Graph requests ============== .. topic:: Overview The Blitz API offers several requests that are subclasses of :javadoc:`GraphQuery `. These may be submitted to the server for asynchronous processing of linked graphs of :doc:`OMERO model objects <../Model/EveryObject>`. This section gives a brief overview of the graph requests and their purpose. Follow the links to see more details. Querying the model object graph ------------------------------- :javadoc:`GraphQuery ` (base class) The parent of the requests below, it includes a ``targetObjects`` property that specifies from which model objects to start processing. The :javadoc:`LegalGraphTargets ` request can be used to determine which types of model object may be targeted. :javadoc:`DiskUsage2 ` Report on the disk usage of the target objects and their contents by type, user and group. Includes a ``targetClasses`` property to allow specifying every visible instance of a type. :javadoc:`FindParents ` Find the parents of the target objects, both direct and indirect. ``typesOfParents`` specifies the types of parents to report. ``stopBefore`` specifies types of model object to avoid in traversing the linked graph upward: those subgraphs are ignored unless otherwise reachable. :javadoc:`FindChildren ` Find the children of the target objects, both direct and indirect. ``typesOfChildren`` specifies the types of children to report. ``stopBefore`` specifies types of model object to avoid in traversing the linked graph downward: those subgraphs are ignored unless otherwise reachable. Changing the model object graph ------------------------------- :javadoc:`GraphModify2 ` (base class) The parent of the requests below, it includes a ``targetObjects`` property that specifies from which model objects to start processing. The :javadoc:`LegalGraphTargets ` request can be used to determine which types of model object may be targeted. The ``childOptions`` property lists how to process the contents of targeted objects. Because these requests change the data stored by the server, a ``dryRun`` property is provided that enables attempting to obtain the same response or error without actually making any changes. :javadoc:`ChildOption ` By default if a 'child' object is contained by a 'parent' targeted object then it is processed along with its parent if it is not also contained by another parent object that is not targeted. Use requests' ``childOptions`` property to specify that children should be processed or not regardless of other parents. The ``includeType`` and ``excludeType`` properties specify for which types of children to override the behavior. For children that are annotations, the ``includeNs`` and ``excludeNs`` properties use the annotation namespace to limit the applicability of the override. :javadoc:`Chgrp2 ` Change the group ID of the targeted objects and their contents. The objects are moved to the group specified by the ``groupId`` property. :javadoc:`Chown2 ` Change the user ID of the targeted objects and their contents. The objects are given to the user specified by the ``userId`` property. :javadoc:`Chmod2 ` Change the permissions for the targeted objects which must be groups. The ``permissions`` property specifies the new group type. :javadoc:`Delete2 ` Delete the targeted objects and their contents. For original file instances the underlying file in the server's binary repository may be deleted also. :javadoc:`Duplicate ` Duplicate a subgraph from the model object graph, starting from the targeted objects and recursing to their contents. The ``typesToDuplicate``, ``typesToReference``, ``typesToIgnore`` properties offer control over where in the graph traversal to stop duplicating and with what in the original graph to link the duplicate subgraph. :javadoc:`SkipHead ` Defer processing to start only at specific contents of the targeted objects. The ``startFrom`` property specifies the types of object to actually target with the processing and the ``request`` property, which may be any of the other requests from this section, specifies what to do to those objects once identified. Command-line interface ---------------------- OMERO's :doc:`command-line interface client ` includes ``chgrp``, ``chown``, ``delete`` plugins that construct the corresponding ``Chgrp2``, ``Chown2``, ``Delete2`` requests. Additionally, the ``group`` plugin offers the ``Chmod2`` request and the ``fs`` plugin offers the ``DiskUsage2`` request. Request builders for Java ------------------------- The Java gateway includes the :java_gateway_source:` ` class which offers Java developers a set of builders that use method-chaining to allow convenient construction of new instances of the above requests.