Class ScriptProcessI

    • Method Detail

      • close

        public void close​(boolean detach,
                          Ice.Current __current)
                   throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ScriptProcessOperations
        Closes this process and frees server resources attached to it. If the detach argument is True, then the background process will continue executing. The user can reconnect to the process via the IScript service. If the detach argument is False, then the background process will be shutdown immediately, and all intermediate results (stdout, stderr, ...) will be uploaded.
        Specified by:
        close in interface _ScriptProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • getResults

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​RType> getResults​(int waitSecs,
                                                                      Ice.Current __current)
                                                               throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ScriptProcessOperations
        Returns the results immediately if present. If the process is not yet finished, waits "waitSecs" before throwing an ApiUsageException. If poll has returned a non-null value, then this method will always return a non-null value.
        Specified by:
        getResults in interface _ScriptProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • _wait

        public int _wait​(Ice.Current __current)
                  throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ProcessOperations
        Blocks until poll() would return a non-null return code.
        Specified by:
        _wait in interface _ProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • cancel

        public boolean cancel​(Ice.Current __current)
                       throws ServerError
        Description copied from interface: _ProcessOperations
        Signal to the Process that it should terminate. This may be done "softly" for a given time period.
        Specified by:
        cancel in interface _ProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • kill

        public boolean kill​(Ice.Current __current)
        Description copied from interface: _ProcessOperations
        Terminate the Process immediately.
        Specified by:
        kill in interface _ProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.
      • shutdown

        public void shutdown​(Ice.Current __current)
        Description copied from interface: _ProcessOperations
        First attempts cancel() several times and finally resorts to kill to force the process to shutdown cleanly. This method doesn't return any value or throw an exception so that it can be called oneway.
        Specified by:
        shutdown in interface _ProcessOperations
        __current - The Current object for the invocation.