OMERO Java language bindings ============================ Using the :zerocdoc:`Ice Java language mapping ` from ZeroC_, OMERO provides access to your data within an :doc:`/developers/server-blitz` server from Java code. Writing client apps ------------------- To make use of the OMERO Java API and interact with :doc:`/developers/server-blitz` from your code, a client application needs the Java bindings available on the classpath. The required :file:`.jar` files can be obtained in a number of ways: * manually from the `OME artifactory`_. All available artifacts and their POM files can be browsed using the `Maven repository `_. * using the :file:`` ZIP file downloaded from the :downloads:`Java <#java>` section of the OMERO download page. The :file:`libs` directory can then be used on the Java classpath (or attached to a project in Eclipse). * following the example in `minimal-omero-client `_. Please make sure you are using the proper branch of the repository, as that influences the versions of dependencies defined in the Maven POM file. Extended classpath ------------------ To access all the functionality available in omero\_client.jar or to use the importer, you will need more jar files. To see all the current requirements, take a look at the builds on :jenkins:`jenkins <>`, or alternatively examine the dependencies in the ivy.xml files (e.g. :source:`components/insight/ivy.xml`) Connect to OMERO ---------------- - **Connect to the server**. Remember to close the session. :: LoginCredentials cred = new LoginCredentials(); cred.getServer().setHostname(hostName); cred.getServer().setPort(port); cred.getUser().setUsername(userName); cred.getUser().setPassword(password); //Create a simple Logger object which just writes //to System.out or System.err Logger simpleLogger = new SimpleLogger(); Gateway gateway = new Gateway(simpleLogger); ExperimenterData user = gateway.connect(cred); //for every subsequent call to the server you'll need the //SecurityContext for a certain group; in this case create //a SecurityContext for the user's default group. SecurityContext ctx = new SecurityContext(user.getGroupId()); - **Close connection**. **IMPORTANT** :: gateway.disconnect(); Read data --------- The BrowseFacility offers methods for browsing within the data hierarchy. A list of examples follows, indicating how to load Project, Dataset, Screen, etc. - **Retrieve the projects** owned by the user currently logged in. If a Project contains Datasets, the Datasets will automatically be loaded. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); Collection projects = browse.getProjects(ctx); Iterator i = projects.iterator(); ProjectData project; Set datasets; Iterator j; DatasetData dataset; while (i.hasNext()) { project =; String name = projet.getName(); long id = project.getId(); datasets = project.getDatasets(); j = datasets.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { dataset =; // Do something here // If images loaded. // dataset.getImages(); } } - **Retrieve the Datasets** owned by the user currently logged in. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); Collection datasets = browse.getDatasets(ctx); Iterator i = datasets.iterator(); DatasetData dataset; Set images; Iterator j; ImageData image; while (i.hasNext()) { dataset =; images = dataset.getImages(); j = images.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { image =; //Do something } } - **Retrieve the Images** contained in a Dataset. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); Collection images = browse.getImagesForDatasets(ctx, Arrays.asList(datasetId)); Iterator j = images.iterator(); ImageData image; while (j.hasNext()) { image =; // Do something } - **Retrieve an Image** if the identifier is known. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); ImageData image = browse.getImage(ctx, imageId); - **Access information about the image** for example to draw it. The model is as follows: Image-Pixels i.e. to access valuable data about the image you need to use the pixels object. We now only support one set of pixels per image (it used to be more!). :: PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); int sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ(); // The number of z-sections. int sizeT = pixels.getSizeT(); // The number of timepoints. int sizeC = pixels.getSizeC(); // The number of channels. int sizeX = pixels.getSizeX(); // The number of pixels along the X-axis. int sizeY = pixels.getSizeY(); // The number of pixels along the Y-axis. - **Retrieve Screening data** owned by the user currently logged in\ **.** Note that the wells are not loaded. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); Collection screens = browse.getScreens(ctx); Iterator i = screens.iterator(); ScreenData screen; Set plates; Iterator j; PlateData plate; while (i.hasNext()) { screen =; plates = screen.getPlates(); j = plates.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { plate =; } } - **Retrieve Wells within a Plate.** Given a plate ID, load the wells. :: BrowseFacility browse = gateway.getFacility(BrowseFacility.class); Collection wells = browse.getWells(ctx, plateId); Iterator i = wells.iterator(); WellData well; while (i.hasNext()) { well =; //Do something } Raw data access --------------- - **Retrieve a given plane.** This is useful when you need for example the pixels intensity. :: RawDataFacility rdf = gateway.getFacility(RawDataFacility.class); PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); int sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ(); int sizeT = pixels.getSizeT(); int sizeC = pixels.getSizeC(); Plane2D p; for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++) for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { p = rdf.getPlane(ctx, pixels, z, t, c); } - **Retrieve a given tile.** :: RawDataFacility rdf = gateway.getFacility(RawDataFacility.class); PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); int sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ(); int sizeT = pixels.getSizeT(); int sizeC = pixels.getSizeC(); int x = 0; int y = 0; int width = pixels.getSizeX()/2; int height = pixels.getSizeY()/2; Plane2D p; for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++) { for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) { for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { p = rdf.getTile(ctx, pixels, z, t, c, x, y, width, height); } } } - **Retrieve a given stack.** This is useful when you need the pixels intensity. :: PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); int sizeT = pixels.getSizeT(); int sizeC = pixels.getSizeC(); long pixelsId = pixels.getId(); RawPixelsStorePrx store = gateway.getPixelsStore(ctx); store.setPixelsId(pixelsId, false); for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) { for (int c = 0; c < sizeC; c++) { byte[] plane = store.getStack(c, t); //Do something } } store.close(); - **Retrieve a given hypercube.** This is useful when you need the pixels intensity. :: PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); long pixelsId = pixels.getId(); //offset values in each dimension XYZCT List offset = new ArrayList(); int n = 5; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { offset.add(i, 0); } List size = new ArrayList(); size.add(pixels.getSizeX()); size.add(pixels.getSizeY()); size.add(pixels.getSizeZ()); size.add(pixels.getSizeC()); size.add(pixels.getSizeT()); //indicate the step in each direction, step = 1, //will return values at index 0, 1, 2. //step = 2, values at index 0, 2, 4 etc. List step = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { step.add(i, 1); } RawPixelsStorePrx store = gateway.getPixelsStore(ctx); store.setPixelsId(pixelsId, false); byte[] values = store.getHypercube(offset, size, step); //Do something store.close(); Write data ---------- - **Create a dataset and link it to an existing project.** :: DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); //Using IObject directly Dataset dataset = new DatasetI(); dataset.setName(omero.rtypes.rstring("new Name 1")); dataset.setDescription(omero.rtypes.rstring("new description 1")); //Using the model object (recommended) DatasetData datasetData = new DatasetData(); datasetData.setName("new Name 2"); datasetData.setDescription("new description 2"); ProjectDatasetLink link = new ProjectDatasetLinkI(); link.setChild(dataset); link.setParent(new ProjectI(info.getProjectId(), false)); IObject r = dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, link); //With model object link = new ProjectDatasetLinkI(); link.setChild(datasetData.asDataset()); link.setParent(new ProjectI(info.getProjectId(), false)); r = dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, link); - **Create a tag (tag annotation) and link it to an existing project.** :: DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); TagAnnotation tag = new TagAnnotationI(); tag.setTextValue(omero.rtypes.rstring("new tag 1")); tag.setDescription(omero.rtypes.rstring("new tag 1")); //Using the model object (recommended) TagAnnotationData tagData = new TagAnnotationData("new tag 2"); tagData.setTagDescription("new tag 2"); ProjectAnnotationLink link = new ProjectAnnotationLinkI(); link.setChild(tag); link.setParent(new ProjectI(info.getProjectId(), false)); IObject r = dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, link); //With model object link = new ProjectAnnotationLinkI(); link.setChild(tagData.asAnnotation()); link.setParent(new ProjectI(info.getProjectId(), false)); r = dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, link); - **Create a file annotation and link to an image.** To attach a file to an object e.g. an image, few objects need to be created: #. an ``OriginalFile`` #. a ``FileAnnotation`` #. a link between the ``Image`` and the ``FileAnnotation``. :: int INC = 262144; DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); //To retrieve the image see above. File file = File.createTempFile("temp-file-name_", ".tmp"); String name = file.getName(); String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath(); String path = absolutePath.substring(0, absolutePath.length()-name.length()); //create the original file object. OriginalFile originalFile = new OriginalFileI(); originalFile.setName(omero.rtypes.rstring(name)); originalFile.setPath(omero.rtypes.rstring(path)); originalFile.setSize(omero.rtypes.rlong(file.length())); final ChecksumAlgorithm checksumAlgorithm = new ChecksumAlgorithmI(); checksumAlgorithm.setValue(omero.rtypes.rstring(ChecksumAlgorithmSHA1160.value)); originalFile.setHasher(checksumAlgorithm); originalFile.setMimetype(omero.rtypes.rstring(fileMimeType)); // or "application/octet-stream" //Now we save the originalFile object originalFile = (OriginalFile) dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, originalFile); //Initialize the service to load the raw data RawFileStorePrx rawFileStore = gateway.getRawFileService(ctx); rawFileStore.setFileId(originalFile.getId().getValue()); //Open file and read stream. FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(file); long pos = 0; int rlen; byte[] buf = new byte[INC]; ByteBuffer bbuf; while ((rlen = > 0) { rawFileStore.write(buf, pos, rlen); pos += rlen; bbuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); bbuf.limit(rlen); } stream.close(); originalFile =; rawFileStore.close(); //now we have an original File in DB and raw data uploaded. //We now need to link the Original file to the image using //the File annotation object. That's the way to do it. FileAnnotation fa = new FileAnnotationI(); fa.setFile(originalFile); fa.setDescription(omero.rtypes.rstring(description)); // The description set above e.g. PointsModel fa.setNs(omero.rtypes.rstring(NAME_SPACE_TO_SET)); // The name space you have set to identify the file annotation. //save the file annotation. fa = (FileAnnotation) dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, fa); //now link the image and the annotation ImageAnnotationLink link = new ImageAnnotationLinkI(); link.setChild(fa); link.setParent(image.asImage()); //save the link back to the server. link = (ImageAnnotationLink) dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, link); // o attach to a Dataset use DatasetAnnotationLink; - **Load all the file annotations with a given namespace.** :: long userId = gateway.getLoggedInUser().getId(); List nsToInclude = new ArrayList(); nsToInclude.add(NAME_SPACE_TO_SET); List nsToExclude = new ArrayList(); ParametersI param = new ParametersI(); param.exp(omero.rtypes.rlong(userId)); //load the annotation for a given user. IMetadataPrx proxy = gateway.getMetadataService(ctx); List annotations = proxy.loadSpecifiedAnnotations( FileAnnotation.class.getName(), nsToInclude, nsToExclude, param); //Do something with annotations. - **Read the attachment.** First load the annotations, cf. above. :: Iterator j = annotations.iterator(); Annotation annotation; FileAnnotationData fa; RawFileStorePrx store = null; File file = File.createTempFile("temp-file-name_", ".tmp"); store = gateway.getRawFileService(ctx); int index = 0; FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(file); OriginalFile of; while (j.hasNext()) { annotation =; if (annotation instanceof FileAnnotation && index == 0) { fa = new FileAnnotationData((FileAnnotation) annotation); //The id of the original file of = getOriginalFile(fa.getFileID()); store.setFileId(fa.getFileID()); int offset = 0; long size = of.getSize().getValue(); //name of the file String fileName = of.getName().getValue(); try { for (offset = 0; (offset+INC) < size;) { stream.write(, INC)); offset += INC; } } finally { stream.write(, (int) (size-offset))); stream.close(); } index++; } } store.close(); .. _java_omero_tables_code_samples: How to use OMERO tables ----------------------- - **Create a table.** In the following example, we create a table with 2 columns. :: /** * Creates a number of empty rows. * * @param rows The number of rows. * @return See above. */ private Column[] createColumns(int rows) { Column[] newColumns = new Column[2]; newColumns[0] = new LongColumn("Uid", "", new long[rows]); newColumns[1] = new LongColumn("MyLongColumn", "", new long[rows]); return newColumns; } int rows = 1; String name = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); Column[] columns = createColumns(rows); //create a new table. SharedResourcesPrx store = gateway.getSharedResources(ctx); TablePrx table = store.newTable(1, name); //initialize the table table.initialize(columns); //add data to the table. rows = 2; Column[] newRow = createColumns(rows); LongColumn uids = (LongColumn) newRow[0]; LongColumn myLongs = (LongColumn) newRow[1]; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { uids.values[i] = i; myLongs.values[i] = i; } table.addData(newRow); OriginalFile file = table.getOriginalFile(); //if you need to interact with the table - **Read the contents of the table.** :: file = new OriginalFileI(file.getId(), false); table = store.openTable(file); //read headers Column[] cols = table.getHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { String colName = cols[i].name; } //Depending on size of table, you may only want to read some blocks. long[] columnsToRead = new long[cols.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { columnsToRead[i] = i; } //The number of columns we wish to read. long[] rowSubset = new long[(int) (table.getNumberOfRows()-1)]; for (int j = 0; j < rowSubset.length; j++) { rowSubset[j] = j; } Data data = table.slice(columnsToRead, rowSubset); // read the data. cols = data.columns; for (int j = 0; j < cols.length; j++) { Column c = cols[j]; } table.close(); ROIs ---- To learn about the model see the :model_doc:`ROI Model documentation `. Note that annotations can be linked to ROI or shape. - **Create ROI.** In this example, we create an ROI with a rectangular shape and attach it to an image. :: DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); ROIFacility roifac = gateway.getFacility(ROIFacility.class); //To retrieve the image see above. ROIData data = new ROIData(); data.setImage(image); //Create a rectangle. RectangleData rectangle = new RectangleData(10, 10, 10, 10); rectangle.setZ(0); rectangle.setT(0); data.addShapeData(rectangle); //Create an ellipse. EllipseData ellipse = new Ellipse(10, 10, 10, 10); ellipse.setZ(0); ellipse.setT(0); ellipse.setText("ellipse text"); data.addShapeData(ellipse); // Save ROI and shape ROIData roiData = roifac.saveROIs(ctx, image.getId(), Arrays.asList(data)).iterator().next(); //now check that the shape has been added. //Retrieve the shape on plane (z, t) = (0, 0) List shapes = roiData.getShapes(0, 0); Iterator i = shapes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ShapeData shape =; // plane info int z = shape.getZ(); int t = shape.getT(); long id = shape.getId(); if (shape instanceof RectangleData) { RectangleData rectData = (RectangleData) shape; // Handle rectangle } else if (shape instanceof EllipseData) { EllipseData ellipseData = (EllipseData) shape; // Handle ellipse } else if (shape instanceof LineData) { LineData lineData = (LineData) shape; // Handle line } else if (shape instanceof PointData) { PointData pointData = (PointData) shape; // Handle point } } - **Retrieve ROIs linked to an Image.** :: ROIFacility roifac = gateway.getFacility(ROIFacility.class); //Retrieve the roi linked to an image List roiresults = roifac.loadROIs(ctx, image.getId()); ROIResult r = roiresults.iterator().next(); if (r == null) return; List rois = r.rois; List list; Iterator j = rois.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { roi =; list = roi.copyShapes(); // Do something } - **Remove a shape from ROI.** :: DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); ROIFacility roifac = gateway.getFacility(ROIFacility.class); //Retrieve the roi linked to an image List roiresults = roifac.loadROIs(ctx, image.getId()); ROIResult r = roiresults.iterator().next(); List rois = r.rois; List list; Iterator j = rois.iterator(); while (j.hasNext()) { roi =; list = roi.copyShapes(); // remove the first shape. if (list.size() > 0) { roi.removeShape(list.get(0)); // update the roi. dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, roi).saveAndReturnObject(roi); } } Delete data ----------- It is possible to delete Projects, datasets, images, ROIs etc. and objects linked to them depending on the specified options (see :doc:`/developers/Modules/Delete`). - **Delete Image.** In the following example, we create an image and delete it. :: DataManagerFacility dm = gateway.getFacility(DataManagerFacility.class); //First create an image. ImageData image = new ImageData(); image.setName("image1"); image.setDescription("descriptionImage1"); IObject object = dm.saveAndReturnObject(ctx, image.asIObject()); Response rsp = dm.deleteObject(ctx, object); Render Images ------------- - **Initialize the rendering engine and render an image.** :: PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); long pixelsId = pixels.getId(); RenderingEnginePrx proxy = null; proxy = gateway.getRenderingService(ctx, pixelsId); proxy.lookupPixels(pixelsId); if (!(proxy.lookupRenderingDef(pixelsId))) { proxy.resetDefaultSettings(true); proxy.lookupRenderingDef(pixelsId); } proxy.load(); //Now can interact with the rendering engine. proxy.setActive(0, Boolean.valueOf(false)); PlaneDef pDef = new PlaneDef(); pDef.z = 0; pDef.t = 0; pDef.slice = omero.romio.XY.value; //render the data uncompressed. int[] uncompressed = proxy.renderAsPackedInt(pDef); byte[] compressed = proxy.renderCompressed(pDef); //Create a buffered image ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed); BufferedImage image =; proxy.close(); - **Retrieve thumbnails.** :: ThumbnailStorePrx store = gateway.getThumbnailService(ctx); PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); store.setPixelsId(pixels.getId()) //retrieve a 96x96 thumbnail. byte[] array = store.getThumbnail( omero.rtypes.rint(96), omero.rtypes.rint(96)); ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(array); //Create a buffered image to display; store.close(); Create Image ------------ The following example shows how to create an Image from an Image already in OMERO. Similar approach can be applied when uploading an image. :: //See above how to load an image. PixelsData pixels = image.getDefaultPixels(); int sizeZ = pixels.getSizeZ(); int sizeT = pixels.getSizeT(); int sizeC = pixels.getSizeC(); int sizeX = pixels.getSizeX(); int sizeY = pixels.getSizeY(); long pixelsId = pixels.getId(); //Read the pixels from the source image. RawPixelsStorePrx store = gateway.getPixelsStore(ctx); store.setPixelsId(pixelsId, false); List planes = new ArrayList(); for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++) { for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) { planes.add(store.getPlane(z, 0, t)); } } //Better to close to free space. store.close(); //Now we are going to create the new image. IPixelsPrx proxy = gateway.getPixelsService(ctx); //Search for PixelsType object matching the source image. List l = proxy.getAllEnumerations(PixelsType.class.getName()); Iterator i = l.iterator(); PixelsType type = null; String original = pixels.getPixelType(); while (i.hasNext()) { PixelsType o = (PixelsType); String value = o.getValue().getValue(); if (value.equals(original)) { type = o; break; } } if (type == null) throw new Exception("Pixels Type not valid."); //Create new image. String name = "newImageFrom"+image.getId(); RLong idNew = proxy.createImage(sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ, sizeT, Arrays.asList(0), type, name, "From Image ID: "+image.getId()); if (idNew == null) throw new Exception("New image could not be created."); IContainerPrx proxyCS = entryUnencrypted.getContainerService(); List results = proxyCS.getImages(Image.class.getName(), Arrays.asList(idNew.getValue()), new ParametersI()); ImageData newImage = new ImageData(results.get(0)); //Link the new image and the dataset hosting the source image. DatasetImageLink link = new DatasetImageLinkI(); link.setParent(new DatasetI(datasetId, false)); link.setChild(new ImageI(newImage.getId(), false)); gateway.getUpdateService(ctx).saveAndReturnObject(link); //Write the data. store = gateway.getPixelsStore(ctx); store.setPixelsId(newImage.getDefaultPixels().getId(), false); int index = 0; for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++) { for (int t = 0; t < sizeT; t++) { store.setPlane(planes.get(index++), z, 0, t); } } //Save the data.; store.close(); Further information ------------------- For the details behind writing, configuring, and executing a client, please see |OmeroClients|. -------------- .. seealso:: ZeroC_, |OmeroGrid|, :ref:`build#OmeroTools`, |OmeroApi|