OMERO.web walkthrough installation Mac OS X and IcePy 3.6 ============================================================= For convenience in this walkthrough the main OMERO.web configuration options have been defined as environment variables. When following this walkthrough you can either use your own values, or alternatively source the following file:: OMERO_USER= WEBPORT=80 WEBSERVER_NAME=localhost Install Homebrew in /usr/local:: xcode-select --install ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" brew update brew doctor Install other dependencies:: brew install python pip install --upgrade virtualenv Install VirtualEnv - optional (run as root):: virtualenv ~/omerowebvenv Install OMERO.web (run as ):: curl -o zip=$(ls*.zip) zipname=${} rm -f $zip mv $(find . -name '*' -type d) ~/ Install VirtualEnv (run as root):: ~/omerowebvenv/bin/pip install --upgrade -r ~/ Configure OMERO.web and generate nginx template (run as ):: source ~/omerowebvenv/bin/activate if [[ $WEBPREFIX = *[!\ ]* ]]; then ~/ config set omero.web.prefix "${WEBPREFIX}" ~/ config set omero.web.static_url "${WEBPREFIX}/static/" fi ~/ config set omero.web.application_server wsgi-tcp ~/ web config nginx --http "${WEBPORT}" --servername "${WEBSERVER_NAME}" > ~/nginx.conf.tmp cat ~/nginx.conf.tmp Install NGINX:: brew install nginx cp ~/nginx.conf.tmp /usr/local/etc/nginx/servers/omeroweb-nginx.conf # Restart webserver brew services restart nginx