Package omero.api

Interface AMD_IScript_canRunScript

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface AMD_IScript_canRunScript
    extends Ice.AMDCallback
    Returns true if there is a processor which will run the given script.

    Either the script is an official script and this method will return true (though an individual invocation may fail with an ResourceError for some reason) or this is a user script, and a usermode processor must be active which takes the scripts user or group.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void ice_response​(boolean __ret)
      ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.AMDCallback

    • Method Detail

      • ice_response

        void ice_response​(boolean __ret)
        ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.