Community support

The `Open Microscopy Environment`_ provides a number of resources for
both our user and developer communities to assist in use and
development of our software.  Contributions through our mailing lists
and forums are always welcome.

.. _community/resources/web:


The Open Microscopy Environment website is at 
`<>`_. Bio-Formats can be found at 

.. _community/resources/mailinglists:

Mailing lists

The following lists are provided:

- :mailinglist:`ome-users <ome-users/>` -- support with installation
  and general use or miscellaneous queries, as well as bug reporting
- :mailinglist:`ome-devel <ome-devel/>` -- development discussion and 

.. note:: 

    You can email these lists without subscribing but posts by non-members
    will be moderated before going out to all members. We endeavor to
    approve all genuine posts within 24 hours on working days, but we
    encourage you to subscribe to take advantage of our active and supportive

.. _community/resources/forums:


Discussion on a number of topics is also available through our
:forum:`forums <>`.  Forums include:

- :forum:`OMERO <viewforum.php?f=3>`

  + :forum:`User Discussion  <viewforum.php?f=4>`
  + :forum:`Installation and Deployment  <viewforum.php?f=5>`
  + :forum:`Developer Discussion  <viewforum.php?f=6>`

- :forum:`Bio-Formats <viewforum.php?f=12>`

  + :forum:`User Discussion <viewforum.php?f=13>`

- :forum:`OME Data Model <viewforum.php?f=14>`

  + :forum:`User Discussion and Suggestions <viewforum.php?f=15>`