Installation ------------ .. note:: The end of Windows support for OMERO.server means that the CLI is unsupported on this platform too. Check you have Python_ installed by typing:: $ python --version Python 2.7.9 Additionally, Ice_ must be installed on your machine:: $ python -c "import Ice" Check the :ref:`server requirements ` for the minimum and maximum supported versions. The |CLI| is currently bundled: - with the OMERO.server including all functionalities of the |CLI| - with the OMERO.python including all functionalities of the |CLI| except for the import functionality Download the version corresponding to your system from the :downloads:`OMERO downloads <>` page. .. note:: The |CLI| is bundled with the OMERO.server but that does not imply you must use that directory as a server. You can download the server zip to a number of machines and use the |CLI| commands from each machine to access an existing OMERO instance. Once the correct bundle is downloaded, the Python libraries of the |CLI| are located under the :file:`lib/python` directory and the executable is under the :file:`bin` directory. To start the |CLI| in shell mode: .. parsed-literal:: $ bin/omero OMERO Python Shell. Version |release|-ice36 Type "help" for more information, "quit" or Ctrl-D to exit omero>