Import under OMERO.fs

The OMERO 5 release introduces OMERO.fs, a new way of storing files in the
OMERO binary repository and thus a new method of importing images to the

In previous versions of OMERO the import process was very much
client-centered. When importing an image the client pushed pixel data,
metadata and, optionally, original image files to the OMERO server. With
the advent of OMERO 5, OMERO.fs allows the pixels to be accessed
directly from the original image files. This means that much of the
import process can now take place on the server once the original image
files have been uploaded.

This page looks at the implications for the developer writing import clients.
A broad description of the import workflow is followed by some of the model
changes needed to facilitate this workflow. The current API sequence is then
introduced before looking at server-side classes and sequence. Finally, the
configuration required for OMERO.fs is specified.

Import overview

.. figure:: /images/upload.png
   :align: center
   :alt: Upload sequence

The broad import workflow comprises selecting a file or set of files to be
imported client-side. Using Bio-Formats on the client this selection is
resolved into a number of import candidates. Here an import candidate is a
file or set of files that represents a single image, a multi-image set or a
plate. Each import candidate, which may be one file or several files, is then
treated as ``Fileset`` for import. The import of each ``Fileset`` is then
undertaken by the client in two stages: upload and server-side import.

A ``Fileset`` is uploaded to the server into a location determined by the
server, multiple ``Filesets`` may be uploaded in parallel by a client. A
checksum is calculated before upload by the client and after upload by the
server. If these checksums match then the client triggers a server-side
import. The client can then move on to doing other work and leave the import
to complete on the server.

Once the ``Fileset`` is on the server and an import has been initiated by the
client all processing then takes place on the server. The server then uses
Bio-Formats to extract and store the metadata, calculate the minimum and
maximum pixel values and do other import processing.

.. _filesets:


A ``fileset`` is a concept new to OMERO.fs which captures how
:bf_v_doc:`Bio-Formats <>` relates files to the images that they encode. If
importing a single file leads to a single corresponding image being viewable
then a one-to-one mapping exists from file to image. However, an image's
information may be split among multiple files, or a single file may encode
multiple images. In other cases, especially in high-content screening, many
images of wells may be encoded in a complex manner by many files. In all these
cases, a fileset is used to hold the set of files and the set of images to
which those files correspond.

.. figure:: /images/filesets.png
  :align: center
  :alt: Filesets can be many-to-one, one-to-one, one-to-many or

Filesets are essentially indivisible: the files or images that a fileset
represents are deleted, or moved between groups, only as one unit together,
and on the server each fileset has a directory in which only its files are
stored. Each fileset firmly binds sets of files and images because
the dependencies among them mean that **splitting components away leaves a
partial fileset making the remaining data unreadable**. Similarly,
**you should not rename any components of a fileset** as this will also break
the dependencies holding them together.

Model description

See :source:`acquisition.ome.xml

- ``ome.model.fs.Fileset``

  - Represents a group of files which are considered to belong together.
  - In the future the client may upload a single "import set" that is
    subsequently resolved by Bio-Formats into multiple filesets on the
  - Also links to multiple instances.
  - Links to the image objects that are created during import.

- ```` subclasses

  - Each one represents some action which takes place server-side on the
  - For the standard sequence described above, the first will always be an
    ``UploadJob`` which contains version info from the client. If the
    files were not uploaded however, this may not be the case. Then a
    ``MetadataImportJob`` follows, which is the basic import.
  - Other jobs may be necessary for regular usage (``PixelDataJob``,
    ``IndexingJob``, etc.). *Later jobs may also be added like a
    re-parse job, a re-check of the hashes to detect corruption, or an
    archive job*.
  - For job definitions, see :source:`jobs.ome.xml
  - Some subclasses have a ``versionInfo`` property for storing
    a snapshot of process information along with software
    versions. Most important for knowing how files were parsed, therefore
    when using ``importPaths``, a “synthetic” version info might be created
    to say that these were just uploaded blindly.

- ``ome.model.fs.FilesetEntry``

  - Link from a ``Fileset`` to exactly one ``ome.model.core.OriginalFile``
  - Critically, it also contains the original absolute client path of that

API sequence

- Choose which files to import by either:

  - ``ImportLibrary`` and friends (Java only)
  - listing all files (not directories) manually.

- Choose a ``ManagedRepositoryPrx`` from

- Call either:

  - ``ImportLibrary.importImage()`` which calls
    ``ManagedRepositoryPrx.importFilesets(Fileset, ImportSettings)``, or
  - directly use ``ManagedRepositoryPrx.importPaths(StringSet)``.

- Receive an ``ImportProcessPrx``.

- For each ``FileEntry`` in the ``FileSet`` or each path in the ``StringSet`` 
  (in order), call ``ImportProcessPrx.getUploader()`` and receive a 

- Upload the file via ``RawFileStorePrx.write()`` while reading the files 
  locally to write, be sure to calculate the checksum.

- Pass a list of checksums (in order) to 
  ``ImportProcessPrx.verifyUpload(StringSet)``. If the hashes match, receive a 
  ``HandlePrx``. Otherwise an exception is thrown.

At this point, the client should be able to disconnect and the rest of the 
import should happen independently.

- Create an ``CmdCallbackI`` that wraps the ``HandlePrx`` and wait for 
  successful completion.

At this point, the main metadata import is finished, but background processing 
may still be occurring. Handles for the background processing will 
also be returned.

Server-side classes/concepts

``AbstractRepositoryI`` and all of its subclasses are implementations of the 
InternalRepository API. These objects are for internal use only and should 
never be accessible by the clients. Each instance is initialized with a 
directory which the servant attempts to “acquire” (i.e. grab a lock file). 
Once it does so, it is the serving repository.

Each internal repository provides a public view which in turn provides the 
``Repository`` API. All method calls assume Unix-style strings, which are 
guaranteed by ``CheckedPath``, a loose wrapper around ````. 
CheckedPath objects along with the active ``Ice.Current`` instance are passed 
to the ``RepositoryDao`` interface, which provides database access for all 
repositories. Access to raw IO is provided by the ``RepoRawFileStoreI`` 
servant, which wraps a ``RawFileBean``. 

The ``ManagedRepository`` implementation is responsible for import and 
enforces further constraints (beyond those of CheckedPath) on where and what
files are created. Most importantly, the :property:`omero.fs.repo.path` template
value is expanded and pre-pended to all uploads. A further responsibility of
the ``ManagedRepository`` is to maintain a list of all currently running
``ManagedImportProcessI``, each of which is held in the ``ProcessContainer``. 
These ``ManagedImportProcessI`` instances further wrap ``RepoRawFileStoreI`` 
instances with a subclass, ``ManagedRawFileStoreI``. 

.. _fs_checksums:

For file import through `ManagedRepository.importFileset`, although `hasher` is
nullable ordinarily, it will be set through the mandatory
`ImportSettings.checksumAlgorithm` property.
`ManagedRepository.listChecksumAlgorithms` lists the hashers supported by the
server. `ManagedRepository.suggestChecksumAlgorithm` helps the client and
server to negotiate a mutually acceptable algorithm, as in
`ImportLibrary.createImport`; the result is affected by the server's
configuration setting for :property:`omero.checksum.supported`. ImportLibrary
calculates each file's hash using hashers obtained through
`ChecksumProviderFactory.getProvider`. In fetching `OriginalFile` objects by HQL
through the Query Service one needs `JOIN FETCH` on the hasher property to
read the hasher's name.

Server-side sequence

NB: Server-side ``ImportLibrary`` is no longer being used. That logic is
currently moved to ``ManagedImportRequestI``. This may not be the best
location. Further, several other layers might also be collapsible, like
``OMEROMetadataStore`` which is currently accessible as a “hidden”
service ``MetadataStorePrx``. Here, “hidden” means that it is not
directly retrievable from ``ServiceFactoryPrx``.

- ``ManagedRepositoryI.importPaths()``

  - reuses ``ImportContainer.fillData()`` to create an ``ImportSettings``
    and a ``Fileset`` and then calls ``importFileset(Fileset, ImportSettings)``

- ``ManagedRepositoryI.importFileset()``

  - determines an ``ImportLocation`` calling ``PublicRepositoryI.makeDir()``
    where necessary.
  - ``createImportProcess`` creates a ``ManagedImportProcessI``, registers it,
    and returns it.
  - After this, the repository is only responsible for periodically having the
    ping and eventually the shutdown method called, via ``ProcessContainer``.

- ``ManagedImportProcessI.getUploader()``

  - creates a new ``RepositoryRawFileStoreI`` for each file in the
  - Once ``close()`` is called on this instance, ``closeCalled(int i)`` will
    be called on the import process and the instance will be removed.
  - If ``getUploader()`` is called again, then a new file store will be

- ``ManagedImportProcessI.verifyUpload()``

  - If all hashes match, then a ``ManagedImportRequestI`` instance is created
    and submitted to ``omero.cmd.SessionI.submit_async()`` for background
    processing. The client can wait for the returned ``omero.cmd.HandlePrx``
    to finish by using a ``CmdCallbackI``.
  - At this point, the ``ImportProcessPrx`` can be closed as well as the
    entire client and the import would still continue. Only if
    ``HandlePrx.cancel()`` is called, will the import be aborted.
  - QUESTION: How to handle rollback at this point?

- ``ManagedImportRequestI.init`` (within transaction)

  - ``Registry.getInternalServiceFactory()`` grabs a ``ServiceFactoryPrx``
    without the need for an ``omero.client`` instance.
  - ``OMEROWrapper`` and a ``OMEROMetadataStoreClient`` are created with this
  - Some other basic configuration takes place.

- ``ManagedImportRequest.step()`` (N times, each within same transaction as

  - NB: it may later make more sense for this bit to happen in a separate
  - At the moment, 5 steps are hard-coded. Each performing roughly the same
    amount of work. Some of these may later be done in the background.

    - ``importMetadata()`` calls ``store.saveToDB()``, which calls
      ``MetadataStorePrx.saveToDb()``, a remote call. This could possibly be
    - ``generateThumbnails()`` calls
      ``store.resetDefaultsAndGenerateThumbnails()``, another remote call,
      which could also be inlined.
    - ``pixelData()`` calls ``store.setPixelsParams()``, ``updatePixels()``,
      and ``populateMinMax()``. Min/Max especially should be backgrounded.
    - Finally, ``store.launchProcessing()`` is called, which should remain,
      but could also be inlined. The returned script processes could be
      returned in the ``ImportResponse``.
    - Return appropriate values.

  - ``notifyObservers()`` currently does nothing, since this was client-side
    functionality in ``ImportLibrary``. This needs to be replaced!

- ``ManagedImportRequest.buildResponse()`` (N times, outside the transaction)

  - Only step 4 does anything, storing the pixels in a ``ImportResponse``

- ``ManagedImportRequest.getResponse()`` (1 time, regardless of exception or

  - Performs cleanup, then returns the ``ImportResponse`` assuming that no
    call to ``helper.cancel()`` has been made. At this point,
    ``ImportLibrary.importImage()`` returns successfully.

.. seealso:: 

