Package omero.api

Interface _IProjectionOperationsNC

    • Method Detail

      • projectStack_async

        void projectStack_async​(AMD_IProjection_projectStack __cb,
                                long pixelsId,
                                PixelsType pixelsType,
                                ProjectionType algorithm,
                                int timepoint,
                                int channelIndex,
                                int stepping,
                                int start,
                                int end)
                         throws ServerError
        Performs a projection through the optical sections of a particular wavelength at a given time point of a Pixels set.
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        pixelsId - The source Pixels set Id.
        algorithm - MAXIMUM_INTENSITY, MEAN_INTENSITY or SUM_INTENSITY. NOTE: When performing a SUM_INTENSITY projection, pixel values will be pinned to the maximum pixel value of the destination Pixels type.
        timepoint - Timepoint to perform the projection.
        stepping - Stepping value to use while calculating the projection. For example, stepping=1 will use every optical section from start to end where stepping=2 will use every other section from start to end to perform the projection.
        start - Optical section to start projecting from.
        ValidationException - Where:
        • algorithm is unknown
        • timepoint is out of range
        • channelIndex is out of range
        • start is out of range
        • end is out of range
        • start is greater than end
        • the Pixels set qualified by pixelsId is not locatable.
      • projectPixels_async

        void projectPixels_async​(AMD_IProjection_projectPixels __cb,
                                 long pixelsId,
                                 PixelsType pixelsType,
                                 ProjectionType algorithm,
                                 int tStart,
                                 int tEnd,
                                 java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> channelList,
                                 int stepping,
                                 int zStart,
                                 int zEnd,
                                 java.lang.String name)
                          throws ServerError
        Performs a projection through selected optical sections and optical sections for a given set of time points of a Pixels set. The Image which is linked to the Pixels set will be copied using omero.api.IPixels.copyAndResizeImage.
        __cb - The callback object for the operation.
        pixelsId - The source Pixels set Id.
        algorithm - MAXIMUM_INTENSITY, MEAN_INTENSITY or SUM_INTENSITY. NOTE: When performing a SUM_INTENSITY projection, pixel values will be pinned to the maximum pixel value of the destination Pixels type.
        tStart - Timepoint to start projecting from.
        channelList - List of the channel indexes to use while calculating the projection.
        stepping - Stepping value to use while calculating the projection. For example, stepping=1 will use every optical section from start to end where stepping=2 will use every other section from start to end to perform the projection.
        zStart - Optical section to start projecting from.
        name - Name for the newly created image. If null the name of the Image linked to the Pixels qualified by pixelsId will be used with a Projection suffix. For example, GFP-H2B Image of HeLa Cells will have an Image name of GFP-H2B Image of HeLa Cells Projection used for the projection.
        ValidationException - Where:
        • algorithm is unknown
        • tStart is out of range
        • tEnd is out of range
        • tStart is greater than tEnd
        • channelList is null or has indexes out of range
        • zStart is out of range
        • zEnd is out of range
        • zStart is greater than zEnd
        • the Pixels set qualified by pixelsId is not locatable.