OMERO.web IIS deployment (Windows) ================================== .. _iis_configuration: IIS configuration (Windows) --------------------------- .. note:: Since OMERO 5.2, the OMERO web framework no longer bundles a copy of the Django package, instead manual installation of the Django dependency is required. It is highly recommended to use `Django 1.6`_ on Windows. For more information see :ref:`python-requirements` on the :doc:`/sysadmins/version-requirements` page. Install `Django 1.6`_ using package requirements file: :: $ pip install -r share/web/requirements-py26-iis.txt .. note:: For more details refer to `Django 1.6 installation on Windows `_. Once you have IIS installed on your system, a straightforward set of steps is required to get the `ISAPI WSGI `_ handler for OMERO.web working with your IIS deployment. - Ensure that the ISAPI for IIS options are installed. - Download and install `an ISAPI WSGI `_. If you download the *Source Distribution* (should be compatible with all versions of Windows/IIS) unzip the archive and run:: python install Alternatively if you are using a 32-bit system you can use the *Windows Installer*. - For extended compatibility with multiple IIS versions ISAPI WSGI uses the IIS 6 WMI interface to interact with your IIS deployment. If you are using IIS 7 you must enable the IIS 6 WMI backwards compatibility options, as shown in the figure: .. figure:: /images/installation-images/IIS7Requirements.png :align: center :width: 35% :alt: IIS 7 configuration options IIS 7 configuration options - The :guilabel:`Advanced Settings...` for the application pool assigned to your default site require modification using the *IIS Manager* as follows: - :guilabel:`Idle Time-out (minutes)` - to stop the worker process from suspending during inactivity periods, this setting needs to be changed to 0. .. figure:: /images/installation-images/IIS7ApplicationPool.png :align: center :width: 35% :alt: IIS 7 Application Pool Advanced Settings IIS 7 Application Pool Advanced Settings - To avoid rendering errors on OMERO.web it is recommended to add the custom HTTP response header in the Web site pane. .. figure:: /images/installation-images/IIS7HTTPresponseheader.png :align: center :alt: IIS 7 HTTP response header - Configure OMERO.web bindings for IIS :: C:\omero_dist>bin\omero web iis This will automatically add two applications, `/omero` and `/static`, to the default web site and application pool. You can customize these locations by setting :property:`omero.web.prefix` and :property:`omero.web.static_url`. .. note:: You can make manual changes to the IIS OMERO configuration but they may be lost when OMERO.server is upgraded. .. note:: As OMERO.web 5 is based on `Django 1.6`_, :property:`omero.web.session_engine` and :property:`omero.web.caches` should be unset. :: C:\omero_dist>bin\omero config set omero.web.session_engine C:\omero_dist>bin\omero config set omero.web.caches If your deployment requires additional cache store please follow the :djangodoc:`Django documentation ` for more details.