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a00 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A00 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
a01 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A01 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
a02 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A02 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
a10 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A10 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
a11 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A11 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
a12 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
A12 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in interface ome.util.Filterable
acceptFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
ACLCreateViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
ACLCreateViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLCreateViolation
ACLDeleteViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
ACLDeleteViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLDeleteViolation
ACLLoadViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
ACLLoadViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLLoadViolation
ACLUpdateViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
ACLUpdateViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLUpdateViolation
ACLViolation - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User has attempted an action which is not permitted by the Permissions of a given instance.
ACLViolation(Class, Long, String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLViolation
acquisitionData - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
acquisitionDate - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ACQUISITIONDATE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
AcquisitionMode - Class in ome.model.enums
AcquisitionMode() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
AcquisitionMode(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
AcquisitionMode(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
Main constructor.
AcquisitionMode(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
AcquisitionMode.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
action - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
ACTION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
active - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
active - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
active - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
ACTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
activeSession(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
activeSession(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns whether the given string is the UUID of a session that is currently active.
Add(Conversion...) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Add instances.
Add(Conversion[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Add
add(QueryParameter) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
add(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Period
addAlgorithm(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addAll(Parameters) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
adds all the information from the passed in Parameters instance to this instance.
addAll(QueryParameter[]) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
adds all the information from the passed in Parameters instance to this instance.
addAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Adds a ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addAnnotationAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addAnnotationAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<AnnotationAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use like addAnnotationAnnotationLink.
addBoolean(String, Boolean) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use instead of setChannels .
addChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setChannels .
addChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addChannelAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addChannelAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ChannelAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use like addChannelAnnotationLink.
addChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use instead of setWaveRendering .
addChannelBindingSet(Collection<ChannelBinding>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like addChannelBinding.
addChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use like addChannel.
addChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addChannel.
addChildFolders(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setChildFolders .
addChildFoldersSet(Collection<Folder>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolder.
addClass(Class) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addClass(String, Class) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addCodomainMapContext(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use instead of setSpatialDomainEnhancement .
addCodomainMapContextSet(Collection<CodomainMapContext>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use like addCodomainMapContext.
addDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addDatasetAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addDatasetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DatasetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addDatasetAnnotationLink.
addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setImageLinks .
addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addDatasetImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setDatasetLinks .
addDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addDatasetImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addDatasetImageLink.
addDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addDatasetImageLink.
addDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setDetector .
addDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addDetectorAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addDetectorAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DetectorAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use like addDetectorAnnotationLink.
addDetectorSet(Collection<Detector>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addDetector.
addDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setDichroic .
addDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addDichroicAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addDichroicAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DichroicAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use like addDichroicAnnotationLink.
addDichroicSet(Collection<Dichroic>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addDichroic.
addEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use instead of setEvents .
addEventLog(EventLog) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use instead of setLogs .
addEventLogSet(Collection<EventLog>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use like addEventLog.
addEventSet(Collection<Event>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like addEvent.
addExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addExperimenterAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addExperimenterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like addExperimenterAnnotationLink.
addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like addExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.
addExtendedRestrictions(Set<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
addFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilesetAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilesetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetAnnotationLink.
addFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setFilesetEntries .
addFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setUsedFiles .
addFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addFilesetEntry.
addFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetEntry.
addFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setJobLinks .
addFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink to jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilesetJobLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilesetJobLinkSet(Collection<FilesetJobLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addFilesetJobLink.
addFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setFilter .
addFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilterAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterAnnotationLink.
addFiltered(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
consider the collection named by collectionName to be a "filtered" representation of the DB.
addFiltered(Collection<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
consider all the collections named by the elements of collection to be a "filtered" representation of the DB.
addFilterSet(Collection<Filter>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addFilter.
addFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setFilterSet .
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink.
addFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like addFilterSetEmissionFilterLink.
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink.
addFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like addFilterSetExcitationFilterLink.
addFilterSetSet(Collection<FilterSet>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addFilterSet.
addFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFolderAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFolderAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FolderAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderAnnotationLink.
addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setImageLinks .
addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFolderImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setFolderLinks .
addFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFolderImageLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderImageLink.
addFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addFolderImageLink.
addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use instead of setRoiLinks .
addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to roiLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFolderRoiLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setFolderLinks .
addFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addFolderRoiLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like addFolderRoiLink.
addFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addFolderRoiLink.
addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use instead of setGroupExperimenterMap .
addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addGroupExperimenterMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use instead of setGroupExperimenterMap .
addGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addGroupExperimenterMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like addGroupExperimenterMap.
addGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like addGroupExperimenterMap.
addId(Long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addIds(Collection) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use instead of setImages .
addImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addImageAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addImageAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ImageAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addImageAnnotationLink.
addImageSet(Collection<Image>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like addImage.
addInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Adds a ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addInstrumentAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addInstrumentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<InstrumentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addInstrumentAnnotationLink.
addInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink) - Method in class
use instead of setOriginalFileLinks .
addJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink, boolean) - Method in class
Adds a to originalFileLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addJobOriginalFileLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addJobOriginalFileLinkSet(Collection<JobOriginalFileLink>) - Method in class
use like addJobOriginalFileLink.
addLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addLightPathAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addLightPathAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightPathAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathAnnotationLink.
addLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setEmissionFilterLink .
addLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addLightPathEmissionFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addLightPathEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathEmissionFilterLink.
addLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use instead of setExcitationFilterLink .
addLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addLightPathExcitationFilterLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addLightPathExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like addLightPathExcitationFilterLink.
addLightSettings(LightSettings) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use instead of setLightSourceSettings .
addLightSettingsSet(Collection<LightSettings>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use like addLightSettings.
addLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setLightSource .
addLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addLightSourceAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addLightSourceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightSourceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use like addLightSourceAnnotationLink.
addLightSourceSet(Collection<LightSource>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addLightSource.
addList(String, List) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addLong(String, Long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addMap(String, Map) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addMessageWithinDbPatchEnd(String, int, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Add a unique message to the DB patch table within the current patch.
addMessageWithinDbPatchEnd(String, int, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
addMessageWithinDbPatchStart(String, int, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Add a unique message to the DB patch table within the current patch.
addMessageWithinDbPatchStart(String, int, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
addMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use instead of setMicrobeamManipulation .
addMicrobeamManipulationSet(Collection<MicrobeamManipulation>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use like addMicrobeamManipulation.
addMimetypes(Collection<String>, MapSqlParameterSource) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
Returns the "and_mimetype" clause which must be appended to a given query.
addNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addNamespaceAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addNamespaceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NamespaceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use like addNamespaceAnnotationLink.
addNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addNodeAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addNodeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NodeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like addNodeAnnotationLink.
addObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setObjective .
addObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addObjectiveAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addObjectiveAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ObjectiveAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use like addObjectiveAnnotationLink.
addObjectiveSet(Collection<Objective>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addObjective.
addOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addOriginalFileAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addOriginalFileAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<OriginalFileAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addOriginalFileAnnotationLink.
addOTF(OTF) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use instead of setOtf .
addOTFSet(Collection<OTF>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like addOTF.
addPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setPixels .
addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use instead of setPixelsFileMaps .
addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addPixelsOriginalFileMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setPixelsFileMaps .
addPixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addPixelsOriginalFileMap will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addPixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like addPixelsOriginalFileMap.
addPixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addPixelsOriginalFileMap.
addPixelsSet(Collection<Pixels>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addPixels.
addPlaneInfo(PlaneInfo) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setPlaneInfo .
addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addPlaneInfoAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlaneInfoAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use like addPlaneInfoAnnotationLink.
addPlaneInfoSet(Collection<PlaneInfo>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addPlaneInfo.
addPlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setPlateAcquisitions .
addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like addPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.
addPlateAcquisitionSet(Collection<PlateAcquisition>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addPlateAcquisition.
addPlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addPlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addPlateAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addPlateAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addPlateAnnotationLink.
addProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addProjectAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addProjectAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ProjectAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like addProjectAnnotationLink.
addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use instead of setProjectLinks .
addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to projectLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addProjectDatasetLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use instead of setDatasetLinks .
addProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addProjectDatasetLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like addProjectDatasetLink.
addProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like addProjectDatasetLink.
addProjectionDef(ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use instead of setProjections .
addProjectionDefSet(Collection<ProjectionDef>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like addProjectionDef.
addReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setReagents .
addReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addReagentAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addReagentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ReagentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like addReagentAnnotationLink.
addReagentSet(Collection<Reagent>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addReagent.
addRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setSettings .
addRenderingDefSet(Collection<RenderingDef>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addRenderingDef.
addRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setRois .
addRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addRoiAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addRoiAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<RoiAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addRoiAnnotationLink.
addRoiSet(Collection<Roi>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addRoi.
addScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addScreenAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addScreenAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ScreenAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addScreenAnnotationLink.
addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setScreenLinks .
addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to screenLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addScreenPlateLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use instead of setPlateLinks .
addScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to plateLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addScreenPlateLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addScreenPlateLink.
addScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like addScreenPlateLink.
addSeen(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
addSession(Session) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use instead of setSessions .
addSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Adds a ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addSessionAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addSessionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<SessionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like addSessionAnnotationLink.
addSessionSet(Collection<Session>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like addSession.
addSet(String, Set) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use instead of setShapes .
addShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addShapeAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addShapeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ShapeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use like addShapeAnnotationLink.
addShapeSet(Collection<Shape>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like addShape.
addString(String, String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
addThumbnail(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use instead of setThumbnails .
addThumbnailSet(Collection<Thumbnail>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like addThumbnail.
addViolation(ACLViolation) - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
addWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use instead of setWells .
addWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setAnnotationLinks .
addWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink to annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addWellAnnotationLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addWellAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<WellAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellAnnotationLink.
addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use instead of setWellLinks .
addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to wellLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addWellReagentLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setReagentLinks .
addWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to reagentLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not addWellReagentLink will be called on the addition if it is loaded
addWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like addWellReagentLink.
addWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellReagentLink.
addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use instead of setWellSamples .
addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use instead of setWellSample .
addWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use instead of setWellSamples .
addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like addWellSample.
addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like addWellSample.
addWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like addWellSample.
addWellSet(Collection<Well>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like addWell.
AdminPrivilege - Class in ome.model.enums
AdminPrivilege() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
AdminPrivilege(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
AdminPrivilege(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
Main constructor.
AdminPrivilege(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
AdminPrivilege.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
AffineTransform - Class in ome.model.roi
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
AffineTransform() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
AffineTransform(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
AffineTransform(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Main constructor.
AffineTransform(Double, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
AffineTransform.Details - Class in ome.model.roi
afterFilter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class ome.util.MapPut
airPressure - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
AIRPRESSURE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
ALGORITHM - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "algorithm".
allExps() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
alpha - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
alpha - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
alpha - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ALPHA - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
amplificationGain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
AMPLIFICATIONGAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
ANNOTATERESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Annotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Annotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Annotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Annotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Main constructor.
Annotation.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
AnnotationAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
AnnotationAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
AnnotationAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
AnnotationAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
AnnotationAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
annotationLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
ANNOTATIONLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ApiUsageException - Exception in ome.conditions
Alerts a user to a misuse of an Omero method call.
ApiUsageException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ApiUsageException
Arc - Class in ome.model.acquisition
Arc() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Arc(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Arc(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Main constructor.
Arc(ArcType) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
archived - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ARCHIVED - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ArcType - Class in ome.model.enums
ArcType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
ArcType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
ArcType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
Main constructor.
ArcType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType
ArcType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
args() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
asBigInteger() - Method in class ome.util.Counter
assemble(Serializable, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
atime - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
ATIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
attenuation - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
ATTENUATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
AuthenticationException - Exception in ome.conditions
Invalid username and/or credential provided.
AuthenticationException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.AuthenticationException
axis - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
AXIS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef


backOff - Variable in exception ome.conditions.ConcurrencyException
BasicAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
BasicAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
BasicAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
BasicAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
Main constructor.
beforeFilter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
BigResult - Exception in ome.model.units
Checked exception which is thrown from unit methods which can possibly overflow.
BigResult(BigDecimal, String) - Constructor for exception ome.model.units.BigResult
binning - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
BINNING - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Binning - Class in ome.model.enums
Binning() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning
Binning(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning
Binning(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning
Main constructor.
Binning(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning
Binning.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
bit(Permissions.Flag) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
returns the order of the bit representing the given Permissions.Flag.
bit(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
returns the order of the bit representing the given Permissions.Role and Permissions.Right.
BIT - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
bitResolution - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
BITRESOLUTION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
bitSize - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
BITSIZE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
blue - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
BLUE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
blue - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
BLUE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
blue - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
BLUE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
BooleanAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
BooleanAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
BooleanAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
BooleanAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
Main constructor.
boolValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
BOOLVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
bySymbol(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
BYTE - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
bytes - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
BYTES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
bytesPerPixel - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
The number of bytes per pixel.
bytesPerPixel() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the number of byte per pixel for the pixel data.


c2c() - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
TODO identity versus null mappings
cache() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
experimental: may be wholly removed in next major version
cacheable - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
calibratedMagnification - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
CALIBRATEDMAGNIFICATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
call(IObject) - Method in interface ome.util.CBlock
invoke this block.
call(IObject) - Method in class ome.util.IdBlock
CBlock<E> - Interface in ome.util
Block template used to "C"ollect the results of some function called on each IObject in a collection.
cdEnd - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
CDEND - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
cdStart - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
CDSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
CGLIB_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.util.Utils
changeGroupPermissions(Long, Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
changeGroupPermissions(Long, Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
changeTablePermissionsForGroup(String, Long, Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
changeTablePermissionsForGroup(String, Long, Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
Channel - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Channel() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
Channel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
Channel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
Main constructor.
Channel(LogicalChannel, Pixels) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel
Channel.Details - Class in ome.model.core
ChannelAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ChannelAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
ChannelAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
ChannelAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ChannelAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
ChannelAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
ChannelBinding - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ChannelBinding() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
ChannelBinding(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
ChannelBinding(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Main constructor.
ChannelBinding(RenderingDef, Family, Double, Double, Double, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
channelBinding - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
CHANNELBINDING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
ChannelBinding.Details - Class in ome.model.display
channels - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
channels - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
ChecksumAlgorithm - Class in ome.model.enums
ChecksumAlgorithm() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
ChecksumAlgorithm(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
ChecksumAlgorithm(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
Main constructor.
ChecksumAlgorithm(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
ChecksumAlgorithm.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
CHGRPRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
child() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
child - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
child - Variable in class
CHILD - Static variable in class
child() - Method in class
child - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
child() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
child - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
child() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
child - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
child - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
CHILD - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
child() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
childFolders - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
CHOWNRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
CLASS - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "class".
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
clearAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
clearChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
clears the set.
clearChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
clearChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
clearDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
clears the set.
clearDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
clears the set.
clearEmissionFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
clearEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
clears the set.
clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
clears the set.
clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
clears the set.
clearExcitationFilterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
clears the set.
clearExperimenterGroupLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
clears the set.
clearExperimenterLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
clears the set.
clearFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
clearFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearFiltered() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
all currently marked collections are released.
clearFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
clearImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
clearImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
clearImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
clearJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
clearLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
clears the set.
clearLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
clears the set.
clearMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
clears the set.
clearObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
clearOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class
clears the set.
clearOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
clears the set.
clearPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Sets the given permissions bit to 0.
clearPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
clearPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearPixelsLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
clears the set.
clearPlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
clearPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
clearPlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
clearProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
clears the set.
clearProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
clears the set.
clearReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
clearReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
clears the set.
clearRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
clears the set.
clearRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
clearSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
clears the set.
clearSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
clearShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
clears the set.
clearSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
clears the set.
clearThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
clears the set.
clearUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
clears the set.
clearWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
clears the set.
clearWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
clears the set.
clearWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
clears the set.
clearWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
clears the set.
clearWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
clears the set.
clearWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
clears the set.
clientPath - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
CLIENTPATH - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
close() - Method in class
closed - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
CLOSED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
closeNode(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
closeNode(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
closeNodeSessions(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
closeNodeSessions(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
closeQuietly(Closeable) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
closeSessions(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
closeSessions(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
co2percent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
CO2PERCENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
CodomainMapContext - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
CodomainMapContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
CodomainMapContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
CodomainMapContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Main constructor.
CodomainMapContext(ChannelBinding) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
CodomainMapContext.Details - Class in ome.model.display
coefficient - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
COEFFICIENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
COLLAB_READLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with read and write permissions for group members.
COLLAB_READONLY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with permissions for group members to read other members' data.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectAnnotationLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink while collecting the results.
collectChannels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Channel while collecting the results.
collectChannels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Channel while collecting the results.
collectChildFolders(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while collecting the results.
collectDatasetLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink while collecting the results.
collectDatasetLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink while collecting the results.
collectDetector(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Detector while collecting the results.
collectDichroic(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic while collecting the results.
CollectedACLViolations - Exception in ome.conditions.acl
User has attempted an action which is not permitted by the Permissions of a given instance.
CollectedACLViolations(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectEmissionFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectEvents(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Event while collecting the results.
collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectExcitationFilterLink(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink while collecting the results.
collectFilesetEntries(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry while collecting the results.
collectFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while collecting the results.
collectFilterSet(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while collecting the results.
collectFolderLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink while collecting the results.
collectFolderLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink while collecting the results.
collectGroupExperimenterMap(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap while collecting the results.
collectGroupExperimenterMap(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap while collecting the results.
collectImageLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink while collecting the results.
collectImageLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink while collecting the results.
collectImages(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while collecting the results.
collectJobLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink while collecting the results.
collectLightSource(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightSource while collecting the results.
collectLightSourceSettings(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings while collecting the results.
collectLogs(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.EventLog while collecting the results.
collectMicrobeamManipulation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation while collecting the results.
collectObjective(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Objective while collecting the results.
collectOriginalFileLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each while collecting the results.
collectOtf(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.OTF while collecting the results.
collectPixels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Pixels while collecting the results.
collectPixelsFileMaps(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap while collecting the results.
collectPixelsFileMaps(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap while collecting the results.
collectPlaneInfo(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.PlaneInfo while collecting the results.
collectPlateAcquisitions(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition while collecting the results.
collectPlateLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink while collecting the results.
collectProjections(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.ProjectionDef while collecting the results.
collectProjectLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink while collecting the results.
collectReagentLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink while collecting the results.
collectReagents(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Reagent while collecting the results.
collectRoiLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink while collecting the results.
collectRois(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Roi while collecting the results.
collectScreenLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink while collecting the results.
collectSessions(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Session while collecting the results.
collectSettings(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.RenderingDef while collecting the results.
collectShapes(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Shape while collecting the results.
collectSpatialDomainEnhancement(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext while collecting the results.
collectThumbnails(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.Thumbnail while collecting the results.
collectUsedFiles(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry while collecting the results.
collectWaveRendering(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.display.ChannelBinding while collecting the results.
collectWellLinks(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink while collecting the results.
collectWells(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Well while collecting the results.
collectWellSample(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while collecting the results.
collectWellSamples(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while collecting the results.
collectWellSamples(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.WellSample while collecting the results.
column - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
COLUMN - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
columnNamingConvention - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
COLUMNNAMINGCONVENTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
columns - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
COLUMNS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
CommentAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
CommentAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
CommentAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
CommentAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
Main constructor.
compression - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
COMPRESSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
ConcurrencyException - Exception in ome.conditions
Error due to simultaneous access of some resource.
ConcurrencyException(String, long) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ConcurrencyException
config - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
CONFIG - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
config - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
CONFIG - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
configure(Type, Properties, Dialect) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
ConfiguredAnalyzer - Class in
A full-text search analyzer usable by the OMERO model.
ConfiguredAnalyzer() - Constructor for class
Construct an analyzer wrapping the same class as previously passed to ConfiguredAnalyzer.ConfiguredAnalyzer(Class).
ConfiguredAnalyzer(Class<? extends Analyzer>) - Constructor for class
Construct an analyzer wrapping the given class.
configValue(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
configValue(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
conn - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
CONN - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
constant - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
CONSTANT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
containingEvent - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
CONTAININGEVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
contextAt(int) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
ContextFilter - Class in ome.util
modified (hierarchical) visitor pattern.
ContextFilter() - Constructor for class ome.util.ContextFilter
contexts - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
contrastMethod - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
CONTRASTMETHOD - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
ContrastMethod - Class in ome.model.enums
ContrastMethod() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
ContrastMethod(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
ContrastMethod(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
Main constructor.
ContrastMethod(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
ContrastMethod.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
ContrastStretchingContext - Class in ome.model.display
ContrastStretchingContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
ContrastStretchingContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
ContrastStretchingContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Main constructor.
ContrastStretchingContext(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Conversion - Class in ome.model.units
Base-functor like object which can be used for preparing complex equations for converting from one unit to another.
Conversion(Conversion...) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion
Primary constructor for a Conversion object.
Conversion.Add - Class in ome.model.units
Sums all Conversion instances via BigDecimal.add(BigDecimal).
Conversion.Int - Class in ome.model.units
Simply is a representation of a possibly large integer.
Conversion.Mul - Class in ome.model.units
Multiplies all Conversion instances via BigDecimal.multiply(BigDecimal).
Conversion.Pow - Class in ome.model.units
Exponentiates two Conversion instances via BigDecimal.pow(int).
Conversion.Rat - Class in ome.model.units
Divides two Conversion instances via BigDecimal.divide(BigDecimal, MathContext).
Conversion.Sym - Class in ome.model.units
Simply represents the variable of the source unit so that Conversion.Sym.convert(double) just returns the value passed in.
conversions - Variable in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Conversions, if any, which are passed into the constructor of this instance.
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Add
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Primary operator for Conversion instances.
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Int
Returns a BigDecimal representation of this int.
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Mul
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Pow
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
convert(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Conversion.Sym
convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential, Unit<ElectricPotential>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
convertElectricPotential(ElectricPotential, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
convertFrequency(Frequency) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertFrequency(Frequency, Unit<Frequency>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
convertFrequency(Frequency, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
convertLength(Length) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertLength(Length, Unit<Length>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
convertLength(Length, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
convertPower(Power) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertPower(Power, Unit<Power>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
convertPower(Power, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
convertPressure(Pressure) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertPressure(Pressure, Unit<Pressure>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
convertPressure(Pressure, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
convertTemperature(Temperature) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertTemperature(Temperature, Unit<Temperature>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
convertTemperature(Temperature, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
convertTime(Time) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
FIXME: this should likely take a default so that locations which don't want an exception can have log.warn("Using new PositiveFloat(1.0)!", e); return new PositiveFloat(1.0); or similar.
convertTime(Time, Unit<Time>) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
convertTime(Time, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
copy() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
copy(Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Method which takes all field values from the given Details instance and copies them into the current instance.
copy(T) - Method in class ome.util.ShallowCopy
copyExtendedRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Produce a copy of restrictions for use elsewhere.
copyObject(Filterable, ModelMapper) - Method in interface ome.model.ModelBased
copyRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
copyRestrictions(String[]) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Safely copy the source array.
copyRestrictions(boolean[], String[]) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
copyRestrictions(int, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Copy restrictions based on the integer returned by BasicACLVoter.
copyWhereUnset(Details, Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
For any field of this which is null (and is NOT null on mask -- assuming mask is not null), copy the same value from copyFrom into this object.
correction - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
CORRECTION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Correction - Class in ome.model.enums
Correction() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
Correction(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
Correction(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
Main constructor.
Correction(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction
Correction.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
correctionCollar - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
CORRECTIONCOLLAR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
CountCollectionPersister - Class in ome.util
CollectionPersister which knows how to handle the count views generated by dsl/resources/ome/dsl/
CountCollectionPersister(Collection, CollectionRegionAccessStrategy, Configuration, SessionFactoryImplementor) - Constructor for class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
Counter - Class in ome.util
A simple integral counter that can be incremented.
Counter() - Constructor for class ome.util.Counter
Create a new counter starting at zero.
countFormat(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
countFormat(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
create() - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Call Details.create(Object[]) with null.
create(Object[]) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Factory method which returns a Details implementation for passing in API calls, but cannot be stored within an IObject instance.
createBufferedImage(int[], int, int) - Static method in class ome.util.ImageUtil
Creates a buffered image from a rendering engine RGB buffer without data copying.
createIdsTempTable(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Creates a temporary table filled with the given ids and returns its name.
createIdsTempTable(Collection<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
createInsertTrigger(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Creates an insert trigger of the given name, for the given table, with the given procedure.
createInsertTrigger(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
createSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
createSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
CREATIONEVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
ctime - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
CTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
currentContext() - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
currentPatch - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
CURRENTPATCH - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
currentUserNames() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
currentUserNames() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
currentVersion - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
CURRENTVERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
currValue(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
currValue(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
cutIn - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
CUTIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
cutInTolerance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
CUTINTOLERANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
cutOut - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
CUTOUT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
cutOutTolerance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
CUTOUTTOLERANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange


d - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
D - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
data - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
DATA - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
data - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
The pixels data backing buffer.
DatabaseBusyException - Exception in ome.conditions
No connections are currently available for the database.
DatabaseBusyException(String, long) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.DatabaseBusyException
Dataset - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Dataset() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Dataset(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Dataset(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Main constructor.
Dataset(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Dataset.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
DatasetAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
DatasetAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
DatasetAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
DatasetAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
DatasetAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
DatasetAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
DatasetImageLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
DatasetImageLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
DatasetImageLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
DatasetImageLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Main constructor.
DatasetImageLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
DatasetImageLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
datasetLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
datasetLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
DATASETLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
DATASETLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
DBPatch - Class in ome.model.meta
DBPatch() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
DBPatch(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
DBPatch(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Main constructor.
DBPatch(String, Integer, String, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
DBPatch.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
dbUuid() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
dbUuid() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
dbVersion() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
dbVersion() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
deepCopy(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
defaultEventType - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
DEFAULTEVENTTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
defaultSample - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
DEFAULTSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
defaultT - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
DEFAULTT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
defaultZ - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
DEFAULTZ - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
deferConstraints() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
deferConstraints() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
delConfigValue(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
delConfigValue(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
delCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
delCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
delCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
deleteCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Delete the current light administrator privileges for the current transaction.
deleteCurrentAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
DeleteLog() - Constructor for class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
deleteOldAdminPrivileges(Collection<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Delete the current light administrator privileges for the given transactions.
deleteOldAdminPrivileges(Collection<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
deleteRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Delete all SqlAction.DeleteLog entries which match all of the non-null fields provided in the template.
deleteRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
DELETERESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
deleteRows(PersistentCollection, Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
deltaT - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
DELTAT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
description - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
description - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
description - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
description - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
description - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
description - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
description - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
description - Variable in class
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class
description - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
description - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
description - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
description - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
description - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
description - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
description - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
Details - Class in ome.model.internal
value type for low-level (row-level) details for all IObject objects.
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Details
default constructor.
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Details
Details(Details) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
details - Variable in class
DETAILS - Static variable in class
Details() - Constructor for class
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class
details - Variable in class
DETAILS - Static variable in class
Details() - Constructor for class
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class
details - Variable in class
DETAILS - Static variable in class
Details() - Constructor for class
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
details - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
DETAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Details() - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
Details(Object[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
DetailsFieldBridge - Class in ome.util
Delegating FieldBridge which passes the "fieldBridge" bean from the "ome.model" Spring ApplicationContext all arguments.
DetailsFieldBridge() - Constructor for class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
Detector - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Detector() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Detector(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Detector(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Main constructor.
Detector(DetectorType, Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
detector - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
detector - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Detector.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
DetectorAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
DetectorAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
DetectorAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
DetectorAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
DetectorAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
DetectorAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
DetectorSettings - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
DetectorSettings() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
DetectorSettings(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
DetectorSettings(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Main constructor.
DetectorSettings(Detector) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
detectorSettings - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
DETECTORSETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
DetectorSettings.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
DetectorType - Class in ome.model.enums
DetectorType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
DetectorType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
DetectorType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
Main constructor.
DetectorType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
DetectorType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
Dichroic - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Dichroic() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Dichroic(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Dichroic(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Main constructor.
Dichroic(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
dichroic - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
dichroic - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
dichroic - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Dichroic.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
DichroicAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
DichroicAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
DichroicAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
DichroicAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
DichroicAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
DichroicAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
dimensionOrder - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
DIMENSIONORDER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
DimensionOrder - Class in ome.model.enums
DimensionOrder() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
DimensionOrder(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
DimensionOrder(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
Main constructor.
DimensionOrder(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
DimensionOrder.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
disassemble(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
display - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
DISPLAY - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
displayName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
DISPLAYNAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
dispose() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Attempt to free up any native memory resources associated with the data buffer.
doFilter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
doFilter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
doFilter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
DOUBLE - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
DoubleAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
DoubleAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
DoubleAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
DoubleAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
Main constructor.
doubleValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
DOUBLEVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
doUpdateRows(Serializable, PersistentCollection, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
down - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
DOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
DUMMY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
Marker object which can be set on objects to show that the Permissions instance given contains no value.


eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedAnnotation(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.annotations.Annotation while collecting the results.
eachLinkedDataset(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Dataset while collecting the results.
eachLinkedDataset(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Dataset while collecting the results.
eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while collecting the results.
eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while collecting the results.
eachLinkedEmissionFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while collecting the results.
eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet while collecting the results.
eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while collecting the results.
eachLinkedExcitationFilter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.acquisition.Filter while collecting the results.
eachLinkedExperimenter(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.Experimenter while collecting the results.
eachLinkedExperimenterGroup(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup while collecting the results.
eachLinkedFolder(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while collecting the results.
eachLinkedFolder(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Folder while collecting the results.
eachLinkedImage(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while collecting the results.
eachLinkedImage(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Image while collecting the results.
eachLinkedJob(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each while collecting the results.
eachLinkedOriginalFile(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.OriginalFile while collecting the results.
eachLinkedOriginalFile(CBlock<E>) - Method in class
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.OriginalFile while collecting the results.
eachLinkedPixels(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.core.Pixels while collecting the results.
eachLinkedPlate(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Plate while collecting the results.
eachLinkedProject(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.containers.Project while collecting the results.
eachLinkedReagent(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Reagent while collecting the results.
eachLinkedRoi(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.roi.Roi while collecting the results.
eachLinkedScreen(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Screen while collecting the results.
eachLinkedWell(CBlock<E>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
takes a CBlock and calls the block once for each ome.model.screen.Well while collecting the results.
EDITRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
ElectricPotential - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a ElectricPotential and a unit for that ElectricPotential (e.g.
ElectricPotential() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
ElectricPotential(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
ElectricPotential(double, UnitsElectricPotential) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
ElectricPotential(double, Unit<ElectricPotential>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
ElectricPotential(ElectricPotential) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
Ellipse - Class in ome.model.roi
Ellipse() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Ellipse(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Ellipse(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Main constructor.
email - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
EMAIL - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
emissionFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EMISSIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
emissionWave - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
EMISSIONWAVE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
EMPTY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with all rights turned off.
EmptyIterator<E> - Class in ome.util
utility iterator which does nothing as quickly as possible.
EmptyIterator() - Constructor for class ome.util.EmptyIterator
endPlane - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ENDPLANE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
endTime - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
ENDTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
endTime - Variable in class ome.parameters.Filter
endTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
enter(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
entityId - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
ENTITYID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
entityId - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ENTITYID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
entityType - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
ENTITYTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
entityType - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ENTITYTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
entry(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
equals(Object) - Method in class ome.util.LSID
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
errorIfUnloaded() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Event - Class in ome.model.meta
Event() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
Event(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
Event(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
Main constructor.
Event(Timestamp, Experimenter, ExperimenterGroup, EventType, Session) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Event
event - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
EVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Event.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
event2timestamp(Event) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
EVENT_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
EVENT_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EVENT_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
EVENT_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
EVENT_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
EVENT_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EVENT_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EVENT_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EVENT_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
EVENT_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
EVENT_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
EVENT_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
EVENT_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
EVENT_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
EVENT_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
EVENT_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
EVENT_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
EVENT_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
EVENT_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EVENT_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
EVENT_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
EVENT_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
EVENT_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EVENT_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
EVENT_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
EVENT_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EVENT_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
EVENT_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
EVENT_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
EVENT_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
EVENT_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
EVENT_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
EVENT_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EVENT_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
eventId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
EventLog - Class in ome.model.meta
EventLog() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
EventLog(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
EventLog(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Main constructor.
EventLog(Long, String, String, Event) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.EventLog
EventLog.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
events - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
EVENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
EventType - Class in ome.model.enums
EventType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
EventType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
EventType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
Main constructor.
EventType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.EventType
EventType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
excitationFilterLink - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
EXCITATIONFILTERLINKCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
excitationWave - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
EXCITATIONWAVE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
exit(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
exp(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
experiment - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
EXPERIMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Experiment - Class in ome.model.experiment
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Experiment() - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Experiment(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Experiment(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Main constructor.
Experiment(ExperimentType) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
experiment - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
EXPERIMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Experiment.Details - Class in ome.model.experiment
experimenter - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
EXPERIMENTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
Experimenter - Class in ome.model.meta
Experimenter() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Experimenter(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Experimenter(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Main constructor.
Experimenter(String, String, String, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Experimenter.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
ExperimenterAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ExperimenterAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
ExperimenterAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
ExperimenterAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ExperimenterAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
experimenterGroup - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
EXPERIMENTERGROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
ExperimenterGroup - Class in ome.model.meta
ExperimenterGroup() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ExperimenterGroup(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ExperimenterGroup(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Main constructor.
ExperimenterGroup(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ExperimenterGroup.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
ExperimentType - Class in ome.model.enums
ExperimentType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
ExperimentType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
ExperimentType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
Main constructor.
ExperimentType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
ExperimentType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
ExpiredCredentialException - Exception in ome.conditions
Correct username and credentials provided, but credentials expired.
ExpiredCredentialException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ExpiredCredentialException
exposureTime - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
EXPOSURETIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
externalDescription - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EXTERNALDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
externalIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
EXTERNALIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
externalIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EXTERNALIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
EXTERNALINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
ExternalInfo - Class in ome.model.meta
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ExternalInfo() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ExternalInfo(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ExternalInfo(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Main constructor.
ExternalInfo(Long, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ExternalInfo.Details - Class in ome.model.meta


family - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
FAMILY - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Family - Class in ome.model.enums
Family() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
Family(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
Family(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
Main constructor.
Family(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Family
Family.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
fields() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
fields() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
fields() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
fields() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
fields() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
fields() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
fields() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
fields() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
returns a Set of field names that belong to this class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class
fields() - Method in class
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
fields() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
fields() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
fields() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
FIELDS - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
fields() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
fields() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
Filament - Class in ome.model.acquisition
Filament() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Filament(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Filament(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Main constructor.
Filament(FilamentType) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
FilamentType - Class in ome.model.enums
FilamentType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
FilamentType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
FilamentType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
Main constructor.
FilamentType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
FilamentType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
file - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
FILE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
FileAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
FileAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
FileAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
FileAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
Main constructor.
fileId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
fileIdsInDb(String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return all IDs matching the given mimetypes, or all IDs if mimetypes is null.
fileIdsInDb(String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
fileRepo(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
fileRepo(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
fileset - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
FILESET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Fileset - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Fileset() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Fileset(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Fileset(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Main constructor.
Fileset(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.Fileset
fileset - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
FILESET - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Fileset.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
FilesetAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilesetAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
FilesetAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
FilesetAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
FilesetAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
FilesetAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
filesetEntries - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
FilesetEntry - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilesetEntry() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
FilesetEntry(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
FilesetEntry(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Main constructor.
FilesetEntry(Fileset, OriginalFile, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
FilesetEntry.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
FilesetJobLink - Class in ome.model.fs
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilesetJobLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
FilesetJobLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
FilesetJobLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Main constructor.
FilesetJobLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
FilesetJobLink.Details - Class in ome.model.fs
fillColor - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FILLCOLOR - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
fillObject(ReverseModelMapper) - Method in interface ome.model.ModelBased
fillRule - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FILLRULE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Filter - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Filter() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Filter(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Filter(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Main constructor.
Filter(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
filter - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Filter - Class in ome.parameters
parameter to generally reduce the size of a query result set.
Filter() - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Filter
filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
iterates over the contents of the collection and filters each.
filter(String, Map) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
filters both the key and value sets of the map.
filter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
used when type is unknown.
filter(String, ContextFilter.Entry) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
doesn't return a new entry.
Filter - Interface in ome.util
marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.
filter(String, Filterable) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
filter(String, Collection) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
filter(String, Map) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
filter(String, Object) - Method in interface ome.util.Filter
filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
filter(String, Map) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
filter(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
filter(String, Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
filter(String, Collection) - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
Filter.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
Filterable - Interface in ome.util
marks objects which can be filtered using {see FIXME }.
FilterAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilterAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
FilterAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
FilterAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
FilterAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
FilterAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
filteredSet() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
copy of the current collection of filtered names.
filteredSize() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
the count of collections which were filtered.
filterFileIdsByRepo(String, List<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the original file IDs among those given that are in the given repository.
filterFileIdsByRepo(String, List<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
FilterSet - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilterSet() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
FilterSet(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
FilterSet(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Main constructor.
FilterSet(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
filterSet - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
FilterSet.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Main constructor.
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Main constructor.
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
FilterType - Class in ome.model.enums
FilterType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
FilterType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
FilterType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
Main constructor.
FilterType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.FilterType
FilterType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
filterWheel - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
FILTERWHEEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
findAnnotationAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
find all ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findChannelAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
find all ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findClass(Class) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
findCollection(Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
findCollectionTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
extension point which subclasses can override to better map the values of collections and maps.
findDatasetAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findDatasetImageLink(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink which have the argument as their child.
findDatasetImageLink(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink which have the argument as their parent.
findDetectorAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
find all ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findDichroicAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
find all ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findExperimenterAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
find all ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
find all ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findFilesetAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
find all ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findFilesetJobLink(Job) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
find all ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink which have the argument as their child.
findFilterAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their parent.
findFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
findFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their parent.
findFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
find all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
findFolderAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findFolderImageLink(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink which have the argument as their child.
findFolderImageLink(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink which have the argument as their parent.
findFolderRoiLink(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
find all ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink which have the argument as their child.
findFolderRoiLink(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
find all ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink which have the argument as their parent.
findGroupExperimenterMap(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
find all ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap which have the argument as their parent.
findGroupExperimenterMap(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
find all ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap which have the argument as their child.
findImageAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
find all ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findInstrumentAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
find all ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findJobOriginalFileLink(OriginalFile) - Method in class
find all which have the argument as their child.
findKeyTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
extension point which subclasses can override to better map the keys of maps.
findLightPathAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findLightPathEmissionFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
findLightPathExcitationFilterLink(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
find all ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink which have the argument as their child.
findLightSourceAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
find all ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findMap(Map) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
findNamespaceAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
find all ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findNodeAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
find all ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findObjectiveAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
find all ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findOldAdminPrivileges() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the completed transactions among the current light administrator privileges.
findOldAdminPrivileges() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findOriginalFileAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
find all ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findPixelsOriginalFileMap(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
find all ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap which have the argument as their child.
findPixelsOriginalFileMap(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
find all ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap which have the argument as their parent.
findPlaneInfoAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
find all ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findPlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
find all ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findPlateAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
find all ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findProjectAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
find all ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findProjectDatasetLink(Project) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
find all ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink which have the argument as their parent.
findProjectDatasetLink(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
find all ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink which have the argument as their child.
findReagentAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
find all ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find all SqlAction.DeleteLog entries which match all of the non-null fields provided in the template.
findRepoDeleteLogs(SqlAction.DeleteLog) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFile(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
findRepoFile(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
findRepoFile(String, String, String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Lookup the id of an OriginalFile in a given repository or return null if none is found.
findRepoFile(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFile(String, String, String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFilePath(String, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
findRepoFilePath(String, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFiles(String, String, List<String>, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Like SqlAction.findRepoFile(String, String, String, Set), but queries in bulk and returns a map for the found IDs.
findRepoFiles(String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return a list of original file ids that all have a path value matching the passed dirname in the given repository.
findRepoFiles(String, String, List<String>, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoFiles(String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRepoImageFromPixels(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
findRepoImageFromPixels(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
findRepoPixels(String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
findRepoPixels(String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
findRepoRootPath(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Find the path of the repository root.
findRepoRootPath(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
findRoiAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
find all ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findScreenAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
find all ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findScreenPlateLink(Screen) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
find all ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink which have the argument as their parent.
findScreenPlateLink(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
find all ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink which have the argument as their child.
findSessionAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
find all ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findShapeAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
find all ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findTarget(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
known immutables are return unchanged.
findWellAnnotationLink(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
find all ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink which have the argument as their child.
findWellReagentLink(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
find all ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink which have the argument as their parent.
findWellReagentLink(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
find all ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink which have the argument as their child.
finished - Variable in class
FINISHED - Static variable in class
finished - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
FINISHED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
firstName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
FIRSTNAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
FLOAT - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
fluor - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
FLUOR - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Folder - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Folder() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
Folder(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
Folder(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
Main constructor.
Folder(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Folder
Folder.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
FolderAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FolderAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
FolderAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
FolderAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
FolderAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
FolderAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
FolderImageLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FolderImageLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
FolderImageLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
FolderImageLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Main constructor.
FolderImageLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
FolderImageLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
folderLinks - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
folderLinks - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
FOLDERLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
FOLDERLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
FolderRoiLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
FolderRoiLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
FolderRoiLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
FolderRoiLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Main constructor.
FolderRoiLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
FolderRoiLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
fontFamily - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FONTFAMILY - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
fontSize - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FONTSIZE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
fontStyle - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
FONTSTYLE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
format - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
FORMAT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Format - Class in ome.model.enums
Format() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
Format(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
Format(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
Main constructor.
Format(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Format
Format.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
Frequency - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Frequency and a unit for that Frequency (e.g.
Frequency() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
Frequency(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
Frequency(double, UnitsFrequency) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
Frequency(double, Unit<Frequency>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
Frequency(Frequency) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Frequency
frequencyMultiplication - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
FREQUENCYMULTIPLICATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
fromdbvalue(String) - Method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
Perform the reverse lookup from todbvalue(Object) converting the DB's enums which contain invalid characters to the upper-cased CODE-based enums used elsewhere.


gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
gain - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
GAIN - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
generate(SessionImplementor, Object) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
GenericEnumType<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>> - Class in ome.model.units
GenericEnumType() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
GenericExcitationSource - Class in ome.model.acquisition
GenericExcitationSource() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
GenericExcitationSource(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
GenericExcitationSource(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
Main constructor.
get(String) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
lookup a QueryParameter by name.
getA00() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a00 (java.lang.Double)
getA01() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a01 (java.lang.Double)
getA02() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a02 (java.lang.Double)
getA10() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a10 (java.lang.Double)
getA11() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a11 (java.lang.Double)
getA12() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
Simple field ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.a12 (java.lang.Double)
getAcquisitionDate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.acquisitionDate (java.sql.Timestamp)
getAction() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.action (java.lang.String)
getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field (java.lang.Boolean)
getActive() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field (java.lang.Boolean)
getActive() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field (java.lang.Boolean)
getAirPressure() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.airPressure (ome.model.units.Pressure)
getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
getAlpha() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.alpha (java.lang.Integer)
getAmplificationGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.amplificationGain (java.lang.Double)
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns annotationLinks .
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink that a user has.
getAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink that a user has.
getArchived() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.archived (java.lang.Boolean)
getAtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.atime (java.sql.Timestamp)
getAttenuation() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.attenuation (java.lang.Double)
getAxis() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.axis (ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis)
getBinning() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.binning (ome.model.enums.Binning)
getBitDepth(String) - Static method in class ome.util.PixelData
Retrieves the bit width of a particular PixelsType.
getBitResolution() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.bitResolution (java.lang.Integer)
getBitSize() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Simple field ome.model.enums.PixelsType.bitSize (java.lang.Integer)
getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getBlue() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getBoolValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation.boolValue (java.lang.Boolean)
getBytes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.bytes (byte[])
getCalibratedMagnification() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.calibratedMagnification (java.lang.Double)
getCdEnd() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdEnd (java.lang.Integer)
getCdStart() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Simple field ome.model.display.QuantumDef.cdStart (java.lang.Integer)
getChannel(int) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Gets the ome.model.core.Channel at the given index.
getChannelBinding() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.channelBinding (ome.model.display.ChannelBinding)
getChannelBinding(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the ome.model.display.ChannelBinding at the given index.
getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
returns channels .
getChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns channels .
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.child (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.child (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.child (ome.model.core.Image)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.child (ome.model.roi.Roi)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.child (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.child (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.child (
getChild() - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
getChild() - Method in class
Many-to-one field (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.ShareMember.child (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.child (ome.model.screen.Plate)
getChild() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.child (ome.model.screen.Reagent)
getChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns childFolders .
getClientPath() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Simple field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.clientPath (java.lang.String)
getClosed() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.closed (java.sql.Timestamp)
getCo2percent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.co2percent (java.lang.Double)
getCodomainMapContext(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Gets the ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext at the given index.
getCoefficient() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.coefficient (java.lang.Double)
getColumn() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.column (java.lang.Integer)
getColumnNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columnNamingConvention (java.lang.String)
getColumns() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.columns (java.lang.Integer)
getCompression() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.compression (java.lang.Double)
getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
getConfig() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
getConn() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.conn (java.lang.String)
getConstant() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.constant (java.lang.Boolean)
getContainingEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.containingEvent (ome.model.meta.Event)
getContext() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
reference to the entity which this Details is contained in.
getContrastMethod() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.contrastMethod (ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod)
getCorrection() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.correction (ome.model.enums.Correction)
getCorrectionCollar() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.correctionCollar (java.lang.Double)
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class
getCreationEvent() - Method in class
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getCreationEvent() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getCtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.ctime (java.sql.Timestamp)
getCurrentPatch() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.currentPatch (java.lang.Integer)
getCurrentVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.currentVersion (java.lang.String)
getCutIn() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutIn (ome.model.units.Length)
getCutInTolerance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutInTolerance (ome.model.units.Length)
getCutOut() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutOut (ome.model.units.Length)
getCutOutTolerance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.cutOutTolerance (ome.model.units.Length)
getD() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
Simple field ome.model.roi.Path.d (java.lang.String)
getData() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field (byte[])
getData() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the backing buffer for the pixel data.
getDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns datasetLinks .
getDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns datasetLinks .
getDatasetLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink that a user has.
getDatasetLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink that a user has.
getDefaultEventType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.defaultEventType (java.lang.String)
getDefaultSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.defaultSample (java.lang.Integer)
getDefaultT() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.defaultT (java.lang.Integer)
getDefaultZ() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.defaultZ (java.lang.Integer)
getDeletedIds(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
getDeletedIds(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
getDeltaT() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.deltaT (ome.model.units.Time)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.Annotation.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Simple field ome.model.containers.Dataset.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Simple field ome.model.containers.Folder.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Simple field ome.model.containers.Project.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Simple field ome.model.experiment.Experiment.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Simple field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Simple field ome.model.roi.Roi.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field ome.model.screen.Reagent.description (java.lang.String)
getDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.description (java.lang.String)
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
Value (i.e.
getDetails() - Method in class
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
The details of this object correspond to low-level system information.
getDetails() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
getDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.detector (ome.model.acquisition.Detector)
getDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns detector .
getDetectorSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.detectorSettings (ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings)
getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.dichroic (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns dichroic .
getDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.dichroic (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
getDimensionOrder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.dimensionOrder (ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder)
getDisplay() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.display (java.lang.Boolean)
getDisplayName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.displayName (java.lang.String)
getDoubleValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation.doubleValue (java.lang.Double)
getDown() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.down (java.sql.Timestamp)
getEmail() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns emissionFilterLink .
getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns emissionFilterLink .
getEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns emissionFilterLink .
getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
getEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink that a user has.
getEmissionWave() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.emissionWave (ome.model.units.Length)
getEndPlane() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.endPlane (java.lang.Integer)
getEndTime() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.endTime (java.sql.Timestamp)
getEndTime() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
getEntityId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.entityId (java.lang.Long)
getEntityId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.entityId (java.lang.Long)
getEntityType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Simple field ome.model.meta.EventLog.entityType (java.lang.String)
getEntityType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.entityType (java.lang.String)
getEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.EventLog.event (ome.model.meta.Event)
getEventLogPartitions(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, long, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Loads up to "limit" event logs using partioning so that only the last event log of a particular (type, id) pair is returned.
getEventLogPartitions(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, long, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getEventLogPercent(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns the percent (e.g.
getEventLogPercent(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns events .
getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns excitationFilterLink .
getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns excitationFilterLink .
getExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns excitationFilterLink .
getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
getExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink that a user has.
getExcitationWave() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.excitationWave (ome.model.units.Length)
getExperiment() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.experiment (ome.model.experiment.Experiment)
getExperiment() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.experiment (ome.model.experiment.Experiment)
getExperimenter() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.experimenter (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getExperimenter() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Fulfills the old PojoOptions requirement for returning null if no owner set.
getExperimenterGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.experimenterGroup (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
getExposureTime() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.exposureTime (ome.model.units.Time)
getExternalDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.externalDescription (java.lang.String)
getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.externalIdentifier (java.lang.String)
getExternalIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.externalIdentifier (java.lang.String)
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class
getExternalInfo() - Method in class
getExternalInfo() - Method in class
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getExternalInfo() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getFamily() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Many-to-one field (ome.model.enums.Family)
getFile() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation.file (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getFileset() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.fileset (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
getFileset() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.fileset (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
getFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns filesetEntries .
getFilesetEntry(int) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry at the given index.
getFilesetJobLink(int) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink at the given index.
getFillColor() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fillColor (java.lang.Integer)
getFillRule() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fillRule (java.lang.String)
getFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns filter .
getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns filterSet .
getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.filterSet (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
getFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.filterSet (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
getFilterWheel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.filterWheel (java.lang.String)
getFinished() - Method in class
Simple field (java.sql.Timestamp)
getFinished() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.finished (java.sql.Timestamp)
getFirstName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.firstName (java.lang.String)
getFluor() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.fluor (java.lang.String)
getFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns folderLinks .
getFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns folderLinks .
getFolderLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink that a user has.
getFolderLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink that a user has.
getFontFamily() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontFamily (java.lang.String)
getFontSize() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontSize (ome.model.units.Length)
getFontStyle() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.fontStyle (java.lang.String)
getFormat() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.format (ome.model.enums.Format)
getFrequencyMultiplication() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.frequencyMultiplication (java.lang.Integer)
getGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.gain (java.lang.Double)
getGain() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.gain (java.lang.Double)
getGlobalMax() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Simple field ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.globalMax (java.lang.Double)
getGlobalMin() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Simple field ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.globalMin (java.lang.Double)
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
getGraphHolder() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
retrieves the GraphHolder for this entity.
getGraphHolder() - Method in class
getGraphHolder() - Method in class
getGraphHolder() - Method in class
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
getGraphHolder() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getGreen() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getGroup() - Method in class
getGroup() - Method in class
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Many-to-one field (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getGroup() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Fulfills the old PojoOptions requirement for returning null if no owner set.
getGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns groupExperimenterMap .
getGroupExperimenterMap(int) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Gets the ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap at the given index.
getGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns groupExperimenterMap .
getGroupIds(Collection<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
getGroupIds(Collection<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getGroupname() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getGroupPermissions(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns the permissions for the given group id.
getGroupPermissions(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getHash() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.hash (java.lang.String)
getHasher() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.hasher (ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm)
getHeight() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.height (java.lang.Double)
getHeight() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.height (java.lang.Double)
getHumidity() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.humidity (java.lang.Double)
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
primary key of this object.
getId() - Method in class
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
The DB unique identifier for this object.
getId() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
getIllumination() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.illumination (ome.model.enums.Illumination)
getImage() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.image (ome.model.core.Image)
getImage() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Roi.image (ome.model.core.Image)
getImage() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.image (ome.model.core.Image)
getImageDescription() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns imageLinks .
getImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns imageLinks .
getImageLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink that a user has.
getImageLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink that a user has.
getImageName() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns images .
getImagingEnvironment() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.imagingEnvironment (ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment)
getImmersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.immersion (ome.model.enums.Immersion)
getIndexes() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Returns the indexes for this LSID within the OME-XML data model.
getInputEnd() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.inputEnd (java.lang.Double)
getInputStart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.inputStart (java.lang.Double)
getInstitution() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.institution (java.lang.String)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getInstrument() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.instrument (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getIntegration() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.integration (java.lang.Integer)
getInternalContext() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
In order to properly test the permissions for this object, it must be possible to get the internal context.
getIris() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.iris (java.lang.Boolean)
getItemCount() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
Simple field ome.model.meta.Share.itemCount (java.lang.Long)
getJavaClass() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Returns the Java class which qualifies the type of object this LSID represents.
getJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns jobLinks .
getJobLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink that a user has.
getKeywords() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.keywords (java.util.List)
getLaserMedium() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.laserMedium (ome.model.enums.LaserMedium)
getLastName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.lastName (java.lang.String)
getLdap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.ldap (java.lang.Boolean)
getLdap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.ldap (java.lang.Boolean)
getLdapExperimenters() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Gets the experimenters who have the ldap attribute enabled.
getLdapExperimenters() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getLensNA() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.lensNA (java.lang.Double)
getLightPath() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.lightPath (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
getLightPathExcitationFilterLink(int) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Gets the ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink at the given index.
getLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns lightSource .
getLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.lightSource (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.lightSourceSettings (ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings)
getLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
returns lightSourceSettings .
getLimit() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
getLocked() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.locked (java.lang.Boolean)
getLogicalChannel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.logicalChannel (ome.model.core.LogicalChannel)
getLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
returns logs .
getLongValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation.longValue (java.lang.Long)
getLookupTable() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field ome.model.core.Channel.lookupTable (java.lang.String)
getLookupTable() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.lookupTable (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLotNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.lotNumber (java.lang.String)
getLowerLimit() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.lowerLimit (java.lang.Integer)
getLsid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.lsid (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getManufacturer() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.manufacturer (java.lang.String)
getMap() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
getMap() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
getMapValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.markerEnd (java.lang.String)
getMarkerEnd() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.markerEnd (java.lang.String)
getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.markerStart (java.lang.String)
getMarkerStart() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.markerStart (java.lang.String)
getMaximum() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the minimum pixel value this pixel data supports.
getMaximumFieldCount() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.maximumFieldCount (java.lang.Integer)
getMedium() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.medium (ome.model.enums.Medium)
getMessage() - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.ACLViolation
getMessage() - Method in exception ome.conditions.acl.CollectedACLViolations
getMessage() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getMessage() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.message (java.lang.String)
getMessage() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.message (java.lang.String)
getMethodology() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.methodology (java.lang.String)
getMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.microbeamManipulation (ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation)
getMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
returns microbeamManipulation .
getMicroscope() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.microscope (ome.model.acquisition.Microscope)
getMiddleName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.middleName (java.lang.String)
getMimetype() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.mimetype (java.lang.String)
getMimeType() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.mimeType (java.lang.String)
getMinimum() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the minimum pixel value this pixel data supports.
getMode() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.mode (ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.model (java.lang.String)
getModel() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.model (ome.model.enums.RenderingModel)
getMtime() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.mtime (java.sql.Timestamp)
getMultivalued() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field ome.model.meta.Namespace.multivalued (java.lang.Boolean)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
getName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getName() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getNdFilter() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.ndFilter (java.lang.Double)
getNode() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.node (ome.model.meta.Node)
getNoiseReduction() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.noiseReduction (java.lang.Boolean)
getNominalMagnification() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.nominalMagnification (java.lang.Double)
getNs() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.Annotation.ns (java.lang.String)
getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns objective .
getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.objective (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
getObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.objective (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
getObjectiveSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.objectiveSettings (ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings)
getObjectVoidMethods(Class<T>) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
primarily used in Grinder to discover what methods to call
getOffset() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
getOffsetValue() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.offsetValue (java.lang.Double)
getOffsetValue() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.offsetValue (java.lang.Double)
getOmeName() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Simple field ome.model.meta.Experimenter.omeName (java.lang.String)
getOpticalAxisAveraged() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.opticalAxisAveraged (java.lang.Boolean)
getOrder() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the byte order of the backing buffer.
getOriginalFile() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.originalFile (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class
returns originalFileLinks .
getOriginalFileLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class
If fetched, returns the count(*) of that a user has.
getOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns otf .
getOtf() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.otf (ome.model.acquisition.OTF)
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getOwner() - Method in class
getOwner() - Method in class
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Simple field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.owner (java.lang.Boolean)
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.owner (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getOwner() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getParams() - Method in class
Simple field (byte[])
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.annotations.Annotation)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.Channel)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Detector)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Filter)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.Image)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Instrument)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightPath)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Namespace)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Node)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.acquisition.Objective)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.core.PlaneInfo)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Plate)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Project)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Reagent)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.roi.Roi)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Screen)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.meta.Session)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.roi.Shape)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Well)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Dataset)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Folder)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.parent (ome.model.containers.Project)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.parent (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.parent (ome.model.fs.Fileset)
getParent() - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
getParent() - Method in class
Many-to-one field (
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.parent (ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.ShareMember.parent (ome.model.meta.Share)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Screen)
getParent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.parent (ome.model.screen.Well)
getParentFolder() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Many-to-one field ome.model.containers.Folder.parentFolder (ome.model.containers.Folder)
getPartial() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.partial (java.lang.Boolean)
getPasswordHash(Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
getPasswordHash(Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getPath() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.path (java.lang.String)
getPath() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.path (java.lang.String)
getPerm1() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Permissions is a component embedded into the Details component.
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in class
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getPermissions() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getPhotometricInterpretation() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.photometricInterpretation (ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation)
getPhysicalSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeX (ome.model.units.Length)
getPhysicalSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeY (ome.model.units.Length)
getPhysicalSizeZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.physicalSizeZ (ome.model.units.Length)
getPinHoleSize() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.pinHoleSize (ome.model.units.Length)
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns pixels .
getPixels(int) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Gets the ome.model.core.Pixels at the given index.
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getPixels() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Mask.pixels (ome.model.core.Pixels)
getPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns pixelsFileMaps .
getPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns pixelsFileMaps .
getPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap that a user has.
getPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap that a user has.
getPixelsId() - Method in exception ome.conditions.MissingPyramidException
getPixelsNamePathRepo(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
getPixelsNamePathRepo(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Retrieves the name, path and repo for the given pixels set.
getPixelsType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.pixelsType (ome.model.enums.PixelsType)
getPixelsType() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Pixels.pixelsType (ome.model.enums.PixelsType)
getPixelValue(int) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within the backing buffer.
getPixelValueDirect(int) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within the backing buffer.
getPlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns planeInfo .
getPlanePrevious() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.planePrevious (java.lang.Integer)
getPlaneSelected() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.planeSelected (java.lang.Integer)
getPlate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.plate (ome.model.screen.Plate)
getPlate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.Well.plate (ome.model.screen.Plate)
getPlateAcquisition() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.plateAcquisition (ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition)
getPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns plateAcquisitions .
getPlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns plateLinks .
getPlateLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink that a user has.
getPockelCell() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pockelCell (java.lang.Boolean)
getPockelCellSetting() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.pockelCellSetting (java.lang.Integer)
getPoints() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polygon.points (java.lang.String)
getPoints() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.points (java.lang.String)
getPositionX() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionX (ome.model.units.Length)
getPositionX() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionX (ome.model.units.Length)
getPositionY() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionY (ome.model.units.Length)
getPositionY() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionY (ome.model.units.Length)
getPositionZ() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.positionZ (ome.model.units.Length)
getPositionZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.positionZ (ome.model.units.Length)
getPosX() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.WellSample.posX (ome.model.units.Length)
getPosY() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.WellSample.posY (ome.model.units.Length)
getPower() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.power (ome.model.units.Power)
getPreviousPatch() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.previousPatch (java.lang.Integer)
getPreviousVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Simple field ome.model.meta.DBPatch.previousVersion (java.lang.String)
getPrimaryChannel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Gets the first element of channels which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryChannelBinding() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the first element of waveRendering which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryCodomainMapContext() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Gets the first element of spatialDomainEnhancement which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryFilesetEntry() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the first element of usedFiles which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryFilesetJobLink() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Gets the first element of jobLinks which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Gets the first element of groupExperimenterMap which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryLightPathExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Gets the first element of excitationFilterLink which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Gets the first element of pixels which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryProjectionDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the first element of projections which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryShape() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Gets the first element of shapes which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getPrimaryWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Gets the first element of wellSamples which can be interpreted as the primary or default element in some situations.
getProjectionDef(int) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Gets the ome.model.display.ProjectionDef at the given index.
getProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns projections .
getProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns projectLinks .
getProjectLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink that a user has.
getProtocolDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.protocolDescription (java.lang.String)
getProtocolIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.protocolIdentifier (java.lang.String)
getPulse() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pulse (ome.model.enums.Pulse)
getPump() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.pump (ome.model.acquisition.LightSource)
getQuantityClass() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
getQuantization() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.RenderingDef.quantization (ome.model.display.QuantumDef)
getRadiusX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.radiusX (java.lang.Double)
getRadiusY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.radiusY (java.lang.Double)
getRdf() - Method in class ome.util.RdfPrinter
getReadOutRate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.readOutRate (ome.model.units.Frequency)
getReagentIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Simple field ome.model.screen.Reagent.reagentIdentifier (java.lang.String)
getReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns reagentLinks .
getReagentLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink that a user has.
getReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns reagents .
getReagentSetDescription() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.reagentSetDescription (java.lang.String)
getReagentSetIdentifier() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.reagentSetIdentifier (java.lang.String)
getRed() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getRed() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getRed() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field (java.lang.Integer)
getRef() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.ref (java.lang.String)
getRefractiveIndex() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.refractiveIndex (java.lang.Double)
getRelatedTo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
getRenderingDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.renderingDef (ome.model.display.RenderingDef)
getRenderingDef() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.renderingDef (ome.model.display.RenderingDef)
getRepetitionRate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.repetitionRate (ome.model.units.Frequency)
getReplacement() - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
a replacement is a managed entity instance which has the same primary key as this instance.
getRepo() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.repo (java.lang.String)
getRestrictions() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
getReverse() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext.reverse (java.lang.Boolean)
getRoi() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Shape.roi (ome.model.roi.Roi)
getRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns roiLinks .
getRoiLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink that a user has.
getRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns rois .
getRow() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.row (java.lang.Integer)
getRowNamingConvention() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.rowNamingConvention (java.lang.String)
getRows() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.rows (java.lang.Integer)
getSamplesPerPixel() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Simple field ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.samplesPerPixel (java.lang.Integer)
getScale() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.scale (java.lang.Integer)
getScheduledFor() - Method in class
Simple field (java.sql.Timestamp)
getScreen() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.Reagent.screen (ome.model.screen.Screen)
getScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns screenLinks .
getScreenLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink that a user has.
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSerialNumber() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.serialNumber (java.lang.String)
getSeries() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Simple field ome.model.core.Image.series (java.lang.Integer)
getSession() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.session (ome.model.meta.Session)
getSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns sessions .
getSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns settings .
getSha1() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sha1 (java.lang.String)
getShape(int) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Gets the ome.model.roi.Shape at the given index.
getShapeIds(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
getShapeIds(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
getShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns shapes .
getShareData(List<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns a map of Share ID to Share data blob.
getShareData(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getSignificantBits() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.significantBits (java.lang.Integer)
getSize() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Simple field ome.model.core.OriginalFile.size (java.lang.Long)
getSizeC() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeC (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeT() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeT (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeX() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.sizeX (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.OTF.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeY() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Simple field ome.model.display.Thumbnail.sizeY (java.lang.Integer)
getSizeZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.sizeZ (java.lang.Integer)
getSource() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Roi.source (ome.model.core.OriginalFile)
getSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
returns spatialDomainEnhancement .
getStageLabel() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Image.stageLabel (ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel)
getStarted() - Method in class
Simple field (java.sql.Timestamp)
getStarted() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.started (java.sql.Timestamp)
getStartPlane() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.startPlane (java.lang.Integer)
getStartTime() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Simple field ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.startTime (java.sql.Timestamp)
getStartTime() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
getStatsInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Many-to-one field ome.model.core.Channel.statsInfo (ome.model.stats.StatsInfo)
getStatus() - Method in class
Many-to-one field (
getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Simple field ome.model.meta.Event.status (java.lang.String)
getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Simple field ome.model.screen.Plate.status (java.lang.String)
getStatus() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.status (java.lang.String)
getStepping() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Simple field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.stepping (java.lang.Integer)
getString(String) - Static method in class ome.util.actions.PsqlStrings
getStrokeColor() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeColor (java.lang.Integer)
getStrokeDashArray() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeDashArray (java.lang.String)
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.roi.Shape.strokeWidth (ome.model.units.Length)
getSubmitted() - Method in class
Simple field (java.sql.Timestamp)
getSudoer() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Session.sudoer (ome.model.meta.Experimenter)
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
getSymbol() - Method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
getSymbol() - Method in interface ome.model.units.UnitEnum
getTemperature() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.temperature (ome.model.units.Temperature)
getTemplatePrefix() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Simple field ome.model.fs.Fileset.templatePrefix (java.lang.String)
getTermValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation.termValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
Simple field ome.model.roi.Path.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polygon.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Simple field ome.model.roi.Polyline.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTextValue() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.textValue (java.lang.String)
getTheC() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theC (java.lang.Integer)
getTheC() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theC (java.lang.Integer)
getTheT() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theT (java.lang.Integer)
getTheT() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theT (java.lang.Integer)
getTheZ() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Simple field ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.theZ (java.lang.Integer)
getTheZ() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Simple field ome.model.roi.Shape.theZ (java.lang.Integer)
getThreadIdentifier() - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
Returns a String which can be used to correlate log messages.
getThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns thumbnails .
getTime() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Simple field ome.model.meta.Event.time (java.sql.Timestamp)
getTimeIncrement() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.core.Pixels.timeIncrement (ome.model.units.Time)
getTimepoint() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Simple field ome.model.screen.WellSample.timepoint (java.sql.Timestamp)
getTimeToIdle() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.timeToIdle (java.lang.Long)
getTimeToLive() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.timeToLive (java.lang.Long)
getTimeValue() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
Simple field ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation.timeValue (java.sql.Timestamp)
getTransform() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Many-to-one field ome.model.roi.Shape.transform (ome.model.roi.AffineTransform)
getTransmittance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.transmittance (java.lang.Double)
getTransmittanceRange() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.transmittanceRange (ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange)
getTuneable() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.tuneable (java.lang.Boolean)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Arc.type (ome.model.enums.ArcType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.type (ome.model.enums.DetectorType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filament.type (ome.model.enums.FilamentType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Filter.type (ome.model.enums.FilterType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.type (ome.model.enums.LaserType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Many-to-one field ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.type (ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Many-to-one field ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.type (ome.model.enums.ProjectionType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.Experiment.type (ome.model.enums.ExperimentType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Many-to-one field ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.type (ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType)
getType() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Many-to-one field ome.model.meta.Event.type (ome.model.enums.EventType)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Simple field ome.model.screen.Screen.type (java.lang.String)
getType() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Simple field ome.model.screen.Well.type (java.lang.String)
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.ElectricPotential.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Frequency.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Length.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsLength).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Power.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsPower).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Pressure.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Temperature.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature).
getUnit() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
Many-to-one field ome.model.units.Time.unit (ome.model.enums.UnitsTime).
getUnit() - Method in interface ome.model.units.Unit
getUp() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.up (java.sql.Timestamp)
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
Overrides Details.getUpdateEvent() to always return null.
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
getUpdateEvent() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
getUpperLimit() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext.upperLimit (java.lang.Integer)
getUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns usedFiles .
getUserAgent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.userAgent (java.lang.String)
getUserEmailsByGroup(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Load all the non-empty email addresses for users in a given group.
getUserEmailsByGroup(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getUserGroups(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
getUserGroups(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getUserId(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Get the user's ID
getUserId(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getUserIP() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.userIP (java.lang.String)
getUsername() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getUsername(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Get the user's name
getUsername(long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
Simple field ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.uuid (java.lang.String)
getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Simple field ome.model.meta.Node.uuid (java.lang.String)
getUuid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Simple field ome.model.meta.Session.uuid (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
Simple field ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
Simple field ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ArcType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
Simple field ome.model.enums.Binning.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
Simple field ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
Simple field ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
Simple field ome.model.enums.Correction.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
Simple field ome.model.enums.DetectorType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
Simple field ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
Simple field ome.model.enums.EventType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
Simple field ome.model.enums.Family.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
Simple field ome.model.enums.FilamentType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
Simple field ome.model.enums.FilterType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
Simple field ome.model.enums.Format.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Simple field ome.model.enums.Illumination.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Simple field ome.model.enums.Immersion.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
Simple field ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
Simple field ome.model.enums.LaserType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
Simple field ome.model.enums.Medium.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
Simple field ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
Simple field ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
Simple field ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Simple field ome.model.enums.PixelsType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
Simple field ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
Simple field ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Simple field ome.model.enums.Pulse.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
Simple field ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.value (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in interface ome.model.IEnum
the single String value associated with this instance.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
getValue() - Method in class
Simple field (java.lang.String)
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
value of this unit-field.
getValue() - Method in interface ome.model.units.Unit
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in interface ome.model.IMutable
optimistic-lock version.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersion() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
This version number is controlled by the database for optimisitic locking.
getVersionInfo() - Method in class
getVersionInfo() - Method in class
getVoltage() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.voltage (ome.model.units.ElectricPotential)
getVoltage() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.voltage (ome.model.units.ElectricPotential)
getWaveIncrement() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.waveIncrement (java.lang.Integer)
getWavelength() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Laser.wavelength (ome.model.units.Length)
getWavelength() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.wavelength (ome.model.units.Length)
getWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns waveRendering .
getWaveStart() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Simple field ome.model.core.Pixels.waveStart (java.lang.Integer)
getWell() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Many-to-one field ome.model.screen.WellSample.well (ome.model.screen.Well)
getWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns wellLinks .
getWellLinksCountPerOwner() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
If fetched, returns the count(*) of ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink that a user has.
getWellOriginX() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.Plate.wellOriginX (ome.model.units.Length)
getWellOriginY() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.screen.Plate.wellOriginY (ome.model.units.Length)
getWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns wells .
getWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns wellSample .
getWellSample(int) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Gets the ome.model.screen.WellSample at the given index.
getWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns wellSamples .
getWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns wellSamples .
getWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.width (java.lang.Double)
getWidth() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.width (java.lang.Double)
getWorkingDistance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Enum-mapped unit-based field ome.model.acquisition.Objective.workingDistance (ome.model.units.Length)
getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.x (java.lang.Double)
getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.x (java.lang.Double)
getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.x (java.lang.Double)
getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.x (java.lang.Double)
getX() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.x (java.lang.Double)
getX1() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.x1 (java.lang.Double)
getX2() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.x2 (java.lang.Double)
getXend() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.xend (java.lang.Integer)
getXstart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.xstart (java.lang.Integer)
getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Simple field ome.model.roi.Ellipse.y (java.lang.Double)
getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
Simple field ome.model.roi.Label.y (java.lang.Double)
getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Simple field ome.model.roi.Mask.y (java.lang.Double)
getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
Simple field ome.model.roi.Point.y (java.lang.Double)
getY() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Simple field ome.model.roi.Rectangle.y (java.lang.Double)
getY1() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.y1 (java.lang.Double)
getY2() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
Simple field ome.model.roi.Line.y2 (java.lang.Double)
getYend() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.yend (java.lang.Integer)
getYstart() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
Simple field ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext.ystart (java.lang.Integer)
getZoom() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.Detector.zoom (java.lang.Double)
getZoom() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Simple field ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.zoom (java.lang.Double)
globalMax - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
GLOBALMAX - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
globalMin - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
GLOBALMIN - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
grant(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right...) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
turns on the rights for the given role.
grantAll(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
takes a permissions instance and ORs it with the current instance.
GraphHolder - Class in ome.model.internal
holds information regarding the graph to which an IObject belongs.
GraphHolder() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
green - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
green - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
green - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
group - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
GROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
group(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
group() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
group() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
GROUP_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
GROUP_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GROUP_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
GROUP_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
GROUP_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
GROUP_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
GROUP_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
GROUP_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
GROUP_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
GROUP_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
GROUP_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
GROUP_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
GROUP_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
GROUP_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
GROUP_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
GROUP_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
GROUP_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
GROUP_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
GROUP_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
GROUP_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
GROUP_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
GROUP_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
GROUP_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GROUP_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
GROUP_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
GROUP_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
GROUP_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
GROUP_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
GROUP_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
GROUP_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
GROUP_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
GROUP_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
GROUP_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
GROUP_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "groupId".
GROUP_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
R_R___ : user and group can only read
GROUP_PRIVATE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWRW__ : user and group can read and write
GROUP_READABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWR___ : user can read and write, group can read
GROUP_WRITEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWRWR_ : user and group can read and write, world can read
groupExperimenterMap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
groupExperimenterMap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
GROUPEXPERIMENTERMAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
GroupExperimenterMap - Class in ome.model.meta
GroupExperimenterMap() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
GroupExperimenterMap(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
GroupExperimenterMap(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
Main constructor.
GroupExperimenterMap(IObject, IObject, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
GroupExperimenterMap.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
groupId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
groupInfoFor(String, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Return a mostly unloaded ExperimenterGroup object containing only the id, name, and permissions.
groupInfoFor(String, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
groupname - Variable in class
GROUPNAME - Static variable in class
GroupSecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
Extension of SecurityViolation which signifies that the violation in question goes against the group-based permissions introduced in 4.2.
GroupSecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.GroupSecurityViolation
grp(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters


handlePotentialPgArrayJarError(UncategorizedSQLException) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
If postgresql is installed with an older jdbc jar that is on the bootstrap classpath, then it's possible that the use of pgarrays will fail (I think).
hash - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
HASH - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
hashCode(Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
hashCode() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
hashCode() - Method in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
hashCode() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
hasher - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
HASHER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
hasNext() - Method in class ome.util.EmptyIterator
hasntSeen(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
hasToken() - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
tests if this GraphHolder contains a Token reference.
hasUnicodeUnits() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
hasUnicodeUnits() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
height - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
HEIGHT - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
height - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
HEIGHT - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
humidity - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
HUMIDITY - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment


IAnnotated - Interface in ome.model
IAnnotationLink - Interface in ome.model
extension of ILink for marking links whose child field is an Annotation.
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
id - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
id - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
id - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
id - Variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
id - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
id - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
id - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
id - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
id - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
ID - Static variable in class
id - Variable in class
ID - Static variable in class
id - Variable in class
ID - Static variable in class
id - Variable in class
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
id - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
id - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
id - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
id - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
id - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
ID - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
id - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
ID - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "id".
IdBlock - Class in ome.util
CBlock implementation which collects ids from IObjects
IdBlock() - Constructor for class ome.util.IdBlock
identical(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
two Permissions instances are identical if they have the same bit representation.
IDetails - Interface in ome.model
simple interface for Details; currently unused.
IdRowMapper() - Constructor for class ome.util.SqlAction.IdRowMapper
IDS - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "ids".
IEnum - Interface in ome.model
interface for all domain enumarations.
IGlobal - Interface in ome.model
marker interface for all global types, which have no IDetails fields other than permissions.
ILink - Interface in ome.model
extension of IObject for building object hierarchies.
illumination - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
ILLUMINATION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Illumination - Class in ome.model.enums
Illumination() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Illumination(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Illumination(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Main constructor.
Illumination(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Illumination
Illumination.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
Image - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Image() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image
Image(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image
Image(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image
Main constructor.
Image(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Image
image - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
IMAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
image - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
IMAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
image - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
IMAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Image.Details - Class in ome.model.core
ImageAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ImageAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
ImageAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
ImageAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ImageAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
ImageAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
imageDescription - Variable in class
IMAGEDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class
imageLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
imageLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
IMAGELINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
IMAGELINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
imageName - Variable in class
IMAGENAME - Static variable in class
images - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
ImageUtil - Class in ome.util
Provides helper methods for performing various things on image data.
ImageUtil() - Constructor for class ome.util.ImageUtil
ImagingEnvironment - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ImagingEnvironment() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
ImagingEnvironment(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
ImagingEnvironment(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Main constructor.
imagingEnvironment - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
IMAGINGENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ImagingEnvironment.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
immersion - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
IMMERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Immersion - Class in ome.model.enums
Immersion() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Immersion(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Immersion(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Main constructor.
Immersion(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Immersion
Immersion.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
Impl() - Constructor for class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
ImportJob - Class in
ImportJob() - Constructor for class
ImportJob(Long) - Constructor for class
ImportJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
ImportJob(String, String) - Constructor for class
IMutable - Interface in ome.model
interface for all mutable domain objects.
in(String[]) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns whether or not the pixel data type is is one of the elements in an array.
increment() - Method in class ome.util.Counter
Increment the value of this counter by one.
IndexingJob - Class in
IndexingJob() - Constructor for class
IndexingJob(Long) - Constructor for class
IndexingJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
inputEnd - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
INPUTEND - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
inputStart - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
INPUTSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
insertCurrentAdminPrivileges(Iterable<AdminPrivilege>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
insertCurrentAdminPrivileges(Iterable<AdminPrivilege>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Insert the current light administrator privileges for the current transaction.
insertFormat(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
insertFormat(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
insertFormatSql - Static variable in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
insertLogs(List<Object[]>) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
insertLogs(List<Object[]>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
insertRows(PersistentCollection, Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
insertSession(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
insertSession(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
institution - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
INSTITUTION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Instrument - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Instrument() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Instrument(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Instrument(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Main constructor.
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
instrument - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
INSTRUMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Instrument.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
InstrumentAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
InstrumentAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
InstrumentAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
InstrumentAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
InstrumentAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
Int(long) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Int instances.
Int(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Int instances.
Int(long) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Int
Int(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Int
INT - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
integration - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
INTEGRATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
IntegrityCheckJob - Class in
IntegrityCheckJob() - Constructor for class
IntegrityCheckJob(Long) - Constructor for class
IntegrityCheckJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
InternalException - Exception in ome.conditions
Catchall for unknown server exceptions.
InternalException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.InternalException
internalForm(Permissions) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
Returns the internal representation of a Permissions object.
invalidate(String) - Method in class ome.util.Validation
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.LoggingSqlAction
IObject - Interface in ome.model
central model interface.
iris - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
IRIS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
isAcquisitionData() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isCache() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isDisallow(boolean[], int) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowAnnotate() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowChgrp() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowChown() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowDelete() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowEdit() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isDisallowLink() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
isExperimenter() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isFileInRepo(String, long, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
isFileInRepo(String, long, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
isFiltered(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Was this collection filtered during creation? If so, it should not be saved to the DB.
isFloat - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
If the data is floating point.
isFloat() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns whether or not the data is floating point.
isGranted(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
tests that a given Permissions.Role has the given Permissions.Right.
isGroup() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isLdapExperimenter(Long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
isLdapExperimenter(Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Checks whether the specified experimenter ID has the ldap flag set.
isLeaves() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
isLoaded() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
transient field (not stored in the DB) which specifies whether this object has been loaded from the DB or is only a wrapper around the ID.
isLoaded() - Method in class
isLoaded() - Method in class
isLoaded() - Method in class
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
isLoaded() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
isMutable() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
isOrphan() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isPagination() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isSet(Permissions.Flag) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
tests that a given Permissions.Flag is set.
isSigned - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
If the data is signed.
isSigned() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns whether or not the data is signed.
isUnique() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
check uniqueness for this query.
isUnique() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
isValid() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
calls the class-specific validator for this instance and returns the value from Validation.isValid()
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
isValid() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
isValid() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
isValid() - Method in class ome.util.Validation
itemCount - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
ITEMCOUNT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Share
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
should be used rather than accessing the annotationLinks set directly.
iterateChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
should be used rather than accessing the channels set directly.
iterateChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
should be used rather than accessing the channels set directly.
iterateChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
should be used rather than accessing the childFolders set directly.
iterateDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
should be used rather than accessing the datasetLinks set directly.
iterateDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the datasetLinks set directly.
iterateDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the detector set directly.
iterateDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the dichroic set directly.
iterateEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
should be used rather than accessing the emissionFilterLink set directly.
iterateEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
should be used rather than accessing the emissionFilterLink set directly.
iterateEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
should be used rather than accessing the emissionFilterLink set directly.
iterateEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
should be used rather than accessing the events set directly.
iterateExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
should be used rather than accessing the excitationFilterLink set directly.
iterateExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
should be used rather than accessing the excitationFilterLink set directly.
iterateExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
should be used rather than accessing the excitationFilterLink set directly.
iterateFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
should be used rather than accessing the filesetEntries set directly.
iterateFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the filter set directly.
iterateFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the filterSet set directly.
iterateFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the folderLinks set directly.
iterateFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
should be used rather than accessing the folderLinks set directly.
iterateGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
should be used rather than accessing the groupExperimenterMap set directly.
iterateGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
should be used rather than accessing the groupExperimenterMap set directly.
iterateImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
should be used rather than accessing the imageLinks set directly.
iterateImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
should be used rather than accessing the imageLinks set directly.
iterateImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
should be used rather than accessing the images set directly.
iterateJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
should be used rather than accessing the jobLinks set directly.
iterateLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the lightSource set directly.
iterateLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
should be used rather than accessing the lightSourceSettings set directly.
iterateLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
should be used rather than accessing the logs set directly.
iterateMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
should be used rather than accessing the microbeamManipulation set directly.
iterateObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the objective set directly.
iterateOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class
should be used rather than accessing the originalFileLinks set directly.
iterateOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
should be used rather than accessing the otf set directly.
iteratePixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the pixels set directly.
iteratePixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
should be used rather than accessing the pixelsFileMaps set directly.
iteratePixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
should be used rather than accessing the pixelsFileMaps set directly.
iteratePlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
should be used rather than accessing the planeInfo set directly.
iteratePlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
should be used rather than accessing the plateAcquisitions set directly.
iteratePlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
should be used rather than accessing the plateLinks set directly.
iterateProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
should be used rather than accessing the projections set directly.
iterateProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
should be used rather than accessing the projectLinks set directly.
iterateReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
should be used rather than accessing the reagentLinks set directly.
iterateReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
should be used rather than accessing the reagents set directly.
iterateRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
should be used rather than accessing the roiLinks set directly.
iterateRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the rois set directly.
iterateScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
should be used rather than accessing the screenLinks set directly.
iterateSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
should be used rather than accessing the sessions set directly.
iterateSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
should be used rather than accessing the settings set directly.
iterateShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
should be used rather than accessing the shapes set directly.
iterateSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
should be used rather than accessing the spatialDomainEnhancement set directly.
iterateThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
should be used rather than accessing the thumbnails set directly.
iterateUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
should be used rather than accessing the usedFiles set directly.
iterateWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
should be used rather than accessing the waveRendering set directly.
iterateWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
should be used rather than accessing the wellLinks set directly.
iterateWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
should be used rather than accessing the wells set directly.
iterateWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
should be used rather than accessing the wellSample set directly.
iterateWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
should be used rather than accessing the wellSamples set directly.
iterateWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
should be used rather than accessing the wellSamples set directly.


javaType - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
The pixels type as it would be represented in Java.
javaType() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the Java type that has the same byte width of the pixel data.
Job - Class in
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Job() - Constructor for class
Job(Long) - Constructor for class
Job(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
Job(String, String, String, String, JobStatus, Timestamp, Timestamp) - Constructor for class
Job.Details - Class in
jobLinks - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
JOBLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
JobOriginalFileLink - Class in
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
JobOriginalFileLink() - Constructor for class
JobOriginalFileLink(Long) - Constructor for class
JobOriginalFileLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
JobOriginalFileLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class
JobOriginalFileLink.Details - Class in
JobStatus - Class in
JobStatus() - Constructor for class
JobStatus(Long) - Constructor for class
JobStatus(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
JobStatus(String) - Constructor for class
JobStatus.Details - Class in
JVST_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.util.Utils


keySet() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
the Set of all names which would would return a non-null value from Parameters.get(String)
keywords - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
KEYWORDS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace


Label - Class in ome.model.roi
Label() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Label
Label(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Label
Label(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Label
Main constructor.
Laser - Class in ome.model.acquisition
Laser() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Laser(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Laser(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Main constructor.
Laser(LaserType, LaserMedium) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
laserMedium - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
LASERMEDIUM - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
LaserMedium - Class in ome.model.enums
LaserMedium() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
LaserMedium(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
LaserMedium(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
Main constructor.
LaserMedium(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
LaserMedium.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
LaserType - Class in ome.model.enums
LaserType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType
LaserType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType
LaserType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType
Main constructor.
LaserType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.LaserType
LaserType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
lastName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
LASTNAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
ldap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
LDAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
ldap - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
LDAP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
leaves - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
leaves() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Length - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Length and a unit for that Length (e.g.
Length() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Length
Length(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Length
Length(double, UnitsLength) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Length
Length(double, Unit<Length>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Length
Length(Length) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Length
lensNA - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
LENSNA - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
LightEmittingDiode - Class in ome.model.acquisition
LightEmittingDiode() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
LightEmittingDiode(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
LightEmittingDiode(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
Main constructor.
LightPath - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightPath() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
LightPath(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
LightPath(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Main constructor.
lightPath - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
LIGHTPATH - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
LightPath.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
LightPathAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightPathAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
LightPathAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
LightPathAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
LightPathAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
LightPathAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
LightPathEmissionFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightPathEmissionFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
LightPathEmissionFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
LightPathEmissionFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
Main constructor.
LightPathEmissionFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
LightPathExcitationFilterLink - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightPathExcitationFilterLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
LightPathExcitationFilterLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
LightPathExcitationFilterLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
Main constructor.
LightPathExcitationFilterLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
LightSettings - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightSettings() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
LightSettings(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
LightSettings(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
Main constructor.
LightSettings(LightSource) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
LightSettings.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
lightSource - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
lightSource - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
LightSource - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightSource() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
LightSource(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
LightSource(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Main constructor.
LightSource(Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
LightSource.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
LightSourceAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LightSourceAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
LightSourceAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
LightSourceAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
LightSourceAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
lightSourceSettings - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
lightSourceSettings - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
limit - Variable in class ome.parameters.Filter
Line - Class in ome.model.roi
Line() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Line
Line(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Line
Line(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Line
Main constructor.
link(FilterSet, Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
link(FilterSet, Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
link(LightPath, Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
link(LightPath, Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
link(Annotation, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
link(Channel, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
link(Dataset, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
link(Detector, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
link(Dichroic, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
link(Experimenter, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
link(ExperimenterGroup, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
link(Fileset, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
link(Filter, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
link(Folder, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
link(Image, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
link(Instrument, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
link(LightPath, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
link(LightSource, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
link(Namespace, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
link(Node, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
link(Objective, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
link(OriginalFile, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
link(PlaneInfo, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
link(PlateAcquisition, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
link(Plate, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
link(Project, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
link(Reagent, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
link(Roi, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
link(Screen, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
link(Session, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
link(Shape, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
link(Well, Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
link(Dataset, Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
link(Folder, Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
link(Folder, Roi) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
link(Project, Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
link(OriginalFile, Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
link(Fileset, Job) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
Link - Class in ome.model.internal
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Link() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Link
Link(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Link
Link(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Link
Main constructor.
link(Job, OriginalFile) - Method in class
link(ExperimenterGroup, Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
link(Share, Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
link(Screen, Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
link(Well, Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Link.Details - Class in ome.model.internal
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Adds a ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Adds a ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Adds a ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Adds a ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Adds a ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Adds a ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink to annotationLinks .
linkDataset(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to datasetLinks .
linkDataset(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to datasetLinks .
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
provides an iterator over the parent values of the annotationLinks.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedAnnotationList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedDatasetIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
provides an iterator over the parent values of the datasetLinks.
linkedDatasetIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
provides an iterator over the child values of the datasetLinks.
linkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedDatasetList() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedEmissionFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
provides an iterator over the child values of the emissionFilterLink.
linkedEmissionFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
provides an iterator over the parent values of the emissionFilterLink.
linkedEmissionFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
provides an iterator over the parent values of the emissionFilterLink.
linkedEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedEmissionFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedExcitationFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
provides an iterator over the child values of the excitationFilterLink.
linkedExcitationFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
provides an iterator over the parent values of the excitationFilterLink.
linkedExcitationFilterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
provides an iterator over the parent values of the excitationFilterLink.
linkedExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedExcitationFilterList() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedExperimenterGroupIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
provides an iterator over the child values of the groupExperimenterMap.
linkedExperimenterGroupList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedExperimenterIterator() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
provides an iterator over the parent values of the groupExperimenterMap.
linkedExperimenterList() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedFolderIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
provides an iterator over the child values of the folderLinks.
linkedFolderIterator() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
provides an iterator over the child values of the folderLinks.
linkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedFolderList() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedImageIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
provides an iterator over the parent values of the imageLinks.
linkedImageIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
provides an iterator over the parent values of the imageLinks.
linkedImageList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedImageList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedJobIterator() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
provides an iterator over the parent values of the jobLinks.
linkedJobList() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedOriginalFileIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
provides an iterator over the child values of the pixelsFileMaps.
linkedOriginalFileIterator() - Method in class
provides an iterator over the parent values of the originalFileLinks.
linkedOriginalFileList() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedOriginalFileList() - Method in class
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedPixelsIterator() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
provides an iterator over the parent values of the pixelsFileMaps.
linkedPixelsList() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedPlateIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
provides an iterator over the parent values of the plateLinks.
linkedPlateList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedProjectIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
provides an iterator over the child values of the projectLinks.
linkedProjectList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedReagentIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
provides an iterator over the parent values of the reagentLinks.
linkedReagentList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedRoiIterator() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
provides an iterator over the parent values of the roiLinks.
linkedRoiList() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedScreenIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
provides an iterator over the child values of the screenLinks.
linkedScreenList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkedWellIterator() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
provides an iterator over the child values of the wellLinks.
linkedWellList() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
produces a List-copy of the underlying collection.
linkEmissionFilter(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink .
linkEmissionFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink .
linkEmissionFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink to emissionFilterLink .
linkExcitationFilter(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink .
linkExcitationFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink .
linkExcitationFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Adds a ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink to excitationFilterLink .
linkExperimenter(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap .
linkExperimenterGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Adds a ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap to groupExperimenterMap .
linkFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to folderLinks .
linkFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to folderLinks .
linkImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink to imageLinks .
linkImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink to imageLinks .
linkJob(Job) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Adds a ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink to jobLinks .
linkOriginalFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps .
linkOriginalFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class
Adds a to originalFileLinks .
linkPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Adds a ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap to pixelsFileMaps .
linkPlate(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to plateLinks .
linkProject(Project) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Adds a ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink to projectLinks .
linkReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to reagentLinks .
LINKRESTRICTION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
linkRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Adds a ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink to roiLinks .
linkScreen(Screen) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Adds a ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink to screenLinks .
linkWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Adds a ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink to wellLinks .
ListAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
ListAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
ListAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
ListAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
Main constructor.
listSqlTypes() - Static method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
lock() - Static method in class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
locked - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
LOCKED - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
LockTimeout - Exception in ome.conditions
Server could not acquire necessary lock.
LockTimeout(String, long, int) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.LockTimeout
log - Static variable in class ome.util.ModelMapper
log - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
log - Static variable in class ome.util.Validation
log - Static variable in class ome.util.Validator
LoggingSqlAction() - Constructor for class ome.util.SqlAction.LoggingSqlAction
logicalChannel - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
LOGICALCHANNEL - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
LogicalChannel - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
LogicalChannel() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
LogicalChannel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
LogicalChannel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Main constructor.
LogicalChannel.Details - Class in ome.model.core
logs - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
LOGS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
LONG - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
LongAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
LongAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
LongAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
LongAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
Main constructor.
longValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
LONGVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
lookupTable - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
LOOKUPTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
lookupTable - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
LOOKUPTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
lotNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
LOTNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
lowerLimit - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
LOWERLIMIT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
lsid - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
LSID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
LSID - Class in ome.util
This class represents an LSID as used by the OME-XML data model.
LSID(Class, int...) - Constructor for class ome.util.LSID
Default constructor.
LSID(String) - Constructor for class ome.util.LSID
Constructor for non-standard LSIDs.
LSID(String, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.util.LSID
Constructor for standard LSIDs that should be parsed.


makeElectricPotentialUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
makeElectricPotentialXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
makeFrequencyUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
makeFrequencyXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
makeLengthUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
makeLengthXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Length
makePowerUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
makePowerXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Power
makePressureUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
makePressureXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
makeTemperatureUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
makeTemperatureXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
makeTimeUnitXML(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
makeTimeXML(double, String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Time
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
manufacturer - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
MANUFACTURER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
map - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
MAP - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
map - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
MAP - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
map(Filterable) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
map(Collection) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
map(Map) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
MapAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
MapAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
MapAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
MapAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
Main constructor.
MapPut - Class in ome.util
Simple bean which calls "map.put(key, object)" on InitializingBean.afterPropertiesSet().
MapPut() - Constructor for class ome.util.MapPut
mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.IdRowMapper
mapRow(ResultSet, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.StringRowMapper
mapValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
MAPVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
markerEnd - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
MARKEREND - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
markerEnd - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
MARKEREND - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
markerStart - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
MARKERSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
markerStart - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
MARKERSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Mask - Class in ome.model.roi
Mask() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Mask
Mask(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Mask
Mask(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Mask
Main constructor.
MAX_IN_SIZE - Static variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
maximum - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
The maximum pixel value for the pixels type of the pixel data.
maximumFieldCount - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
MAXIMUMFIELDCOUNT - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
medium - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
MEDIUM - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Medium - Class in ome.model.enums
Medium() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium
Medium(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium
Medium(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium
Main constructor.
Medium(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Medium
Medium.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
message - Variable in class
MESSAGE - Static variable in class
message - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
MESSAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
message - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
MESSAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
MetadataImportJob - Class in
MetadataImportJob() - Constructor for class
MetadataImportJob(Long) - Constructor for class
MetadataImportJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
methodology - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
METHODOLOGY - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
microbeamManipulation - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
microbeamManipulation - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
MicrobeamManipulation - Class in ome.model.experiment
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
MicrobeamManipulation() - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
MicrobeamManipulation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
MicrobeamManipulation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Main constructor.
MicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulationType, Experiment) - Constructor for class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
MicrobeamManipulation.Details - Class in ome.model.experiment
MicrobeamManipulationType - Class in ome.model.enums
MicrobeamManipulationType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
MicrobeamManipulationType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
MicrobeamManipulationType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
Main constructor.
MicrobeamManipulationType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
MicrobeamManipulationType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
microscope - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
MICROSCOPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Microscope - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Microscope() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Microscope(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Microscope(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Main constructor.
Microscope(MicroscopeType) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
Microscope.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
MicroscopeType - Class in ome.model.enums
MicroscopeType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
MicroscopeType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
MicroscopeType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
Main constructor.
MicroscopeType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
MicroscopeType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
middleName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
MIDDLENAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
mimetype - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
MIMETYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
mimeType - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
MIMETYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
minimum - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
The minimum pixel value for the pixels type of the pixel data.
MissingPyramidException - Exception in ome.conditions
MissingPyramidException(String, long, long) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.MissingPyramidException
mode - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
MODE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
model - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
model - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
MODEL - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
model2target - Variable in class ome.util.ModelMapper
ModelBased - Interface in ome.model
used for reverse mapping.
ModelMapper - Class in ome.util
ModelMapper() - Constructor for class ome.util.ModelMapper
mtime - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
MTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Mul(Conversion...) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Mul instances.
Mul(Conversion[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Mul
multivalued - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
MULTIVALUED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace


name - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
name - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
name - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
name - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
name - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
name - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
name - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
name - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
name - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
name - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
name - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
name - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
name - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
name - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
name - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
name - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
NAME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
name - Variable in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
name - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
NamedValue - Class in ome.model.internal
class to store a single value in an ordered list.
NamedValue() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
NamedValue(String, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
Namespace - Class in ome.model.meta
Namespace() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Namespace(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Namespace(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Main constructor.
Namespace(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Namespace.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
NamespaceAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
NamespaceAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
NamespaceAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
NamespaceAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
NamespaceAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
ndFilter - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
NDFILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo.Details
newInstance() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
next() - Method in class ome.util.EmptyIterator
nextPixelsDataLogForRepo(String, long, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
nextPixelsDataLogForRepo(String, long, int) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Returns arrays of longs for the following SQL return values: experimenter, eventlog, entityid as pixels, rownumber The oldest N eventlogs with action = "PIXELDATA" and entitytype = "ome.model.core.Pixels" is found per user and returned.
nextSessionId() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
nextSessionId() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
nextValue(String, int) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
nextValue(String, int) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
The implementation of this method guarantees that even if the current transaction fails that the value found will not be used by another transaction.
noCache() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Set queries to not be cacheable.
Node - Class in ome.model.meta
Node() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node
Node(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node
Node(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node
Main constructor.
Node(String, String, Timestamp) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Node
node - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
NODE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
Node.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
NodeAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
NodeAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
NodeAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
NodeAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
NodeAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
NodeAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
nodeId(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
nodeId(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
noiseReduction - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
NOISEREDUCTION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
noLeaves() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
nominalMagnification - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
NOMINALMAGNIFICATION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
noOrphan() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
now() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
now() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
ns - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
NS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
nullSafeDouble(Double) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
nullSafeFloat(Float) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
nullSafeGet(ResultSet, String[], Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
nullSafeInt(Integer) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
nullSafeLong(Long) - Method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement, Object, int) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
NumericAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
NumericAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
NumericAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
NumericAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
Main constructor.


objective - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Objective - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Objective() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Objective(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Objective(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Main constructor.
Objective(Immersion, Correction, Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
objective - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
objective - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Objective.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
ObjectiveAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ObjectiveAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
ObjectiveAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
ObjectiveAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ObjectiveAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
ObjectiveAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
ObjectiveSettings - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ObjectiveSettings() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
ObjectiveSettings(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
ObjectiveSettings(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
Main constructor.
ObjectiveSettings(Objective) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
objectiveSettings - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OBJECTIVESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ObjectiveSettings.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
offset - Variable in class ome.parameters.Filter
offsetValue - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
OFFSETVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
offsetValue - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
OFFSETVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
ome.conditions - package ome.conditions
Forms the basis of all Omero exception hierarchies.
ome.conditions.acl - package ome.conditions.acl
Exceptions thrown due to access control violations.
ome.model - package ome.model
Central interfaces in the Omero object model.
ome.model.acquisition - package ome.model.acquisition
ome.model.annotations - package ome.model.annotations
ome.model.containers - package ome.model.containers
ome.model.core - package ome.model.core
ome.model.display - package ome.model.display
ome.model.enums - package ome.model.enums
ome.model.experiment - package ome.model.experiment
ome.model.fs - package ome.model.fs
ome.model.internal - package ome.model.internal
Contains non-code-generated model objects. - package
ome.model.meta - package ome.model.meta
ome.model.roi - package ome.model.roi
ome.model.screen - package ome.model.screen
ome.model.stats - package ome.model.stats
ome.model.units - package ome.model.units
ome.parameters - package ome.parameters
Contains necessary parameters for various API methods throughout OMERO. - package
ome.util - package ome.util
Utilities for all of OMERO.
ome.util.actions - package ome.util.actions
omeName - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
OMENAME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
opticalAxisAveraged - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OPTICALAXISAVERAGED - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OptimisticLockException - Exception in ome.conditions
Signifies that another user has updated or deleted a given object, more specifically a query of the form : "<action> where id = ? and version = ?" applied to no rows.
OptimisticLockException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.OptimisticLockException
Options - Class in ome.parameters
Simple options container.
Options() - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Options
OriginalFile - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
OriginalFile() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OriginalFile(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OriginalFile(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Main constructor.
OriginalFile(String, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
originalFile - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
ORIGINALFILE - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
OriginalFile.Details - Class in ome.model.core
OriginalFileAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
OriginalFileAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
OriginalFileAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
OriginalFileAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
OriginalFileAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
OriginalFileAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
originalFileLinks - Variable in class
ORIGINALFILELINKS - Static variable in class
orphan - Variable in class ome.parameters.Options
orphan() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
otf - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OTF - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
OTF() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OTF(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OTF(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
Main constructor.
OTF(Integer, Integer, Boolean, PixelsType, String, Objective, Instrument) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
otf - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
OTF.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
OverUsageException - Exception in ome.conditions
More specific ApiUsageException, in that the current use of the OMERO API could overwhelm the server and has been blocked.
OverUsageException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.OverUsageException
OWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
owner - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
OWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
owner - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
OWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
owner(long) - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
owner() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
owner() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
OWNER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
OWNER_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
OWNER_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
OWNER_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
OWNER_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
OWNER_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
OWNER_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
OWNER_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
OWNER_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
OWNER_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
OWNER_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
OWNER_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OWNER_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
OWNER_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
OWNER_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
OWNER_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
OWNER_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
OWNER_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
OWNER_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
OWNER_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
OWNER_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
OWNER_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
OWNER_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
OWNER_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
OWNER_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
OWNER_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
OWNER_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
OWNER_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
OWNER_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
OWNER_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
OWNER_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
OWNER_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
OWNER_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
OWNER_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
OWNER_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
OWNER_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
OWNER_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
OWNER_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
OWNER_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
OWNER_ID - Static variable in class ome.parameters.Parameters
named parameter "ownerId".
ownerId - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog


page(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
page(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
paginate(Integer, Integer) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
Parameters - Class in ome.parameters
container object for QueryParameter and Filter instances.
Parameters() - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Parameters
default constructor.
Parameters(Filter) - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Parameters
Filter constructor.
Parameters(Parameters) - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Parameters
copy constructor.
Parameters(QueryParameter[]) - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Parameters
copy constructor.
params - Variable in class
PARAMS - Static variable in class
parent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
parent() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
parent - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
parent - Variable in class
PARENT - Static variable in class
parent() - Method in class
parent - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
parent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
parent - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
parent() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
parent - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
parent - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
PARENT - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
parent() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
parentFolder - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PARENTFOLDER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
parseIndexes() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Attempts to parse and return the indexes for the LSID parsed from the LSID's string representation.
parseJavaClass() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
Attempts to parse and return the concrete Java class for the LSID from the LSID's string representation.
ParseJob - Class in
ParseJob() - Constructor for class
ParseJob(Long) - Constructor for class
ParseJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
parseString(String) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
partial - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PARTIAL - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
path - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
PATH - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
path - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PATH - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Path - Class in ome.model.roi
Path() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Path
Path(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Path
Path(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Path
Main constructor.
path - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
Period - Class in ome.parameters
parameter which defines the ordering as well as the start and offset for a List-valued result set.
Period(int, int) - Constructor for class ome.parameters.Period
PermDetails - Class in ome.util
wrapper class which can be used in HQL queries to properly load the full context for a permissions object.
PermDetails(IObject) - Constructor for class ome.util.PermDetails
PermissionMismatchGroupSecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
Extension of GroupSecurityViolation signalling that an object has a permission which does not match the group permissions.
PermissionMismatchGroupSecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.PermissionMismatchGroupSecurityViolation
PERMISSIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
Permissions - Class in ome.model.internal
class responsible for storing all Right/Role-based information for entities as well as various flags for the containing Details instance.
Permissions() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Permissions
simple constructor.
Permissions(Permissions) - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Permissions
copy constructor.
Permissions.Flag - Enum in ome.model.internal
Currently unused.
Permissions.Right - Enum in ome.model.internal
enumeration of granted rights.
Permissions.Role - Enum in ome.model.internal
enumeration of currently active roles.
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
PERMS_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PERMS_FILTER_ANNOTATIONLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
PERMS_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PERMS_FILTER_CHANNELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER_CHILDFOLDERS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PERMS_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
PERMS_FILTER_DATASETLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_DETECTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
PERMS_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
PERMS_FILTER_EMISSIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
PERMS_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
PERMS_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
PERMS_FILTER_EXCITATIONFILTERLINK - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
PERMS_FILTER_FILESETENTRIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PERMS_FILTER_FILTER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_FILTERSET - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_FOLDERLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
PERMS_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PERMS_FILTER_IMAGELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PERMS_FILTER_IMAGES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
PERMS_FILTER_JOBLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
PERMS_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_LIGHTSOURCESETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
PERMS_FILTER_MICROBEAMMANIPULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
PERMS_FILTER_OBJECTIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_OTF - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
PERMS_FILTER_PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PERMS_FILTER_PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER_PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER_PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PERMS_FILTER_PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PERMS_FILTER_PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
PERMS_FILTER_PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PERMS_FILTER_REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
PERMS_FILTER_REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PERMS_FILTER_ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
PERMS_FILTER_ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PERMS_FILTER_SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER_SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
PERMS_FILTER_SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
PERMS_FILTER_THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PERMS_FILTER_USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
PERMS_FILTER_WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
PERMS_FILTER_WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
PERMS_FILTER_WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PERMS_FILTER_WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PERMS_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PERMS_FILTER_WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
photometricInterpretation - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PHOTOMETRICINTERPRETATION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PhotometricInterpretation - Class in ome.model.enums
PhotometricInterpretation() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
PhotometricInterpretation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
PhotometricInterpretation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
Main constructor.
PhotometricInterpretation(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
PhotometricInterpretation.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
physicalSizeX - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PHYSICALSIZEX - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
physicalSizeY - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PHYSICALSIZEY - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
physicalSizeZ - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PHYSICALSIZEZ - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
pinHoleSize - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PINHOLESIZE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
PixelData - Class in ome.util
Represents a block of pixel data.
PixelData(String, ByteBuffer) - Constructor for class ome.util.PixelData
Default constructor.
PixelDataJob - Class in
PixelDataJob() - Constructor for class
PixelDataJob(Long) - Constructor for class
PixelDataJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
Pixels - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Pixels() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels
Pixels(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels
Pixels(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels
Main constructor.
Pixels(Image, PixelsType, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, String, DimensionOrder) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.Pixels
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
pixels - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
PIXELS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Pixels.Details - Class in ome.model.core
pixelsFileMaps - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
pixelsFileMaps - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PIXELSFILEMAPS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PIXELSFILEMAPSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
PIXELSFILEMAPSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
pixelsID - Variable in exception ome.conditions.MissingPyramidException
PixelsOriginalFileMap - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PixelsOriginalFileMap() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
PixelsOriginalFileMap(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
PixelsOriginalFileMap(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
Main constructor.
PixelsOriginalFileMap(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
PixelsOriginalFileMap.Details - Class in ome.model.core
pixelsType - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
PIXELSTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
pixelsType - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PIXELSTYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PixelsType - Class in ome.model.enums
PixelsType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
PixelsType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
PixelsType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
Main constructor.
PixelsType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
pixelsType - Variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Type of the pixel data.
PixelsType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
planeInfo - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PLANEINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
PlaneInfo - Class in ome.model.core
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PlaneInfo() - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PlaneInfo(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PlaneInfo(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Main constructor.
PlaneInfo(Pixels, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PlaneInfo.Details - Class in ome.model.core
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
PlaneInfoAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
planePrevious - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PLANEPREVIOUS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
planeSelected - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PLANESELECTED - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PlaneSlicingContext - Class in ome.model.display
PlaneSlicingContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PlaneSlicingContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
PlaneSlicingContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Main constructor.
PlaneSlicingContext(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
Plate - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Plate() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate
Plate(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate
Plate(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate
Main constructor.
Plate(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Plate
plate - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PLATE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
plate - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
PLATE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
Plate.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
PlateAcquisition - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PlateAcquisition() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PlateAcquisition(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
PlateAcquisition(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Main constructor.
PlateAcquisition(Plate) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
plateAcquisition - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
PLATEACQUISITION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
PlateAcquisition.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
plateAcquisitions - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PLATEACQUISITIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
PlateAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
PlateAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
PlateAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
PlateAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
PlateAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
PlateAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
plateLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PLATELINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PLATELINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
pockelCell - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
POCKELCELL - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
pockelCellSetting - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
POCKELCELLSETTING - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Point - Class in ome.model.roi
Point() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Point
Point(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Point
Point(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Point
Main constructor.
points - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
POINTS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
points - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
POINTS - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Polygon - Class in ome.model.roi
Polygon() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Polygon(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Polygon(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polygon
Main constructor.
Polyline - Class in ome.model.roi
Polyline() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Polyline(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Polyline(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Polyline
Main constructor.
pop(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
positionX - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
POSITIONX - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
positionX - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
POSITIONX - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
positionY - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
POSITIONY - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
positionY - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
POSITIONY - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
positionZ - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
POSITIONZ - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
positionZ - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
POSITIONZ - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
PostgresqlDialect - Class in ome.util
select i from Image i where in (:ids) becomes select i from Image i where in (select id from temp_ids());
PostgresqlDialect() - Constructor for class ome.util.PostgresqlDialect
PostgresSqlAction - Class in ome.util.actions
PostgresSqlAction(JdbcTemplate) - Constructor for class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
posX - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
POSX - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
posY - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
POSY - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Pow(long, int) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Pow instances.
Pow(long, int) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Pow
power - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
POWER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Power - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Power and a unit for that Power (e.g.
Power() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Power
Power(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Power
Power(double, UnitsPower) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Power
Power(double, Unit<Power>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Power
Power(Power) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Power
prepareSession(long, long, long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
prepareSession(long, long, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Stores the current event context information in a temporary table so that triggers can make use of them.
Pressure - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Pressure and a unit for that Pressure (e.g.
Pressure() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Pressure
Pressure(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Pressure
Pressure(double, UnitsPressure) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Pressure
Pressure(double, Unit<Pressure>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Pressure
Pressure(Pressure) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Pressure
previousContext(int) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
previousPatch - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
PREVIOUSPATCH - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
previousVersion - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
PREVIOUSVERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
Primitive - Interface in ome.model.internal
marker interface for all non-filterable types.
printThrowable(Throwable) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
PRIVATE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with permissions only for the object owner..
Project - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Project() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project
Project(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project
Project(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project
Main constructor.
Project(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.Project
Project.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
ProjectAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ProjectAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
ProjectAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
ProjectAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ProjectAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
ProjectAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
ProjectDatasetLink - Class in ome.model.containers
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ProjectDatasetLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
ProjectDatasetLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
ProjectDatasetLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
Main constructor.
ProjectDatasetLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
ProjectDatasetLink.Details - Class in ome.model.containers
ProjectionAxis - Class in ome.model.enums
ProjectionAxis() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
ProjectionAxis(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
ProjectionAxis(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
Main constructor.
ProjectionAxis(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
ProjectionAxis.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
ProjectionDef - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ProjectionDef() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ProjectionDef(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ProjectionDef(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
Main constructor.
ProjectionDef(RenderingDef, ProjectionAxis, ProjectionType, Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
ProjectionDef.Details - Class in ome.model.display
projections - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
PROJECTIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
ProjectionType - Class in ome.model.enums
ProjectionType() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
ProjectionType(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
ProjectionType(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
Main constructor.
ProjectionType(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
ProjectionType.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
projectLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PROJECTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
PROJECTLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
protocolDescription - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PROTOCOLDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
protocolIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
PROTOCOLIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
proxy() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
PsqlStrings - Class in ome.util.actions
PUBLIC - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with all Rights granted.
pulse - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
PULSE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
Pulse - Class in ome.model.enums
Pulse() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Pulse(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Pulse(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Main constructor.
Pulse(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.Pulse
Pulse.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
pump - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
PUMP - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
push(Object) - Method in class ome.util.ContextFilter
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
putAt(String, Object) - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
stores a value in this instance.
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
putAt(String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails


quantization - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
QUANTIZATION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
QuantumDef - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
QuantumDef() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
QuantumDef(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
QuantumDef(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
Main constructor.
QuantumDef(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
QuantumDef.Details - Class in ome.model.display
QueryParameter - Class in ome.parameters
arbitrary query parameter used by ome.api.IQuery.
QueryParameter(String, Class, Object) - Constructor for class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
queryParameters() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
copies all QueryParameters to an array.


radiusX - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
RADIUSX - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
radiusY - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
RADIUSY - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Rat(long, long) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Rat instances.
Rat(Conversion...) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Rat instances.
Rat(long, long) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
Rat(Conversion...) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Rat
RdfPrinter - Class in ome.util
walks an object graph producing RDF-like output.
RdfPrinter() - Constructor for class ome.util.RdfPrinter
READ_ONLY - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
an immutable Permissions instance with all Permissions.Right.WRITE rights turned off.
ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
Extension of GroupSecurityViolation signalling that an admin or group owner has tried to make a modification in a private group OR that the member of a read-only group has tried to do the same.
ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ReadOnlyGroupSecurityViolation
readOutRate - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
READOUTRATE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
Reagent - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Reagent() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Reagent(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Reagent(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Main constructor.
Reagent(Screen) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Reagent.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
ReagentAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ReagentAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
ReagentAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
ReagentAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ReagentAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
ReagentAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
reagentIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
REAGENTIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
reagentLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
REAGENTLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
REAGENTLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
reagents - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
REAGENTS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
reagentSetDescription - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
REAGENTSETDESCRIPTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
reagentSetIdentifier - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
REAGENTSETIDENTIFIER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Rectangle - Class in ome.model.roi
Rectangle() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Rectangle(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Rectangle(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Main constructor.
red - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
RED - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
red - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
RED - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
red - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
RED - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ref - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
REF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
reflectiveNewInstance(T) - Static method in class ome.util.ShallowCopy
refractiveIndex - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
REFRACTIVEINDEX - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
refreshEventLogFromUpdatedAnnotations() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
refreshEventLogFromUpdatedAnnotations() - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Convert the _reindexing_required table to REINDEX entries in the event log.
relatedTo - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
RELATEDTO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
releaseSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
remove(Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
remove() - Method in class ome.util.EmptyIterator
removeAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
removeAnnotationAnnotationLink(AnnotationAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
removes the given AnnotationAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkAnnotation again if loaded.
removeAnnotationAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<AnnotationAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
use like removeAnnotationAnnotationLink
removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Channel
removeChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Channel
removeChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
removeChannelAnnotationLink(ChannelAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
removes the given ChannelAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkChannel again if loaded.
removeChannelAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ChannelAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
use like removeChannelAnnotationLink
removeChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
removeChannelBindingSet(Collection<ChannelBinding>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like removeChannelBinding
removeChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
use like removeChannel
removeChannelSet(Collection<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeChannel
removeChildFolders(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.Folder
removeChildFoldersSet(Collection<Folder>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolder
removeCodomainMapContext(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
removeCodomainMapContextSet(Collection<CodomainMapContext>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
use like removeCodomainMapContext
removeDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
removeDatasetAnnotationLink(DatasetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given DatasetAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
removeDatasetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DatasetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeDatasetAnnotationLink
removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given DatasetImageLink from imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
removeDatasetImageLink(DatasetImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given DatasetImageLink from datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
removeDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeDatasetImageLink
removeDatasetImageLinkSet(Collection<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeDatasetImageLink
removeDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Detector
removeDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
removeDetectorAnnotationLink(DetectorAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
removes the given DetectorAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkDetector again if loaded.
removeDetectorAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DetectorAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
use like removeDetectorAnnotationLink
removeDetectorSet(Collection<Detector>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeDetector
removeDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
removeDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
removeDichroicAnnotationLink(DichroicAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
removes the given DichroicAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkDichroic again if loaded.
removeDichroicAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<DichroicAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
use like removeDichroicAnnotationLink
removeDichroicSet(Collection<Dichroic>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeDichroic
RemovedSessionException - Exception in ome.conditions
Client attempted to access a session which has either expired or been closed manually.
RemovedSessionException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.RemovedSessionException
removeEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.Event
removeEventLog(EventLog) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.EventLog
removeEventLogSet(Collection<EventLog>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
use like removeEventLog
removeEventSet(Collection<Event>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like removeEvent
removeExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
removeExperimenterAnnotationLink(ExperimenterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes the given ExperimenterAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenter again if loaded.
removeExperimenterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like removeExperimenterAnnotationLink
removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink(ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes the given ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenterGroup again if loaded.
removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like removeExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
removeFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
removeFilesetAnnotationLink(FilesetAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes the given FilesetAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
removeFilesetAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilesetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetAnnotationLink
removeFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
removeFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
removeFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removeFilesetEntry
removeFilesetEntrySet(Collection<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetEntry
removeFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
removeFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes the given FilesetJobLink from jobLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFileset again if loaded.
removeFilesetJobLinkSet(Collection<FilesetJobLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeFilesetJobLink
removeFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removeFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
removeFilterAnnotationLink(FilterAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
removeFilterAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FilterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterAnnotationLink
removeFilterSet(Collection<Filter>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeFilter
removeFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterSetEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink(FilterSetEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes the given FilterSetEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFilterSet again if loaded.
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink
removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like removeFilterSetEmissionFilterLink
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
removes the given FilterSetExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFilter again if loaded.
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink(FilterSetExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
removes the given FilterSetExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFilterSet again if loaded.
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
use like removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink
removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
use like removeFilterSetExcitationFilterLink
removeFilterSetSet(Collection<FilterSet>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeFilterSet
removeFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
removeFolderAnnotationLink(FolderAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
removeFolderAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<FolderAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderAnnotationLink
removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderImageLink from imageLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
removeFolderImageLink(FolderImageLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given FolderImageLink from folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
removeFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderImageLink
removeFolderImageLinkSet(Collection<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeFolderImageLink
removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
removes the given FolderRoiLink from roiLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkFolder again if loaded.
removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
removeFolderRoiLink(FolderRoiLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes the given FolderRoiLink from folderLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkRoi again if loaded.
removeFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
use like removeFolderRoiLink
removeFolderRoiLinkSet(Collection<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeFolderRoiLink
removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
removes the given GroupExperimenterMap from groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenter again if loaded.
removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
removeGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
removes the given GroupExperimenterMap from groupExperimenterMap, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkExperimenterGroup again if loaded.
removeGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
use like removeGroupExperimenterMap
removeGroupExperimenterMapSet(Collection<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
use like removeGroupExperimenterMap
removeImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Image
removeImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
removeImageAnnotationLink(ImageAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes the given ImageAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkImage again if loaded.
removeImageAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ImageAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeImageAnnotationLink
removeImageSet(Collection<Image>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
use like removeImage
removeInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
removeInstrumentAnnotationLink(InstrumentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes the given InstrumentAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkInstrument again if loaded.
removeInstrumentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<InstrumentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeInstrumentAnnotationLink
removeJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink) - Method in class
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on
removeJobOriginalFileLink(JobOriginalFileLink, boolean) - Method in class
removes the given JobOriginalFileLink from originalFileLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkJob again if loaded.
removeJobOriginalFileLinkSet(Collection<JobOriginalFileLink>) - Method in class
use like removeJobOriginalFileLink
removeLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
removeLightPathAnnotationLink(LightPathAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
removeLightPathAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightPathAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathAnnotationLink
removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink(LightPathEmissionFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathEmissionFilterLink from emissionFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
removeLightPathEmissionFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathEmissionFilterLink
removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
removes the given LightPathExcitationFilterLink from excitationFilterLink, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkLightPath again if loaded.
removeLightPathExcitationFilterLinkSet(Collection<LightPathExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
use like removeLightPathExcitationFilterLink
removeLightSettings(LightSettings) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
removeLightSettingsSet(Collection<LightSettings>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
use like removeLightSettings
removeLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
removeLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
removeLightSourceAnnotationLink(LightSourceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
removes the given LightSourceAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkLightSource again if loaded.
removeLightSourceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<LightSourceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
use like removeLightSourceAnnotationLink
removeLightSourceSet(Collection<LightSource>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeLightSource
removeMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
removeMicrobeamManipulationSet(Collection<MicrobeamManipulation>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
use like removeMicrobeamManipulation
removeNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
removeNamespaceAnnotationLink(NamespaceAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
removes the given NamespaceAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkNamespace again if loaded.
removeNamespaceAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NamespaceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
use like removeNamespaceAnnotationLink
removeNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
removeNodeAnnotationLink(NodeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes the given NodeAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkNode again if loaded.
removeNodeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<NodeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like removeNodeAnnotationLink
removeObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.Objective
removeObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
removeObjectiveAnnotationLink(ObjectiveAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
removes the given ObjectiveAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkObjective again if loaded.
removeObjectiveAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ObjectiveAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
use like removeObjectiveAnnotationLink
removeObjectiveSet(Collection<Objective>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeObjective
removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink(OriginalFileAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes the given OriginalFileAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkOriginalFile again if loaded.
removeOriginalFileAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<OriginalFileAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removeOriginalFileAnnotationLink
removeOTF(OTF) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.acquisition.OTF
removeOTFSet(Collection<OTF>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
use like removeOTF
removePassword(Long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
removePassword(Long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
removePixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.Pixels
removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
removes the given PixelsOriginalFileMap from pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkOriginalFile again if loaded.
removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
removePixelsOriginalFileMap(PixelsOriginalFileMap, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes the given PixelsOriginalFileMap from pixelsFileMaps, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkPixels again if loaded.
removePixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
use like removePixelsOriginalFileMap
removePixelsOriginalFileMapSet(Collection<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removePixelsOriginalFileMap
removePixelsSet(Collection<Pixels>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removePixels
removePlaneInfo(PlaneInfo) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink(PlaneInfoAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
removes the given PlaneInfoAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkPlaneInfo again if loaded.
removePlaneInfoAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlaneInfoAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
use like removePlaneInfoAnnotationLink
removePlaneInfoSet(Collection<PlaneInfo>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removePlaneInfo
removePlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink(PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes the given PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkPlateAcquisition again if loaded.
removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like removePlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
removePlateAcquisitionSet(Collection<PlateAcquisition>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removePlateAcquisition
removePlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
removePlateAnnotationLink(PlateAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes the given PlateAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkPlate again if loaded.
removePlateAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<PlateAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removePlateAnnotationLink
removeProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
removeProjectAnnotationLink(ProjectAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes the given ProjectAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkProject again if loaded.
removeProjectAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ProjectAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like removeProjectAnnotationLink
removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
removes the given ProjectDatasetLink from projectLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkDataset again if loaded.
removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
removeProjectDatasetLink(ProjectDatasetLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
removes the given ProjectDatasetLink from datasetLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkProject again if loaded.
removeProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
use like removeProjectDatasetLink
removeProjectDatasetLinkSet(Collection<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
use like removeProjectDatasetLink
removeProjectionDef(ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
removeProjectionDefSet(Collection<ProjectionDef>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
use like removeProjectionDef
removeReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.Reagent
removeReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
removeReagentAnnotationLink(ReagentAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes the given ReagentAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkReagent again if loaded.
removeReagentAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ReagentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like removeReagentAnnotationLink
removeReagentSet(Collection<Reagent>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeReagent
removeRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.RenderingDef
removeRenderingDefSet(Collection<RenderingDef>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeRenderingDef
removeRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.roi.Roi
removeRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
removeRoiAnnotationLink(RoiAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes the given RoiAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkRoi again if loaded.
removeRoiAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<RoiAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeRoiAnnotationLink
removeRoiSet(Collection<Roi>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeRoi
removeScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
removeScreenAnnotationLink(ScreenAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes the given ScreenAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkScreen again if loaded.
removeScreenAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ScreenAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeScreenAnnotationLink
removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes the given ScreenPlateLink from screenLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkPlate again if loaded.
removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
removeScreenPlateLink(ScreenPlateLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
removes the given ScreenPlateLink from plateLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkScreen again if loaded.
removeScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removeScreenPlateLink
removeScreenPlateLinkSet(Collection<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
use like removeScreenPlateLink
removeSession(Session) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.meta.Session
removeSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
removeSessionAnnotationLink(SessionAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
removes the given SessionAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkSession again if loaded.
removeSessionAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<SessionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
use like removeSessionAnnotationLink
removeSessionSet(Collection<Session>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
use like removeSession
removeShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.roi.Shape
removeShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
removeShapeAnnotationLink(ShapeAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
removes the given ShapeAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkShape again if loaded.
removeShapeAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<ShapeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
use like removeShapeAnnotationLink
removeShapeSet(Collection<Shape>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
use like removeShape
removeThumbnail(Thumbnail) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.display.Thumbnail
removeThumbnailSet(Collection<Thumbnail>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
use like removeThumbnail
removeWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.Well
removeWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
removeWellAnnotationLink(WellAnnotationLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes the given WellAnnotationLink from annotationLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkWell again if loaded.
removeWellAnnotationLinkSet(Collection<WellAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellAnnotationLink
removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
removes the given WellReagentLink from wellLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkReagent again if loaded.
removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
removeWellReagentLink(WellReagentLink, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes the given WellReagentLink from reagentLinks, allowing for recursion -- whether or not the removal will call unlinkWell again if loaded.
removeWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
use like removeWellReagentLink
removeWellReagentLinkSet(Collection<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellReagentLink
removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
removeWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
removes a single element from this set and makes the inverse call on ome.model.screen.WellSample
removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
use like removeWellSample
removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
use like removeWellSample
removeWellSampleSet(Collection<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
use like removeWellSample
removeWellSet(Collection<Well>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
use like removeWell
renderingDef - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
RENDERINGDEF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
renderingDef - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
RENDERINGDEF - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
RenderingDef - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
RenderingDef() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
RenderingDef(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
RenderingDef(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Main constructor.
RenderingDef(Pixels, Integer, Integer, RenderingModel, QuantumDef) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
RenderingDef.Details - Class in ome.model.display
RenderingModel - Class in ome.model.enums
RenderingModel() - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
RenderingModel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
RenderingModel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
Main constructor.
RenderingModel(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
RenderingModel.Details - Class in ome.model.enums
repetitionRate - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
REPETITIONRATE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
repo - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
repo - Variable in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
repoFile(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
repoFile(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
repoScriptCount(String, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
repoScriptCount(String, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
reset() - Method in class ome.util.Counter
Reset this counter to zero.
ResourceError - Exception in ome.conditions
Represents a incorrectible/unforseeable event within the server that lead to a failure of a process.
ResourceError(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ResourceError
result - Variable in exception ome.model.units.BigResult
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
retrieve(String) - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
retrieves a value from this instance.
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
retrieve(String) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
returnedClass() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
reverse - Variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
REVERSE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
reverse(ModelBased) - Method in interface ome.util.ReverseModelMapper
reverse(Collection) - Method in interface ome.util.ReverseModelMapper
ReverseIntensityContext - Class in ome.model.display
ReverseIntensityContext() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
ReverseIntensityContext(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
ReverseIntensityContext(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
Main constructor.
ReverseIntensityContext(Boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
ReverseModelMapper - Interface in ome.util
revoke(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right...) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
turns off the rights for the given role.
revokeAll(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
takes a permissions instance and ANDs it with the current instance.
rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
The temp_ids infrastructure was never properly put in place for the "psql" profile.
rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
rewriteHql(String, String, Object) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Allows the specific database implementations a chance to modify queries.
Roi - Class in ome.model.roi
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Roi() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
Roi(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
Roi(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Roi
Main constructor.
roi - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
ROI - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Roi.Details - Class in ome.model.roi
RoiAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
RoiAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
RoiAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
RoiAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
RoiAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
RoiAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
roiByImage(long) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
roiByImage(long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
roiLinks - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
ROILINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
ROILINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
rois - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
ROIS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
rollbackSavepoint(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
rollbackSavepoint(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
RootException - Exception in ome.conditions
abstract superclass of all Omero exceptions.
RootException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.RootException
row - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
ROW - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
rowNamingConvention - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ROWNAMINGCONVENTION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
rows - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ROWS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate


sameRights(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
returns true if two Permissions instances have all the same Permissions.Right / Permissions.Role pairs granted.
samplesPerPixel - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
SAMPLESPERPIXEL - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
scale - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
SCALE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
scheduledFor - Variable in class
SCHEDULEDFOR - Static variable in class
screen - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
SCREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Screen - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Screen() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen
Screen(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen
Screen(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen
Main constructor.
Screen(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Screen
Screen.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
ScreenAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ScreenAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
ScreenAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
ScreenAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ScreenAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
ScreenAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
screenLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
SCREENLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
SCREENLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
ScreenPlateLink - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ScreenPlateLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
ScreenPlateLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
ScreenPlateLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
Main constructor.
ScreenPlateLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
ScreenPlateLink.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
ScriptJob - Class in
ScriptJob() - Constructor for class
ScriptJob(Long) - Constructor for class
ScriptJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
scriptRepo(long, Set<String>) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
scriptRepo(long, Set<String>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Similar to SqlAction.fileRepo(long), but only returns values for files which are also scripts.
seconds - Variable in exception ome.conditions.LockTimeout
Informational field on number of seconds that the lock was tried for.
SecurityViolation - Exception in ome.conditions
User does not have permissions to perform given action.
SecurityViolation(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.SecurityViolation
selectCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
selectCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
selectCurrentEventLog(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
serialNumber - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
SERIALNUMBER - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
series - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
SERIES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
session - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
SESSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
Session - Class in ome.model.meta
Session() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session
Session(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session
Session(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session
Main constructor.
Session(Node, String, Experimenter, Long, Long, Timestamp, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Session
Session.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
SessionAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
SessionAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
SessionAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
SessionAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
SessionAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
SessionAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
sessionContext - Variable in exception ome.conditions.SessionTimeoutException
SessionException - Exception in ome.conditions
Base session related exception.
SessionException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.SessionException
sessionId(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
sessionId(String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
sessions - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
SESSIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
SessionTimeoutException - Exception in ome.conditions
The given session has expired and can no longer be used.
SessionTimeoutException(String, Object) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.SessionTimeoutException
set(Permissions.Flag) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
turn a given Permissions.Flag on.
set(String, Object, Document, LuceneOptions) - Method in class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
setA00(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setA01(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setA02(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setA10(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setA11(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setA12(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setAcquisitionDate(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setAction(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setActive(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
setAirPressure(Pressure) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setAlpha(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setAlpha(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setAlpha(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setAmplificationGain(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setAnnotationLinks(Set<DetectorAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<DichroicAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<FilterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<InstrumentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<LightPathAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<LightSourceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ObjectiveAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<AnnotationAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<DatasetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<FolderAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ProjectAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ChannelAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ImageAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<OriginalFileAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<PlaneInfoAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<FilesetAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ExperimenterAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<NamespaceAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<NodeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<SessionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<RoiAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ShapeAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<PlateAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ReagentAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<ScreenAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinks(Set<WellAnnotationLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setter for annotationLinks should be avoided.
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setAnnotationLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setArchived(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setAtime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setAttenuation(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setAxis(ProjectionAxis) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setBinning(Binning) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setBitResolution(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setBitSize(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
setBlue(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setBlue(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setBlue(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setBoolValue(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setCalibratedMagnification(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setCdEnd(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setCdStart(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setChannel(int, Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Sets the ome.model.core.Channel at the given index.
setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
setChannelBinding(int, ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Sets the ome.model.display.ChannelBinding at the given index.
setChannels(Set<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setter for channels should be avoided.
setChannels(List<Channel>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setter for channels should be avoided.
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
setChild(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
setChildFolders(Set<Folder>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setter for childFolders should be avoided.
setClientPath(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setClosed(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setCo2percent(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setCodomainMapContext(int, CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Sets the ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext at the given index.
setCoefficient(Double) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setColumn(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setColumnNamingConvention(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setColumns(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setCompression(Double) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setConfig(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setConfig(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setConn(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setConstant(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
setContainingEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setContext(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
set entity to which this Details belongs.
setContexts(Object[]) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setContrastMethod(ContrastMethod) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setCorrection(Correction) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setCorrectionCollar(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setCreationEvent(Event) - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
setCreationEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setCtime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setCurrentEventLog(long, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
setCurrentEventLog(long, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
setCurrentEventLog(long, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
setCurrentPatch(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setCurrentVersion(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setCutIn(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setCutInTolerance(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setCutOut(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setCutOutTolerance(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setD(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
setData(byte[]) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
setDatasetLinks(Set<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setter for datasetLinks should be avoided.
setDatasetLinks(Set<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for datasetLinks should be avoided.
setDatasetLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setDatasetLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setDefaultEventType(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setDefaultSample(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setDefaultT(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setDefaultZ(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setDeltaT(Time) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setDescription(String) - Method in class
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
setDetails(Details) - Method in class
setDetails(Details) - Method in class
setDetails(Details) - Method in class
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setDetails(Details) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
setDetector(Detector) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setDetector(Set<Detector>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for detector should be avoided.
setDetectorSettings(DetectorSettings) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setDichroic(Set<Dichroic>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for dichroic should be avoided.
setDichroic(Dichroic) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setDimensionOrder(DimensionOrder) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setDisallow(boolean[], int, boolean) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallow(int, boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowAnnotate(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowChgrp(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowChown(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowDelete(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowEdit(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisallowLink(boolean) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setDisplay(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setDoubleValue(Double) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
setDown(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setEmail(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setEmissionFilterLink(Set<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setter for emissionFilterLink should be avoided.
setEmissionFilterLink(Set<FilterSetEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setter for emissionFilterLink should be avoided.
setEmissionFilterLink(Set<LightPathEmissionFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setter for emissionFilterLink should be avoided.
setEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setEmissionFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setEmissionWave(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setEndPlane(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setEndTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setEntityId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setEntityId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setEntityType(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setEntityType(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setEvents(Set<Event>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setter for events should be avoided.
setExcitationFilterLink(Set<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setter for excitationFilterLink should be avoided.
setExcitationFilterLink(Set<FilterSetExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setter for excitationFilterLink should be avoided.
setExcitationFilterLink(List<LightPathExcitationFilterLink>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setter for excitationFilterLink should be avoided.
setExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setExcitationFilterLinkCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setExcitationWave(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setExperiment(Experiment) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setExperimenter(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setExperimenterGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setExposureTime(Time) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setExternalDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setExternalIdentifier(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setExternalIdentifier(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setExternalInfo(ExternalInfo) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setFamily(Family) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setFieldBridge(FieldBridge) - Static method in class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
setFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
setFileRepo(Collection<Long>, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
setFileRepo(Collection<Long>, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
setFileset(Fileset) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setFileset(Fileset) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setFilesetEntries(Set<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setter for filesetEntries should be avoided.
setFilesetEntry(int, FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Sets the ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry at the given index.
setFilesetJobLink(int, FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Sets the ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink at the given index.
setFillColor(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setFillRule(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setFilter(Set<Filter>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for filter should be avoided.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
setFilterSet(Set<FilterSet>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for filterSet should be avoided.
setFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setFilterSet(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setFilterWheel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setFinished(Timestamp) - Method in class
setFinished(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setFirstName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setFluor(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setFolderLinks(Set<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for folderLinks should be avoided.
setFolderLinks(Set<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setter for folderLinks should be avoided.
setFolderLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setFolderLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setFontFamily(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setFontSize(Length) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setFontStyle(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setFormat(Format) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setFrequencyMultiplication(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setGain(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setGain(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setGlobalMax(Double) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
setGlobalMin(Double) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
setGreen(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setGreen(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setGreen(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
setGroupExperimenterMap(List<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setter for groupExperimenterMap should be avoided.
setGroupExperimenterMap(int, GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Sets the ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap at the given index.
setGroupExperimenterMap(Set<GroupExperimenterMap>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setter for groupExperimenterMap should be avoided.
setGroupname(String) - Method in class
setHash(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setHasher(ChecksumAlgorithm) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setHeight(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setHeight(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
setHumidity(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
setId(Long) - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
usually unneeded.
setId(Long) - Method in class
setId(Long) - Method in class
setId(Long) - Method in class
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
setId(Long) - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
setIllumination(Illumination) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setImageDescription(String) - Method in class
setImageLinks(Set<DatasetImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setter for imageLinks should be avoided.
setImageLinks(Set<FolderImageLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setter for imageLinks should be avoided.
setImageLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setImageLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setImageName(String) - Method in class
setImages(Set<Image>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setter for images should be avoided.
setImagingEnvironment(ImagingEnvironment) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setImmersion(Immersion) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setInputEnd(Double) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setInputStart(Double) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setInstitution(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setInstrument(Instrument) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setIntegration(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setIris(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setItemCount(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
setJobLinks(List<FilesetJobLink>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setter for jobLinks should be avoided.
setJobLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setKey(String) - Method in class ome.util.MapPut
setKeywords(List<String>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setLaserMedium(LaserMedium) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setLastName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setLdap(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setLdap(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setLensNA(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setLightPath(LightPath) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setLightPathExcitationFilterLink(int, LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Sets the ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink at the given index.
setLightSource(Set<LightSource>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for lightSource should be avoided.
setLightSource(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setLightSourceSettings(LightSettings) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setLightSourceSettings(Set<LightSettings>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setter for lightSourceSettings should be avoided.
setLocked(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setLogicalChannel(LogicalChannel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setLogs(Set<EventLog>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setter for logs should be avoided.
setLongValue(Long) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
setLookupTable(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setLookupTable(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setLotNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setLowerLimit(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
setLsid(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setManufacturer(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setMap(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
setMap(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ome.util.MapPut
setMapValue(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
setMarkerEnd(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setMarkerEnd(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
setMarkerStart(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setMarkerStart(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
setMaximumFieldCount(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setMedium(Medium) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setMessage(String) - Method in class
setMessage(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setMessage(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setMethodology(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setMicrobeamManipulation(MicrobeamManipulation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setMicrobeamManipulation(Set<MicrobeamManipulation>) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setter for microbeamManipulation should be avoided.
setMicroscope(Microscope) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setMiddleName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setMimetype(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setMimeType(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setMode(AcquisitionMode) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setModel(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setModel(RenderingModel) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setMtime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setMultivalued(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setName(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setNdFilter(Double) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setNode(Node) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setNoiseReduction(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setNominalMagnification(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setNs(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setObject(Object) - Method in class ome.util.MapPut
setObjective(Set<Objective>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for objective should be avoided.
setObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setObjective(Objective) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setObjectiveSettings(ObjectiveSettings) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setOffsetValue(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setOffsetValue(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setOmeName(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setOpticalAxisAveraged(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setOptions(Options) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
setOrder(ByteOrder) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Set the byte order of the backing buffer.
setOriginalFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setOriginalFileLinks(Set<JobOriginalFileLink>) - Method in class
setter for originalFileLinks should be avoided.
setOriginalFileLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class
setOtf(Set<OTF>) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setter for otf should be avoided.
setOtf(OTF) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setOwner(Experimenter) - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
setOwner(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setOwner(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setOwner(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setParameterValues(Properties) - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
setParams(byte[]) - Method in class
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in interface ome.model.ILink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
setParent(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
setParentFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setPartial(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setPath(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setPath(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setPerm1(long) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
setPermissions(Permissions) - Method in interface ome.model.IDetails
setPermissions(Permissions) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
setPermissionsBit(String, long, int) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Sets the given permissions bit to 1.
setPhotometricInterpretation(PhotometricInterpretation) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setPhysicalSizeX(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setPhysicalSizeY(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setPhysicalSizeZ(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setPinHoleSize(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setPixels(List<Pixels>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for pixels should be avoided.
setPixels(int, Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Sets the ome.model.core.Pixels at the given index.
setPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setPixelsFileMaps(Set<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setter for pixelsFileMaps should be avoided.
setPixelsFileMaps(Set<PixelsOriginalFileMap>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setter for pixelsFileMaps should be avoided.
setPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setPixelsFileMapsCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setPixelsNamePathRepo(long, String, String, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
setPixelsNamePathRepo(long, String, String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
setPixelsType(PixelsType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setPixelsType(PixelsType) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setPixelValue(int, double) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Sets the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within the backing buffer.
setPixelValueDirect(int, double) - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Sets the pixel intensity value of the pixel at a given offset within the backing buffer.
setPlaneInfo(Set<PlaneInfo>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setter for planeInfo should be avoided.
setPlanePrevious(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
setPlaneSelected(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
setPlate(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setPlate(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setPlateAcquisition(PlateAcquisition) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setPlateAcquisitions(Set<PlateAcquisition>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setter for plateAcquisitions should be avoided.
setPlateLinks(Set<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setter for plateLinks should be avoided.
setPlateLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setPockelCell(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setPockelCellSetting(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setPoints(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
setPoints(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
setPositionX(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setPositionX(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setPositionY(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setPositionY(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setPositionZ(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setPositionZ(Length) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setPosX(Length) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setPosY(Length) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setPower(Power) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setPreviousPatch(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setPreviousVersion(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
setPrimaryChannel(Channel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Swaps the first element of channels with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryChannelBinding(ChannelBinding) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Swaps the first element of waveRendering with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryCodomainMapContext(CodomainMapContext) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Swaps the first element of spatialDomainEnhancement with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryFilesetEntry(FilesetEntry) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Swaps the first element of usedFiles with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryFilesetJobLink(FilesetJobLink) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Swaps the first element of jobLinks with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryGroupExperimenterMap(GroupExperimenterMap) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Swaps the first element of groupExperimenterMap with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryLightPathExcitationFilterLink(LightPathExcitationFilterLink) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Swaps the first element of excitationFilterLink with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Swaps the first element of pixels with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryProjectionDef(ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Swaps the first element of projections with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryShape(Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Swaps the first element of shapes with the first instance of the given element.
setPrimaryWellSample(WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Swaps the first element of wellSamples with the first instance of the given element.
setProjectionDef(int, ProjectionDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Sets the ome.model.display.ProjectionDef at the given index.
setProjections(List<ProjectionDef>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setter for projections should be avoided.
setProjectLinks(Set<ProjectDatasetLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setter for projectLinks should be avoided.
setProjectLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setProtocolDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setProtocolIdentifier(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setPulse(Pulse) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setPump(LightSource) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setQuantization(QuantumDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setRadiusX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
setRadiusY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
setReadOutRate(Frequency) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setReagentIdentifier(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setReagentLinks(Set<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setter for reagentLinks should be avoided.
setReagentLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setReagents(Set<Reagent>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setter for reagents should be avoided.
setReagentSetDescription(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setReagentSetIdentifier(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setRed(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setRed(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setRed(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setRef(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setRefractiveIndex(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setRelatedTo(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setRenderingDef(RenderingDef) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setRepetitionRate(Frequency) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setReplacement(IObject) - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
used mostly by ome.api.IUpdate.
setRepo(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setReverse(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
setRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setRoiLinks(Set<FolderRoiLink>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setter for roiLinks should be avoided.
setRoiLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setRois(Set<Roi>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for rois should be avoided.
setRoles(long, long, long, long, long) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
setRoles(long, long, long, long, long) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
Note the roles in the database.
setRow(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setRowNamingConvention(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setRows(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setSamplesPerPixel(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setScale(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setScheduledFor(Timestamp) - Method in class
setScreen(Screen) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setScreenLinks(Set<ScreenPlateLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setter for screenLinks should be avoided.
setScreenLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setSerialNumber(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setSeries(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setSession(Session) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setSessions(Set<Session>) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setter for sessions should be avoided.
setSettings(Set<RenderingDef>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setter for settings should be avoided.
setSha1(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setShape(int, Shape) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Sets the ome.model.roi.Shape at the given index.
setShapes(List<Shape>) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setter for shapes should be avoided.
setSignificantBits(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSize(Long) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setSizeC(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSizeT(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSizeX(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setSizeX(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSizeX(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setSizeY(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setSizeY(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSizeY(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setSizeZ(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setSource(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setSpatialDomainEnhancement(List<CodomainMapContext>) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setter for spatialDomainEnhancement should be avoided.
setSqlAction(SqlAction) - Method in class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
setStageLabel(StageLabel) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setStarted(Timestamp) - Method in class
setStarted(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setStartPlane(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setStartTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setStatsInfo(StatsInfo) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setStatsInfo(Channel, StatsInfo) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
setStatsInfo(Channel, StatsInfo) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
setStatus(JobStatus) - Method in class
setStatus(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setStatus(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setStatus(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setStepping(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setStrokeColor(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setStrokeDashArray(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setStrokeWidth(Length) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setSubmitted(Timestamp) - Method in class
setSudoer(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setTemperature(Temperature) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setTemplatePrefix(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setTermValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
setTextValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
setTheC(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setTheC(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setTheT(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setTheT(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setTheZ(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setTheZ(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setThumbnails(Set<Thumbnail>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setter for thumbnails should be avoided.
setTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setTimeIncrement(Time) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setTimepoint(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setTimeToIdle(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setTimeToLive(Long) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setTimeValue(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
settings - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SETTINGS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setToken(Token, Token) - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
set the Token for this GraphHolder but only if you posses the current Token.
setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setTransmittance(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setTransmittanceRange(TransmittanceRange) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setTuneable(Boolean) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setType(ArcType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
setType(DetectorType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setType(FilamentType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
setType(FilterType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setType(LaserType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setType(MicroscopeType) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setType(ProjectionType) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setType(ExperimentType) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setType(MicrobeamManipulationType) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setType(String) - Method in class
setType(EventType) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
setType(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setType(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setUnit(UnitsElectricPotential) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
setUnit(UnitsFrequency) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
setUnit(UnitsLength) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
setUnit(UnitsPower) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
setUnit(UnitsPressure) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
setUnit(UnitsTemperature) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
setUnit(UnitsTime) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
setUp(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setUpdateEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
setUpdateEvent(Event) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo.Details
setUpperLimit(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
setUsedFiles(List<FilesetEntry>) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setter for usedFiles should be avoided.
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setUserIP(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setUsername(String) - Method in class
setUserPassword(Long, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
setUserPassword(Long, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
setUuid(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
setUuid(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setUuid(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
setValue(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
setValue(String) - Method in class
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
setValue(double) - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
setValue(double) - Method in interface ome.model.units.Unit
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in interface ome.model.IMutable
use with caution.
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setVersion(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
setVersionInfo(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class
setVersionInfo(List<NamedValue>) - Method in class
setVoltage(ElectricPotential) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setVoltage(ElectricPotential) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
setWaveIncrement(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setWavelength(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
setWavelength(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
setWaveRendering(List<ChannelBinding>) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
setter for waveRendering should be avoided.
setWaveStart(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
setWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
setWellLinks(Set<WellReagentLink>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setter for wellLinks should be avoided.
setWellLinksCountPerOwner(Map<Long, Long>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
setWellOriginX(Length) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setWellOriginY(Length) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setWells(Set<Well>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
setter for wells should be avoided.
setWellSample(Set<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
setter for wellSample should be avoided.
setWellSample(int, WellSample) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Sets the ome.model.screen.WellSample at the given index.
setWellSamples(Set<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
setter for wellSamples should be avoided.
setWellSamples(List<WellSample>) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
setter for wellSamples should be avoided.
setWidth(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setWidth(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
setWorkingDistance(Length) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
setX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
setX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
setX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
setX(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
setX1(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setX2(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setXend(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
setXstart(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
setY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
setY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
setY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
setY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
setY(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
setY1(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setY2(Double) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
setYend(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
setYstart(Integer) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
setZoom(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
setZoom(Double) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
sha1 - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SHA1 - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
shallowCopy() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
shallowCopy(Details) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
Method which takes all the fields of the given Details instance and sets unloaded proxies of them into the current instance.
ShallowCopy - Class in ome.util
ShallowCopy() - Constructor for class ome.util.ShallowCopy
Shape - Class in ome.model.roi
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Shape() - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape
Shape(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape
Shape(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape
Main constructor.
Shape(Roi) - Constructor for class ome.model.roi.Shape
Shape.Details - Class in ome.model.roi
ShapeAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
ShapeAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
ShapeAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
ShapeAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
ShapeAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
ShapeAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
shapes - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
SHAPES - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Share - Class in ome.model.meta
Share() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Share
Share(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Share
Share(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Share
Main constructor.
Share(ExperimenterGroup, Long, Boolean, byte[]) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.Share
ShareMember - Class in ome.model.meta
ShareMember() - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
ShareMember(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
ShareMember(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
Main constructor.
ShareMember(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
ShareMember.Details - Class in ome.model.meta
SHORT - Static variable in class ome.util.PixelData
Identifies the type used to store pixel values.
significantBits - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIGNIFICANTBITS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
singleBitOn(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
returns a long with only a single 1 defined by role/right
singleBitOut(Permissions.Role, Permissions.Right) - Static method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
returns a long with only a single 0 defined by role/right
size - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
SIZE - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
size() - Method in class ome.util.PixelData
Returns the pixel count of this block of pixel data.
sizeC - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIZEC - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns the size of annotationLinks.
sizeOfChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
returns the size of channels.
sizeOfChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns the size of channels.
sizeOfChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns the size of childFolders.
sizeOfDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
returns the size of datasetLinks.
sizeOfDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of datasetLinks.
sizeOfDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of detector.
sizeOfDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of dichroic.
sizeOfEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns the size of emissionFilterLink.
sizeOfEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns the size of emissionFilterLink.
sizeOfEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns the size of emissionFilterLink.
sizeOfEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
returns the size of events.
sizeOfExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
returns the size of excitationFilterLink.
sizeOfExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
returns the size of excitationFilterLink.
sizeOfExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
returns the size of excitationFilterLink.
sizeOfFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns the size of filesetEntries.
sizeOfFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of filter.
sizeOfFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of filterSet.
sizeOfFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of folderLinks.
sizeOfFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns the size of folderLinks.
sizeOfGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
returns the size of groupExperimenterMap.
sizeOfGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
returns the size of groupExperimenterMap.
sizeOfImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns the size of imageLinks.
sizeOfImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns the size of imageLinks.
sizeOfImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns the size of images.
sizeOfJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns the size of jobLinks.
sizeOfLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of lightSource.
sizeOfLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
returns the size of lightSourceSettings.
sizeOfLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
returns the size of logs.
sizeOfMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
returns the size of microbeamManipulation.
sizeOfObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of objective.
sizeOfOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class
returns the size of originalFileLinks.
sizeOfOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
returns the size of otf.
sizeOfPixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of pixels.
sizeOfPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
returns the size of pixelsFileMaps.
sizeOfPixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns the size of pixelsFileMaps.
sizeOfPlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns the size of planeInfo.
sizeOfPlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns the size of plateAcquisitions.
sizeOfPlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns the size of plateLinks.
sizeOfProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns the size of projections.
sizeOfProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
returns the size of projectLinks.
sizeOfReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns the size of reagentLinks.
sizeOfReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
returns the size of reagents.
sizeOfRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
returns the size of roiLinks.
sizeOfRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of rois.
sizeOfScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns the size of screenLinks.
sizeOfSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
returns the size of sessions.
sizeOfSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns the size of settings.
sizeOfShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
returns the size of shapes.
sizeOfSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
returns the size of spatialDomainEnhancement.
sizeOfThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
returns the size of thumbnails.
sizeOfUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
returns the size of usedFiles.
sizeOfWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
returns the size of waveRendering.
sizeOfWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
returns the size of wellLinks.
sizeOfWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
returns the size of wells.
sizeOfWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
returns the size of wellSample.
sizeOfWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
returns the size of wellSamples.
sizeOfWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
returns the size of wellSamples.
sizeT - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIZET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
sizeX - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
SIZEX - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
sizeX - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIZEX - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
sizeX - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
SIZEX - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
sizeY - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
SIZEY - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
sizeY - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIZEY - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
sizeY - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
SIZEY - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
sizeZ - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
SIZEZ - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
source - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
SOURCE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
spatialDomainEnhancement - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
SPATIALDOMAINENHANCEMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
SqlAction - Interface in ome.util
Single wrapper for all JDBC activities.
SqlAction.DeleteLog - Class in ome.util
Record-class which matches _fs_deletelog.
SqlAction.IdRowMapper - Class in ome.util
SqlAction.Impl - Class in ome.util
Base implementation which can be used
SqlAction.LoggingSqlAction - Class in ome.util
SqlAction.StringRowMapper - Class in ome.util
sqlTypes() - Method in class ome.model.units.GenericEnumType
stackAsString(Throwable) - Static method in class ome.util.ModelMapper
StageLabel - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
StageLabel() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
StageLabel(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
StageLabel(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
Main constructor.
StageLabel(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
stageLabel - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
STAGELABEL - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
StageLabel.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
started - Variable in class
STARTED - Static variable in class
started - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
STARTED - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
startPlane - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
STARTPLANE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
startTime - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
STARTTIME - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
startTime - Variable in class ome.parameters.Filter
startTime(Timestamp) - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
statsInfo - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
STATSINFO - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
StatsInfo - Class in ome.model.stats
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
StatsInfo() - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
StatsInfo(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
StatsInfo(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Main constructor.
StatsInfo(Double, Double) - Constructor for class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
StatsInfo.Details - Class in ome.model.stats
status - Variable in class
STATUS - Static variable in class
status - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
STATUS - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
status - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
STATUS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
status - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
STATUS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
stepping - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
STEPPING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
StringRowMapper() - Constructor for class ome.util.SqlAction.StringRowMapper
strokeColor - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
STROKECOLOR - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
strokeDashArray - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
STROKEDASHARRAY - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
strokeWidth - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
STROKEWIDTH - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
submitted - Variable in class
SUBMITTED - Static variable in class
sudoer - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
SUDOER - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
Sym(String) - Static method in class ome.model.units.Conversion
Static helper for creating Conversion.Sym instances.
Sym(char) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Sym
Sym(String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Conversion.Sym
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
symbol - Variable in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
synchronizeJobs(List<Long>) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
synchronizeJobs(List<Long>) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction


TableIdGenerator - Class in ome.util
OMERO-specific id generation strategy.
TableIdGenerator() - Constructor for class ome.util.TableIdGenerator
TagAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
TagAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
TagAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
TagAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
Main constructor.
temperature - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
TEMPERATURE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
Temperature - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Temperature and a unit for that Temperature (e.g.
Temperature() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Temperature
Temperature(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Temperature
Temperature(double, UnitsTemperature) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Temperature
Temperature(double, Unit<Temperature>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Temperature
Temperature(Temperature) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Temperature
templatePrefix - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
TEMPLATEPREFIX - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
TermAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
TermAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
TermAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
TermAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
Main constructor.
termValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
TERMVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
TextAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
TextAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
TextAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
TextAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
Main constructor.
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Path
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
textValue - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
TEXTVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
theC - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
THEC - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
theC - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
THEC - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
theT - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
THET - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
theT - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
THET - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
theZ - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
THEZ - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
theZ - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
THEZ - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
throwNullCollectionException(String) - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
Thumbnail - Class in ome.model.display
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Thumbnail() - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Thumbnail(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Thumbnail(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Main constructor.
Thumbnail(Pixels, String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
Thumbnail.Details - Class in ome.model.display
ThumbnailGenerationJob - Class in
ThumbnailGenerationJob() - Constructor for class
ThumbnailGenerationJob(Long) - Constructor for class
ThumbnailGenerationJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
thumbnails - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
THUMBNAILS - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
time - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
TIME - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
Time - Class in ome.model.units
class storing both a Time and a unit for that Time (e.g.
Time() - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Time
Time(double, String) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Time
Time(double, UnitsTime) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Time
Time(double, Unit<Time>) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Time
Time(Time) - Constructor for class ome.model.units.Time
timeIncrement - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
TIMEINCREMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
timepoint - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
TIMEPOINT - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
TimestampAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
TimestampAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
TimestampAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
TimestampAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
Main constructor.
timeToIdle - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
TIMETOIDLE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
timeToLive - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
TIMETOLIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
timeValue - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
TIMEVALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
todbvalue(Object) - Method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
Map from the CODE-based enums which are used in Java, Ice, etc.
Token - Class in ome.model.internal
authorization token to allow/revoke certain privileges.
Token() - Constructor for class ome.model.internal.Token
tokenMatches(Token) - Method in class ome.model.internal.GraphHolder
check the Token for the IObject represented by this GraphHolder.
tokenStream(String, Reader) - Method in class
toPermissions(Object) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
Returns a Permissions instance from its internal representation.
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
toString() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
toString() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
toString() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
toString() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
toString() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
toString() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
toString() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
toString() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
toString() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
toString() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
simple view of the Details.
toString(StringBuilder) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Details
toString() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
toString() - Method in class ome.model.internal.NamedValue
toString() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
produces a String representation of the Permissions similar to those on a Unix filesystem.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
toString() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
toString() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
toString() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
toString() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Frequency
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Length
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Power
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Pressure
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Temperature
toString() - Method in class ome.model.units.Time
toString() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
toString() - Method in class ome.parameters.Options
toString() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
toString() - Method in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
toString() - Method in class ome.util.LSID
toString() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.DeleteLog
transform - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
TRANSFORM - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
transmittance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
TRANSMITTANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
transmittanceRange - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
TRANSMITTANCERANGE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
TransmittanceRange - Class in ome.model.acquisition
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
TransmittanceRange() - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
TransmittanceRange(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
TransmittanceRange(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
Main constructor.
TransmittanceRange.Details - Class in ome.model.acquisition
trueClass(Class<T>) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
finds the "true" class identified by a given Class object.
trueInstance(Class<T>) - Static method in class ome.util.Utils
instantiates an object using the trueClass.
TryAgain - Exception in ome.conditions
Background processing necessary to process the request.
TryAgain(String, long) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.TryAgain
tryLock() - Static method in class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
tuneable - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
TUNEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
type - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
type - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
type - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
type - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
type - Variable in class
TYPE - Static variable in class
type - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
type - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
type - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
TYPE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
type - Variable in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
TypeAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
TypeAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
TypeAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
TypeAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
Main constructor.


unique() - Method in class ome.parameters.Filter
state that this Filter should only return a single value if possible.
unique() - Method in class ome.parameters.Parameters
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Frequency
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Length
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Power
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Pressure
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Temperature
UNIT - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Time
Unit - Interface in ome.model.units
marker interface for all of ome.model.unit types.
UnitEnum - Interface in ome.model.units
marker interface for all of ome.model.unit enums.
UNITS - Enum in ome.model.units
UnitsElectricPotential - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsFrequency - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsLength - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsPower - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsPressure - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsTemperature - Enum in ome.model.enums
UnitsTime - Enum in ome.model.enums
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkAnnotation(Annotation) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
unlinks all ome.model.annotations.Annotation instances from this instance.
unlinkDataset(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
unlinks all ome.model.containers.Dataset instances from this instance.
unlinkDataset(Dataset) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
unlinks all ome.model.containers.Dataset instances from this instance.
unlinkEmissionFilter(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet instances from this instance.
unlinkEmissionFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.Filter instances from this instance.
unlinkEmissionFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.Filter instances from this instance.
unlinkExcitationFilter(FilterSet) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet instances from this instance.
unlinkExcitationFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.Filter instances from this instance.
unlinkExcitationFilter(Filter) - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
unlinks all ome.model.acquisition.Filter instances from this instance.
unlinkExperimenter(Experimenter) - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
unlinks all ome.model.meta.Experimenter instances from this instance.
unlinkExperimenterGroup(ExperimenterGroup) - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
unlinks all ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup instances from this instance.
unlinkFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
unlinks all ome.model.containers.Folder instances from this instance.
unlinkFolder(Folder) - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
unlinks all ome.model.containers.Folder instances from this instance.
unlinkImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
unlinks all ome.model.core.Image instances from this instance.
unlinkImage(Image) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
unlinks all ome.model.core.Image instances from this instance.
unlinkJob(Job) - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
unlinks all instances from this instance.
unlinkOriginalFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
unlinks all ome.model.core.OriginalFile instances from this instance.
unlinkOriginalFile(OriginalFile) - Method in class
unlinks all ome.model.core.OriginalFile instances from this instance.
unlinkPixels(Pixels) - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
unlinks all ome.model.core.Pixels instances from this instance.
unlinkPlate(Plate) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
unlinks all ome.model.screen.Plate instances from this instance.
unlinkProject(Project) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
unlinks all ome.model.containers.Project instances from this instance.
unlinkReagent(Reagent) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
unlinks all ome.model.screen.Reagent instances from this instance.
unlinkRoi(Roi) - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
unlinks all ome.model.roi.Roi instances from this instance.
unlinkScreen(Screen) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
unlinks all ome.model.screen.Screen instances from this instance.
unlinkWell(Well) - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
unlinks all ome.model.screen.Well instances from this instance.
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
unload() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
unload() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
unload() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
unload() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
unload() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
unload() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
unload() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
unload() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
unload() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
unload() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
unload() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
set the loaded field to false, and set all non-ID fields to null.
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
unload() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
unload() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
unload() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
unload() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
unload() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
unlock() - Static method in class ome.util.DetailsFieldBridge
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in interface ome.model.IAnnotated
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableAnnotationLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableChannels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableChildFolders() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableDatasetLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableDetector() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableDichroic() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableEmissionFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableEvents() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableExcitationFilterLink() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableFilesetEntries() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableFilter() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableFilterSet() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableFolderLinks() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableGroupExperimenterMap() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableImageLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableImages() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableJobLinks() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableLightSource() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableLightSourceSettings() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableLogs() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableMicrobeamManipulation() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableObjective() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableOriginalFileLinks() - Method in class
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableOtf() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePixels() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePixelsFileMaps() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePlaneInfo() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePlateAcquisitions() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiablePlateLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableProjections() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableProjectLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableReagentLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableReagents() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableRoiLinks() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableRois() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableScreenLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableSessions() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableSettings() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableShapes() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableSpatialDomainEnhancement() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableThumbnails() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableUsedFiles() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWaveRendering() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWellLinks() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWells() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWellSample() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unmodifiableWellSamples() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
Returns an unmodifiable collection-view
unSet(Permissions.Flag) - Method in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
turn a given Permissions.Flag off.
up - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
UP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
updateConfiguration(String, String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
updateConfiguration(String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
UPDATEEVENT - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
updateOrInsertConfigValue(String, String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
updateOrInsertConfigValue(String, String) - Method in interface ome.util.SqlAction
updateRows(PersistentCollection, Serializable, SessionImplementor) - Method in class ome.util.CountCollectionPersister
UploadJob - Class in
UploadJob() - Constructor for class
UploadJob(Long) - Constructor for class
UploadJob(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class
Main constructor.
upperLimit - Variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
UPPERLIMIT - Static variable in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
usedFiles - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
USEDFILES - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
USER_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
R______ : user and only the user can only read
USER_PRIVATE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RW____ : user and only user can read and write
USER_WRITEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWR_R_ : all can read, user can write
userAgent - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
USERAGENT - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
userIP - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
USERIP - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
username - Variable in class
USERNAME - Static variable in class
Utils - Class in ome.util
various tools needed throughout Omero.
Utils() - Constructor for class ome.util.Utils
uuid - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
UUID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
uuid - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
UUID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
uuid - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
UUID - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session


VALID() - Static method in class ome.util.Validation
valid(Pixels) - Static method in class ome.util.Validator
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Arc
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filament
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.GenericExcitationSource
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightEmittingDiode
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
validate() - Method in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BasicAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.BooleanAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.CommentAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.DoubleAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FileAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ListAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.LongAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.MapAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.NumericAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TagAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TermAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TextAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TimestampAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.TypeAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Folder
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.Project
validate() - Method in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Channel
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Image
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.Pixels
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
validate() - Method in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.PlaneSlicingContext
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.ReverseIntensityContext
validate() - Method in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Binning
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Correction
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.EventType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Family
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Format
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Medium
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
validate() - Method in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
validate() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
validate() - Method in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
validate() - Method in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
validate() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
validate() - Method in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.internal.Link
validate() - Method in interface ome.model.IObject
calls the class-specific validator for this instance and returns the Validation object.
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Event
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Node
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Session
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.Share
validate() - Method in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Label
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Line
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Mask
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Path
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Point
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polygon
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Polyline
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Roi
validate() - Method in class ome.model.roi.Shape
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Plate
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Screen
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.Well
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
validate() - Method in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
validate() - Method in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
validate() - Method in class ome.util.PermDetails
validate(IObject) - Static method in class ome.util.Validator
validate(Channel) - Static method in class ome.util.Validator
validate(ImagingEnvironment) - Static method in class ome.util.Validator
Validation - Class in ome.util
collector for Model-validation status.
Validation() - Constructor for class ome.util.Validation
ValidationException - Exception in ome.conditions
More specific ApiUsageException, in that the specification of your data as outlined in the OME specification is incorrect.
ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception ome.conditions.ValidationException
Validator - Class in ome.util
tests of model objects for validity.
Validator() - Constructor for class ome.util.Validator
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
value - Variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
value - Variable in class
VALUE - Static variable in class
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.ElectricPotential
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Frequency
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Length
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Power
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Pressure
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Temperature
VALUE - Static variable in class ome.model.units.Time
value - Variable in class ome.parameters.QueryParameter
VALUE_1X1 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
VALUE_2X2 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
VALUE_4X4 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
VALUE_8X8 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
VALUE_ACHRO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_ACHROMAT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_ADLER_32 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_AG - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_AIR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_AIR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_ALEXANDRITE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ANALOG_VIDEO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_APD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_APO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_AR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_AR_CL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_AR_FL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ARGB - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_BAND_PASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_BIT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_BRIGHT_FIELD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_BRIGHTFIELD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_CANCELLED - Static variable in class
VALUE_CCD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_CHGRP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_CHOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_CMOS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_CMYK - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_CO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_CO2 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_COLOCALIZATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_COLOR_MAP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_COMPLEX - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_CORRELATION_SPECTROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_COUMARIN_C30 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_CRC_32 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_CU - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_CW - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_DARKFIELD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_DELETE_FILE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_DELETE_MANAGED_REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_DELETE_OWNED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_DELETE_SCRIPT_REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_DIC - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_DICHROIC - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_DISSECTION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_DOUBLE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_DOUBLE_COMPLEX - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_DYE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_EBCCD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_EM_CCD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_EMINUS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_EPIFLUORESCENCE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_ER_GLASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ER_YAG - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ERROR - Static variable in class
VALUE_EXCIMER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_EXPONENTIAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
VALUE_FILE_SIZE_64 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_FINISHED - Static variable in class
VALUE_FISH - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_FL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_FLIP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_FLOAT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_FLUAR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_FLUOR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_FLUORESCENCE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_FLUORESCENCE_CORRELATION_SPECTROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_FLUORESCENCE_LIFETIME - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_FLUORESCENCE_LIFETIME - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_FLUOTAR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_FOUR_DPLUS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_FP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_FRAP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_FREE_ELECTRON - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_FRET - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_FSM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_FTIR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_FULL_TEXT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_GA_AL_AS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_GA_AS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_GAS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_GLYCEROL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_GLYCEROL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_GREYSCALE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
VALUE_H2O - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HALOGEN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
VALUE_HE_CD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HE_NE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HFL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HG - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE_HG_XE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE_HO_YAG - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HO_YLF - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_HOFFMAN_MODULATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_HSV - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_IMMUNOCYTOCHEMISTRY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_IMMUNOFLUORESCENCE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_IMPORT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_INCANDESCENT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
VALUE_INT16 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_INT32 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_INT8 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_INTENSIFIED_CCD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_INTERNAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_INVERSE_FRAP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_INVERTED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_ION_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_KR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_KR_CL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_KR_FL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_LASER_SCANNING_CONFOCAL_MICROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_LCM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_LIFETIME_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_LINEAR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
VALUE_LOGARITHMIC - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
VALUE_LONG_PASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_MAXIMUM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
VALUE_MD5_128 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_MEAN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
VALUE_METAL_VAPOR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_MODE_LOCKED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_MODIFY_GROUP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_MODIFY_GROUP_MEMBERSHIP - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_MODIFY_USER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_MODULO_T - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
VALUE_MODULO_Z - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
VALUE_MONOCHROME - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_MULTI - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_MULTI_PASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_MULTI_PHOTON_MICROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_MURMUR3_128 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_MURMUR3_32 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_N - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ND_GLASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_ND_YAG - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_NEAR_FIELD_SCANNING_OPTICAL_MICROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_NEOFLUAR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_NEUTRAL_DENSITY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_NON_LINEAR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_OBLIQUE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_OBLIQUE_ILLUMINATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_OIL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_OIL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_OPTICAL_TRAPPING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_OTHER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_PALM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_PGIDOCUMENTATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_PHASE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_PHOTOABLATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_PHOTOACTIVATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_PHOTOBLEACHING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_PHOTODIODE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_PLAN_APO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_PLAN_FLUOR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_PMT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_POLARIZED_LIGHT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_POLYNOMIAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
VALUE_PROCESSING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_QSWITCHED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_QUEUED - Static variable in class
VALUE_READ_SESSION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_REPETITIVE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_REQUEUED - Static variable in class
VALUE_RESUBMITTED - Static variable in class
VALUE_RGB - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
VALUE_RGB - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
VALUE_RHODAMINE6G - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_RUBY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_RUNNING - Static variable in class
VALUE_SCREEN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_SECOND_HARMONIC_GENERATION_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SEMICONDUCTOR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_SESSIONS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_SHA1_160 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
VALUE_SHOOLA - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_SHORT_PASS - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_SINGLE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_SINGLE_MOLECULE_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SLIT_SCAN_CONFOCAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SOLID_STATE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_SPECTRAL_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SPECTRAL_IMAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_SPECTROSCOPY - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_SPIM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SPINNING_DISK_CONFOCAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_STED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_STORM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_STRUCTURED_ILLUMINATION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_SUBMITTED - Static variable in class
VALUE_SUDO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_SUM - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
VALUE_SUPER_FLUOR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_SWEPT_FIELD_CONFOCAL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_T - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
VALUE_TASK - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_TEST - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_TI_SAPPHIRE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_TIME_LAPSE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_TIRF - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_TOTAL_INTERNAL_REFLECTION - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_TRANSMITTED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_TUNEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_UINT16 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_UINT32 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_UINT8 - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
VALUE_UNCAGING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
VALUE_UPRIGHT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
VALUE_USER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
VALUE_UV - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_VIOLET_CORRECTED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
VALUE_WAITING - Static variable in class
VALUE_WATER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_WATER - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
VALUE_WATER_DIPPING - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
VALUE_WIDE_FIELD - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
VALUE_WRITE_FILE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_WRITE_MANAGED_REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_WRITE_OWNED - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_WRITE_SCRIPT_REPO - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
VALUE_XE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
VALUE_XE - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_XE_BR - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_XE_CL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_XE_FL - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
VALUE_XYCTZ - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_XYCZT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_XYTCZ - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_XYTZC - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_XYZCT - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_XYZTC - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
VALUE_Z - Static variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Right
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Role
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsElectricPotential
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsFrequency
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsLength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPower
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsPressure
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTemperature
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.enums.UnitsTime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Right
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.internal.Permissions.Role
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ome.model.units.UNITS
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
version - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
version - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
version - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
version - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
version - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
version - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
version - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
version - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
VERSION - Static variable in class
version - Variable in class
VERSION - Static variable in class
version - Variable in class
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
version - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
version - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
version - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
version - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
version - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
VERSION - Static variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
version - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
versionInfo - Variable in class
VERSIONINFO - Static variable in class
versionInfo - Variable in class
VERSIONINFO - Static variable in class
voltage - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
VOLTAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
voltage - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
VOLTAGE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings


waveIncrement - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
WAVEINCREMENT - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
wavelength - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
WAVELENGTH - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Laser
wavelength - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
WAVELENGTH - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
waveRendering - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
WAVERENDERING - Static variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
waveStart - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
WAVESTART - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
Well - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
Well() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well
Well(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well
Well(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well
Main constructor.
Well(Plate) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.Well
well - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
WELL - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Well.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
WellAnnotationLink - Class in ome.model.annotations
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
WellAnnotationLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
WellAnnotationLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
WellAnnotationLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
Main constructor.
WellAnnotationLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
WellAnnotationLink.Details - Class in ome.model.annotations
wellLinks - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
WELLLINKS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
WELLLINKSCOUNTPEROWNER - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
wellOriginX - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
WELLORIGINX - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
wellOriginY - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
WELLORIGINY - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
WellReagentLink - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
WellReagentLink() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
WellReagentLink(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
WellReagentLink(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
Main constructor.
WellReagentLink(IObject, IObject) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
WellReagentLink.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
wells - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
WELLS - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
wellSample - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
WELLSAMPLE - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
WellSample - Class in ome.model.screen
These filter definitions are used by the security system to eliminate non-readable objects from queries.
WellSample() - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample
WellSample(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample
WellSample(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample
Main constructor.
WellSample(Well, Image) - Constructor for class ome.model.screen.WellSample
WellSample.Details - Class in ome.model.screen
wellSamples - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.core.Image
wellSamples - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
WELLSAMPLES - Static variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
width - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
WIDTH - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
width - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
WIDTH - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
workingDistance - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
WORKINGDISTANCE - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
WORLD_IMMUTABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
R_R_R_ : all can only read
WORLD_WRITEABLE - Static variable in class ome.model.internal.Permissions
RWRWRW : everyone can read and write


x - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
X - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
x - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
X - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
x - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
X - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
x - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
X - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
x - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
X - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
x1 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
X1 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
x2 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
X2 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
xend - Variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
XEND - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
XmlAnnotation - Class in ome.model.annotations
XmlAnnotation() - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
XmlAnnotation(Long) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
XmlAnnotation(Long, boolean) - Constructor for class ome.model.annotations.XmlAnnotation
Main constructor.
xstart - Variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
XSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext


y - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
Y - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Ellipse
y - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
Y - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Label
y - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
Y - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Mask
y - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
Y - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Point
y - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
Y - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Rectangle
y1 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
Y1 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
y2 - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
Y2 - Static variable in class ome.model.roi.Line
yend - Variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
YEND - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
ystart - Variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext
YSTART - Static variable in class ome.model.display.ContrastStretchingContext


zoom - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
ZOOM - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
zoom - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
ZOOM - Static variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings


_cache - Variable in class ome.util.ContextFilter
_context - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_context - Variable in class ome.util.ContextFilter
_creation - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
_dynamicFields - Variable in class
_dynamicFields - Variable in class
_dynamicFields - Variable in class
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
_dynamicFields - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
_externalInfo - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_filteredCollections - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_group - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_jdbc() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
_jdbc() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Detector
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.DetectorSettings
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Dichroic
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Filter
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSet
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ImagingEnvironment
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Instrument
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPath
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathEmissionFilterLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightPathExcitationFilterLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSettings
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.LightSource
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Microscope
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.Objective
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.ObjectiveSettings
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.OTF
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.StageLabel
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.acquisition.TransmittanceRange
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.Annotation
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.AnnotationAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ChannelAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DatasetAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DetectorAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.DichroicAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilesetAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FilterAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.FolderAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ImageAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.InstrumentAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightPathAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.LightSourceAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NamespaceAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.NodeAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ObjectiveAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.OriginalFileAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.PlateAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ProjectAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ReagentAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.RoiAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ScreenAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.SessionAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.ShapeAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.annotations.WellAnnotationLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Dataset
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.DatasetImageLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Folder
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderImageLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.FolderRoiLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.Project
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.containers.ProjectDatasetLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.Channel
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.Image
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.LogicalChannel
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.OriginalFile
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.Pixels
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.PixelsOriginalFileMap
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.core.PlaneInfo
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.ChannelBinding
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.CodomainMapContext
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.ProjectionDef
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.QuantumDef
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.RenderingDef
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.display.Thumbnail
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AcquisitionMode
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.AdminPrivilege
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ArcType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Binning
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ChecksumAlgorithm
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ContrastMethod
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Correction
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DetectorType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.DimensionOrder
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.EventType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ExperimentType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Family
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilamentType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.FilterType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Format
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Illumination
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Immersion
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserMedium
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.LaserType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Medium
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicrobeamManipulationType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.MicroscopeType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PhotometricInterpretation
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.PixelsType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionAxis
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.ProjectionType
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.Pulse
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.enums.RenderingModel
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.Experiment
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.experiment.MicrobeamManipulation
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.fs.Fileset
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.fs.FilesetJobLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Link
_loaded - Variable in class
_loaded - Variable in class
_loaded - Variable in class
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.DBPatch
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Event
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.EventLog
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Experimenter
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExperimenterGroup
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ExternalInfo
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.GroupExperimenterMap
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Namespace
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Node
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.Session
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.meta.ShareMember
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.roi.AffineTransform
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Roi
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.roi.Shape
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Plate
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.PlateAcquisition
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Reagent
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Screen
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.ScreenPlateLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.Well
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellReagentLink
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.screen.WellSample
_loaded - Variable in class ome.model.stats.StatsInfo
_lookup(String) - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
_lookup(String) - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
_namedJdbc() - Method in class ome.util.actions.PostgresSqlAction
_namedJdbc() - Method in class ome.util.SqlAction.Impl
_owner - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_perms - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
_update - Variable in class ome.model.internal.Details
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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