Package omero.api

Interface AMD_IAdmin_createGroup

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface AMD_IAdmin_createGroup
    extends Ice.AMDCallback
    Creates and returns a new group. The omero.model.Details.setPermissions method should be called on the instance which is passed. The given Permissions will become the default for all objects created while logged into this group, possibly modified by the user's umask settings. If no permissions is set, the default will be omero.model.Permissions.USER_PRIVATE, i.e. a group in which no user can see the other group member's data. See also ticket 1434
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void ice_response​(long __ret)
      ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
      • Methods inherited from interface Ice.AMDCallback

    • Method Detail

      • ice_response

        void ice_response​(long __ret)
        ice_response indicates that the operation completed successfully.
        __ret - (return value) id of the newly created ExperimenterGroup