
This documentation is for the new OMERO 5.4 version. See the latest OMERO 5.3.x version or the previous versions page to find documentation for the OMERO version you are using if you have not upgraded yet.

OMERO roles

There are two areas where roles are used. The first is in service-level security (deciding who can make what calls) and the second is in object-level security (who can read and edit individual objects). Both of these sets of roles are composed of “ExperimenterGroups”.

Setting roles

An Experimenter is given a role by being a member of an ExperimenterGroup (specifically, this means that there exists a GroupExperimenterMap where child == the experimenter id and parent == the experimenter group id). Creating a GroupExperimenterMap is generally done transparently by IAdmin service. Instead, administrators call:

  • IAdmin.createUser(user)
  • IAdmin.createGroup(group)
  • IAdmin.addGroups(user, group, group, …)
  • IAdmin.removeGroups(user, group, group, …)
  • IAdmin.createSystemUser(user)


The two main roles that are distinguished at the service-level are “system” and “user” groups. These groups are created during installation and must not be configured by administrators. All users added through IAdmin.createUser(user) are automatically added to the “user” group, and all users added through IAdmin.createSystemUser(user) are added to both “system” and “user” groups.

During login, a user is checked against all groups for membership in “user” or “system”, and no special action needs to be taken by the user or client developer.


Although currently all methods in the session beans are labelled as @RolesAllowed("user") or @RolesAllowed("system"), there is nothing stopping a developer from writing a service method which accepts another role, as long as that role has been created in the ExperimenterGroup table.


Object-level security is more complicated. When execution reaches the EventHandler, a second login takes place to authorize the user with the OMERO security system. This second authorization process takes into account the group that (can be) passed into the client ServiceFactory\ (Login) via Login(String,String,String,String). If a user has not set the group name or the default “user” group has been set, then the default group for that user will be used (a user is not allowed to use the “user” group for object updates). If the group is set to “system”, then the “system” group will be used, and a user is granted admin privileges for object updates. This means that a user could be authorized to call a method by being in the “system” group, but if the “system” group is not specified, SecurityViolations will most likely be thrown.

Special privileges for PIs

There is one other special, implicit role which is group leader. The user listed as “owner” for a group is considered the group leader, also known as the PI (principal investigator) of that group. For all objects that are assigned to that group, the PI has near-admin access. Objects which are set to unreadable (“-wu-wu-wu”) will still be visible to the PI. The same objects can also be updated regardless of the permissions set.

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