Package omero.api

Interface IConfig

  • All Superinterfaces:
    _IConfigOperations, _IConfigOperationsNC, _ServiceInterfaceOperations, _ServiceInterfaceOperationsNC, Ice.Object, ServiceInterface
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    _IConfigDisp, _IConfigTie

    public interface IConfig
    extends Ice.Object, _IConfigOperations, _IConfigOperationsNC, ServiceInterface
    Access to server configuration. These methods provide access to the state and configuration of the server and its components (e.g. the database). However, it should not be assumed that two subsequent calls to a proxy for this service will go to the same server due to clustering. Not all possible server configuration is available through this API. Some values (such as DB connection info, ports, etc.) must naturally be set before this service is accessible. Manages synchronization of the various configuration sources internally. It is therefore important that as far as possible all configuration changes take place via this interface and not, for example, directly via java.util.prefs.Preferences. Also used as the main developer example for developing (stateless) ome.api interfaces. See source code documentation for more.