This documentation is for the new OMERO 5.4 version. See the latest OMERO 5.3.x version or the previous versions page to find documentation for the OMERO version you are using if you have not upgraded yet.
Class to be used by Working with OMERO and server components to allow a uniform creation of temporary files and folders with a best-effort guarantee of deleting the resources on exit. The manager searches three locations in order, taking the first which allows lockable write-access (See #1653):
For the user “ralph”,
from omero.util.temp_files import create_path
path = create_path("omero",".tmp")
import omero.util.TempFileManager
File file = TempFileManager.create_path("omero",".tmp")
both produce a file under the directory:
where $PID is the current process id and $RANDOM is some random sequence of alphanumeric characters.
If remove_path is called on the return value of create_path, then the temporary resources will be cleaned up immediately. Otherwise, when the Java or Python process exits, they will be deleted. This is achieved in Java through Runtime#addShutdownHook(Thread) and in Python via atexit.register().
If an entire directory with a unique directory is needed, pass “true” as the “folder” argument of the create_path method:
create_path("omero", ".tmp", folder = True)
TempFileManager.create_path("omero", ".tmp", true);
All contents of the generated directory will be deleted.
See also