Package omero.cmd

Interface _CmdCallbackOperationsNC

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void finished​(Response rsp, Status s)
      Called when the command has completed in any fashion including cancellation.
      void step​(int complete, int total)
      Notifies clients that the given number of steps from the total is complete.
    • Method Detail

      • step

        void step​(int complete,
                  int total)
        Notifies clients that the given number of steps from the total is complete. This method will not necessarily be called for every step.
      • finished

        void finished​(Response rsp,
                      Status s)
        Called when the command has completed in any fashion including cancellation. The Status.flags list will contain information about whether or not the process was cancelled.