OMERO upgrade checks ==================== On each startup the OMERO server checks for available upgrades via the :source:`UpgradeCheck class `. An HTTP GET call is made to the URL configured in :source:`etc/` as ``omero.upgrades.url``, currently \ by default (note that viewing that link in your browser will redirect you to this page). .. note:: If you have been redirected here by clicking on a link to ```` in an error message or log while trying to run one of the **Bio-Formats command line tools**, please see the :bf_v_doc:`Bio-Formats command line tools documentation ` for assistance. Actions ------- Currently the only action taken when an upgrade is necessary is a log statement at WARN level. .. parsed-literal:: 2017-09-01 12:21:32,070 WARN [ ome.system.UpgradeCheck] ( main) UPGRADE AVAILABLE:Please upgrade to |release| See for the latest version Future versions may also send emails and/or IMs to administrators. In the case of critical upgrades, the server may refuse to start. Privacy ------- Currently, the only information which is being transmitted to the server is: - Java virtual machine version - operating system details (architecture, version and name) - current server version - poll frequency (for determining statistics) - your IP address (standard HTTP header information) .. note:: Currently the "poll" property is unused. If this is a problem for your site, please see *Disabling* below. Disabling --------- If you would prefer to have no checks made, the check can be disabled by setting the omero.upgrades.url property to an empty string: :: omero.upgrades.url= Developers ---------- To use the UpgradeCheck class from your own code, it is necessary to have ``common.jar`` on your classpath. Then, :: ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("omero") String version = bundle.getString("omero.version"); String url = bundle.getString("omero.upgrades.url"); ome.system.UpgradeCheck check = new UpgradeCheck( url, version, "insight"); // Or "importer", etc.; check.isUpgradeNeeded(); // optionally check.isExceptionThrown(); will connect to the server and check your current version against the latest release. .. seealso:: :doc:`/sysadmins/unix/server-installation` Instructions for installing OMERO.server on UNIX and UNIX-like platforms :doc:`/sysadmins/server-upgrade` Instructions for upgrading OMERO.server :doc:`/sysadmins/server-security` Description of OMERO security practices