This documentation is for the new OMERO 5.4 version. See the latest OMERO 5.3.x version or the previous versions page to find documentation for the OMERO version you are using if you have not upgraded yet.
If you want users to be able to access your app or other resources from the webclient there are a number of ways you can add links to the webclient UI.
You can configure omero.web.ui.top_links to add links to the list of links at the top of the webclient main pages.
Name your URL in (optional). Preferably we use URL names to refer to URLs. For example, the homepage of your app might be named like this in organization-appname/
url(r'^$', views.index, name='figure_index'),
You can then refer to the link defined above using this name, or you can simply use a full URL for external links.
Update configuration Use the OMERO command line interface to append the link to the top_links list.
Links use the format ["Label", "URL_name"] or you can follow this example:
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.ui.top_links '["Figure", "figure_index"]'
From OMERO 5.1, you can add additional attributes to links using the format ['Link Text', 'link', attrs]. This can be used to add tool-tips and to open the link in a new “target” tab. For example:
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.ui.top_links '["Homepage", "", {"title": "Homepage", "target": "_blank"}]'
If you have created your own image viewer and would like to have it replace the existing image viewer in the webclient, this can be configured using omero.web.viewer.view.
You will need your method to take an Image ID with a parameter named iid. For example, see channel_overlay_viewer from omero-webtest app:
def channel_overlay_viewer(request, iid, conn=None, **kwargs):
You can then configure the webclient to use this viewer by providing the full path name to this view method. For example, if you have webtest installed you can use the channel_overlay_viewer:
$ bin/omero config set omero.web.viewer.view webtest.views.channel_overlay_viewer
This will now direct the image viewer url at webclient/img_detail/<iid>/ to this viewer. However, the existing viewer will still be available under webgateway at webgateway/img_detail/<iid>/.
If you want to use a different viewer for different images, you can conditionally redirect to the webgateway viewer or elsewhere. For example:
if image.getSizeC() == 1:
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("webgateway.views.full_viewer", args=(iid,)))
The ‘Open with’ configuration allows users to ‘open’ data from OMERO in another web page using omero.web.open_with.
For example:
Currently, ‘Open With’ options are shown in the context menu of the left-panel tree and are therefore only available for objects shown in the tree.
In the simplest case the minimum needed to add an Open with option is a unique identifier for your extension, a url name, and a list of the types of objects that are supported by your app. For example:
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.open_with '["xyz_viewer", "url_name", {"supported_objects": ["image"]}]'
This will create a menu option named xyz_viewer that is only enabled when a single “image” is selected.
The unique ID string,``xyz_viewer`` can be used to identify your plugin if you add extra scripts, as shown below. If you want your Open with option to appear under a different menu label, see “UI Label” section below.
We use reverse(url_name) to resolve a url from the url_name. If the url_name is not recognised (for external urls) the url_name will be used directly.
When the xyz_viewer option is clicked, a new window will be opened with the selected object(s) added to the url as a query string
Supported objects can be configured to support multiple images or other data types. Data types are project, dataset, image, screen, plate, acquisition or use plurals to indicate that multiple objects are supported. For example, `images` will enable the ‘Open with’ option when 1 or more images are selected. In the following example, we support a single dataset or multiple images.
"supported_objects": ["dataset", "images"]
Further parameters can be specified in the options object, as described below.
If you wish to open in a new browser tab instead of a popup window, you can add a target attribute to the options:
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.open_with '["xyz_viewer", "url_name", {"supported_objects": ["image"], "target": "_blank"}]'
If a “label” is specified in the options object, this will be used as the display label in the webclient context menu instead of using the ID.
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.open_with '["xyz_viewer", "url_name"], {"supported_objects": ["image"], "label": "X-Y-Z viewer"}]'
For more control over the enabled status of your plugin or to configure how urls are created from selected objects, you can write JavaScript functions that handle these steps. These functions use the label specified above as an ID for your Open with option. In this example it is xyz_viewer. Add one or both of these function calls to a script, for example openwith.js
// Here we set an 'enabled' handler that is passed a list of selected
// objects and should return ``true`` if the 'Open with' option should
// be enabled.
// The ``supported_objects`` parameter will not be needed.
// First argument is the label that we used above to identify the option
OME.setOpenWithEnabledHandler("xyz_viewer", function(selected){
// selected is a list of objects containing id, name, type
// Only support single objects
if (selected.length !== 1) return false;
// Only support image with name ending in .svs
var obj = selected[0];
return (obj.type === 'image' &&'.svs'))
// Here we configure a url provider. This function will be passed the selected
// objects and the base url that was specified in the 'Open with' configuration above.
OME.setOpenWithUrlProvider("xyz_viewer", function(selected, url) {
// Build a url using id from selected objects
url += selected[0].id + "/";
return url;
Save the script to a static location, either within an OMERO.web app’s static directory or make it available at another url. Then specify this location using the script_url option.
Once you have added a script and updated the config, you will need to restart OMERO.web as normal. This will syncmedia to copy the script to the static files location.
# Script is saved at myviewer/static/myviewer/openwith.js
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.open_with '["xyz_viewer", "url_name"], {"script_url": "myviewer/openwith.js"}]'
# 'Open with' option loads a script from the specified url.
# The script will open any object with url
# and is enabled when the :name of the object is a number (all digits)
$ bin/omero config append omero.web.open_with '["GenBank Protein", "", {"script_url": ""}]'
If you want to display content from your app within the webclient UI, please see Webclient Plugins.