What's new for OMERO 5.1 ======================== - :doc:`/sysadmins/version-requirements` provides extensive details about which operating systems and dependency versions we will be supporting for the life of 5.1 and the likely changes to these for the next major release (currently slated to be 5.2). Most notably for development purposes, we are deprecating support for Java 1.6 and Python 2.6. - :doc:`Model/Units` introduces the new Units-types which are available for use from all model objects. - Similarly, :doc:`Model/KeyValuePairs` introduces the new concept of a "map" type, which consists of ordered lists of key-value pairs. - :doc:`Server/ObjectGraphs` explains how the new graph operations of :javadoc:`omero::cmd ` are implemented. - Deprecated methods in IContainer and RenderingEngine have been removed, as have the deprecated services IDelete and Gateway. - Pojos methods have been deprecated and replaced by corresponding units methods. - OMERO 5.1 requires a Unicode-encoded (UTF8) database. Breaking changes ---------------- OMERO.web ^^^^^^^^^ There have been many updates to this client for 5.1. See the :ref:`web-breaking-changes` section on the :doc:`/sysadmins/whatsnew` for sysadmins page for further details. OMERO.web template and view writers need to use the ``@render_response()`` decorator, see :ref:`render-response` for more details. Graphs ^^^^^^ The API's request operations :javadoc:`Chgrp `, :javadoc:`Chown `, :javadoc:`Delete `, and their superclass :javadoc:`GraphModify `, are now deprecated. They are replaced by :javadoc:`Chgrp2 `, :javadoc:`Chown2 `, :javadoc:`Delete2 `, and their superclass :javadoc:`GraphModify2 `. To allow each deprecated request to be implemented by its corresponding replacement, a partial API compatibility layer is included in OMERO 5.1 and is activated by default through the new configuration property :property:`omero.graphs.wrap`. If the new request implementations introduce regressions, setting that property to ``false`` will reactivate the implementations from OMERO 5.0. However, the configuration property :property:`omero.graphs.wrap` will be *removed* in OMERO 5.2 and :javadoc:`Chgrp `, :javadoc:`Chown `, :javadoc:`Delete `, and :javadoc:`GraphModify `, will be *removed* in OMERO 5.3. OMERO 5.1 users should thus be :doc:`using the new 5.1 graph requests ` so that problems may be detected and corrected before the deprecated features are removed. Tables ^^^^^^ OMERO.tables attribute names beginning with `__` are reserved for internal use, see :doc:`Tables`. ImportContainer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Changes to ImportContainer will break any listeners implemented by external developers.