Package omero.grid

Class _RepositoryDisp

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static java.lang.String[] __ids  
      static long serialVersionUID  
      • Fields inherited from interface Ice.Object

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___deletePaths​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___file​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___fileById​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___fileExists​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___list​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___listFiles​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___makeDir​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___mimetype​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___register​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___root​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      static Ice.DispatchStatus ___treeList​(Repository __obj, IceInternal.Incoming __inS, Ice.Current __current)  
      Ice.DispatchStatus __dispatch​(IceInternal.Incoming in, Ice.Current __current)  
      protected void __readImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)  
      protected void __writeImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os)  
      HandlePrx deletePaths​(java.lang.String[] paths, boolean recursively, boolean force)
      Delete several individual paths.
      RawFileStorePrx file​(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String mode)
      Returns a special RawFileStore which permits only the operations set out in the options string ""wb"", ""a+"", etc.
      RawFileStorePrx fileById​(long id)  
      boolean fileExists​(java.lang.String path)
      Returns true if the file or path exists within the repository.
      protected void ice_copyStateFrom​(Ice.Object __obj)  
      java.lang.String ice_id()  
      java.lang.String ice_id​(Ice.Current __current)  
      java.lang.String[] ice_ids()  
      java.lang.String[] ice_ids​(Ice.Current __current)  
      boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s)  
      boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s, Ice.Current __current)  
      static java.lang.String ice_staticId()  
      java.util.List<java.lang.String> list​(java.lang.String path)
      Returns a set of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by an abstract pathname.
      java.util.List<OriginalFile> listFiles​(java.lang.String path)
      Returns an array of abstract pathname objects denoting the files in the directory denoted by an abstract pathname.
      void makeDir​(java.lang.String path, boolean parents)
      Create a directory at the given path.
      java.lang.String mimetype​(java.lang.String path)
      Returns the best-guess mimetype for the given path.
      OriginalFile register​(java.lang.String path, RString mimetype)
      Create an OriginalFile in the database for the given path.
      OriginalFile root()
      Return the OriginalFile descriptor for this Repository.
      RMap treeList​(java.lang.String path)
      Similar to list but recursive and returns only primitive values for the file at each location.
      • Methods inherited from class Ice.ObjectImpl

        ___ice_id, ___ice_ids, ___ice_isA, ___ice_ping, __checkMode, __read, __read, __readImpl, __write, __write, __writeImpl, clone, ice_dispatch, ice_dispatch, ice_operationAttributes, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_postUnmarshal, ice_preMarshal
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.Object

        __read, __read, __write, __write, clone, ice_dispatch, ice_dispatch, ice_operationAttributes, ice_ping, ice_ping, ice_postUnmarshal, ice_preMarshal
    • Field Detail

      • __ids

        public static final java.lang.String[] __ids
    • Constructor Detail

      • _RepositoryDisp

        public _RepositoryDisp()
    • Method Detail

      • ice_copyStateFrom

        protected void ice_copyStateFrom​(Ice.Object __obj)
                                  throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_isA

        public boolean ice_isA​(java.lang.String s,
                               Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_isA in interface Ice.Object
        ice_isA in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids()
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_ids

        public java.lang.String[] ice_ids​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_ids in interface Ice.Object
        ice_ids in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id()
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_id

        public java.lang.String ice_id​(Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        ice_id in interface Ice.Object
        ice_id in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • ice_staticId

        public static java.lang.String ice_staticId()
      • deletePaths

        public final HandlePrx deletePaths​(java.lang.String[] paths,
                                           boolean recursively,
                                           boolean force)
                                    throws ServerError
        Delete several individual paths. Internally, this converts all of the paths into a single Delete2 command and submits it. If a ""recursively"" is true, then directories will be searched and all of their contained files will be placed before them in the delete order. When the directory is removed from the database, it will removed from the filesystem if and only if it is empty. If ""recursively"" is false, then the delete will produce an error according to the ""force"" flag. If ""force"" is false, this method attempts the delete of all given paths in a single transaction, and any failure will cause the entire transaction to fail. If ""force"" is true, however, then all the other deletes will succeed. which could possibly leave dangling files within no longer extant directories.
        Specified by:
        deletePaths in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • file

        public final RawFileStorePrx file​(java.lang.String path,
                                          java.lang.String mode)
                                   throws ServerError
        Returns a special RawFileStore which permits only the operations set out in the options string ""wb"", ""a+"", etc. FIXME: Initially only ""r"" and ""rw"" are supported as these are handled directly by RandomAccessFile and so don't break the current implementation. Any call to that tries to break the options will throw an ApiUsageException. If a file exists at the given path, a ValidationException will be thrown.
        Specified by:
        file in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • fileExists

        public final boolean fileExists​(java.lang.String path)
                                 throws ServerError
        Returns true if the file or path exists within the repository. In other words, if a call on `dirname path` to listFiles would return an object for this path.
        Specified by:
        fileExists in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • list

        public final java.util.List<java.lang.String> list​(java.lang.String path)
                                                    throws ServerError
        Returns a set of strings naming the files and directories in the directory denoted by an abstract pathname.
        Specified by:
        list in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • listFiles

        public final java.util.List<OriginalFile> listFiles​(java.lang.String path)
                                                     throws ServerError
        Returns an array of abstract pathname objects denoting the files in the directory denoted by an abstract pathname. It is expected that at a minimum the ""name"", ""path"", ""size"" and ""mtime"" attributes will be present for each OriginalFile instance.
        Specified by:
        listFiles in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • makeDir

        public final void makeDir​(java.lang.String path,
                                  boolean parents)
                           throws ServerError
        Create a directory at the given path. If parents is true, then all preceding paths will be generated and no exception will be thrown if the directory already exists. Otherwise, all parent directories must exist in both the DB and on the filesystem and be readable.
        Specified by:
        makeDir in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • treeList

        public final RMap treeList​(java.lang.String path)
                            throws ServerError
        Similar to list but recursive and returns only primitive values for the file at each location. Guaranteed for each path is only the values id and mimetype. After a call to unwrap, the returned RMap for a call to treeList("/user_1/dir0") might look something like:
         "/user_1/dir0/file1.txt" :
         "size": 10000L
         "/user_1/dir0/dir1" :
         "id": 100,
         "mimetype": "Directory",
         "size": 0L,
         "/user_1/dir0/dir1/file1indir.txt" :
         "id": 1,
         "mimetype": "png",
         "size": 500
        Specified by:
        treeList in interface _RepositoryOperationsNC
      • ___root

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___root​(Repository __obj,
                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___mimetype

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___mimetype​(Repository __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___list

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___list​(Repository __obj,
                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___listFiles

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___listFiles​(Repository __obj,
                                                      IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                      Ice.Current __current)
      • ___register

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___register​(Repository __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___file

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___file​(Repository __obj,
                                                 IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                 Ice.Current __current)
      • ___fileById

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___fileById​(Repository __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___fileExists

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___fileExists​(Repository __obj,
                                                       IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                       Ice.Current __current)
      • ___makeDir

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___makeDir​(Repository __obj,
                                                    IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                    Ice.Current __current)
      • ___treeList

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___treeList​(Repository __obj,
                                                     IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                     Ice.Current __current)
      • ___deletePaths

        public static Ice.DispatchStatus ___deletePaths​(Repository __obj,
                                                        IceInternal.Incoming __inS,
                                                        Ice.Current __current)
      • __dispatch

        public Ice.DispatchStatus __dispatch​(IceInternal.Incoming in,
                                             Ice.Current __current)
        Specified by:
        __dispatch in interface Ice.Object
        __dispatch in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __writeImpl

        protected void __writeImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __os)
        __writeImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl
      • __readImpl

        protected void __readImpl​(IceInternal.BasicStream __is)
        __readImpl in class Ice.ObjectImpl