Setting the OMERO_HOME environment variable =========================================== .. warning:: :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` should be considered strictly *internal* to OMERO and be reserved for development or "power usage". Rationale --------- :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` defines the root deployment directory to be used by OMERO command line tools. Setting it allows to switch between different versions of applications or libraries during development. .. note:: Despite a familiar-sounding name, :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` does **not** denote the server installation directory. Caveats ------- As a "power switch", :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` will override the directory layout as detected by the `bin/omero` family of utilities. This could cause hard-to-detect problems at runtime. Environments hosting multiple OMERO versions would be particularly prone to such side effects, as illustrated below. :: # Installation directory layout: # /opt # +-- OMERO.server-version-4.4.10 # +-- OMERO.server-version-5.0.0 # OMERO-4 was first installed, and is conveniently referenced through OMERO_HOME $ echo $OMERO_HOME > /opt/OMERO.server-version-4.4.10 # Update the configuration for OMERO-4 $ /opt/OMERO.server-version-4.4.10/bin/omero config set 'omero_4_database' $ /opt/OMERO.server-version-4.4.10/bin/omero config get > omero_4_database # Update the configuration for OMERO-5 $ /opt/OMERO.server-version-5.0.0/bin/omero config set 'omero_5_database' $ /opt/OMERO.server-version-5.0.0/bin/omero config get > omero_5_database # Double check the OMERO-4 configuration... # Using OMERO_HOME has taken precedence over the current directory # The OMERO-4 server instance has been mistakenly updated to point at # a version 5 database schema. # Furthermore, the issue might go unnoticed until the next OMERO-4 restart. $ /opt/OMERO.server-version-4.4.10/bin/omero config get > omero_5_database Recommendations --------------- - If you are using an environment variable to define the server installation root, choose a different name, as represented by :envvar:`OMERO_PREFIX` in this documentation. - If you are nevertheless using :envvar:`OMERO_HOME` in your **local** environment, it is worth checking for potentially lingering global definitions (eg. `.bashrc`, `.profile`, `/etc/profile.d`). .. seealso:: :doc:`/sysadmins/unix/server-installation`