Embedding an OMERO.web viewport in a web page ============================================= .. note:: These example are intended to be used with images that have been added to the PUBLIC group with a Public member in OMERO, making them publicly available. To see how to configure public URL filters, see the :doc:`/sysadmins/public` section. OMERO.web viewer in iframe -------------------------- Insert the following: ::
.. _launching_web_viewer: Launching OMERO.web viewer -------------------------- Use the following code to reference the scripts. :: Then in ```` insert the following: :: Open viewer .. only:: html Example ^^^^^^^ .. raw:: html

Click on the thumbnail to view and manipulate the image in OMERO.

.. _embedding_web_viewport: Customizing the content of the embedded OMERO.web viewport ---------------------------------------------------------- This section demonstrates how to embed an OMERO.web image viewer in any HTML page, allowing use of resources directly from an OMERO server. :: $ bin/omero config set omero.web.public.url_filter '^/webgateway' Provided the image corresponding to ``IMAGE_ID`` is in the PUBLIC group, it can be accessed via the link: `\http://your_host/webgateway/img_detail/IMAGE_ID/`. Please remember that public images must be in a public group where a public user can access them. The :doc:`/sysadmins/public` documentation section can help you to set this up. Use the following code to load stylesheets and scripts. :: Then create the small JavaScript with associated stylesheet which allows you to view particular image defined by **IMAGE\_ID**. :: Then in ```` insert the following: ::
The viewport can be made more interactive by adding buttons or links to allow display of scalebars, ROIs, zooming and selection of channels. Full examples of how to embed microscopy or Whole Slide Image are available in the `OMERO.webtest GitHub repository `_.