This page is primarily designed for the core OME developers who are contributing to our code base using git. It should contain all the useful commands and configuration you need for doing most git tasks.
For basic instructions on how to install and configure Git and checkout the source code, look at the Checking out the source code page.
This section assumes that “gh” is your own personal GitHub repository, and “origin” is the official openmicroscopy repository.
You can also add the other members of the OME network as remotes, so you can follow what they are doing:
git remote add SOMEUSER git://
git fetch SOMEUSER
If you would like to work more closely with someone, via pushing directly to their branch or they from yours, then you can have them add you as a collaborator on their repository or do the same for them on yours. This is done under
If you have not made such a repository yet as a remote, then you should do so using the SSH protocol:
git remote add SOMEUSER
Otherwise, you will need to modify its URL
git remote set-url SOMEUSER
If you would like to be kept up-to-date on what several users are doing on GitHub, you can set the “default remotes” value to the list of people you would like to check in .git/config:
git config remotes.default "ome team origin gh official chris ola will jm colin elwood"
Now, git remote update will check the above list of repositories.
When you have work which you want to share with the rest of the team, it is vital that you push it to your GitHub fork.
git push gh your-branch
This will create a new branch, and the same command can be used to subsequently update that branch.
If you NEED to use a different name for the branch on GitHub, you can do:
git push gh your-branch:refs/heads/branch-name-on-gh
As mentioned elsewhere, the “refs/heads/” prefix only needs to be used to create a new branch, and can be dropped for subsequent pushes.
The flip-side of pushing your own branches is being aware that other OME developers will also be pushing theirs. GitHub provides a number of ways of monitoring either a user or a repository. Notifications about what watched users and repositories are doing can be seen in your GitHub inbox or via RSS feeds. See Be social for more information.
Even if you do not feel able to watch the everyone’s repository, you will likely want to periodically check in on the current Pull Requests (PRs). These will contain screenshots and other updates about what the team is working on. When the PRs have been sufficiently reviewed, they will be merged into the develop branch so that others’ work will start to be based on it.
Once your branches have been merged into the mainline (“develop” of openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy) you should delete them from your repository.
git branch -d your-branch
git push gh :your-branch
This way, anyone looking at your fork clearly sees what is currently in progress or upcoming.
Although everyone has a slightly different way of working, the following command examples should show you much of what you will want to do on a daily or weekly basis when working with OME via git.
See if you have any changes that you might need to commit. This also displays some useful tips on how to add and remove files:
git status
Create a branch from the “develop” branch:
git checkout -b feature/foo origin/develop
At this point, you are ready to do some work:
git checkout my-work # Just to be sure.
vim README.txt # edit files
git merge anotheruser/some-work
git status # See what you have done
You can also add files or directories to the ‘cache’ with interactive choice of which ‘chunks’ to accept or decline (useful for checking that you are not adding any unintended changes, print statements etc.):
git add -p path/to/dir/or/file
Check the status again - to see summary of what you are about to commit:
git status
Any remaining changes that you want to discard can be reverted by:
git checkout -- path/to/file.txt
When committing the code you have just modified/merged your commit message should refer to related tickets. E.g. “See #1111” will link the commit to the ticket on trac, and “Fixes #2222“” will link and close the ticket on trac.
git commit -m "Add message here and refer to the ticket number. See #1234. Fixes #5678"
If you want to add more than a short one-line message, you can omit the -m “message” and git will open your specified editor, where you should add a single line summary followed by line space and then a paragraph of more text. See Commit messages for more discussion.
After you have committed, you can keep working and committing as above - the changes are only saved to your local git.
For example, you can move to another branch to continue work on a different feature. To see a list branches:
git branch
Add the -a to list remote branches too.
To simply move between branches, use git checkout. All the files on your file-system will be updated to the new branch:
git checkout dev_4_2
Make sure they are refreshed if you have files open in an editor or IDE
If you have forgotten what you did on a particular branch, you can use git log. Add the -p flag to see the actual diff for each commit.
You can use the first 5 characters of a commit’s hash key to begin the log at a certain commit. E.g. show diff for commit 83dad:
git log 83dad -p
Or to display a nice graph:
git log --graph --decorate --oneline
If an alias has been set-up as described in the configuration section above, you can just do:
git graph
This is most useful when showing how two branches are related:
git graph origin/develop develop
When you are ready, you will need to push your local changes to your own forked repository in order to share with others. If the branch does not yet exist in your repository, you will need to prefix the push command with refs/heads:
git push gh my_fix_123:refs/heads/my_fix_123
After that initial push, the following will suffice as long as you are on the my_fix_123 branch:
git push gh my_fix_123
You will find it easier if you name remote branches the same as local branch though it is not a requirement:
git push gh name/of/branch:refs/heads/name/of/branch
# E.g:
git push gh feature/export:refs/heads/feature/export
Once you have pushed, you can open a “Pull Request” to inform the team about the changes. More on that below.
You can also create a local branch from a remote branch, whether it is your own or belongs to someone else on the team. These will be ‘tracked’ so that commits you push automatically go to the corresponding remote branch:
git fetch SOMEUSER && git checkout -b name/of/branch SOMEUSER/name/of/branch
# work on the branch then:
git push SOMEUSER name/of/branch
If you have been permitted write access to someone else’s forked repository, or you have granted someone else write access to your repository, then there is a further aspect that you need to be aware of.
If both of you are working on the my_fix_123 branch from above, then when it is time to push, your version may not represent the latest state. To prevent losing any commits or introducing unnecessary merge messages, you will first need to access the latest remote changes:
git fetch gh
To see the differences between your local changes (‘my_fix_123’) and the remote changes (‘gh/my_fix_123’), you can use the log command:
git log --graph --date-order gh/my_fix_123 my_fix_123
If the remote branch (‘gh/my_fix_123’) have moved ahead of yours, then you will want to rebase your work on top of this new work:
git rebase gh/my_fix_123
Now your local changes will follow the remote changes in the log. You can check how this looks by viewing the graph again:
git log --graph --date-order gh/my_fix_123 my_fix_123
Now you can push your changes on the ‘my_fix_123’ branch to the remote repository:
git push gh my_fix_123
Rebasing allows you to update the ‘base’ point at which you branched from another branch (as described above). You can also use ‘rebase’ to organize your commits before merging.
It can strip whitespace, since it is good practice not to commit extra whitespace at the end of lines or files. Git allows you to remove all extra whitespace during rebase - E.g. to origin/develop branch
git rebase --whitespace=strip origin/develop
Rebase “interactive” using the -i flag allows you to remove, edit, combine etc commits. Git will open an editor to allow you to edit the commit summary along with instructions on how to omit, modify commits. For example, to rebase onto origin/develop branch:
git rebase -i origin/develop
Since submodules are git repositories, all the tools described previously (add remotes, edit/merge, commit...) can be used within each submodule repository:
$ cd components/bioformats
$ git remote add melissalinkert
$ git remote
$ git checkout -b new_branch origin/develop
$ vim Readme.txt
$ git merge melissalinkert/branch
$ git commit -m "Merge branch"
$ git push sbesson new_branch
Additionally, you can perform an update of the submodule from the parent project, i.e. checkout a specific commit. After updating, the submodule ends up in a detached HEAD state:
$ cd code/openmicroscopy
$ git submodule update
Submodule path 'components/bioformats': checked out '9328b869b9ba61851adaa3db428ce25f0ca56845'
$ cd components/bioformats
$ git branch
* (no branch)
If you move between branches in the project, you may end up in a different state of the submodule:
$ cd ../..
$ git checkout my-branch
M components/bioformats
Switched to branch 'my-branch'
$ git status
# On branch my-branch
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# modified: components/bioformats (new commits)
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
If you do not want to modify the submodule state, run command:git submodule update. Be careful though, the command:git subdmodule update command will silently delete all local changes under the submodule. If you want to keep your changes, make sure you have pushed them to GitHub.
To advance the submodule to another commit, you can run the command:git add command:
cd components/bioformats
git merge gh/branch
git commit -m "Merged branch"
git push
cd ..
git add bioformats
git commit -m "Move to latest bioformats"
Be careful NOT to add a trailing slash when adding the submodule, the following command would want to delete the submodule and add all the files in the submodule directory:
git add components/bioformats/
There are git hooks available to make working with submodules safer. See post-merge-checkout for an example.
All commit messages in git should start with a single line of 72 characters or less, following by a blank line, followed by any other text.
Add feature X (See #123, Fix #321)
<this line left blank>
More description about X. It’s really great …
Many git tools expect exactly this format, not the least of which is GitHub. If you would like to see how these commit messages are rendered on GitHub, take a look at the repository
You can read more about commit messages at A Note About Git Commit Messages.
Rebasing allows you to update the ‘base’ point at which you branched from another branch (as described above). You can also use ‘rebase’ to organize your commits before merging.
Strip whitespace: It is good practice not to commit extra whitespace at the end of lines or files. Git allows you to remove all extra whitespace during rebase - E.g. to origin/develop branch
git rebase --whitespace=strip origin/develop
If you used the set-up script above, the alias ‘ws’ was added to allow you to achieve the same action with:
git ws origin/develop
Rebase “interactive”: To remove, edit, combine etc. your commits, use the -i flag. Git will open an editor to allow you to edit the commit summary (gives instructions too). For example, to rebase onto origin/develop branch:
git rebase -i origin/develop
We use a remote repository called “team” for developers to push changes that are not ready to go into the main ‘develop’ branch. This allows you to collaborate on a branch or simply to back-up your work.
git remote add team ssh://
Create new branches for others to see:
git push team new_feature_name:refs/heads/new_feature_name
Get changes from others:
git pull --ff-only team new_feature_name
Send changes to others:
git push team new_feature_name
You can also create a local branch from a remote branch. These will be ‘tracked’ so that commits you push automatically go to the corresponding remote branch:
git fetch team && git checkout -b name/of/branch team/name/of/branch
# work on the branch then:
git push team name/of/branch
Now go back to your regular work and finish the feature and commit to develop when ready. Once the branch is no longer needed, remove the name:
git push team :refs/heads/new_feature_name
You will find it easier if you name remote branches the same as local branch:
git push team name/of/branch:refs/heads/name/of/branch
# E.g:
git push team feature/export:refs/heads/feature/export
# after committing to local branch you can push to team
git push team name/of/branch
We roughly follow the git-flow style of naming and managing branch. Info about the idea can be found under A successful Git branching model. There is also a screencast available on Vimeo.
The master branch is always “releasable”, almost always by having a tagged version merged into it. The develop branch is where unstable work takes place. At times, another stable branch with the version name appended (“dev_x_y”) is also active. PRs merged into this stable branch are also rebased onto develop.
For more information about how multiple branches are being maintained currently, see Continuous integration workflow.
One large goal of the work with the forked repository model is to have both team members as well as external collaborators be aware of upcoming features as they happen, and have them be able to comment on the work as quickly and easily.
There is a danger of some members of the community not being aware of which branches are active and applicable, but if our weekly meetings contain a summary of what work is happening in which branch as opposed to just which tickets are in progress on the whiteboard, then it should be fairly easy for someone from the outside to get involved.
What follows is an explanation of the overarching way we categorize and review our branches. This is not required reading for everyone.
To make working with a larger number of branches easily, we will initially introduce some terminology. Branches should typically be in one of three states: investigations, works-in-progress (WIP), or deliverables.
At the bottom of the figure above are the investigation branches. These are efforts which are being driven possibly by a single individual and which are possibly not a part of the current milestone. They may not lead to released code, or they may be put on hold for some period of time while other avenues are also investigated.
For an investigation to move up to being a work-in-progress, it should have more involvement from the rest of team and have been discussed and documented via stories, mini-group meetings, etc. Where necessary – which will usually be the case – the major components (Bio-Formats, the model, the database, the server, at least one client) should be under way.
Finally, deliverable branches are intended for inclusion in the upcoming milestone. They have all the necessary “paper work” – requirements, stories, tasks, scenarios, tests, screencasts, etc. Where support is needed to get all of the pieces in place, the rest of the team can be involved. And when ready a small number (mostly likely just one) will be finalized and merged into “develop” at a time. This represents the post-sprint “demo” concept that has been discussed elsewhere.
One non-branch type that should also be kept in mind is the backlog. Between major deliverables and while a WIP is being ramped up to a deliverable, the backlog should be continually worked on and the fix branches also merged in once tested and verified.
With the definitions, we can walk through the progression of a branch from inception to delivered code.
First, someone, perhaps even an external collaborator, creates a branch, typically starting from master or develop (having them branch from the mainline should hopefully makes things easier later on). Work is first done locally, and then eventually pushed to If you have given access to particular members of the team, then they may want to work directly on that branch. Alternatively, they may create branches from your branch, and send you commits – either via Pull Request or as patches – for you to include in your work.
You will want to start making others aware of your work so you can get feedback, but at this point there may not even be a well-defined requirement / story for your work. There should, however, at least be tasks for what you are working on in the whiteboard, so others know what is happening. It may be necessary, regardless, to also email ome-nitpick, ome-devel, or some subset of OME developers, with the branch name you want them to take a look at. A Pull Request could also be used.
After it is clear that there is some interest in your investigation branch, then the related stories and possibly requirement should be flushed out. The design of the work should be checked against the other parts of OME. For example, a GUI addition should fit into other existing workflows, and the implications on the other client (i.e. OMERO.web’s impact on OMERO.insight, or the other way around) should be evaluated.
At this point, the branch will most likely be considered a work-in-progress and will need to start getting ready for release. The various related branches will need to be kept in sync. Whether through a rebase or a merge workflow, all involved parties will need to make sure they regularly have an up-to-date view of the work going on.
For example, the “remotes.default” has been configured as above, a sensible thing to do every morning on coming to work is to run:
git remote update
and see all changes that the team have made:
~/git $ git remote update
Fetching team
Fetching origin
remote: Counting objects: 22, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done.
remote: Total 8 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (8/8), done.
From ssh://lust/home/git/omero
3f2ab6f..f80cbc4 dev_4_1_jcb -> origin/dev_4_1_jcb
Fetching gh
Fetching jm
remote: Counting objects: 46, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 24 (delta 19), reused 24 (delta 19)
Unpacking objects: 100% (24/24), done.
From git://
* [new branch] feature/plateAcquisitionAnnotation -> jm/feature/plateAcquisitionAnnotation
Fetching colin
From git://
* [new branch] 909-Proposal2 -> colin/909-Proposal2
If you want to get the changes for all submodules, you can use:
git submodule foreach --recursive git remote update
At this point, you may need to “merge –ff-only” or just “rebase” your work to incorporate the new commits:
git checkout 909-Proposal2
git show-branch 909-Proposal2 colin/909-Proposal2
git rebase colin/909-Proposal2
Finally, the WIP branch will have advanced far enough that it should be made release-ready, which will need to be discussed at a weekly meeting. Often at this point, the involved developers will need help from others getting the documentation, the testing, the screencasts, the scenarios, and all the other bits and bobs (the “paper work”) ready for release.
One at a time (at least initially), WIP branches will be picked and made into a deliverable. At this point, several people will have looked over the code and all the paper work, and the whole team should feel comfortable with the release-state of the branch. At this point, a Pull Request should be issued to the official openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy repository for the final merge. All the related branches in each individual’s repository can now be deleted.
A major benefit of having the paper work per deliverable done immediately is that if it becomes necessary the mainline, i.e. the “develop” branch of openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy, could be released far more quickly than if we have several deliverables simultaneously in the air.
A significant disadvantage to having separate lines of inquiry in separate branches is the possibility that there will be negative interactions between 2 or more branches when merged, and that these problems won’t be found until late in development. To offset this risk, it is possible and advisable to begin creating “temporary merge branches” earlier in development.
For example, if we assume that two of the branches from the git remote update command from above are intended for release fairly soon:
Then we can create a temporary test branch:
git checkout -b test-909-and-plate origin/develop
git merge --no-ff jm/feature/plateAcquisitionAnnotation
git merge --no-ff colin/909-Proposal2
and build and test this composite. This need not be done manually, but assuming there’s a convention like “all branches for immediate release are prefixed with ‘deliverable/’ ”, then a jenkins job can attempt the merge, failing if it is not possible, and run all tests if it succeeds. Any weekly testing we do can use the artifacts generated by this build to be as sure as possible that nothing unexpected has leaked in.
On the flip-side, a major advantage to having the above branching workflow is that is far easier to review the entire impact and style of a deliverable before it is integrated into the mainline. Any commit or even line which is being proposed for release can be commented on
If you would like to include other users beyond just the branch owner in the discussion, you can use a twitter-style name to invite them (“@SOMEUSER”):
Several times above “Pull Requests” (PR) have been mentioned. A Pull Request is a way to invite someone to merge from one repository to another. If the commits included in the PR can be seamlessly merged, then the target user need only click on a button. If not, then there may be some back-and-forth on the work done, similar to the code reviews of a deliverable branch. For background, see
If you have discovered that something in the proposed branch needs changing (and you don’t have write access to the branch itself), then you can checkout the branch, make the fixes, push the branch, and open a Pull Request.
git checkout -b new_stuff SOMEUSER/new_stuff
# Modifications
git commit -a -m “My fix of the new_stuff”
git push gh new_stuff
# Now go to the new_stuff branch on and open the PR
When issuing a pull request, usually you will the following message “This pull request can be automatically merged”. If this is not the case, follow a possible workflow to fix the problem. For the sake of this example, bugs is the branch we are working on:
# push the branch to GitHub
git push gh bugs:refs/heads/bugs
# issue a pull request, not possible to merge due to a conflict.
Now we need to fix the conflict:
# checkout your local branch
git checkout bugs
# fetch and merge origin/develop
git fetch origin
git merge origin/develop # Any conflicts will be listed
# Edit the conflicting files to fix conflicts, then
git add path/to/file
git commit # Use the suggested 'merging...' message
git push gh bugs
Your branch should now be able to merge back into develop. This should only be done at the very end of a pull request just before it is merged into origin/develop. Multiple “pull origin/develop” messages in a branch would be very bad style.