ApiUsageException |
Alerts a user to a misuse of an Omero method call.
AuthenticationException |
Invalid username and/or credential provided.
ConcurrencyException |
Error due to simultaneous access of some resource.
DatabaseBusyException |
No connections are currently available for the database.
ExpiredCredentialException |
Correct username and credentials provided, but credentials expired.
GroupSecurityViolation |
Extension of SecurityViolation which signifies that the violation
in question goes against the group-based permissions introduced in 4.2.
InternalException |
Catchall for unknown server exceptions.
LockTimeout |
Server could not acquire necessary lock.
MissingPyramidException |
OptimisticLockException |
Signifies that another user has updated or deleted a given object, more
specifically a query of the form : "<action> where id = ? and version = ?"
applied to no rows.
OverUsageException |
More specific ApiUsageException , in
that the current use of the OMERO API could overwhelm the server and has been blocked.
PermissionMismatchGroupSecurityViolation |
Extension of GroupSecurityViolation signalling that an object
has a permission which does not match the group permissions.
ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation |
Extension of GroupSecurityViolation signalling that an admin or
group owner has tried to make a modification in a private group OR that
the member of a read-only group has tried to do the same.
RemovedSessionException |
Client attempted to access a session which has either
expired or been closed manually.
ResourceError |
Represents a incorrectible/unforseeable event within the server that lead to
a failure of a process.
RootException |
abstract superclass of all Omero exceptions.
SecurityViolation |
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
SessionException |
Base session related exception.
SessionTimeoutException |
The given session has expired and can no longer be used.
TryAgain |
Background processing necessary to process the request.
ValidationException |
More specific ApiUsageException , in
that the specification of your data as outlined in the OME specification is