What's new for OMERO 5.5 for sysadmins ====================================== - :doc:`version-requirements` has been updated to reflect changes in version support for 5.5.0 and tentative plans for 5.6.0. - A walkthrough has been added for :doc:`installing OMERO.server ` on Ubuntu 18.04. - Walkthroughs have been added for :doc:`installing OMERO.web ` either separately from or with OMERO.server on Ubuntu 18.04. - Add ``omero.glacier2.IceSSL.*`` configuration options to fix OpenSSL issue. - Improve the documentation of :doc:`in-place-import`. - Add documentation on how to configure websockets, see :doc:`websockets`. - Improve documentation on how to configure OMERO.web, see :doc:`client-server-ssl`. For a full list of bug fixes and other improvements, see the :doc:`/users/history`.