default
group for the given user id. |
AMD_IAdmin_getEventContext |
Returns an implementation of
loaded with the security for the current user and thread. |
AMD_IAdmin_getExperimenter |
Fetches an
Experimenter and all related
ExperimenterGroup . |
AMD_IAdmin_getGroup |
Fetches an
ExperimenterGroup and all
contained Experimenter users. |
AMD_IAdmin_getLeaderOfGroupIds |
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
Experimenter is owner/leader. |
AMD_IAdmin_getMemberOfGroupIds |
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
Experimenter is a member. |
AMD_IAdmin_getMyUserPhotos |
Retrieves the
OriginalFile object
attached to this user as specified by
uploadMyUserPhoto . |
AMD_IAdmin_getSecurityRoles |
Returns the active
Roles in use by the
server. |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupExperimenter |
Looks up an
Experimenter and all related
ExperimenterGroup by name. |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupExperimenters |
Looks up all
Experimenter experimenters
present and all related
ExperimenterGroup groups. |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupGroup |
Looks up an
ExperimenterGroup and all
contained Experimenter users by name. |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupGroups |
Looks up all
ExperimenterGroup groups
present and all related
Experimenter experimenters. |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupLdapAuthExperimenter |
Looks up
Experimenter experimenters who
use LDAP authentication (has set dn on password table). |
AMD_IAdmin_lookupLdapAuthExperimenters |
Looks up all ids of
experimenters who use LDAP authentication (has set dn on
password table). |
AMD_IAdmin_moveToCommonSpace |
Moves the given objects into the user group to make
them visible and linkable from all security contexts.
AMD_IAdmin_removeGroupOwners |
removes the given users from the owner list for this group.
AMD_IAdmin_removeGroups |
Removes an experimenter from the given groups.
AMD_IAdmin_reportForgottenPassword | Deprecated
reportForgottenPassword() is deprecated.
AMD_IAdmin_setAdminPrivileges |
Sets the set of light administrator privileges for the given user.
AMD_IAdmin_setDefaultGroup |
Sets the default group for a given user.
AMD_IAdmin_setGroupOwner |
Adds the user to the owner list for this group.
AMD_IAdmin_synchronizeLoginCache |
Uses JMX to refresh the login cache if supported.
AMD_IAdmin_unsetGroupOwner |
Removes the user from the owner list for this group.
AMD_IAdmin_updateExperimenter |
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
AMD_IAdmin_updateExperimenterWithPassword |
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
AMD_IAdmin_updateGroup |
Updates an experimenter group if admin or owner of group.
AMD_IAdmin_updateSelf |
Allows a user to update his/her own information.
AMD_IAdmin_uploadMyUserPhoto |
Uploads a photo for the user which will be displayed on
his/her profile.
AMD_IConfig_getClientConfigDefaults |
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the
key/value pairs that are found there which match the prefix
AMD_IConfig_getClientConfigValues |
Retrieves configuration values like
but only those with the prefix omero.client. |
AMD_IConfig_getConfigDefaults |
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the
key/value pairs that are found there.
AMD_IConfig_getConfigValue |
Retrieves a configuration value from the backend store.
AMD_IConfig_getConfigValues |
Retrieves configuration values from the backend store which
match the given regex.
AMD_IConfig_getDatabaseTime |
Checks the database for its time using a SELECT statement.
AMD_IConfig_getDatabaseUuid |
Provides the UUID for this OMERO (database) instance.
AMD_IConfig_getServerTime |
Checks the current server for its time.
AMD_IConfig_getVersion |
Provides the release version.
AMD_IConfig_setConfigValue |
Sets a configuration value in the backend store.
AMD_IConfig_setConfigValueIfEquals |
setConfigValue if and only if the
configuration property is currently equal to the test
argument. |
AMD_IContainer_createDataObject |
Creates the specified data object.
AMD_IContainer_createDataObjects |
Convenience method to save network calls.
AMD_IContainer_findContainerHierarchies |
Retrieves hierarchy trees in various hierarchies that
contain the specified Images.
AMD_IContainer_getCollectionCount |
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given
AMD_IContainer_getImages |
Retrieve a user's (or all users') images within any given
AMD_IContainer_getImagesByOptions |
Retrieves images by options.
AMD_IContainer_getImagesBySplitFilesets |
Given a list of IDs of certain entity types, calculates
which filesets are split such that a non-empty proper
subset of their images are referenced, directly or
indirectly, as being included.
AMD_IContainer_getUserImages |
Retrieves a user's images.
AMD_IContainer_link |
Convenience method for creating links.
AMD_IContainer_loadContainerHierarchy |
Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node (unless
orphan is specified -- See below)
AMD_IContainer_retrieveCollection |
Retrieves a collection with all members initialized
AMD_IContainer_unlink |
Removes links between OmeroDataObjects e.g Project-Dataset,
Note that the objects themselves aren't deleted, only the
Link objects.
AMD_IContainer_updateDataObject |
Updates a data object.
AMD_IContainer_updateDataObjects |
Convenience method to save network calls.
AMD_ILdap_createUser |
Creates an
Experimenter entry in the
OMERO DB based on the supplied LDAP username. |
AMD_ILdap_discover |
Discovers and lists
Experimenter s who
are present in the remote LDAP server and in the local DB
but have the ldap property set to
false . |
AMD_ILdap_discoverGroups |
Discovers and lists
ExperimenterGroup s
which are present in the remote LDAP server and in the local
DB but have the ldap property set to
false . |
AMD_ILdap_findDN |
Searches unique Distinguished Name - string in LDAP for
Common Name equals username.
AMD_ILdap_findExperimenter |
Searches Experimenter by unique Distinguished Name -
string in LDAP for Common Name equals username.
AMD_ILdap_findGroup |
Looks up a specific
in LDAP using the provided group name. |
AMD_ILdap_findGroupDN |
Looks up the DN for a group.
AMD_ILdap_getSetting |
Gets config value from properties.
AMD_ILdap_searchAll |
Searches all
Experimenter list on LDAP
for attribute objectClass = person. |
AMD_ILdap_searchByAttribute |
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified attribute. |
AMD_ILdap_searchByAttributes |
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified attributes. |
AMD_ILdap_searchByDN |
Searches one
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified Distinguished Name. |
AMD_ILdap_searchDnInGroups |
Searches Distinguished Name in groups.
AMD_ILdap_setDN | Deprecated
setDN() is deprecated.
AMD_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned |
Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the
specified user but not owned by the user.
AMD_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations |
Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
AMD_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount |
Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the
number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
AMD_IMetadata_loadAnnotation |
Loads the specified annotations.
AMD_IMetadata_loadAnnotations |
Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been
attached to the specified
rootNodes for the
specified annotatorIds . |
AMD_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned |
Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified
user but not owned by the user.
AMD_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData |
Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata
related to them.
AMD_IMetadata_loadInstrument |
Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
AMD_IMetadata_loadLogFiles |
Finds the original file IDs for the import logs
corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
AMD_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations |
Loads all the annotations of a given type.
AMD_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo |
Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the
specified objects.
AMD_IMetadata_loadTagContent |
Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads
all the TagSet.
AMD_IMetadata_loadTagSets |
Loads all the TagSets.
AMD_IPixels_copyAndResizeImage |
Copies the metadata, and only the metadata linked to
a Image object into a new Image object of equal or
differing size across one or many of its three physical
dimensions or temporal dimension.
AMD_IPixels_copyAndResizePixels |
Copies the metadata, and only the metadata linked to
a Pixels object into a new Pixels object of equal or
differing size across one or many of its three physical
dimensions or temporal dimension.
AMD_IPixels_createImage |
Creates the metadata, and only the metadata linked
to an Image object.
AMD_IPixels_getAllEnumerations | Deprecated
Use ITypes#allEnumerations(string) instead.
AMD_IPixels_getBitDepth |
Bit depth for a given pixel type.
AMD_IPixels_getEnumeration | Deprecated
Use ITypes#getEnumeration(string, string) instead.
AMD_IPixels_loadRndSettings |
Loads a specific set of rendering settings.
AMD_IPixels_retrieveAllRndSettings |
Retrieves all the rendering settings for a given pixels set
and the passed user.
AMD_IPixels_retrievePixDescription |
Retrieves the pixels metadata.
AMD_IPixels_retrieveRndSettings |
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and
the currently logged in user.
AMD_IPixels_retrieveRndSettingsFor |
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and
the passed user.
AMD_IPixels_saveRndSettings |
Saves the specified rendering settings.
AMD_IPixels_setChannelGlobalMinMax |
Sets the channel global (all 2D optical sections
corresponding to a particular channel) minimum and maximum
for a Pixels set.
AMD_IProjection_projectPixels |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections and
optical sections for a given set of time points of a Pixels
AMD_IProjection_projectStack |
Performs a projection through the optical sections of a
particular wavelength at a given time point of a Pixels set.
AMD_IQuery_find |
Looks up an entity by class and id.
AMD_IQuery_findAll |
Looks up all entities that belong to this class and match
AMD_IQuery_findAllByExample |
Searches based on provided example entity.
AMD_IQuery_findAllByFullText |
Executes a full text search based on Lucene.
AMD_IQuery_findAllByQuery |
Executes the stored query with the given name.
AMD_IQuery_findAllByString |
Searches a given field matching against a String.
AMD_IQuery_findByExample |
Searches based on provided example entity.
AMD_IQuery_findByQuery |
Executes the stored query with the given name.
AMD_IQuery_findByString |
Searches a given field matching against a String.
AMD_IQuery_get |
Looks up an entity by class and id.
AMD_IQuery_projection |
Return a sequence of
RType sequences. |
AMD_IQuery_refresh |
Refreshes an entire
IObject graph,
recursive loading all data for the managed instances in the
graph from the database. |
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToDataset |
Applies rendering settings to all images in a given Dataset.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToImage |
Applies rendering settings to a given Image.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToImages |
Applies rendering settings to a given Image.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToPixels |
Applies rendering settings to a given Pixels.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToProject |
Applies rendering settings to all images in all Datasets of
a given Project.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToSet |
Applies rendering settings to one or many containers.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_createNewRenderingDef |
Creates a new rendering definition object along with its
AMD_IRenderingSettings_getRenderingSettings |
Returns the default rendering settings for a given pixels
for the current user.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaults |
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic for the pixels set linked to that
set of rendering settings.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet |
Resets the rendering settings of a given group of
containers based on the owner's (essentially a copy).
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsForPixels |
Resets a Pixels' default rendering settings back to those
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInDataset |
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to those that
are specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInImage |
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to those
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInSet |
Resets a rendering settings back to one or many containers
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsNoSave |
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic for the pixels set linked to that
set of rendering settings.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_resetMinMaxInSet |
Resets a the channel windows for one or many containers
back to their global minimum and global maximum for the
AMD_IRenderingSettings_sanityCheckPixels |
Checks if the specified sets of pixels are compatible.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsForPixels |
Resets an Pixels' default rendering settings back to
channel global minimum and maximum.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInDataset |
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to channel global
minimum and maximum.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInImage |
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to
channel global minimum and maximum.
AMD_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInSet |
Resets a rendering settings back to channel global minimum
and maximum for the specified containers.
AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getFreeSpaceInKilobytes |
Returns the free or available space on this file system
including nested subdirectories.
AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getUsageFraction |
Returns a double of the used space divided by the free
AMD_IRepositoryInfo_getUsedSpaceInKilobytes |
Returns the total space in bytes for this file system
including nested subdirectories.
AMD_IRepositoryInfo_removeUnusedFiles |
Removes all files from the server that do not have an
OriginalFile complement in the database, all the Pixels
that do not have a complement in the database and all the
Thumbnail's that do not have a complement in the database.
AMD_IRepositoryInfo_sanityCheckRepository |
Checks that image data repository has not exceeded 95% disk
space use level.
AMD_IRoi_findByImage | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_findByPlane | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_findByRoi | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getMeasuredRois | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getMeasuredRoisMap | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getPoints | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getRoiMeasurements | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getRoiStats | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getShapeStats | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getShapeStatsList | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getShapeStatsRestricted | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_getTable | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IRoi_uploadMask | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
AMD_IScript_canRunScript |
Returns true if there is a processor which will run the
given script.
AMD_IScript_deleteScript |
Delete the script on the server with id.
AMD_IScript_editScript |
Modify the text for the given script object.
AMD_IScript_getParams |
Get the parameters that the script takes and returns, along with
other metadata available from the script.
AMD_IScript_getScriptID |
Get the id of an official script by the script path.
AMD_IScript_getScripts |
This method returns official server scripts as a list of
OriginalFile objects. |
AMD_IScript_getScriptsByMimetype |
This method returns official server scripts identified
with the specified extension as a list of
OriginalFile objects. |
AMD_IScript_getScriptText |
Get the text from the server for the script with given id.
AMD_IScript_getScriptWithDetails |
Get the script from the server with details from OriginalFile
AMD_IScript_getUserScripts |
Returns non-official scripts which have been uploaded by individual users.
AMD_IScript_runScript |
ResourceError is thrown, then no
Processor is available. |
AMD_IScript_uploadOfficialScript |
uploadScript but is only callable by
administrators. |
AMD_IScript_uploadScript |
Upload a user script to the server and return the id.
AMD_IScript_validateScript |
Used internally by to check if the script
attached to the
Job has a valid script
attached, based on the acceptsList and the current
security context. |
AMD_ISession_closeSession |
Closes session and releases all resources.
AMD_ISession_createSession |
Creates a new session and returns it to the user.
AMD_ISession_createSessionWithTimeout |
Allows an admin to create a
Session for the give
Principal . |
AMD_ISession_createSessionWithTimeouts |
Allows an admin to create a
Session for
the given Principal . |
AMD_ISession_createUserSession |
Allows a user to open up another session for him/herself with the given
defaults without needing to re-enter password.
AMD_ISession_getInput |
Retrieves an entry from the given
Session input environment. |
AMD_ISession_getInputKeys |
Retrieves all keys in the
Session input
environment. |
AMD_ISession_getInputs |
Retrieves all inputs from the given
Session input environment. |
AMD_ISession_getMyOpenAgentSessions |
getMyOpenSessions but returns only those
sessions with the given agent string. |
AMD_ISession_getMyOpenClientSessions |
getMyOpenSessions but returns only those
sessions started by official OMERO clients. |
AMD_ISession_getMyOpenSessions |
Returns a list of open sessions for the current user.
AMD_ISession_getOutput |
Retrieves an entry from the
output environment. |
AMD_ISession_getOutputKeys |
Retrieves all keys in the
output environment. |
AMD_ISession_getOutputs |
Retrieves all outputs from the given
Session input environment. |
AMD_ISession_getReferenceCount |
Retrieves the current reference count for the given uuid.
AMD_ISession_getSession |
Retrieves the session associated with this uuid, updating
the last access time as well.
AMD_ISession_setInput |
Places an entry in the given
input environment. |
AMD_ISession_setOutput |
Places an entry in the given
output environment. |
AMD_IShare_activate |
Turns on the access control lists attached to the given
share for the current session.
AMD_IShare_addComment |
TextAnnotation comment for
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_addGuest |
Adds guest email address to the share.
AMD_IShare_addGuests |
Adds guest email addresses to the share.
AMD_IShare_addObject | |
AMD_IShare_addObjects | |
AMD_IShare_addReply |
TextAnnotation comment which
replies to an existing comment. |
AMD_IShare_addUser |
Experimenter experimenter to
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_addUsers |
Experimenter experimenters to
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_closeShare |
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_createShare | |
AMD_IShare_deactivate |
Turns off the access control lists with the current share.
AMD_IShare_deleteComment |
Annotation comment from the
database. |
AMD_IShare_getActiveConnections |
Gets actual active connections to
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_getAllGuests |
Get the email addresses for all share guests.
AMD_IShare_getAllMembers |
Get all
Experimenter users who are a
member of the share. |
AMD_IShare_getAllUsers |
Get a single set containing the
omero.model.Experimenter.getOmeName login names
of the users as well email addresses for guests. |
AMD_IShare_getCommentCount |
Returns a map from share id to comment count.
AMD_IShare_getComments |
Looks up all
Annotation comments which
belong to the Session share. |
AMD_IShare_getContentMap |
Returns the contents of the share keyed by type.
AMD_IShare_getContents | |
AMD_IShare_getContentSize |
Returns the number of items in the share.
AMD_IShare_getContentSubList |
Returns a range of items from the share.
AMD_IShare_getEvents |
Gets events for
Session share per
Experimenter experimenter for period of
time. |
AMD_IShare_getMemberCount |
Returns a map from share id to the count of total members
(including the owner).
AMD_IShare_getMemberShares |
Gets all shares where current
Experimenter is a member. |
AMD_IShare_getMemberSharesFor |
Gets all shares where given
Experimenter is a member. |
AMD_IShare_getOwnShares |
Gets all owned shares for the current
Experimenter . |
AMD_IShare_getPastConnections |
Gets previous connections to
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_getShare |
Gets a share as a
Session with all
related: Annotation comments,
Experimenter members, fully loaded. |
AMD_IShare_getSharesOwnedBy |
Gets all shares owned by the given
Experimenter . |
AMD_IShare_invalidateConnection |
Makes the connection invalid for
Session share for specified user. |
AMD_IShare_notifyMembersOfShare |
Notifies via email selected members of share.
AMD_IShare_removeGuest |
Removes guest email address from share.
AMD_IShare_removeGuests |
Removes guest email addresses from the share.
AMD_IShare_removeObject | |
AMD_IShare_removeObjects |
Remove existing items from the share.
AMD_IShare_removeUser |
Experimenter experimenter from
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_removeUsers |
Experimenter experimenters from
Session share. |
AMD_IShare_setActive | |
AMD_IShare_setDescription | |
AMD_IShare_setExpiration | |
AMD_ITimeline_countByPeriod |
Queries the same information as getByPeriod, but only returns the counts
for the given objects.
AMD_ITimeline_getByPeriod |
Returns the given LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by
creation/modification times in the Event table, but
within the given time window.
AMD_ITimeline_getEventLogsByPeriod |
Returns the EventLog table objects which are queried to produce the counts above.
AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentAnnotationLinks |
Return the last LIMIT annotation __Links__ whose parent (IAnnotated)
matches one of the parentTypes, whose child (Annotation) matches one
of the childTypes (limit of one for the moment), and who namespace
matches via ILIKE.
AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentObjects |
Returns the last LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by
creation/modification times in the Event table.
AMD_ITimeline_getMostRecentShareCommentLinks |
Return the last LIMIT comment annotation links attached to a share by
AMD_ITypes_allEnumerations | |
AMD_ITypes_createEnumeration | |
AMD_ITypes_deleteEnumeration |
Deletes enumeration value specified by object.
AMD_ITypes_getAnnotationTypes |
Returns a list of classes which implement
IAnnotated . |
AMD_ITypes_getEnumeration |
Lookup an enumeration value.
AMD_ITypes_getEnumerationsWithEntries |
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type with
contained objects.
AMD_ITypes_getEnumerationTypes |
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type.
AMD_ITypes_getOriginalEnumerations |
Gets all original values.
AMD_ITypes_resetEnumerations | |
AMD_ITypes_updateEnumeration |
Updates enumeration value specified by object.
AMD_ITypes_updateEnumerations |
Updates enumeration value specified by object.
AMD_IUpdate_deleteObject | Deprecated
use omero::cmd::Delete2 instead
AMD_IUpdate_indexObject |
Initiates full-text indexing for the given object.
AMD_IUpdate_saveAndReturnArray | |
AMD_IUpdate_saveAndReturnIds | |
AMD_IUpdate_saveAndReturnObject | |
AMD_IUpdate_saveArray | |
AMD_IUpdate_saveCollection | |
AMD_IUpdate_saveObject | |
AMD_JobHandle_attach |
Returns the current
JobStatus for the
Job id. |
AMD_JobHandle_cancelJob |
Marks a job for cancellation.
AMD_JobHandle_getJob |
Returns the current
Job |
AMD_JobHandle_jobError |
true if the Job
has thrown an error. |
AMD_JobHandle_jobFinished | |
AMD_JobHandle_jobMessage |
Returns the current message for job.
AMD_JobHandle_jobRunning |
true if the Job is
running, i.e. |
AMD_JobHandle_jobStatus |
Returns the current
JobStatus . |
AMD_JobHandle_setMessage |
Sets the job's message string, and returns the previous
AMD_JobHandle_setStatus |
Updates the
JobStatus for the current
job. |
AMD_JobHandle_setStatusAndMessage |
setStatus but also sets the message. |
AMD_JobHandle_submit |
Submits a
Job and returns its database
id. |
AMD_MetadataStore_createRoot | |
AMD_MetadataStore_populateMinMax | |
AMD_MetadataStore_postProcess | |
AMD_MetadataStore_saveToDB | |
AMD_MetadataStore_setPixelsFile | |
AMD_MetadataStore_updateObjects | |
AMD_MetadataStore_updateReferences | |
AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions |
Retrieves a more complete definition of the resolution
level in question.
AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel |
Retrieves the active resolution level.
AMD_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels |
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing
pixels pyramid contains.
AMD_PyramidService_getTileSize |
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.
AMD_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid |
Whether or not this raw pixels store requires a backing
pixels pyramid to provide sub-resolutions of the data.
AMD_PyramidService_setResolutionLevel |
Sets the active resolution level.
AMD_RawFileStore_exists |
Checks to see if a raw file exists with the file ID that
the service was initialized with.
AMD_RawFileStore_getFileId |
Returns the current file id or null if none has been set.
AMD_RawFileStore_read |
length bytes of data at the
position from the raw file into an array of
bytes. |
AMD_RawFileStore_save |
Saves the
OriginalFile associated with
the service if it has been modified. |
AMD_RawFileStore_setFileId |
This method manages the state of the service.
AMD_RawFileStore_size |
Returns the size of the file on disk (not as stored in the
database since that value will only be updated on
save . |
AMD_RawFileStore_truncate |
Limits the size of a file to the given length.
AMD_RawFileStore_write |
length bytes of data from the specified
buf byte array starting at at
position to the raw file. |
AMD_RawPixelsStore_calculateMessageDigest |
Calculates a SHA-1 message digest for the entire pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_findMinMax |
Find the minimum and maximum pixel values for the specified channels by iterating over a full plane.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getByteWidth |
Returns the byte width for the pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getCol |
Retrieves a particular column from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHistogram |
Retrieves the histogram data for the specified plane and channels.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getHypercube |
Retrieves a n-dimensional block from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsId |
Returns the current Pixels set identifier.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsPath |
Returns the current Pixels path.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlane |
Retrieves a particular 2D image plane from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneOffset |
Retrieves the offset for a particular 2D image plane in this pixel
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneRegion |
Retrieves a region from a given plane from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of a 2D image plane in this
pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRegion |
Retrieves a region from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRow |
Retrieves a particular row or scanline from this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowOffset |
Retrieves the offset for a particular row or scanline in
this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getRowSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of a row or scanline of pixels
in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStack |
Retrieves the the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackOffset |
Retrieves the offset for the entire number of optical
sections for a single wavelength or channel at a
particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getStackSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for a single wavelength or channel
at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTile |
Retrieves a tile from this pixel buffer.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepoint |
Retrieves the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointOffset |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for all wavelengths or channels at
a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for all wavelengths or channels at
a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_getTotalSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_isFloat |
Returns whether or not the pixel buffer has floating point pixels.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_isSigned |
Returns whether or not the pixel store has signed pixels.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_prepare |
Prepares the stateful service with a cache of loaded Pixels
AMD_RawPixelsStore_save |
Save the current state of the pixels, updating the SHA1.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setPixelsId |
Initializes the stateful service for a given Pixels set.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setPlane |
Sets a particular 2D image plane in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setRegion |
Sets a region in this pixel buffer.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setRow |
Sets a particular row or scanline in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setStack |
Sets the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setTile |
Sets a tile in this pixel buffer.
AMD_RawPixelsStore_setTimepoint |
Sets the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
AMD_RenderingEngine_addCodomainMap | Deprecated
addCodomainMap() is deprecated.
AMD_RenderingEngine_addCodomainMapToChannel |
Adds the context to the mapping chain.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getAvailableFamilies |
Returns the list of mapping families supported by the
Rendering engine.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getAvailableModels |
Returns the list of color models supported by the Rendering
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelCurveCoefficient |
Returns the coefficient identifying a map in the family.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelFamily |
Returns the family associated to the specified channel.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelLookupTable | |
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelNoiseReduction |
true if the noise reduction algorithm
used to map the pixels intensity values is turned on,
false if the algorithm is turned off. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelStats | |
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowEnd |
Returns the upper bound of the pixels intensity interval.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowStart |
Returns the lower bound of the pixels intensity interval.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getCodomainMapContext |
Returns the list of codomain contexts for the specified
AMD_RenderingEngine_getCompressionLevel |
Returns the current compression level for the service.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getDefaultT |
Returns the default timepoint index.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getDefaultZ |
Returns the index of the default focal section.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getModel |
Returns the model that dictates how transformed raw data
has to be mapped onto a color space.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixels |
Returns the
Pixels set the Rendering
engine is for. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeLowerBound |
Returns the maximum value for that channels depending on
the pixels type and the original range (globalmin, globalmax)
AMD_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeUpperBound |
Returns the minimum value for that channels depending on
the pixels type and the original range (globalmin, globalmax)
AMD_RenderingEngine_getQuantumDef |
Returns the quantization object.
AMD_RenderingEngine_getRenderingDefId | |
AMD_RenderingEngine_getRGBA |
Returns a 4D-array representing the color associated to the
specified channel.
AMD_RenderingEngine_isActive |
true if the channel is mapped,
false otherwise. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_isPixelsTypeSigned |
true if the pixels type is signed,
false otherwise. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_load |
Creates an instance of the rendering engine.
AMD_RenderingEngine_loadRenderingDef |
Loads a specific set of rendering settings that does not
necessarily have to be linked to the given Pixels set.
AMD_RenderingEngine_lookupPixels |
Loads the Pixels set this Rendering Engine is for.
AMD_RenderingEngine_lookupRenderingDef |
Loads the rendering settings associated to the specified
pixels set.
AMD_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMap | Deprecated
removeCodomainMap() is deprecated.
AMD_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMapFromChannel |
Removes the specified context from the chain.
AMD_RenderingEngine_render |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_renderAsPackedInt |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_renderCompressed |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings and compresses the resulting
RGBA composite image. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedAsPackedInt |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of
a particular timepoint with the currently active channels
and renders the data for display.
AMD_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedCompressed |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of
a particular timepoint with the currently active channels,
renders the data for display and compresses the resulting
RGBA composite image.
AMD_RenderingEngine_resetDefaultSettings |
Resets the default settings i.e.
AMD_RenderingEngine_saveAsNewSettings |
Saves the current rendering settings in the database
as a new
RenderingDef and loads the
object into the current RenderingEngine . |
AMD_RenderingEngine_saveCurrentSettings |
Saves the current rendering settings in the database.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setActive |
Maps the specified channel if
true , unmaps the
channel otherwise. |
AMD_RenderingEngine_setChannelLookupTable | |
AMD_RenderingEngine_setChannelWindow |
Returns the pixels intensity interval.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setCodomainInterval |
Sets the sub-interval of the device space i.e.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setCompressionLevel |
Sets the current compression level for the service.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setDefaultT |
Sets the default timepoint index.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setDefaultZ |
Sets the index of the default focal section.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setModel |
Specifies the model that dictates how transformed raw data
has to be mapped onto a color space.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setOverlays | Deprecated
use omero::romio::PlaneDefWithMasks instead
AMD_RenderingEngine_setQuantizationMap |
Sets the quantization map, one per channel.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setQuantumStrategy |
Sets the quantization strategy.
AMD_RenderingEngine_setRGBA |
Sets the four components composing the color associated to
the specified channel.
AMD_RenderingEngine_updateCodomainMap | Deprecated
removeCodomainMap() is deprecated.
AMD_RenderingEngine_updateSettings |
Updates the current rendering settings based on a provided rendering
definition and associated sub-objects.
AMD_Search_activeQueries |
Returns the number of active queries.
AMD_Search_addOrderByAsc |
A path from the target entity which will be added to the
current stack of order statements applied to the query.
AMD_Search_addOrderByDesc |
A path from the target entity which will be added to the
current stack of order statements applied to the query.
AMD_Search_allTypes |
Permits all types to be returned.
AMD_Search_and |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next , or
results sees only the intersection of the two
calls. |
AMD_Search_byAnnotatedWith |
Finds entities annotated with an
Annotation similar to the example. |
AMD_Search_byFullText |
Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
AMD_Search_byGroupForTags |
Returns transient (without ID)
TagAnnotation instances which
represent all the
TagAnnotation tags in the given group. |
AMD_Search_byHqlQuery |
Delegates to
omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method
to take advantage of the and , or , and
not methods, or queue-semantics. |
AMD_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder |
Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
AMD_Search_bySimilarTerms |
Returns transient (without ID)
TextAnnotation instances which represent
terms which are similar to the given terms. |
AMD_Search_bySomeMustNone |
Builds a Lucene query and passes it to
byFullText . |
AMD_Search_byTagForGroups |
Creates a query which will return transient (without ID)
TagAnnotation instances which represent
all the TagAnnotation tag groups which
the given tag belongs to. |
AMD_Search_clearQueries |
Removes all active queries (leaving
settings alone), such that activeQueries will
return 0. |
AMD_Search_currentMetadata |
Provides access to the extra query information (for example
Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to
next . |
AMD_Search_currentMetadataList |
Provides access to the extra query information (for example
Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to
results . |
AMD_Search_fetchAlso |
Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of
returned entities.
AMD_Search_fetchAnnotations |
Queries the database for all
annotations of the given types for all returned instances. |
AMD_Search_getBatchSize |
Returns the current batch size.
AMD_Search_hasNext |
true if another call to
next is valid. |
AMD_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard |
Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
AMD_Search_isCaseSensitive |
Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
AMD_Search_isMergedBatches |
Returns the current merged-batches setting.
AMD_Search_isReturnUnloaded |
Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
AMD_Search_isUseProjections |
Returns the current use-projection setting.
AMD_Search_next |
Returns the next entity from the current query.
AMD_Search_not |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next , or
results sees only the intersection of the two
calls. |
AMD_Search_notAnnotatedBy |
Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an
Annotation matching the other filters. |
AMD_Search_notOwnedBy |
Uses the
Details.getOwner() and
Details.getGroup() information to
restrict the entities which will be returned. |
AMD_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween |
Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation
(which matches the other filters) was added them.
AMD_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy |
Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an
Annotation matching the other filters. |
AMD_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith |
Restricts entities to having an
Annotation of all the given types. |
AMD_Search_onlyCreatedBetween |
Restricts the time between which an entity may have been
AMD_Search_onlyIds |
Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
AMD_Search_onlyModifiedBetween |
Restricts the time between which an entity may have last
been modified.
AMD_Search_onlyOwnedBy |
Uses the
Details.getOwner() and
Details.getGroup() information to
restrict the entities which will be returned. |
AMD_Search_onlyType |
Restricts the search to a single type.
AMD_Search_onlyTypes |
Restricts searches to a set of types.
AMD_Search_or |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next or
results sees only the union of the two calls. |
AMD_Search_remove |
Unsupported operation.
AMD_Search_resetDefaults |
Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original
default values, as if the instance had just be created.
AMD_Search_results |
Returns up to
getBatchSize batch size number of
results along with the related query metadata. |
AMD_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard |
Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
AMD_Search_setBatchSize |
Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by
one call to
results . |
AMD_Search_setCaseSensitive |
Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where
case-sensitivity is supported.
AMD_Search_setCaseSentivice | Deprecated
use setCaseSensitive instead
AMD_Search_setMergedBatches |
Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be
returned in the same call to
results . |
AMD_Search_setReturnUnloaded |
Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded
AMD_Search_setUseProjections |
Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
AMD_Search_unordered |
Removes the current stack of order statements.
AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_activate |
Load a service implementation from disk if it was previously
AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_close |
Frees all resources -- passivated or active -- for the given
stateful service and removes its name from the object adapter.
AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_getCurrentEventContext |
To free clients from tracking the mapping from session to stateful
service, each stateful service can returns its own context information.
AMD_StatefulServiceInterface_passivate |
Causes the blitz server to store the service implementation to disk
to free memory.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnail |
Creates a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnails |
Creates thumbnails for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache for
every sizeX/sizeY combination already cached.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet |
Creates thumbnails for a number of pixels sets using a
given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the
on-disk cache.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getRenderingDefId |
Return the id of the
loaded in this instance. |
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnail |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSide |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideSet |
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using
given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailSet |
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using
given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailWithoutDefault |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
AMD_ThumbnailStore_isInProgress |
This returns the last available in progress state
for a thumbnail.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_resetDefaults |
Resets the rendering definition for the active pixels set
to its default settings.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_setPixelsId |
This method manages the state of the service; it must be
invoked before using any other methods.
AMD_ThumbnailStore_setRenderingDefId |
This method manages the state of the service; it should be
invoked directly after
setPixelsId . |
AMD_ThumbnailStore_thumbnailExists |
Checks if a thumbnail of a particular size exists for a
pixels set.
ClientCallback |
Primary callback interface for interaction between client and
server session (""ServiceFactory"").
ClientCallbackPrx |
Primary callback interface for interaction between client and
server session (""ServiceFactory"").
Exporter |
Stateful service for generating OME-XML or OME-TIFF from data stored
ExporterPrx |
Stateful service for generating OME-XML or OME-TIFF from data stored
IAdmin |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
IAdminPrx |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
IConfig |
Access to server configuration.
IConfigPrx |
Access to server configuration.
IContainer |
Provides methods for dealing with the core Pojos of OME.
IContainerPrx |
Provides methods for dealing with the core Pojos of OME.
ILdap |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
ILdapPrx |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
IMetadata |
Provides method to interact with acquisition metadata and
IMetadataPrx |
Provides method to interact with acquisition metadata and
IPixels |
Metadata gateway for the
RenderingEngine and
clients. |
IPixelsPrx |
Metadata gateway for the
RenderingEngine and
clients. |
IProjection |
Provides methods for performing projections of Pixels sets.
IProjectionPrx |
Provides methods for performing projections of Pixels sets.
IQuery |
Provides methods for directly querying object graphs.
IQueryPrx |
Provides methods for directly querying object graphs.
IRenderingSettings |
Provides method to apply rendering settings to a collection of
IRenderingSettingsPrx |
Provides method to apply rendering settings to a collection of
IRepositoryInfo |
Provides methods for obtaining information for server repository
disk space allocation.
IRepositoryInfoPrx |
Provides methods for obtaining information for server repository
disk space allocation.
IRoi |
Interface for working with regions of interest.
IRoiPrx |
Interface for working with regions of interest.
IScript |
Utility service for managing and launching scripts for execution by the Processor API.
IScriptPrx |
Utility service for managing and launching scripts for execution by the Processor API.
ISession |
Session creation service for OMERO. |
ISessionPrx |
Session creation service for OMERO. |
IShare |
Provides method for sharing - collaboration process for images,
datasets, projects.
ISharePrx |
Provides method for sharing - collaboration process for images,
datasets, projects.
ITimeline |
Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and
modification time.
ITimelinePrx |
Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and
modification time.
ITypes |
Access to reflective type information.
ITypesPrx |
Access to reflective type information.
IUpdate |
Provides methods for directly updating object graphs.
IUpdatePrx |
Provides methods for directly updating object graphs.
JobHandle |
Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.
JobHandlePrx |
Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.
MetadataStore |
Server-side interface for import.
MetadataStorePrx |
Server-side interface for import.
PyramidService | |
PyramidServicePrx | |
RawFileStore |
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
RawFileStorePrx |
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
RawPixelsStore |
Binary data provider.
RawPixelsStorePrx |
Binary data provider.
RenderingEngine |
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
RenderingEnginePrx |
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
ResolutionDescriptionPrx | |
RoiOptionsPrx |
Specifies filters used when querying the ROIs.
RoiResultPrx |
Returned by most search methods.
RoiStatsPrx |
Container for ShapeStats, one with the combined values,
and one per shape.
SavePrx | |
SaveRspPrx | |
Search |
Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries.
SearchPrx |
Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries.
ServiceFactory |
Starting point for all OMERO.blitz interaction.
ServiceFactoryPrx |
Starting point for all OMERO.blitz interaction.
ServiceInterface |
Service marker similar to ome.api.ServiceInterface.
ServiceInterfacePrx |
Service marker similar to ome.api.ServiceInterface.
ShapePointsPrx |
Contains a discrete representation of the geometry of
an omero::model::Shape.
ShapeStatsPrx |
Contains arrays, one entry per channel, of the statistics
for a given shape.
StatefulServiceInterface |
Service marker for stateful services which permits the closing
of a particular service before the destruction of the session.
StatefulServiceInterfacePrx |
Service marker for stateful services which permits the closing
of a particular service before the destruction of the session.
ThumbnailStore |
Provides methods for dealing with thumbnails.
ThumbnailStorePrx |
Provides methods for dealing with thumbnails.
Class | Description |
_ClientCallbackDisp |
Primary callback interface for interaction between client and
server session (""ServiceFactory"").
_ClientCallbackTie | |
_ExporterDisp |
Stateful service for generating OME-XML or OME-TIFF from data stored
_ExporterTie | |
_IAdminDisp |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_IAdminTie | |
_IConfigDisp |
Access to server configuration.
_IConfigTie | |
_IContainerDisp |
Provides methods for dealing with the core Pojos of OME.
_IContainerTie | |
_ILdapDisp |
Administration interface providing access to admin-only
functionality as well as JMX-based server access and selected user
_ILdapTie | |
_IMetadataDisp |
Provides method to interact with acquisition metadata and
_IMetadataTie | |
_IPixelsDisp |
Metadata gateway for the
RenderingEngine and
clients. |
_IPixelsTie | |
_IProjectionDisp |
Provides methods for performing projections of Pixels sets.
_IProjectionTie | |
_IQueryDisp |
Provides methods for directly querying object graphs.
_IQueryTie | |
_IRenderingSettingsDisp |
Provides method to apply rendering settings to a collection of
_IRenderingSettingsTie | |
_IRepositoryInfoDisp |
Provides methods for obtaining information for server repository
disk space allocation.
_IRepositoryInfoTie | |
_IRoiDisp |
Interface for working with regions of interest.
_IRoiTie | |
_IScriptDisp |
Utility service for managing and launching scripts for execution by the Processor API.
_IScriptTie | |
_ISessionDisp |
Session creation service for OMERO. |
_ISessionTie | |
_IShareDisp |
Provides method for sharing - collaboration process for images,
datasets, projects.
_IShareTie | |
_ITimelineDisp |
Service for the querying of OMERO metadata based on creation and
modification time.
_ITimelineTie | |
_ITypesDisp |
Access to reflective type information.
_ITypesTie | |
_IUpdateDisp |
Provides methods for directly updating object graphs.
_IUpdateTie | |
_JobHandleDisp |
Allows submission of asynchronous jobs.
_JobHandleTie | |
_MetadataStoreDisp |
Server-side interface for import.
_MetadataStoreTie | |
_PyramidServiceDisp | |
_PyramidServiceTie | |
_RawFileStoreDisp |
Raw file gateway which provides access to the OMERO file repository.
_RawFileStoreTie | |
_RawPixelsStoreDisp |
Binary data provider.
_RawPixelsStoreTie | |
_RenderingEngineDisp |
Defines a service to render a given pixels set.
_RenderingEngineTie | |
_SearchDisp |
Central search interface, allowing Web2.0 style queries.
_SearchTie | |
_ServiceFactoryDisp |
Starting point for all OMERO.blitz interaction.
_ServiceFactoryTie | |
_ServiceInterfaceDisp |
Service marker similar to ome.api.ServiceInterface.
_ServiceInterfaceTie | |
_StatefulServiceInterfaceDisp |
Service marker for stateful services which permits the closing
of a particular service before the destruction of the session.
_StatefulServiceInterfaceTie | |
_ThumbnailStoreDisp |
Provides methods for dealing with thumbnails.
_ThumbnailStoreTie | |
AdminPrivilegeListHelper | |
AdminPrivilegeListHolder | |
AnnotationListHelper | |
AnnotationListHolder | |
BoolArrayHelper | |
BoolArrayHolder | |
BooleanIdListMapHelper | |
BooleanIdListMapHolder | |
BooleanLongListMapHelper | |
BooleanLongListMapHolder | |
ByteArrayArrayHelper | |
ByteArrayArrayHolder | |
ByteArrayHelper | |
ByteArrayHolder | |
Callback_ClientCallback_requestHeartbeat |
Heartbeat-request made by the server to guarantee that the client
is alive.
Callback_ClientCallback_sessionClosed |
The session to which this ServiceFactory is connected has been
Callback_ClientCallback_shutdownIn |
Message that the server will be shutting down in the
given number of milliseconds, after which all new and
running method invocations will receive a CancelledException.
Callback_Exporter_addImage |
Adds a single image with basic metadata to the Exporter for inclusion
on the next call to getBytes().
Callback_Exporter_generateTiff |
Generates an OME-TIFF file.
Callback_Exporter_generateXml |
Generates an OME-XML file.
Callback_Exporter_read |
length bytes from the output file. |
Callback_IAdmin_addGroupOwners |
Adds the given users to the owner list for this group.
Callback_IAdmin_addGroups |
Adds a user to the given groups.
Callback_IAdmin_canUpdate |
Returns true if the currently logged in user can modify the
IObject . |
Callback_IAdmin_changeExpiredCredentials |
Used after an
instance is thrown. |
Callback_IAdmin_changeGroup | Deprecated
changeGroup() is deprecated.
Callback_IAdmin_changeOwner | Deprecated
changeOwner() is deprecated.
Callback_IAdmin_changePassword |
Changes the password for the current user.
Callback_IAdmin_changePasswordWithOldPassword |
Changes the password for the current user by passing the
old password.
Callback_IAdmin_changePermissions | Deprecated
changePermissions() is deprecated.
Callback_IAdmin_changeUserPassword |
Changes the password for the a given user.
Callback_IAdmin_containedExperimenters |
Fetches all
Experimenter users
contained in this group. |
Callback_IAdmin_containedGroups |
Fetches all
ExperimenterGroup groups of
which the given user is a member. |
Callback_IAdmin_createExperimenter |
Creates and returns a new user in the given groups.
Callback_IAdmin_createExperimenterWithPassword |
Creates and returns a new user in the given groups with
Callback_IAdmin_createGroup |
Creates and returns a new group.
Callback_IAdmin_createRestrictedSystemUser |
Creates and returns a new system user.
Callback_IAdmin_createRestrictedSystemUserWithPassword |
Creates and returns a new system user.
Callback_IAdmin_createSystemUser |
Creates and returns a new system user.
Callback_IAdmin_createUser |
Creates and returns a new user.
Callback_IAdmin_deleteExperimenter |
Removes a user by removing the password information for
that user as well as all
GroupExperimenterMap instances. |
Callback_IAdmin_deleteGroup |
Removes a group by first removing all users in the group,
and then deleting the actual
ExperimenterGroup instance. |
Callback_IAdmin_getAdminPrivileges |
Gets the light administrator privileges for the given user.
Callback_IAdmin_getAdminsWithPrivileges |
Gets the administrators who have all the given privileges.
Callback_IAdmin_getCurrentAdminPrivileges |
Gets the light administrator privileges for the current user.
Callback_IAdmin_getDefaultGroup |
Retrieves the default
group for the given user id. |
Callback_IAdmin_getEventContext |
Returns an implementation of
loaded with the security for the current user and thread. |
Callback_IAdmin_getExperimenter |
Fetches an
Experimenter and all related
ExperimenterGroup . |
Callback_IAdmin_getGroup |
Fetches an
ExperimenterGroup and all
contained Experimenter users. |
Callback_IAdmin_getLeaderOfGroupIds |
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
Experimenter is owner/leader. |
Callback_IAdmin_getMemberOfGroupIds |
Finds the ids for all groups for which the given
Experimenter is a member. |
Callback_IAdmin_getMyUserPhotos |
Retrieves the
OriginalFile object
attached to this user as specified by
uploadMyUserPhoto . |
Callback_IAdmin_getSecurityRoles |
Returns the active
Roles in use by the
server. |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupExperimenter |
Looks up an
Experimenter and all related
ExperimenterGroup by name. |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupExperimenters |
Looks up all
Experimenter experimenters
present and all related
ExperimenterGroup groups. |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupGroup |
Looks up an
ExperimenterGroup and all
contained Experimenter users by name. |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupGroups |
Looks up all
ExperimenterGroup groups
present and all related
Experimenter experimenters. |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupLdapAuthExperimenter |
Looks up
Experimenter experimenters who
use LDAP authentication (has set dn on password table). |
Callback_IAdmin_lookupLdapAuthExperimenters |
Looks up all ids of
experimenters who use LDAP authentication (has set dn on
password table). |
Callback_IAdmin_moveToCommonSpace |
Moves the given objects into the user group to make
them visible and linkable from all security contexts.
Callback_IAdmin_removeGroupOwners |
removes the given users from the owner list for this group.
Callback_IAdmin_removeGroups |
Removes an experimenter from the given groups.
Callback_IAdmin_reportForgottenPassword | Deprecated
reportForgottenPassword() is deprecated.
Callback_IAdmin_setAdminPrivileges |
Sets the set of light administrator privileges for the given user.
Callback_IAdmin_setDefaultGroup |
Sets the default group for a given user.
Callback_IAdmin_setGroupOwner |
Adds the user to the owner list for this group.
Callback_IAdmin_synchronizeLoginCache |
Uses JMX to refresh the login cache if supported.
Callback_IAdmin_unsetGroupOwner |
Removes the user from the owner list for this group.
Callback_IAdmin_updateExperimenter |
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
Callback_IAdmin_updateExperimenterWithPassword |
Updates an experimenter if admin or owner of group.
Callback_IAdmin_updateGroup |
Updates an experimenter group if admin or owner of group.
Callback_IAdmin_updateSelf |
Allows a user to update his/her own information.
Callback_IAdmin_uploadMyUserPhoto |
Uploads a photo for the user which will be displayed on
his/her profile.
Callback_IConfig_getClientConfigDefaults |
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the
key/value pairs that are found there which match the prefix
Callback_IConfig_getClientConfigValues |
Retrieves configuration values like
but only those with the prefix omero.client. |
Callback_IConfig_getConfigDefaults |
Reads the etc/ file and returns all the
key/value pairs that are found there.
Callback_IConfig_getConfigValue |
Retrieves a configuration value from the backend store.
Callback_IConfig_getConfigValues |
Retrieves configuration values from the backend store which
match the given regex.
Callback_IConfig_getDatabaseTime |
Checks the database for its time using a SELECT statement.
Callback_IConfig_getDatabaseUuid |
Provides the UUID for this OMERO (database) instance.
Callback_IConfig_getServerTime |
Checks the current server for its time.
Callback_IConfig_getVersion |
Provides the release version.
Callback_IConfig_setConfigValue |
Sets a configuration value in the backend store.
Callback_IConfig_setConfigValueIfEquals |
setConfigValue if and only if the
configuration property is currently equal to the test
argument. |
Callback_IContainer_createDataObject |
Creates the specified data object.
Callback_IContainer_createDataObjects |
Convenience method to save network calls.
Callback_IContainer_findContainerHierarchies |
Retrieves hierarchy trees in various hierarchies that
contain the specified Images.
Callback_IContainer_getCollectionCount |
Counts the number of members in a collection for a given
Callback_IContainer_getImages |
Retrieve a user's (or all users') images within any given
Callback_IContainer_getImagesByOptions |
Retrieves images by options.
Callback_IContainer_getImagesBySplitFilesets |
Given a list of IDs of certain entity types, calculates
which filesets are split such that a non-empty proper
subset of their images are referenced, directly or
indirectly, as being included.
Callback_IContainer_getUserImages |
Retrieves a user's images.
Callback_IContainer_link |
Convenience method for creating links.
Callback_IContainer_loadContainerHierarchy |
Retrieves hierarchy trees rooted by a given node (unless
orphan is specified -- See below)
Callback_IContainer_retrieveCollection |
Retrieves a collection with all members initialized
Callback_IContainer_unlink |
Removes links between OmeroDataObjects e.g Project-Dataset,
Note that the objects themselves aren't deleted, only the
Link objects.
Callback_IContainer_updateDataObject |
Updates a data object.
Callback_IContainer_updateDataObjects |
Convenience method to save network calls.
Callback_ILdap_createUser |
Creates an
Experimenter entry in the
OMERO DB based on the supplied LDAP username. |
Callback_ILdap_discover |
Discovers and lists
Experimenter s who
are present in the remote LDAP server and in the local DB
but have the ldap property set to
false . |
Callback_ILdap_discoverGroups |
Discovers and lists
ExperimenterGroup s
which are present in the remote LDAP server and in the local
DB but have the ldap property set to
false . |
Callback_ILdap_findDN |
Searches unique Distinguished Name - string in LDAP for
Common Name equals username.
Callback_ILdap_findExperimenter |
Searches Experimenter by unique Distinguished Name -
string in LDAP for Common Name equals username.
Callback_ILdap_findGroup |
Looks up a specific
in LDAP using the provided group name. |
Callback_ILdap_findGroupDN |
Looks up the DN for a group.
Callback_ILdap_getSetting |
Gets config value from properties.
Callback_ILdap_searchAll |
Searches all
Experimenter list on LDAP
for attribute objectClass = person. |
Callback_ILdap_searchByAttribute |
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified attribute. |
Callback_ILdap_searchByAttributes |
Searches all
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified attributes. |
Callback_ILdap_searchByDN |
Searches one
Experimenter in LDAP for
specified Distinguished Name. |
Callback_ILdap_searchDnInGroups |
Searches Distinguished Name in groups.
Callback_ILdap_setDN | Deprecated
setDN() is deprecated.
Callback_IMetadata_countAnnotationsUsedNotOwned |
Counts the number of annotation of a given type used by the
specified user but not owned by the user.
Callback_IMetadata_countSpecifiedAnnotations |
Counts the number of annotation of a given type.
Callback_IMetadata_getTaggedObjectsCount |
Returns a map whose key is a tag id and the value the
number of Projects, Datasets, and Images linked to that tag.
Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotation |
Loads the specified annotations.
Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotations |
Loads all the annotations of given types, that have been
attached to the specified
rootNodes for the
specified annotatorIds . |
Callback_IMetadata_loadAnnotationsUsedNotOwned |
Loads the annotations of a given type used by the specified
user but not owned by the user.
Callback_IMetadata_loadChannelAcquisitionData |
Loads the logical channels and the acquisition metadata
related to them.
Callback_IMetadata_loadInstrument |
Loads the instrument and its components i.e.
Callback_IMetadata_loadLogFiles |
Finds the original file IDs for the import logs
corresponding to the given Image or Fileset IDs.
Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotations |
Loads all the annotations of a given type.
Callback_IMetadata_loadSpecifiedAnnotationsLinkedTo |
Loads the annotations of a given type linked to the
specified objects.
Callback_IMetadata_loadTagContent |
Loads the TagSet if the id is specified otherwise loads
all the TagSet.
Callback_IMetadata_loadTagSets |
Loads all the TagSets.
Callback_IPixels_copyAndResizeImage |
Copies the metadata, and only the metadata linked to
a Image object into a new Image object of equal or
differing size across one or many of its three physical
dimensions or temporal dimension.
Callback_IPixels_copyAndResizePixels |
Copies the metadata, and only the metadata linked to
a Pixels object into a new Pixels object of equal or
differing size across one or many of its three physical
dimensions or temporal dimension.
Callback_IPixels_createImage |
Creates the metadata, and only the metadata linked
to an Image object.
Callback_IPixels_getAllEnumerations | Deprecated
Use ITypes#allEnumerations(string) instead.
Callback_IPixels_getBitDepth |
Bit depth for a given pixel type.
Callback_IPixels_getEnumeration | Deprecated
Use ITypes#getEnumeration(string, string) instead.
Callback_IPixels_loadRndSettings |
Loads a specific set of rendering settings.
Callback_IPixels_retrieveAllRndSettings |
Retrieves all the rendering settings for a given pixels set
and the passed user.
Callback_IPixels_retrievePixDescription |
Retrieves the pixels metadata.
Callback_IPixels_retrieveRndSettings |
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and
the currently logged in user.
Callback_IPixels_retrieveRndSettingsFor |
Retrieves the rendering settings for a given pixels set and
the passed user.
Callback_IPixels_saveRndSettings |
Saves the specified rendering settings.
Callback_IPixels_setChannelGlobalMinMax |
Sets the channel global (all 2D optical sections
corresponding to a particular channel) minimum and maximum
for a Pixels set.
Callback_IProjection_projectPixels |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections and
optical sections for a given set of time points of a Pixels
Callback_IProjection_projectStack |
Performs a projection through the optical sections of a
particular wavelength at a given time point of a Pixels set.
Callback_IQuery_find |
Looks up an entity by class and id.
Callback_IQuery_findAll |
Looks up all entities that belong to this class and match
Callback_IQuery_findAllByExample |
Searches based on provided example entity.
Callback_IQuery_findAllByFullText |
Executes a full text search based on Lucene.
Callback_IQuery_findAllByQuery |
Executes the stored query with the given name.
Callback_IQuery_findAllByString |
Searches a given field matching against a String.
Callback_IQuery_findByExample |
Searches based on provided example entity.
Callback_IQuery_findByQuery |
Executes the stored query with the given name.
Callback_IQuery_findByString |
Searches a given field matching against a String.
Callback_IQuery_get |
Looks up an entity by class and id.
Callback_IQuery_projection |
Return a sequence of
RType sequences. |
Callback_IQuery_refresh |
Refreshes an entire
IObject graph,
recursive loading all data for the managed instances in the
graph from the database. |
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToDataset |
Applies rendering settings to all images in a given Dataset.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToImage |
Applies rendering settings to a given Image.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToImages |
Applies rendering settings to a given Image.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToPixels |
Applies rendering settings to a given Pixels.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToProject |
Applies rendering settings to all images in all Datasets of
a given Project.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_applySettingsToSet |
Applies rendering settings to one or many containers.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_createNewRenderingDef |
Creates a new rendering definition object along with its
Callback_IRenderingSettings_getRenderingSettings |
Returns the default rendering settings for a given pixels
for the current user.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaults |
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic for the pixels set linked to that
set of rendering settings.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsByOwnerInSet |
Resets the rendering settings of a given group of
containers based on the owner's (essentially a copy).
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsForPixels |
Resets a Pixels' default rendering settings back to those
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInDataset |
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to those that
are specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInImage |
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to those
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsInSet |
Resets a rendering settings back to one or many containers
that are specified by the rendering engine intelligent
pretty good image (PG) logic.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetDefaultsNoSave |
Resets the given rendering settings to those that are
specified by the rendering engine intelligent pretty
good image (PG) logic for the pixels set linked to that
set of rendering settings.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_resetMinMaxInSet |
Resets a the channel windows for one or many containers
back to their global minimum and global maximum for the
Callback_IRenderingSettings_sanityCheckPixels |
Checks if the specified sets of pixels are compatible.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsForPixels |
Resets an Pixels' default rendering settings back to
channel global minimum and maximum.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInDataset |
Resets a dataset's rendering settings back to channel global
minimum and maximum.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInImage |
Resets an image's default rendering settings back to
channel global minimum and maximum.
Callback_IRenderingSettings_setOriginalSettingsInSet |
Resets a rendering settings back to channel global minimum
and maximum for the specified containers.
Callback_IRepositoryInfo_getFreeSpaceInKilobytes |
Returns the free or available space on this file system
including nested subdirectories.
Callback_IRepositoryInfo_getUsageFraction |
Returns a double of the used space divided by the free
Callback_IRepositoryInfo_getUsedSpaceInKilobytes |
Returns the total space in bytes for this file system
including nested subdirectories.
Callback_IRepositoryInfo_removeUnusedFiles |
Removes all files from the server that do not have an
OriginalFile complement in the database, all the Pixels
that do not have a complement in the database and all the
Thumbnail's that do not have a complement in the database.
Callback_IRepositoryInfo_sanityCheckRepository |
Checks that image data repository has not exceeded 95% disk
space use level.
Callback_IRoi_findByImage | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_findByPlane | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_findByRoi | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getMeasuredRois | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getMeasuredRoisMap | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getPoints | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getRoiMeasurements | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getRoiStats | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getShapeStats | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getShapeStatsList | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getShapeStatsRestricted | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_getTable | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IRoi_uploadMask | Deprecated
IROI is deprecated.
Callback_IScript_canRunScript |
Returns true if there is a processor which will run the
given script.
Callback_IScript_deleteScript |
Delete the script on the server with id.
Callback_IScript_editScript |
Modify the text for the given script object.
Callback_IScript_getParams |
Get the parameters that the script takes and returns, along with
other metadata available from the script.
Callback_IScript_getScriptID |
Get the id of an official script by the script path.
Callback_IScript_getScripts |
This method returns official server scripts as a list of
OriginalFile objects. |
Callback_IScript_getScriptsByMimetype |
This method returns official server scripts identified
with the specified extension as a list of
OriginalFile objects. |
Callback_IScript_getScriptText |
Get the text from the server for the script with given id.
Callback_IScript_getScriptWithDetails |
Get the script from the server with details from OriginalFile
Callback_IScript_getUserScripts |
Returns non-official scripts which have been uploaded by individual users.
Callback_IScript_runScript |
ResourceError is thrown, then no
Processor is available. |
Callback_IScript_uploadOfficialScript |
uploadScript but is only callable by
administrators. |
Callback_IScript_uploadScript |
Upload a user script to the server and return the id.
Callback_IScript_validateScript |
Used internally by to check if the script
attached to the
Job has a valid script
attached, based on the acceptsList and the current
security context. |
Callback_ISession_closeSession |
Closes session and releases all resources.
Callback_ISession_createSession |
Creates a new session and returns it to the user.
Callback_ISession_createSessionWithTimeout |
Allows an admin to create a
Session for the give
Principal . |
Callback_ISession_createSessionWithTimeouts |
Allows an admin to create a
Session for
the given Principal . |
Callback_ISession_createUserSession |
Allows a user to open up another session for him/herself with the given
defaults without needing to re-enter password.
Callback_ISession_getInput |
Retrieves an entry from the given
Session input environment. |
Callback_ISession_getInputKeys |
Retrieves all keys in the
Session input
environment. |
Callback_ISession_getInputs |
Retrieves all inputs from the given
Session input environment. |
Callback_ISession_getMyOpenAgentSessions |
getMyOpenSessions but returns only those
sessions with the given agent string. |
Callback_ISession_getMyOpenClientSessions |
getMyOpenSessions but returns only those
sessions started by official OMERO clients. |
Callback_ISession_getMyOpenSessions |
Returns a list of open sessions for the current user.
Callback_ISession_getOutput |
Retrieves an entry from the
output environment. |
Callback_ISession_getOutputKeys |
Retrieves all keys in the
output environment. |
Callback_ISession_getOutputs |
Retrieves all outputs from the given
Session input environment. |
Callback_ISession_getReferenceCount |
Retrieves the current reference count for the given uuid.
Callback_ISession_getSession |
Retrieves the session associated with this uuid, updating
the last access time as well.
Callback_ISession_setInput |
Places an entry in the given
input environment. |
Callback_ISession_setOutput |
Places an entry in the given
output environment. |
Callback_IShare_activate |
Turns on the access control lists attached to the given
share for the current session.
Callback_IShare_addComment |
TextAnnotation comment for
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_addGuest |
Adds guest email address to the share.
Callback_IShare_addGuests |
Adds guest email addresses to the share.
Callback_IShare_addObject | |
Callback_IShare_addObjects | |
Callback_IShare_addReply |
TextAnnotation comment which
replies to an existing comment. |
Callback_IShare_addUser |
Experimenter experimenter to
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_addUsers |
Experimenter experimenters to
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_closeShare |
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_createShare | |
Callback_IShare_deactivate |
Turns off the access control lists with the current share.
Callback_IShare_deleteComment |
Annotation comment from the
database. |
Callback_IShare_getActiveConnections |
Gets actual active connections to
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_getAllGuests |
Get the email addresses for all share guests.
Callback_IShare_getAllMembers |
Get all
Experimenter users who are a
member of the share. |
Callback_IShare_getAllUsers |
Get a single set containing the
omero.model.Experimenter.getOmeName login names
of the users as well email addresses for guests. |
Callback_IShare_getCommentCount |
Returns a map from share id to comment count.
Callback_IShare_getComments |
Looks up all
Annotation comments which
belong to the Session share. |
Callback_IShare_getContentMap |
Returns the contents of the share keyed by type.
Callback_IShare_getContents | |
Callback_IShare_getContentSize |
Returns the number of items in the share.
Callback_IShare_getContentSubList |
Returns a range of items from the share.
Callback_IShare_getEvents |
Gets events for
Session share per
Experimenter experimenter for period of
time. |
Callback_IShare_getMemberCount |
Returns a map from share id to the count of total members
(including the owner).
Callback_IShare_getMemberShares |
Gets all shares where current
Experimenter is a member. |
Callback_IShare_getMemberSharesFor |
Gets all shares where given
Experimenter is a member. |
Callback_IShare_getOwnShares |
Gets all owned shares for the current
Experimenter . |
Callback_IShare_getPastConnections |
Gets previous connections to
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_getShare |
Gets a share as a
Session with all
related: Annotation comments,
Experimenter members, fully loaded. |
Callback_IShare_getSharesOwnedBy |
Gets all shares owned by the given
Experimenter . |
Callback_IShare_invalidateConnection |
Makes the connection invalid for
Session share for specified user. |
Callback_IShare_notifyMembersOfShare |
Notifies via email selected members of share.
Callback_IShare_removeGuest |
Removes guest email address from share.
Callback_IShare_removeGuests |
Removes guest email addresses from the share.
Callback_IShare_removeObject | |
Callback_IShare_removeObjects |
Remove existing items from the share.
Callback_IShare_removeUser |
Experimenter experimenter from
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_removeUsers |
Experimenter experimenters from
Session share. |
Callback_IShare_setActive | |
Callback_IShare_setDescription | |
Callback_IShare_setExpiration | |
Callback_ITimeline_countByPeriod |
Queries the same information as getByPeriod, but only returns the counts
for the given objects.
Callback_ITimeline_getByPeriod |
Returns the given LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by
creation/modification times in the Event table, but
within the given time window.
Callback_ITimeline_getEventLogsByPeriod |
Returns the EventLog table objects which are queried to produce the counts above.
Callback_ITimeline_getMostRecentAnnotationLinks |
Return the last LIMIT annotation __Links__ whose parent (IAnnotated)
matches one of the parentTypes, whose child (Annotation) matches one
of the childTypes (limit of one for the moment), and who namespace
matches via ILIKE.
Callback_ITimeline_getMostRecentObjects |
Returns the last LIMIT objects of TYPES as ordered by
creation/modification times in the Event table.
Callback_ITimeline_getMostRecentShareCommentLinks |
Return the last LIMIT comment annotation links attached to a share by
Callback_ITypes_allEnumerations | |
Callback_ITypes_createEnumeration | |
Callback_ITypes_deleteEnumeration |
Deletes enumeration value specified by object.
Callback_ITypes_getAnnotationTypes |
Returns a list of classes which implement
IAnnotated . |
Callback_ITypes_getEnumeration |
Lookup an enumeration value.
Callback_ITypes_getEnumerationsWithEntries |
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type with
contained objects.
Callback_ITypes_getEnumerationTypes |
Gets all metadata classes which are IEnum type.
Callback_ITypes_getOriginalEnumerations |
Gets all original values.
Callback_ITypes_resetEnumerations | |
Callback_ITypes_updateEnumeration |
Updates enumeration value specified by object.
Callback_ITypes_updateEnumerations |
Updates enumeration value specified by object.
Callback_IUpdate_deleteObject | Deprecated
use omero::cmd::Delete2 instead
Callback_IUpdate_indexObject |
Initiates full-text indexing for the given object.
Callback_IUpdate_saveAndReturnArray | |
Callback_IUpdate_saveAndReturnIds | |
Callback_IUpdate_saveAndReturnObject | |
Callback_IUpdate_saveArray | |
Callback_IUpdate_saveCollection | |
Callback_IUpdate_saveObject | |
Callback_JobHandle_attach |
Returns the current
JobStatus for the
Job id. |
Callback_JobHandle_cancelJob |
Marks a job for cancellation.
Callback_JobHandle_getJob |
Returns the current
Job |
Callback_JobHandle_jobError |
true if the Job
has thrown an error. |
Callback_JobHandle_jobFinished | |
Callback_JobHandle_jobMessage |
Returns the current message for job.
Callback_JobHandle_jobRunning |
true if the Job is
running, i.e. |
Callback_JobHandle_jobStatus |
Returns the current
JobStatus . |
Callback_JobHandle_setMessage |
Sets the job's message string, and returns the previous
Callback_JobHandle_setStatus |
Updates the
JobStatus for the current
job. |
Callback_JobHandle_setStatusAndMessage |
setStatus but also sets the message. |
Callback_JobHandle_submit |
Submits a
Job and returns its database
id. |
Callback_MetadataStore_createRoot | |
Callback_MetadataStore_populateMinMax | |
Callback_MetadataStore_postProcess | |
Callback_MetadataStore_saveToDB | |
Callback_MetadataStore_setPixelsFile | |
Callback_MetadataStore_updateObjects | |
Callback_MetadataStore_updateReferences | |
Callback_PyramidService_getResolutionDescriptions |
Retrieves a more complete definition of the resolution
level in question.
Callback_PyramidService_getResolutionLevel |
Retrieves the active resolution level.
Callback_PyramidService_getResolutionLevels |
Retrieves the number of resolution levels that the backing
pixels pyramid contains.
Callback_PyramidService_getTileSize |
Retrieves the tile size for the pixel store.
Callback_PyramidService_requiresPixelsPyramid |
Whether or not this raw pixels store requires a backing
pixels pyramid to provide sub-resolutions of the data.
Callback_PyramidService_setResolutionLevel |
Sets the active resolution level.
Callback_RawFileStore_exists |
Checks to see if a raw file exists with the file ID that
the service was initialized with.
Callback_RawFileStore_getFileId |
Returns the current file id or null if none has been set.
Callback_RawFileStore_read |
length bytes of data at the
position from the raw file into an array of
bytes. |
Callback_RawFileStore_save |
Saves the
OriginalFile associated with
the service if it has been modified. |
Callback_RawFileStore_setFileId |
This method manages the state of the service.
Callback_RawFileStore_size |
Returns the size of the file on disk (not as stored in the
database since that value will only be updated on
save . |
Callback_RawFileStore_truncate |
Limits the size of a file to the given length.
Callback_RawFileStore_write |
length bytes of data from the specified
buf byte array starting at at
position to the raw file. |
Callback_RawPixelsStore_calculateMessageDigest |
Calculates a SHA-1 message digest for the entire pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_findMinMax |
Find the minimum and maximum pixel values for the specified channels by iterating over a full plane.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getByteWidth |
Returns the byte width for the pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getCol |
Retrieves a particular column from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getHistogram |
Retrieves the histogram data for the specified plane and channels.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getHypercube |
Retrieves a n-dimensional block from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsId |
Returns the current Pixels set identifier.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPixelsPath |
Returns the current Pixels path.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPlane |
Retrieves a particular 2D image plane from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneOffset |
Retrieves the offset for a particular 2D image plane in this pixel
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneRegion |
Retrieves a region from a given plane from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getPlaneSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of a 2D image plane in this
pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getRegion |
Retrieves a region from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getRow |
Retrieves a particular row or scanline from this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getRowOffset |
Retrieves the offset for a particular row or scanline in
this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getRowSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of a row or scanline of pixels
in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getStack |
Retrieves the the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getStackOffset |
Retrieves the offset for the entire number of optical
sections for a single wavelength or channel at a
particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getStackSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for a single wavelength or channel
at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getTile |
Retrieves a tile from this pixel buffer.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getTimepoint |
Retrieves the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointOffset |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for all wavelengths or channels at
a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getTimepointSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire number of
optical sections for all wavelengths or channels at
a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_getTotalSize |
Retrieves the in memory size of the entire pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_isFloat |
Returns whether or not the pixel buffer has floating point pixels.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_isSigned |
Returns whether or not the pixel store has signed pixels.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_prepare |
Prepares the stateful service with a cache of loaded Pixels
Callback_RawPixelsStore_save |
Save the current state of the pixels, updating the SHA1.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setPixelsId |
Initializes the stateful service for a given Pixels set.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setPlane |
Sets a particular 2D image plane in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setRegion |
Sets a region in this pixel buffer.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setRow |
Sets a particular row or scanline in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setStack |
Sets the entire number of optical sections for a single
wavelength or channel at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setTile |
Sets a tile in this pixel buffer.
Callback_RawPixelsStore_setTimepoint |
Sets the entire number of optical sections for all
wavelengths or channels at a particular timepoint in this pixel store.
Callback_RenderingEngine_addCodomainMap | Deprecated
addCodomainMap() is deprecated.
Callback_RenderingEngine_addCodomainMapToChannel |
Adds the context to the mapping chain.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getAvailableFamilies |
Returns the list of mapping families supported by the
Rendering engine.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getAvailableModels |
Returns the list of color models supported by the Rendering
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelCurveCoefficient |
Returns the coefficient identifying a map in the family.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelFamily |
Returns the family associated to the specified channel.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelLookupTable | |
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelNoiseReduction |
true if the noise reduction algorithm
used to map the pixels intensity values is turned on,
false if the algorithm is turned off. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelStats | |
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowEnd |
Returns the upper bound of the pixels intensity interval.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getChannelWindowStart |
Returns the lower bound of the pixels intensity interval.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getCodomainMapContext |
Returns the list of codomain contexts for the specified
Callback_RenderingEngine_getCompressionLevel |
Returns the current compression level for the service.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getDefaultT |
Returns the default timepoint index.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getDefaultZ |
Returns the index of the default focal section.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getModel |
Returns the model that dictates how transformed raw data
has to be mapped onto a color space.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getPixels |
Returns the
Pixels set the Rendering
engine is for. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeLowerBound |
Returns the maximum value for that channels depending on
the pixels type and the original range (globalmin, globalmax)
Callback_RenderingEngine_getPixelsTypeUpperBound |
Returns the minimum value for that channels depending on
the pixels type and the original range (globalmin, globalmax)
Callback_RenderingEngine_getQuantumDef |
Returns the quantization object.
Callback_RenderingEngine_getRenderingDefId | |
Callback_RenderingEngine_getRGBA |
Returns a 4D-array representing the color associated to the
specified channel.
Callback_RenderingEngine_isActive |
true if the channel is mapped,
false otherwise. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_isPixelsTypeSigned |
true if the pixels type is signed,
false otherwise. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_load |
Creates an instance of the rendering engine.
Callback_RenderingEngine_loadRenderingDef |
Loads a specific set of rendering settings that does not
necessarily have to be linked to the given Pixels set.
Callback_RenderingEngine_lookupPixels |
Loads the Pixels set this Rendering Engine is for.
Callback_RenderingEngine_lookupRenderingDef |
Loads the rendering settings associated to the specified
pixels set.
Callback_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMap | Deprecated
removeCodomainMap() is deprecated.
Callback_RenderingEngine_removeCodomainMapFromChannel |
Removes the specified context from the chain.
Callback_RenderingEngine_render |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_renderAsPackedInt |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_renderCompressed |
Renders the data selected by
def according to
the current rendering settings and compresses the resulting
RGBA composite image. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedAsPackedInt |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of
a particular timepoint with the currently active channels
and renders the data for display.
Callback_RenderingEngine_renderProjectedCompressed |
Performs a projection through selected optical sections of
a particular timepoint with the currently active channels,
renders the data for display and compresses the resulting
RGBA composite image.
Callback_RenderingEngine_resetDefaultSettings |
Resets the default settings i.e.
Callback_RenderingEngine_saveAsNewSettings |
Saves the current rendering settings in the database
as a new
RenderingDef and loads the
object into the current RenderingEngine . |
Callback_RenderingEngine_saveCurrentSettings |
Saves the current rendering settings in the database.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setActive |
Maps the specified channel if
true , unmaps the
channel otherwise. |
Callback_RenderingEngine_setChannelLookupTable | |
Callback_RenderingEngine_setChannelWindow |
Returns the pixels intensity interval.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setCodomainInterval |
Sets the sub-interval of the device space i.e.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setCompressionLevel |
Sets the current compression level for the service.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setDefaultT |
Sets the default timepoint index.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setDefaultZ |
Sets the index of the default focal section.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setModel |
Specifies the model that dictates how transformed raw data
has to be mapped onto a color space.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setOverlays | Deprecated
use omero::romio::PlaneDefWithMasks instead
Callback_RenderingEngine_setQuantizationMap |
Sets the quantization map, one per channel.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setQuantumStrategy |
Sets the quantization strategy.
Callback_RenderingEngine_setRGBA |
Sets the four components composing the color associated to
the specified channel.
Callback_RenderingEngine_updateCodomainMap | Deprecated
removeCodomainMap() is deprecated.
Callback_RenderingEngine_updateSettings |
Updates the current rendering settings based on a provided rendering
definition and associated sub-objects.
Callback_Search_activeQueries |
Returns the number of active queries.
Callback_Search_addOrderByAsc |
A path from the target entity which will be added to the
current stack of order statements applied to the query.
Callback_Search_addOrderByDesc |
A path from the target entity which will be added to the
current stack of order statements applied to the query.
Callback_Search_allTypes |
Permits all types to be returned.
Callback_Search_and |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next , or
results sees only the intersection of the two
calls. |
Callback_Search_byAnnotatedWith |
Finds entities annotated with an
Annotation similar to the example. |
Callback_Search_byFullText |
Passes the query as is to the Lucene backend.
Callback_Search_byGroupForTags |
Returns transient (without ID)
TagAnnotation instances which
represent all the
TagAnnotation tags in the given group. |
Callback_Search_byHqlQuery |
Delegates to
omero.api.IQuery.findAllByQuery method
to take advantage of the and , or , and
not methods, or queue-semantics. |
Callback_Search_byLuceneQueryBuilder |
Builds a Lucene query and passes it to the Lucene backend.
Callback_Search_bySimilarTerms |
Returns transient (without ID)
TextAnnotation instances which represent
terms which are similar to the given terms. |
Callback_Search_bySomeMustNone |
Builds a Lucene query and passes it to
byFullText . |
Callback_Search_byTagForGroups |
Creates a query which will return transient (without ID)
TagAnnotation instances which represent
all the TagAnnotation tag groups which
the given tag belongs to. |
Callback_Search_clearQueries |
Removes all active queries (leaving
settings alone), such that activeQueries will
return 0. |
Callback_Search_currentMetadata |
Provides access to the extra query information (for example
Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to
next . |
Callback_Search_currentMetadataList |
Provides access to the extra query information (for example
Lucene score and boost values) for a single call to
results . |
Callback_Search_fetchAlso |
Adds a fetch clause for loading non-annotation fields of
returned entities.
Callback_Search_fetchAnnotations |
Queries the database for all
annotations of the given types for all returned instances. |
Callback_Search_getBatchSize |
Returns the current batch size.
Callback_Search_hasNext |
true if another call to
next is valid. |
Callback_Search_isAllowLeadingWildcard |
Returns the current leading-wildcard setting.
Callback_Search_isCaseSensitive |
Returns the current case sensitivity setting.
Callback_Search_isMergedBatches |
Returns the current merged-batches setting.
Callback_Search_isReturnUnloaded |
Returns the current return-unloaded setting.
Callback_Search_isUseProjections |
Returns the current use-projection setting.
Callback_Search_next |
Returns the next entity from the current query.
Callback_Search_not |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next , or
results sees only the intersection of the two
calls. |
Callback_Search_notAnnotatedBy |
Restricts entities by who has not annotated them with an
Annotation matching the other filters. |
Callback_Search_notOwnedBy |
Uses the
Details.getOwner() and
Details.getGroup() information to
restrict the entities which will be returned. |
Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBetween |
Restricts entities by the time in which any annotation
(which matches the other filters) was added them.
Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedBy |
Restricts entities by who has annotated them with an
Annotation matching the other filters. |
Callback_Search_onlyAnnotatedWith |
Restricts entities to having an
Annotation of all the given types. |
Callback_Search_onlyCreatedBetween |
Restricts the time between which an entity may have been
Callback_Search_onlyIds |
Restricts the set of ids which will be checked.
Callback_Search_onlyModifiedBetween |
Restricts the time between which an entity may have last
been modified.
Callback_Search_onlyOwnedBy |
Uses the
Details.getOwner() and
Details.getGroup() information to
restrict the entities which will be returned. |
Callback_Search_onlyType |
Restricts the search to a single type.
Callback_Search_onlyTypes |
Restricts searches to a set of types.
Callback_Search_or |
Applies the next by* method to the previous by* method, so
that a call
hasNext , next or
results sees only the union of the two calls. |
Callback_Search_remove |
Unsupported operation.
Callback_Search_resetDefaults |
Resets all settings (non-query state) to the original
default values, as if the instance had just be created.
Callback_Search_results |
Returns up to
getBatchSize batch size number of
results along with the related query metadata. |
Callback_Search_setAllowLeadingWildcard |
Permits full-text queries with a leading query if true.
Callback_Search_setBatchSize |
Sets the maximum number of results that will be returned by
one call to
results . |
Callback_Search_setCaseSensitive |
Sets the case sensitivity on all queries where
case-sensitivity is supported.
Callback_Search_setCaseSentivice | Deprecated
use setCaseSensitive instead
Callback_Search_setMergedBatches |
Set whether or not results from two separate queries can be
returned in the same call to
results . |
Callback_Search_setReturnUnloaded |
Determines if all results should be returned as unloaded
Callback_Search_setUseProjections |
Determines if Lucene queries should not hit the database.
Callback_Search_unordered |
Removes the current stack of order statements.
Callback_ServiceFactory_activeServices |
Returns a list of string ids for currently active services.
Callback_ServiceFactory_closeOnDestroy |
Marks the session for closure rather than detachment, which will
be triggered by the destruction of the Glacier2 connection via
Closing the session rather the detaching is more secure, since all
resources are removed from the server and can safely be set once
it is clear that a client is finished with those resources.
Callback_ServiceFactory_createByName |
Allows looking up any stateful service by name.
Callback_ServiceFactory_createExporter | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createJobHandle | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createRawFileStore | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createRawPixelsStore | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createRenderingEngine | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createSearchService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_createThumbnailStore | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_detachOnDestroy |
Marks the session for detachment rather than closure, which will
be triggered by the destruction of the Glacier2 connection via
This is the default and allows a lost session to be reconnected,
at a slight security cost since the session will persist longer
and can be used by others if the UUID is intercepted.
Callback_ServiceFactory_getAdminService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getByName |
Allows looking up any stateless service by name.
Callback_ServiceFactory_getConfigService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getContainerService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getLdapService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getMetadataService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getPixelsService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getProjectionService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getQueryService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getRenderingSettingsService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getRepositoryInfoService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getRoiService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getScriptService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getSecurityContexts |
Provides a list of all valid security contexts for this session.
Callback_ServiceFactory_getSessionService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getShareService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getTimelineService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getTypesService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_getUpdateService | |
Callback_ServiceFactory_keepAlive |
Returns true if the given service is alive.
Callback_ServiceFactory_keepAllAlive |
Requests that the given services be marked as alive.
Callback_ServiceFactory_setCallback |
Sets the single callback used by the ServiceFactory
to communicate with the client application.
Callback_ServiceFactory_setSecurityContext |
Changes the security context for the current session.
Callback_ServiceFactory_setSecurityPassword |
Re-validates the password for the current session.
Callback_ServiceFactory_sharedResources |
Returns a reference to a back-end manager.
Callback_ServiceFactory_subscribe |
Subscribe to a given topic.
Callback_StatefulServiceInterface_activate |
Load a service implementation from disk if it was previously
Callback_StatefulServiceInterface_close |
Frees all resources -- passivated or active -- for the given
stateful service and removes its name from the object adapter.
Callback_StatefulServiceInterface_getCurrentEventContext |
To free clients from tracking the mapping from session to stateful
service, each stateful service can returns its own context information.
Callback_StatefulServiceInterface_passivate |
Causes the blitz server to store the service implementation to disk
to free memory.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnail |
Creates a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnails |
Creates thumbnails for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the on-disk cache for
every sizeX/sizeY combination already cached.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_createThumbnailsByLongestSideSet |
Creates thumbnails for a number of pixels sets using a
given set of rendering settings (RenderingDef) in the
on-disk cache.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getRenderingDefId |
Return the id of the
loaded in this instance. |
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnail |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSide |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailByLongestSideSet |
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using
given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionByLongestSideDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailForSectionDirect |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef) for a particular section.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailSet |
Retrieves a number of thumbnails for pixels sets using
given sets of rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_getThumbnailWithoutDefault |
Retrieves a thumbnail for a pixels set using a given set of
rendering settings (RenderingDef).
Callback_ThumbnailStore_isInProgress |
This returns the last available in progress state
for a thumbnail.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_resetDefaults |
Resets the rendering definition for the active pixels set
to its default settings.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_setPixelsId |
This method manages the state of the service; it must be
invoked before using any other methods.
Callback_ThumbnailStore_setRenderingDefId |
This method manages the state of the service; it should be
invoked directly after
setPixelsId . |
Callback_ThumbnailStore_thumbnailExists |
Checks if a thumbnail of a particular size exists for a
pixels set.
ChecksumAlgorithmListHelper | |
ChecksumAlgorithmListHolder | |
ClientCallbackHolder | |
ClientCallbackPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ClientCallbackPrxHolder | |
DatasetListHelper | |
DatasetListHolder | |
DoubleArrayArrayArrayHelper | |
DoubleArrayArrayArrayHolder | |
DoubleArrayArrayHelper | |
DoubleArrayArrayHolder | |
DoubleArrayHelper | |
DoubleArrayHolder | |
EventContextListHelper | |
EventContextListHolder | |
EventListHelper | |
EventListHolder | |
EventLogListHelper | |
EventLogListHolder | |
ExperimenterGroupListHelper | |
ExperimenterGroupListHolder | |
ExperimenterListHelper | |
ExperimenterListHolder | |
ExporterHolder | |
ExporterPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ExporterPrxHolder | |
FloatArrayArrayArrayHelper | |
FloatArrayArrayArrayHolder | |
FloatArrayArrayHelper | |
FloatArrayArrayHolder | |
FloatArrayHelper | |
FloatArrayHolder | |
IAdminHolder | |
IAdminPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IAdminPrxHolder | |
IConfigHolder | |
IConfigPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IConfigPrxHolder | |
IContainerHolder | |
IContainerPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IContainerPrxHolder | |
IdBooleanLongListMapMapHelper | |
IdBooleanLongListMapMapHolder | |
IdListMapHelper | |
IdListMapHolder | |
ILdapHolder | |
ILdapPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ILdapPrxHolder | |
ImageListHelper | |
ImageListHolder | |
IMetadataHolder | |
IMetadataPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IMetadataPrxHolder | |
IntegerArrayArrayArrayHelper | |
IntegerArrayArrayArrayHolder | |
IntegerArrayArrayHelper | |
IntegerArrayArrayHolder | |
IntegerArrayHelper | |
IntegerArrayHolder | |
IntegerDoubleArrayMapHelper | |
IntegerDoubleArrayMapHolder | |
IntegerIntegerArrayMapHelper | |
IntegerIntegerArrayMapHolder | |
IntegerListHelper | |
IntegerListHolder | |
IntShapeListMapHelper | |
IntShapeListMapHolder | |
IntStringMapHelper | |
IntStringMapHolder | |
IObjectListHelper | |
IObjectListHolder | |
IObjectListMapHelper | |
IObjectListMapHolder | |
IPixelsHolder | |
IPixelsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IPixelsPrxHolder | |
IProjectionHolder | |
IProjectionPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IProjectionPrxHolder | |
IQueryHolder | |
IQueryPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IQueryPrxHolder | |
IRenderingSettingsHolder | |
IRenderingSettingsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IRenderingSettingsPrxHolder | |
IRepositoryInfoHolder | |
IRepositoryInfoPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IRepositoryInfoPrxHolder | |
IRoiHolder | |
IRoiPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IRoiPrxHolder | |
IScriptHolder | |
IScriptPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IScriptPrxHolder | |
ISessionHolder | |
ISessionPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ISessionPrxHolder | |
IShareHolder | |
ISharePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ISharePrxHolder | |
ITimelineHolder | |
ITimelinePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ITimelinePrxHolder | |
ITypesHolder | |
ITypesPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ITypesPrxHolder | |
IUpdateHolder | |
IUpdatePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
IUpdatePrxHolder | |
JobHandleHolder | |
JobHandlePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
JobHandlePrxHolder | |
LogicalChannelListHelper | |
LogicalChannelListHolder | |
LongAnnotationListMapHelper | |
LongAnnotationListMapHolder | |
LongArrayArrayHelper | |
LongArrayArrayHolder | |
LongArrayHelper | |
LongArrayHolder | |
LongByteArrayMapHelper | |
LongByteArrayMapHolder | |
LongIntMapHelper | |
LongIntMapHolder | |
LongIObjectListMapHelper | |
LongIObjectListMapHolder | |
LongListHelper | |
LongListHolder | |
LongPair | |
LongPairHolder | |
LongPairIntMapHelper | |
LongPairIntMapHolder | |
LongPairLongMapHelper | |
LongPairLongMapHolder | |
LongPairToStringIntMapHelper | |
LongPairToStringIntMapHolder | |
LongPairToStringLongMapHelper | |
LongPairToStringLongMapHolder | |
LongPixelsMapHelper | |
LongPixelsMapHolder | |
LongRoiResultMapHelper | |
LongRoiResultMapHolder | |
LongShapeListMapHelper | |
LongShapeListMapHolder | |
LongStringMapHelper | |
LongStringMapHolder | |
MetadataStoreHolder | |
MetadataStorePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
MetadataStorePrxHolder | |
NamedValueListHelper | |
NamedValueListHolder | |
OriginalFileListHelper | |
OriginalFileListHolder | |
OriginalFileMapHelper | |
OriginalFileMapHolder | |
PixelsListHelper | |
PixelsListHolder | |
PixelsTypeListHelper | |
PixelsTypeListHolder | |
ProjectListHelper | |
ProjectListHolder | |
PyramidServiceHolder | |
PyramidServicePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
PyramidServicePrxHolder | |
RawFileStoreHolder | |
RawFileStorePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RawFileStorePrxHolder | |
RawPixelsStoreHolder | |
RawPixelsStorePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RawPixelsStorePrxHolder | |
RenderingEngineHolder | |
RenderingEnginePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RenderingEnginePrxHolder | |
ResolutionDescription | |
ResolutionDescriptionHolder | |
ResolutionDescriptionPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ResolutionDescriptionPrxHolder | |
ResolutionDescriptionsHelper | |
ResolutionDescriptionsHolder | |
RoiListHelper | |
RoiListHolder | |
RoiOptions |
Specifies filters used when querying the ROIs.
RoiOptionsHolder | |
RoiOptionsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RoiOptionsPrxHolder | |
RoiResult |
Returned by most search methods.
RoiResultHolder | |
RoiResultPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RoiResultPrxHolder | |
RoiStats |
Container for ShapeStats, one with the combined values,
and one per shape.
RoiStatsHolder | |
RoiStatsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
RoiStatsPrxHolder | |
RTypeDictArrayHelper | |
RTypeDictArrayHolder | |
Save | |
SaveHolder | |
SavePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
SavePrxHolder | |
SaveRsp | |
SaveRspHolder | |
SaveRspPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
SaveRspPrxHolder | |
ScriptJobListHelper | |
ScriptJobListHolder | |
SearchHolder | |
SearchMetadataHelper | |
SearchMetadataHolder | |
SearchMetadataListHelper | |
SearchMetadataListHolder | |
SearchPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
SearchPrxHolder | |
ServiceFactoryHolder | |
ServiceFactoryPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ServiceFactoryPrxHolder | |
ServiceInterfaceHolder | |
ServiceInterfacePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ServiceInterfacePrxHolder | |
ServiceListHelper | |
ServiceListHolder | |
SessionListHelper | |
SessionListHolder | |
ShapeListHelper | |
ShapeListHolder | |
ShapePoints |
Contains a discrete representation of the geometry of
an omero::model::Shape.
ShapePointsHolder | |
ShapePointsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ShapePointsPrxHolder | |
ShapeStats |
Contains arrays, one entry per channel, of the statistics
for a given shape.
ShapeStatsHolder | |
ShapeStatsListHelper | |
ShapeStatsListHolder | |
ShapeStatsPrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ShapeStatsPrxHolder | |
ShortArrayArrayHelper | |
ShortArrayArrayHolder | |
ShortArrayHelper | |
ShortArrayHolder | |
StatefulServiceInterfaceHolder | |
StatefulServiceInterfacePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
StatefulServiceInterfacePrxHolder | |
StringArrayArrayHelper | |
StringArrayArrayHolder | |
StringArrayHelper | |
StringArrayHolder | |
StringIntMapHelper | |
StringIntMapHolder | |
StringLongListMapHelper | |
StringLongListMapHolder | |
StringLongMapHelper | |
StringLongMapHolder | |
StringRStringMapHelper | |
StringRStringMapHolder | |
StringRTypeMapHelper | |
StringRTypeMapHolder | |
StringSetHelper | |
StringSetHolder | |
StringShapeListMapHelper | |
StringShapeListMapHolder | |
StringStringArrayMapHelper | |
StringStringArrayMapHolder | |
StringStringMapHelper | |
StringStringMapHolder | |
ThumbnailStoreHolder | |
ThumbnailStorePrxHelper |
Provides type-specific helper functions.
ThumbnailStorePrxHolder | |
UserMapHelper | |
UserMapHolder |