Conversion |
Base-functor like object which can be used for preparing complex
equations for converting from one unit to another.
Conversion.Add |
Sums all Conversion instances via BigDecimal.add(BigDecimal) .
Conversion.Int |
Simply is a representation of a possibly large integer.
Conversion.Mul |
Multiplies all Conversion instances via
BigDecimal.multiply(BigDecimal) .
Conversion.Pow |
Exponentiates two Conversion instances via
BigDecimal.pow(int) .
Conversion.Rat |
Divides two Conversion instances via
BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, MathContext) .
Conversion.Sym |
ElectricPotential |
class storing both a ElectricPotential and a unit for that ElectricPotential
Frequency |
class storing both a Frequency and a unit for that Frequency
GenericEnumType<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> |
Length |
class storing both a Length and a unit for that Length
Power |
class storing both a Power and a unit for that Power
Pressure |
class storing both a Pressure and a unit for that Pressure
Temperature |
class storing both a Temperature and a unit for that Temperature
Time |
class storing both a Time and a unit for that Time