This documentation is for the new OMERO 5.2 version. See the latest OMERO 5.1.x version or the previous versions page to find documentation for the OMERO version you are using if you have not upgraded yet.
A bug-fix release focusing on improving installation documentation and workflows. Other improvements include:
System administrator updates include:
Developer updates include:
This release also upgrades the version of Bio-Formats which OMERO uses to 5.1.7.
A full, production-ready release of OMERO 5.2.0; dropping support for Java 1.6; featuring major upgrading of OMERO.web; re-working of the Java Gateway; and introducing new user features and many fixes and performance improvements:
Developer and system administrator updates include:
A bug-fix release covering all components. Improvements include:
Developer updates include:
Support for deployment of OMERO.web using FastCGI has also been deprecated in this release and is scheduled to be removed in 5.2.0. Sysadmins should move to using WSGI instead. We are also intending to stop distributing Java Webstart for launching OMERO.insight from your browser, as security concerns mean browsers are increasingly moving away from supporting this type of application. You can read further information regarding this decision on our Web Start blog post.
A bug-fix release which also introduces some new functionality. Improvements include:
Developer updates include:
This release also includes the fix for the Java security issue, as discussed in the recent blog post. Testing suggests this fix should not have any performance implications. You should upgrade your Java version to take advantage of the security fix.
A bug-fix release which also introduces some new functionality. Improvements include:
Critical bugs which were fixed include:
A bug-fix release focusing on user-facing issues and cleaning resources for developers. Improvements include:
For OMERO.web:
For OMERO.insight:
Other updates include:
A full, production-ready release of OMERO 5.1.0; updating the Data Model to the January 2015 schema, including support for units and new more flexible user-added metadata; and introducing new user features, new supported formats and many fixes and performance improvements:
Developer preview release - only intended as a developer preview for updating code before the full public release of 5.1.0. Use at your own risk.
Changes include:
Developer preview release - only intended as a developer preview for updating code before the full public release of 5.1.0. Use at your own risk.
Changes include:
With thanks to Paul Van Schayck and Luca Lianas for their contributions.
This is a bug-fix release for one specific issue causing OMERO.insight to crash when trying to open the Projection tab for an image with multiple z-stacks.
This is a bug-fix release covering a number of issues:
Developer preview release - 3 of 4 development milestones being released in the lead up to 5.1.0. Only intended as a developer preview for updating code before the full public release of 5.1.0. Use at your own risk.
Changes affecting developers include:
Developer preview release - 2 of 3 development milestones being released in the lead up to 5.1.0. Only intended as a developer preview for updating code before the full public release of 5.1.0. Use at your own risk.
Model changes include:
The units changes mean that the following fields have changed:
Other changes that may affect developers include:
This is a critical security fix for two vulnerabilities:
It is strongly suggested that you upgrade your server and follow the steps outlined on the security vulnerability pages.
Additionally, a couple of bug fixes for system administrators are included in this release.
Developer preview release - 1 of 3 development milestones being released in the lead up to 5.1.0. Only intended as a developer preview for updating code before the full public release of 5.1.0. Use at your own risk.
Model changes include:
Other changes that may affect developers include:
This is a critical security fix for two vulnerabilities:
It is highly suggested that you upgrade your server and follow the steps outlined on the security vulnerability pages.
This is a bug-fix release for the Java 8 issues. It also features a fix for uploading masks in OMERO.matlab.
You need to upgrade your OMERO server if you want to take advantage of further improvements in Bio-Formats support for ND2 files.
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues including:
To take advantage of improvements in Bio-Formats support for ND2 files, you need to upgrade your OMERO.server as well as your clients.
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components, including:
To take advantage of improvements in Bio-Formats support for .czi files, you need to upgrade your OMERO.server as well as your clients.
This is a bug-fix release for the Java Web Start issue. You only need to upgrade if this is a blocker for you and you cannot upgrade to 5.0.x as yet. Also note that the OMERO.insight-ij plugin version 4.4.x no longer works for Fiji, we are working on a fix for this. Plugin version 5.0.x is unaffected.
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components, including:
This represents a major change in how the OMERO server handles files at import compared with all previous versions of OMERO. Referred to as ‘OMERO.fs’, this change means that OMERO uses Bio-Formats to read your files directly from the filesystem in their original format, rather than converting them and duplicating the pixel data for storage. In addition, it continues our effort to support new multidimensional images. The changes are especially important for sites working with large multi-GB datasets, e.g. long time lapse, HCS and digital pathology data.
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components, including:
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components, also including:
The minimum system requirement is Java 1.6 (Java 1.5 is no longer supported).
A security vulnerability was identified and resolved, meaning that we strongly recommend all users upgrade their OMERO clients and servers.
This is a patch release addressing a network connection problem in the clients introduced by a new version of Java.
This is bug-fix release addressing two specific issues: a problem with the OMERO.insight client for Linux, and image thumbnails not loading for Screens/Plates in Private/Read-Only groups in OMERO.web. You only need to upgrade if you are an OMERO.insight user on Linux or you are using OMERO.web to view HCS data in Private or Read-Only groups.
This is a point release including several new features and fixes across all components. This includes improvements in viewing of ‘Big’ tiled images, new permission features, new OMERO.web features, and several utility functions in OMERO.matlab.
This is bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components. This includes a major fix to repair the C++ binding support for Ice 3.4. There has also been a potentially breaking update to the CLI.
This is bug-fix release focusing on improvements to the OMERO clients. OMERO.web now supports “batch de-annotation”, filtering of images by name and improved export to OME-TIFF and JPEG. OMERO.insight has fixes to thumbnail selection and image importing and exporting.
This is a bug-fix release addressing a number of issues across all components.
This is a critical security fix for:
Anyone using OMERO 4.4.2 or earlier with LDAP authentication should immediately upgrade to 4.4.3.
This release is a major bug fix for archiving files larger than 2 GB. If you do not archive files larger than 2 GB, you do not need to upgrade your clients or your server. There is also a minor fix for an OMERO.imagej plugin security issue, but it is only necessary to update the version of Bio-Formats that is installed in ImageJ.
This is a minor release which fixes two import issues. See #9372 and #9377. If you are not using BigTIFF or PerkinElmer .flex files, then you do not need to upgrade.
This is a major release, which focuses on providing new functionality for controlling access to data, as well as significant improvements in our client applications.
The major theme of 4.4.0 is what we refer to as “Permissions”, the system by which users control access to their data. It is now possible to move data between groups, and much, much more.
We also added a few more things for users in 4.4.0, like:
For developers and sysadmins, there are a few things as well:
This is a point release is a security update to address an LDAP vulnerability.
This point release is a short follow on to 4.3.2 to handle various issues found by users.
This is a point release, focusing on fixes for OMERO.web, export, and documentation. A couple of LDAP fixes were also added, following requests from the community. We also included something many of you have asked for some time, OMERO on virtual machines.
This point release focuses on fixes for Big Images, OMERO.web and others.
This is a major release, focusing on new functionality for large, tiled images, and significant improvements in our client applications.
The major theme of 4.3.0 is what we refer to as “Big Images”, namely images with X,Y images larger that 4k x 4k. With this release, OMERO’s server and Java and web clients support tiling and image pyramids. This means we have the functionality you have probably seen in online map tools, ready for use in any image file format supported by OMERO (and obviously Bio-Formats). This is especially important for digital pathology, and other uses of stitched imaging.
While the major focus of 4.3.0 was Big Images, there are a number of other new updates. For users, we have worked hard to synchronise functionality and appearance across the OMERO clients. This includes viewing of ROIs in OMERO.web. We are not done, but we have made a lot of progress. Moreover, data import is now MUCH faster and available from within OMERO.insight.
Fixes blocker reported using 4.2.1. Starting with this milestone, all tickets for the insight client are managed on Trac.
This is a point release, focusing on fixes for delete functionality, and significant improvements in the way OMERO.web production server is deployed.
This release is a major step for OMERO, enabling a number of critical features for a fully functional data management system:
This release fixes a series of small bugs in our previous Beta 4.1 release.
Improved support for metadata, especially for confocal microscopy; OMERO supports all of the file formats enabled by Bio-Formats. Export to OME-TIFF and QuickTime/AVI/MPEG from OMERO. Various improvements to OMERO clients to improve workflow and use.
This release introduces - a feedback mechanism, to allow us to communicate more effectively with our community. supports uploading of problematic files, and tracking of responses to any user queries. Moreover, includes a demo feature: in collaboration with Urban Liebel at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, we are providing demo accounts for OMERO. Use the Demo link at qa to contact us if you are interested in this.
For users who have had problems with memory-based crashes in OMERO.insight, the new OpenGL-based ImageViewer may be of interest. Also, we are now taking advantage of our modeling of HCS data, and releasing our first clients that support Flex, MIAS, and InCell 1000 file formats. OMERO.dropbox has been substantially extended, and now supports all the file formats supported by OMERO.
A quick patch release that fixes some bugs and adds some new functionality:
This release consists of a major change in the remoting infrastructure, complete migration of existing OMERO clients to the ICE framework, two new OMERO clients, and integration of OMERO.editor into OMERO.insight.
OMERO.server updates:
OMERO.importer updates:
OMERO.insight updates:
OMERO.web: all new browser-based client for OMERO. Enables sharing of images with colleagues with an account on server.
OMERO.editor: a management tool for experimental protocols, now fully integrated with OMERO.insight, so that protocols and experimental descriptions can be saved along with images and datasets. Includes a new parameters function, so that protocols in traditional documents can be easily imported into OMERO. Supports, tables and .xls files. Also runs as a standalone application.
OMERO.fs: a new OMERO client, that monitors a specific directory and enables automatic imports. In its first incarnation, has quite limited functionality, supporting automatic import of LSM510 files only.
The final update in the Beta3.x series. A number of fixes:
This release of OMERO is a major update of functionality. In OMERO.server, we have added support for StructuredAnnotations a flexible data management facility that allows essentially any kind of accessory data to be linked to images and experiments stored in OMERO. Alongside this, we provide an indexing engine, that provides a flexible searching facility for essentially any text stored in an installation of OMERO.server. Finally, we are releasing our first examples of clients that use the OMERO.blitz server, a flexible, distributed interface that supports a range of client environments. One very exciting addition is OMERO matlab, a gateway that can be used to access OMERO from Matlab®.
OMERO Beta3.0 includes a substantial reworking of our clients as well. OMERO.insight has been substantially updated, with an updated interface to provide a more natural workflow and support for many different types of annotations, through the StructuredAnnotations facility. The new search facilities are supported with smart user interfaces, with auto-complete, etc. New file formats have been added to OMERO.importer, including support for OME-XML, and an improved import history facility is now available. Finally, Beta3.0 includes the first release of our experimental electronic notebook tool, OMERO.editor. This represents our recent efforts to capture as much metadata around an experiment as possible.
A new Beta 2.3.3 OMERO.insight has been released, this adds rotation to ellipse figure, and new format for saving intensity values.
Note: this version saves the ROIs in a format which is incompatible with previous saved ROIs.
A new Beta 2.3.1 OMERO.importer has been released which includes a number of new formats: Zeiss AxioVision ZVI (Zeiss Vision Image), Nikon NIS-Elements .ND2 , Olympus FluoView FV1000, ICS (Image Cytometry Standard), PerkinElmer UltraView, and Jpeg2000.
The OMERO downloads for Beta 2.3 include a number of new options: a new import history feature, a Windows server installation, and a new tagging feature for OMERO.insight.
Note: milestone:3.0-Beta2.3 and prior Mac OS X installers for OMERO.server do not work on Mac OS X Leopard (10.5). Please follow the UNIX-based platform manual install instructions. Mac OS X installers for OMERO.insight and OMERO.importer work just fine under Leopard and can be used.
This is a patch release for OMERO.server to fix a memory problem. In OMERO.insight, updating of the tagging facility, viewing of others’ rendering settings and support for server-side compression of images before transport to client.
In this release we have updated OMERO.server to run a newer version of JBOSS and provided support for copying display settings across a range of images. More new file formats. OMERO.insight has been updated to support copying display settings across many images. Image Viewer has been substantially updated.
This is a client-only release. OMERO.insight now supports basic ROI measurements and a series of new file formats have been added. The OMERO downloads for Beta 2.0 have been simplified. OMERO.insight and OMERO.importer have been combined into a single download file called ‘OMERO.clients’ and the user documentation is now included inside of the server and client downloads.
Note: this version will still work with the Beta 1 server release.
This major update provided our first support for multiple platforms via OMERO.Blitz. OMERO.insight now supports viewing work of multiple users. Beta 2 is our first release of the Web2.0-like ‘tag’ system developed in collaboration with Usable Image. This version addresses issues with using our tools under Java 1.6
Patch release to fix time-out issues.
The first public OMERO release, providing simple data management. Limited file format support (DV, STK, TIFF). Simple data visualization and management.
Rendering and compression API and client-side import. Access control and permissions system. Importer based on Bio-Formats.
The stateful rendering service is functional and all rendering code moved from Shoola Java client to the server. Also, the stateless services (IQuery,IUpdate,IPojos) are frozen and testing and documentation is checked and solidified.
Contains minimal functionality needed to run Shoola Java client without Perl server to demonstrate acceleration of metadata access. Application deployed on JBoss ( No ACLs or permissions.